I will eventually become a god

Chapter 171: The new god ascends the throne, the Thousand Gods and the Priestess leave the border an

The next day.

This is the seventh day that Xue Jing entered the junction.

Early in the morning, Xue Jing woke up from her sleep, and the sky was already bright.

He fell asleep directly with the sky as his quilt and the earth as his mat.

As soon as he woke up, he stood up from the ground like a carp. He shook his whole body with all his strength, all the morning dew on his body was shaken away, and his whole body returned to dryness and comfort.

Turning around, he saw that the corpse of the real dragon that had been lying next to him had disappeared. Only an egg, which was larger than a basketball, was left in its place.

The shell of the egg is like black tree bark, just like the scales of a real dragon.

Xue Jing stretched out her left hand and held the egg in her hand.

Compared to its appearance, the egg was much heavier than he thought. It should weigh about twenty kilograms, which was quite heavy for an egg the size of a basketball.

He waved to the side, letting Shadow Flame Crow grab the backpack and fly to him, and put the eggs into the backpack.

"Shall we leave the junction now? The exit should be right where you came in."

The person in the mirror rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Xue Jing shook his head: "There's no rush, I have to give the egg to Renya and deal with other things."

Lightning dragon horns appeared above his head, and silver-white thunder feathers wrapped around his body, flashing continuously.

Xue Jing's whole body levitated, soared into the sky, reached an altitude of several hundred meters, and then flew quickly in the direction of this country.

Shadow Flame Crow flapped its wings and tried to follow him.

High in the sky, the endless scenery came into view. The field of vision was so wide that it made Xue Jing feel relaxed and comfortable.

It wasn't long before he gained the ability to fly, but he still felt fresh and satisfied about being able to fly, making him quite happy.

Ten minutes later, Xue Jing, who was approaching this country, suddenly saw several people fighting a vomiting beast in the grass below.

If that were the case, it would not attract Xue Jing's attention, but those few people were wearing tactical uniforms that he was very familiar with, and they were the same style as he was wearing.

"Oh? The reflection blending has been lifted. White Crow sent someone in?"

Upon seeing this, Xue Jing immediately dived towards the ground.


Before the people who were fighting with the vomit beast could react, a figure quickly fell to the ground like a meteor, hitting the vomit beast in front of them and raising a cloud of dust.

"Everyone, be careful, stay back!"

Everyone was frightened by this sudden scene and retreated away, assuming a vigilant posture.

When the smoke dispersed, everyone looked around and opened their mouths in shock.

The vomiting beast had turned into a pool of flat meat pie, and its flesh and blood were sprayed all over the ground in a fan shape. It couldn't die anymore, and on the 'meat pie', there was a young man standing.

He was born with twin horns of lightning, and was surrounded by a silver-white thunder feather belt. His half-length black hair danced without wind under the electromagnetic force of lightning. His impeccable appearance gave people the feeling that he was not human at all, but more like A god who appears in human form.

The leader of the group was a short-haired girl with a pretty face and clear eyes. When she saw the tactical uniform on Xue Jing, she immediately said:

"It's one of our own!"

Hearing this, several other people immediately relaxed and lowered their guard.

The appearance of the person in front of them was too shocking. They didn't have the confidence to make an enemy of this kind of person... Fortunately, he was one of their own.

"Huh? Is he just..."

Everyone looked surprised.

The leading girl took a few steps forward, walked in front of Xue Jing, stood upright, raised her right hand, made a very standard military salute, and said in a respectful tone:

"Master Jing, I am a member of Team 1534 of [White Crow Task Force], codenamed 'Lotus Leaf'. I am the leader of this temporary action team. Please give me instructions!"

Hearing this, Xue Jing smiled and said: "It really belongs to Bai Ya...Dr. Shen asked you to come in? Did he have any orders?"

Lian Ye nodded and said seriously: "Dr. Shen said that the core of the junction has been broken, the rules within it will not change, and the security has been greatly improved. He ordered us to come in to support you, and try to see if we can Establish an outpost here first to facilitate subsequent exploration..."

Xue Jing touched her chin: "That's it."

He glanced at the several White Crow members in front of him. When everyone was caught by his gaze, they would instinctively stand up straight and become nervous.

"They are all underage... That's right, this is the entry condition for the border area."

"So, I won't be able to come in here for a while."

"It seems like when I leave, I say goodbye forever."

After thinking for a while, Xue Jing said: "Let's do this, look over there."

He pointed at the city of this country in the distance. He could already see it from this distance.

"That's the city where the human natives live on the border. I have a pretty good relationship with the natives here. Let's establish an outpost there. This will make it easier to communicate with the natives."

"Then that's it, I'll go over there first, and you guys can follow behind."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lotus Ye's reply, the thunder feather belt on Xue Jing's body flickered, and her body levitated again, soaring into the sky and flying towards this country.

After he left, everyone in White Crow slowly relaxed their tense bodies and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That is Xue Jing, Master Jing... He is actually the same age as us, it is unimaginable."

"Dr. Shen said that he killed a pure-blood dragon... I have never seen a pure-blood dragon. How powerful is this?"

"It is said that it is a monster that requires at least three squadrons of white crows to deal with after making sufficient preparations in all aspects... This is still in its infancy."

"Hiss—so, he alone is equivalent to three squadrons of white crows!?"

"It's so scary..."

At this time, in this country, the ‘Judgment Conference’ was taking place in the square of the Dragon God Altar.

The witch sisters, Renya and Dotia, were tied up and kneeling on a high platform made of piled wood, covered with flammable kerosene.

The old Wu Zhu was wearing sacrificial robes and holding a torch, standing next to the wooden platform with a pale face.

Dozens of clergy in sacrificial robes stood around the altar, including more than a dozen elders of the Presbyterian Church, and the square was surrounded by citizens of this country.

"Sinners who have betrayed their faith, Renya, Dotia, as Dragon God witches, you have betrayed Lord Dragon God. Do you know the gravity of your sins?"

Wu Zhu reprimanded loudly.

His heart was full of panic.

In the early hours of this morning, he was woken up by his servant in his sleep. He was still confused at first, but he was frightened by the news and woke up on the spot.

Renya and Dotia are back from the ‘Roaring Falls’!

There has never been anything like this before. Once you are taken away by the Dragon God, you will have to stay at the Roaring Falls for the rest of your life until you die.

After careful questioning, he was frightened and his remaining life span was almost reduced to zero on the spot.

These two sisters actually joined forces with the foreigner who invaded this country and attempted to kill the Dragon God!

No wonder Lord Dragon God's roar was so loud yesterday and lasted for so long... He seemed quite angry.

Fortunately, it became quiet at night. No matter how powerful that despicable foreigner was, there was no way he could be a match for Lord Dragon God. He must have been devoured by Lord Dragon God.

So now, what needs to be solved is how to face the anger of Lord Dragon God...

As witches, Renya and Dotia acted rebelliously, and this country may not be able to escape the blame.

Now, we can only take the initiative to sacrifice these two people to the Dragon God to show that this is just their own initiative and has nothing to do with this country. Pray that the Dragon God will appease his anger...

"Wanting to live...wanting to live freely, what's wrong with this idea? What's sinful about it?"

Renya was tied to a high platform and was about to be burned to death, but there was no fear on her face, only determination and anger.

After personally using the snake-killing spear to pierce the Dragon God's body, she completed a transformation from body to heart, and her mind and will were completely different from before.

The elders and witches, who used to be so majestic and fearful to her, now seemed insignificant in her eyes like never before.


Dotya turned her head and looked at her sister blankly, with relief and loss in her eyes.

"Stubborn!" Wu Zhu glared, took a few steps forward, and brought the torch closer to the wooden platform covered with kerosene.

at this time.

"call out--"

There was a scream of the air being torn apart, and in the sky, a line of lightning was wrapped around it, and a god-like figure fell like a meteor.

The figure fell quickly, and when it was about to touch the ground, the whole body stopped very abruptly, and his feet touched the ground lightly, completely defying physics, and it was an operation that was enough for Newton to lift the coffin board.

This scene instantly caused everyone present to fall into a daze.

Xue Jing stretched out her hand without any fluctuation in her expression and extinguished the torch in the hand of the stunned old Wu Zhu.


Amidst the sizzling sound of the flame extinguishing, Xue Jing said lightly:

"What, Mr. Wu Zhu, do you want to light candles on the cake? What do you want to celebrate?"

Lao Wu Zhu, who didn't have simultaneous interpretation headphones, couldn't understand at all. He just trembled and stammered:

"King...your lord."

How can it be! ? He's not dead! ?

What about Lord Dragon God?

Could it be that...it's impossible!

Xue Jing ignored him, jumped up on the high platform, and came to the witch sisters.

"Xue Jing!"

Renya was so excited when she saw him, her eyes couldn't help but have a mist, and her voice was choked with sobs.

"You survived...that's great..."

Then a possibility came to her mind that she still finds hard to believe.

"If you are alive... then the Dragon God..."

Xue Jing used her knife to cut off the ropes between the two of them with a wave of her hand, then took out the simultaneous interpretation earphones, put them into Renia's ears, and used her fingers to push the messy hair on her forehead behind her ears. Then he nodded and said with a smile:

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

"Renia, with your help, I killed the Dragon God."

"Be proud, you are the most legendary witch in history."

Hearing this, Renya jumped up excitedly, hugged Xue Jing, hung on him, and cried:

“That’s great…that’s great, great, great, great!!”

"Sister... the Dragon God is dead, we survived, we are free!"

Hearing this, Dotiya felt dizzy and could hardly believe it.

She didn't know Xue Jing before, and her temper was much more reserved. She just suppressed her excitement and whispered:

"King...your lord, can I give you a hug?"

Xue Jing was slightly startled, but then nodded and said with a gentle smile: "Okay."

Although she didn't have headphones and didn't understand Xue Jing's words, when she saw him nodding, Dotiya immediately stepped forward, hugged Xue Jing with her sister, buried her head in his arms, and cried out.

Far richer than the barren Renya, the waves were so astonishing that Xue Jing raised her eyebrows.

He patted the two sisters' backs and let them cry to vent their emotions.

Things are pretty simple after that.

After Xue Jing found out what the Presbyterian Council and Wu Zhu wanted to do to the witch sisters, he killed them all with one thunderbolt on the spot.

After showing the power of thunder that was originally possessed by the Dragon God, and learning that the Dragon God was killed by him, he immediately changed from the king of this country to the new god of this country's faith.

Under his orders, the armed forces of this country - the patrols and escorts immediately expressed their attitude and resolutely supported the witch sisters as the unquestioned supreme leaders of the country.

In fact, originally the Dragon God Witch was the highest-status person in the country in theory, but the real power was in the hands of the Council of Elders. Now she has just regained the power she originally had.

Of course, now she is no longer called the Dragon God Witch. Instead, she became the ‘Thousand God Witch’ under Xue Jing’s casual words.

The "Thousand Gods" refers to Xue Jing's fictional gods - the King of No Appearance and the King of Thousand Appearances.

After that, people from White Crow also came to this country. Under the leadership of Xue Jing, they communicated with the witch sisters and successfully got this country to agree to help Bai Ya establish an outpost nearby.

In the future, White Crow will also launch some cooperation with this country that is beneficial to both parties.

Xue Jing also asked Lianye, who would be stationed here for a long time in the future, to protect and take care of the witch sisters.

After everything was settled, it was already evening.

After being persuaded by the witch sisters, Xue Jing calculated that she still had time, so she agreed to rest in the city for the last night.

The next morning, at the gate of this country's city.

"Then, that's it, I'll leave first."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Renya, Dotya."

Xue Jing stretched out his hands, placed them on the shoulders of the two sisters, and said softly.

"in addition……"

He snapped his fingers and let Shadowflame Crow grab the backpack and fly closer, and took out the basketball-sized dragon egg.

"This is the egg left behind by the Dragon God after his death. It is said that it will hatch into a dragon that is very close to the Dragon God... Renya, Dotia, you are the most legendary witches in history, and you must have someone worthy of you. The 'Daruka' is."

"This egg is for you."

The two sisters looked at each other, and Renya reached out to take the dragon egg.

She didn't pay much attention to the dragon egg, but said with some disappointment: "Xue Jing...will you come again in the future? Will we meet again?"

Xue Jing thought for a moment and said, "I probably won't come again. I'm a foreigner, and this land has restrictions on me. As for meeting... maybe it's okay, if you want."

Just as people in the present world can enter the borderland, people in the borderland can also enter the present world.

Renya blinked and said happily: "That's good, I will definitely find you!"

Xue Jing laughed: "Then I'll look forward to it."

Dotya held her hands together and placed them in front of the plump fruit, with sparkles in her eyes.

There was a blush on her face, and she seemed to want to say something, but couldn't. She just looked at Xue Jing silently.

"So, goodbye."

Xue Jing avoided Dotya's affectionate eyes and smiled. Dragon horns appeared on his forehead. Thunder and lightning were wrapped around his body. He rose into the sky and headed towards the exit of the junction.

The witch sisters stood there for a long time, until the figure on the horizon could no longer be seen.

"Sister..." Renya whispered.

After hearing this, Dotiya came back to her senses and looked a little dazed.

"He has left." Renya reminded.

Dotya murmured: "I know..."

Renya sighed: "Sister, if this is the case, when he stayed last night, you should..."

Dotiya pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "He is not from the same world as us."

Her beautiful face showed loss and inferiority, "I am not qualified..."

Renya sighed again.

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