I will eventually become a god

Chapter 168 Rebirth of Xue Jing, Heavenly Sword Secret Art Sakura Full Moon, Killing the True Dragon

Chapter 168 Reborn Xue Jing, Heavenly Sword Secret·Sakura Full Moon, Kill the True Dragon! (4K)

The golden lightning that illuminated the entire border area lasted for more than half an hour.

After more than half an hour, the lightning dissipated, and Xue Jing's eyes reflected the appearance of the true dragon at this time.

Compared with the previous body, it was smaller, and the skinny and shriveled body was far less plump and beautiful than when it was in good condition before. The cherry blossoms on the dragon horns on its head were also slightly yellow and withered, as if they would decay and die at any time.

The original arrogant and domineering aura that was above all living beings and transcended the food chain had disappeared without a trace, and there was no room for anger in the dark golden vertical pupils, only visible fatigue.

However, when it looked down and noticed Xue Jing, who was folding his hands on his chest and was at ease, endless hatred immediately ignited in the vertical pupils.

Then... it turned around and flew away.

Xue Jing was stunned.

"Hey, it still wants to run?"

"This junction is so small, where can it run? Chase it!"

The man in the mirror said immediately.

Xue Jing nodded, stepped on the ground, and the whole person was ejected. He stepped on the black thin plate formed by the shadow flame in the air, and the speed was extremely fast, constantly approaching the real dragon.

At this time, the real dragon was extremely weak. The flying speed was nearly ten times slower than the supersonic speed at the beginning, and Xue Jing kept getting closer.

"You have to be careful, it's not because it thinks it can't beat you that it runs, but because it's afraid that you still have 'claws' on your body!"

The man in the mirror reminded.

"A lean camel is bigger than a horse. Its current combat power is at least the level of the three guard dragons. You must not take it lightly!"

Xue Jing narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't worry, I understand."

He touched the Futu knife on his waist, looked at the real dragon in front of him, which was still hundreds of meters away from him, stepped on the black thin plate under his feet, and directly activated the speed of twins.


As if a rocket booster suddenly appeared at the tail, the whole person immediately approached the real dragon.

"Hey, where are you running, beast!?"

With a shout, Xue Jing turned twice in the air, drew his sword, and slashed the real dragon's back.


The blade entered the body, only feeling a slight resistance, and then smoothly cut through the bark-like scales, penetrated into the flesh, and scratched a deep wound.

At this point, the real dragon, who had experienced the hellish pain of the snake-killing vanguard, naturally did not take the pain of this wound seriously.

But once again being offended by this little bug, its inner hatred and animal violence immediately overwhelmed its reason, no longer caring whether the other party had that kind of "foreign object", it immediately stopped, turned around, stretched out its claws, and slapped Xue Jing like a mosquito.

Xue Jing stepped on the thin board and kicked in the air to avoid the slap. Futu sheathed his sword, and his divine silver eyes stared at the claws of the real dragon. Then he gathered strength and drew his sword out of the sheath again, slashing dozens of sword lights in an instant.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak--"

The flesh and blood on the claws of the real dragon were all cut off like a butcher cutting a cow, leaving only dark golden claw bones.

Xue Jing kicked back from the air again, and the whole person fell down. With a flash of knife light, he appeared under the real dragon. A huge knife wound was also torn on the real dragon's body, from its left shoulder to its right waist.

Dark golden blood gushed out, and the real dragon roared angrily, with golden lightning all over its body, but the dragon thunder just appeared on its body and it instantly went silent.

In order to deal with the snake-killing spearhead that had pierced into the core organ, it had basically used up the dragon thunder.

Helpless, it could only chase the slippery Xue Jing with its claws, fangs and long tail like an anti-aircraft gun hitting a mosquito.

Even though the real dragon had been weakened to the extreme, it still had great attack power and speed in its every move. The race loved by the heavens had good basic physical ability.

But Xue Jing was small in size and small in target. He also had strong five senses and reaction ability, as well as the observation ability of [Visualization·True] to imprint everything in all directions in his mind. He was extremely flexible.

Not only could he always perfectly avoid the attacks of the real dragon, but he also often found opportunities to counterattack in the gaps between the real dragon's attacks, leaving one knife wound after another on its body.

The two continued to fight in close combat, attacking each other head-on.

On the ground, in a tattered golden plant sphere, Renia opened her eyes and blinked in confusion.

The eardrums were broken and there was a strong pain in both ears, and there were scratches and fractures all over her body.

But she seemed to... survive.

Her eyes gradually became clear, and Renia endured the pain in her body, groaned and climbed up, looking around.

Soon, she saw her sister Dotia lying quietly beside her.

Renia raised her right hand with all her strength and placed it on Dotia's plump fruit. After feeling her heart was still beating, she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

"Sister... We, survived."

She gently pushed Dotia's body, trying to wake her up.

Because her eardrum was broken by the dragon's roar, her hearing had decreased a lot at this time, and she couldn't even hear her own voice clearly, so her voice was involuntarily amplified a lot.

Dotia was soon awakened from her coma by her.

The two sisters were excited to see that each other was still alive, and they hugged each other tightly and cried with joy.

It wasn't until a while later that the two people with hearing loss spoke loudly to each other, communicated with each other through gestures with their hands and feet, opened the golden Ueki sphere, and walked out to the outside world.


A dragon's roar that shook the junction came from the horizon. Even the two sisters who were nearly deaf could hear it clearly and couldn't help but raise their heads and look toward the horizon.

They saw a man holding a long knife fighting with the terrifying Dragon God in the sky in the distance.

This is a picture that is completely beyond their comprehension and completely beyond their cognition.

A mere human being is actually fighting the Lord Dragon God... equally well?

In fact, the Dragon God's body was constantly being cut open by blades, but the human being always nimbly avoided all attacks and was not hit at all.

"He... suppressed Lord Dragon God?"

Dotya covered her mouth with her hands and said in disbelief.

Renya was a little proud for no reason, and couldn't help but said proudly: "Awesome, I just said he is very strong!"

Dotya: "Ah? What did you say?"

With her ruptured eardrum, she didn't hear the words clearly.

Renya shouted into her ear: "Sister, let's go back first. All we can do now is wait!!"

Hearing this, Dotiya nodded, put her hands on her plump chest, and made a praying posture towards the man and the dragon who were fighting to the death in the sky, hoping that the dragon-slaying warrior could return safely and victoriously.

After giving Xue Jing one last hopeful look, the two sisters supported each other and limped toward the country.

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, nearly five hours had passed.

The sky was getting dark, and a full moon gradually appeared in the night sky.

During these five hours, Xue Jing continued to fight to the death with the real dragon.

One person and one dragon jumped from the top of the roaring waterfall and gradually moved to another place.

Xue Jing didn't pay attention at first, but soon discovered that the real dragon was guiding the battle route with him.

After fighting, they arrived at the territory of the three guard dragons.

But obviously, it did not wait for the expected help, but was just wasting its efforts.

All the dragon species in the junction area had been killed by Xue Jing in advance.

The real dragon also understood that this was a planned, arranged, organized and premeditated criminal action against it!

He suddenly fell into madness, his hatred surged, and he began to devote himself to fighting Xue Jing.

In extremely high-intensity battles, Xue Jing always maintained a state of high mental tension. Over time, he would inevitably make mistakes and be hit by the real dragon several times.

His physical strength is completely incomparable to that of dragons. Once he is hit, he will be severely injured and on the verge of death. But fortunately, he has the means to activate the fire of life. With the super-speed regeneration of his body, as long as he is not killed instantly, it will not be a problem.

But the life force consumed is real. Compared to the real dragon that has been receiving damage for five consecutive hours, he is closer to a state of exhaustion.


Amidst the roar, several blades of light passed by, cutting a deep tic-shaped wound on the real dragon's neck and digging out a large piece of its flesh. Xue Jing panted slightly, avoiding the latter's sweeping counterattack, and thought to herself:

"It's troublesome..."

Just like the real dragon cannot use dragon thunder, his shadow flame has almost been consumed now, and nearly thirty of the original planting seeds have also evaporated in the previous dragon thunder explosion.

Therefore, the only thing he can rely on is martial arts.

But now, his vitality was exhausted and his physical strength gradually failed to keep up with the long-term high-intensity battle, which had gradually put him in a dilemma.

The person in the mirror also noticed this. It clenched its two little hands tightly and said nervously:

"Hold on, Xue Jing."

"It's just a little bit close. Now it's time to look at perseverance. It's almost dying. Whoever can't hold on first will lose!"

The person in the mirror said, looking at the cherry blossoms with dragon horns wrapped around the head of the real dragon.

Unlike the real dragon itself, which is getting weaker and weaker, Ryukakuzakura was originally a little yellow and withered, but now it is gradually recovering.

"Something's wrong." The person in the mirror looked solemn.

"Xue Jing, be careful."

"This pureblood, from the beginning to now, has never used the ability of its core organs even once!"

“Although it’s probably because of its ‘claws’ that it can’t be used, we still have to be on guard!”

When Xue Jing heard this, his eyes moved and he also looked at the only thing wrong with the real dragon - Longjiao Ying.

He immediately took a few steps, stepped on the thin board, approached its head, and slashed at the dragon's horn with his knife.

But the real dragon, who had never dodged his attack from beginning to end, this time quickly lowered his head and avoided his slashing attack.

Seeing that it had been exposed, the real dragon stopped pretending. He roared and used the core ability that he had barely recovered. The cherry blossoms on the dragon's horns began to multiply rapidly, and one by one they kept popping out. They separated from the dragon's horns and floated away. up in the air.

In just the blink of an eye, Xue Jing was faced with an endless sea of ​​flowers.

In the dark night sky, illuminated by the full moon, he was engulfed in endless petals. The scope was so huge that he had no room to escape.

"Xue Jing!!"

The man in the mirror shouted.

Every petal, after touching Xue Jing's body, immediately began to absorb the little vitality left in his body, along with his flesh and blood.

Endless petals covered him, and in less than a second, he was sucked into a skeleton. Even the skin was crushed and absorbed, and the marrow in the bones was sucked out, leaving only A brittle cartilage frame without essence.

"It's over, the work has fallen short..."

The person in the mirror in the bracelet covered his head in despair.

Tears filled its eyes, looking at the young man with only a skeleton left, and said sadly:

"Xue Jing..."

This young man who was so confident that he did not waver even when he learned that he was facing a pure-blooded dragon, but arranged the dragon-slaying plan step by step, as if everything was under his control from beginning to end, actually stopped here...

Facing a powerful pure-blood dragon species, this seemed to be a logical and reasonable result, but the man in the mirror found it difficult to accept it.


The dragon's roar of ecstasy resounded throughout the world, and an unprecedented sense of pleasure filled the real dragon's body.

It never thought that just crushing a bug would give it such a huge sense of joy and accomplishment.

Under the full moon, countless petals are floating around it. Although it is exhausted at this moment, as long as you give it time and rely on its vitality, it will gradually recover.

By then, it will kill all the 'little bugs' in the world!


Xue Jing has always been curious about what death feels like.

He also has the capital of curiosity.

And now, he finally realized what he wished for.

It's like falling continuously into an endless dark abyss, with no end in sight and no feeling of anything.

No big deal, he thought to himself.

The so-called death is just a relatively special state of life.

At least to him, it was.

With just a thought, he immediately stopped in the endless abyss.

Then, an inexplicable and powerful pulling force pulled him in the direction of the 'light'.


The person in the mirror was falling into despair and sorrow, but suddenly he saw that Xue Jing's skeleton was constantly growing flesh and blood, and in just the blink of an eye, he regained his appearance as a good-looking young man.

"Huh? This?"

The unexpected situation caused it to become sluggish and unable to think.

Xue Jing opened her eyes again and experienced her first new life.

In the panel, the name of [Twin] changed from pale gold to dull black, and there was an additional line of prompts.

[Cooling time: 59 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 51 seconds]

The whole body is in complete condition, and the fire of life in the body is burning brightly, even worse than in its heyday.

The experience of death and rebirth turned into inexplicable insights lingering in his heart, as if they were there but not at all.

Under the night sky, the full moon and cherry blossoms coexisted, which was beyond beautiful. Xue Jing's eyes were filled with sadness, and the divine silvery white gradually filled her pupils.

Shadow flames burned on his body and turned into a black flame coat, covering his naked body.

The Futu Saber in his hand was trembling automatically, as if he was very excited, and the breathing coming from it was getting faster and faster.

Xue Jing stretched out her hand to caress the blade, and there was a hint of sadness in her indifferent silver eyes.

"Goodbye Futu, you will always be with me."

Futu Dao vibrated slightly in response, seeming to be happy and reluctant to give up.

Xue Jing slowly raised his head, looked at the real dragon whose roar suddenly stopped, and looked at it.

There was a hint of fear of the unknown in those dark golden vertical pupils.


The real dragon retreated. Facing an enemy that could not be killed and was difficult to understand, it was still afraid after all.

However, its body froze and could not move.

An invisible but real pressure shrouded its body, making it dare not move at all.

It was as if the God of Heaven had casually decided to let it die here tragically on a whim.

God's will is like a sword and cannot be violated.

If God wants you to die, you can only wait there to die.

As if a scene had been edited, Xue Jing suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind the real dragon.

On the path between the two locations where it disappeared and appeared, a blade of light suddenly appeared and lingered for a long time.

Xue Jing turned her back to the real dragon, and the Futu knife in her hand turned into dust and drifted away in the wind.

With the floating petals and the huge full moon as the background, Xue Jing whispered:

"The Secret of the Heavenly Sword: Sakura Full Moon."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless tiny wounds burst out all over the frozen real dragon's body, and sword energy burst out from each wound, continuously harvesting the little vitality left in its body.

In the end, the real dragon let out one last shrill wail, and its entire tattered body fell into the earth.

Even if the beloved son of heaven is deeply loved by the sky, only the mother-like earth will accept him when he dies.

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