I will eventually become a god

Chapter 158 The superior and inferior relationship between divine relics, using dragon thunder to fi

After talking to Renya for a while and understanding some things, the girl said goodbye and left.

Seeing the girl's hesitant figure out of sight, Xue Jing sat down and placed the water bowl in her hand on the flat rock next to her.

Then he took the Rabbit Knife, cut a piece of meat from the body of Yanshoulong, and skewered it on the knife.

The shadow flame ignited, annihilating all the blood in the meat, and took a bite.

"so hard."

Xue Jing bit the meat in her mouth hard. After chewing for a long time, her cheeks hurt a little, and she finally chewed the meat into pieces.

"It tastes weird too."

I don’t know why, but the dragon meat tastes sour and astringent, similar to a plant.

"Forget it, I won't eat it, you piece of shit."

He swung the Futu Knife with great force, shaking off all the stains on it, and sheathed the knife.

Then he took out a compressed biscuit from his backpack and ate it.

The person in the mirror reflected in the water was squatting down and hugging his own legs, but when he saw Xue Jing eating so leisurely, he couldn't help but say:

"Why don't you look worried at all?"

"We are going to be trapped in this junction forever..."

Xue Jing glanced at it, smiled, and said:

"You don't seem to have any confidence in me."

The person in the mirror was silent for a moment and then said:

"It's not that I don't have confidence in you... The fact that you can hunt such a high-risk dragon species alone proves that you are quite capable."

"But pure-blood dragons are different. The terror of that creature is different from all the dragons you encounter."

"That's the 'True Dragon'."

The tone of the person in the mirror was solemn.

"Among all the creatures in the border area, apart from some special individuals, they are the race closest to 'gods'!"

It looked up at Xue Jing from the reflection in the water.

"You are very young. To be able to defeat high-risk dragons at this age is truly amazing. Since I was born over two hundred years ago, I have seen countless talented humans. You can defeat high-risk dragons at the same age." There are very few people who are comparable to you, and I have only seen about forty or fifty who are better than you."

Xue Jing complained: "Isn't this quite a lot?"

The person in the mirror glared at him: "Don't interrupt."

"I have lived for more than two hundred years. In such a long time, there are countless important people who can be recorded in the history books. There are fewer people who can compare with you, or even be more powerful than you, but there are fewer people than the people in the history books! "

Xue Jing touched her chin: "When you say this, I feel much better."

The man in the mirror crossed his arms and said, "But even for a genius like you, wanting to kill a pure-blood dragon, even if it's just a pure-blood dragon in its infancy, is just a fantasy."

"It's hard for you to handle just the 'Dragon Thunder' that all pure-blood dragon species use and its powerful body, not to mention that its core organs have unique abilities."

"If it is the kind of ability that is exceptionally suitable for combat, its danger level will rise several steps further."

Xue Jing smiled: "You have to give it a try."

The person in the mirror tilted his head: "Looking at you, it seems that you are not blindly confident that your strength can defeat the pure-blood dragon... Do you have any other reliance?"

Xue Jing said: "Of course there is, you will know when the time comes..."

As he said that, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, you can only stay in the water. It's very inconvenient."

Man in the Mirror: "As long as it can reflect the 'mirror', I can enter it."

Its eyes looked at the black bracelet on Xue Jing's wrist.

It was the recording bracelet that Dr. Shen gave him. The surface material was very similar to a black mobile phone screen. It was very smooth and could be used as a mirror. It was considered a 'mirror surface'.

The figure in the mirror disappeared from the reflection in the water, and the next moment, its voice came from Xue Jing's bracelet.

"As long as the two 'mirrors' can reflect each other, I can move between them at will."

"I'll be staying here from now on."

Xue Jing stretched out her hand in front of her and glanced at the black bracelet.

The smooth black surface reflected his appearance. Since the bracelet was curved, the mirror was a 'convex mirror', causing Xue Jing inside to look a little distorted.

The person in the mirror who looks like a little boy is sitting on his shoulder. Due to the convex surface, the figure is also a little distorted.

"Although I don't know what you have to rely on, treat dead ants as living ants. Let me see what you can do."

Xue Jing corrected: "It's a dead horse being treated as a living horse doctor."

The man in the mirror curled his lips and said, "Of course I know. Can't you hear that he's trying to be clever? You're still a young man, you're too rigid."

Xue Jing raised an eyebrow: "It feels quite subtle to be said by someone of your age."

The person in the mirror snorted softly: "I am not one of you humans. I will not be controlled by the hormones secreted by my body. No matter how old I am, I will not get older. My body will not change, and my mind will not change."

Hearing this, Xue Jing became a little curious.

He asked: "By the way, what do you divine relics think of themselves? Do you regard yourself as a child of 'God'?"

Hearing this, the person in the mirror stretched out his hand, shook his index finger, and said, "No, the so-called divine relic is just a concept that you humans have put on me without permission. In fact, I don't recognize it."

"After the death of God, God's blood was scattered all over the world and lived on all things, thus giving birth to God's relics... This is the most mainstream theory of mankind at present, but we, the 'God's relics', have no relevant memories in this regard."

"For example, I was born just like your human babies, ignorant and naive. It was only after observing you humans in the mirror for a long time that I gradually learned your language and formed some cognition."

"As for myself, I don't recognize that I am something 'left by God', I just regard myself as a special life form born by chance."

The man in the mirror said, and then changed the subject:

"However, although I don't recognize that I have any relationship with God, you humans are right about one thing."

"We, the 'God's relics', are indeed the same kind."

Xue Jing asked curiously: "Oh? How do you say that?"

The man in the mirror pondered for a while and said:

"This is a vague instinctive feeling, we, the 'God's relics ', they can sense each other, and there is a strange superior-subordinate relationship between them. "

"You humans' ranking of the sequence of divine relics is largely based on this point."

"For example, [Mirror World], it belongs to the 'highest' among us."

Xue Jing asked in confusion: "Is there any specific difference? Superior and inferior?"

The man in the mirror replied: "Of course, whenever our abilities conflict with each other, the inferior divine relics will be covered by the superior divine relics."

"For example, now, I clearly have the conceptual ability to move in all mirrors. Theoretically, [Mirror World] is a mirror that reflects the present world, and I should be able to move freely between the mirror world and the present world."

"But in fact, I can't leave at all... This is because the mirror world is above me, and its abilities cover my abilities."

The man in the mirror glanced at the glasses on Xue Jing's face.

"The ability of your glasses is to reduce the sense of existence. I can vaguely sense that it is at a very low position among the divine relics... If there is a divine relic that is higher than it and has the function of amplifying the sense of existence on you, then the ability of these glasses will be covered and invalidated."

Xue Jing nodded and sighed: "There is such a saying among divine relics. I have learned a lot."

He took off [GOD-1280·Ordinary Glasses].

Instantly, the suppressed strong sense of existence suddenly emanated from him almost like an explosion.

The person in the mirror was caught off guard and was shaken to the point of dizziness.

He was stunned for a long time, carefully looked at Xue Jing's appearance, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "So that's it."

"No wonder that little girl Wu Youqing was so anxious that she lied to me and tricked me into this border to inform you."

"Now that I see your appearance, I finally understand."

"Humph, it turns out that she is just a little human girl in adolescence. I overestimated her."

The man in the mirror had a hint of teasing in his tone.

Xue Jing understood what it meant, he smiled and said: "You must have misunderstood."

"The Wu Youqing I know is not a superficial woman whose judgment will be affected by lust."

"She thinks highly of me... but it should be based on other reasons."

The man in the mirror stared at him for a while, smiled, and said noncommittally: "Really..."

"Let's stop chatting here. What are you going to do next?"

Xue Jing stood up, stretched, took out the dragon species distribution map from the backpack held by the shadow flame crow next to him, and spread it out.

"Before dealing with the pure-blooded dragon, we need to do some preparations."

His fingers brushed over the remaining red dots on the map.

"First, cut off all its wings."


One day later.


Amid the mournful dragon roar, a huge dragon covered in hard armor collapsed to the ground.

The huge weight caused the earth to shake.

Xue Jing squatted on the neck of the armored dragon and pulled out the Futu Knife burning with black flames from the dragon's neck.


[Killed a special creature with divinity, divinity +232]

[Possessing divinity: 1324]

Xue Jing glanced at the panel, wiped the sweat off his face, and nodded:


The man in the mirror in the black bracelet was amazed:

"You almost killed all the dragon species in the entire border area..."

"Your strength... is still above my expectations."

"Although it is still impossible to deal with pure-blooded dragon species, I admit that you are indeed the most talented among all the humans I have seen... second only to some monsters that are not in the normal range."

Xue Jing smiled and said: "The result is still within the range of 'normal people'. It seems that I still have to work hard."

He called the Shadow Flame Crow over, took out the dragon species distribution map from his backpack and spread it out, and took out a pen and drew a cross on one of the red dots on the map.

Now, except for the three thick red dots in the middle area of ​​the map, all the other red dots have been crossed out.

"Next, it's the 'Three Noble Sons'."

Xue Jing pondered.

He had communicated with Renia before and learned a lot of information about the dragon species in this border area.

Among them, the three around the 'Roaring Waterfall' are called the 'Three Noble Sons'.

It is said that they are the three dragons whose bloodline is closest to that of the Dragon God, and their strength is very powerful.

"According to Renya's statement, then this 'third noble son' should be the 'guard dragon' born from the asexual reproduction of the pure-blood dragon species."

The man in the mirror said.

"The so-called pure-blood dragon species are all existences born from nature without father or mother, so they are called true dragons."

"Although the guardian dragon it gave birth to is not pure blood, it should not be underestimated. What you need to be especially careful about is that the guardian dragon can also use dragon thunder."

Xue Jing nodded to express his understanding.

Dragon thunder is the symbol of pure blood dragon species.

As the favored sons of heaven who are deeply loved by the sky, all dragon species are born with anti-gravity biological force fields.

And dragon thunder is also proof that the dragon species is deeply loved by the sky.

It not only has the destructive power of thunder itself, but also has the effect of affecting gravity.

According to the information provided to him by Bai Ya, someone was once hit in the head by a dragon thunder. Although that person was wearing an insulating suit and was not killed by the lightning, the gravity on his body increased dozens of times in an instant, and he was directly crushed to death. A pile of minced meat.

Xue Jing opened the panel and looked at the divine skill column.

Then, he thought about it and clicked on [Plant Deed] to upgrade.

Upgraded two levels in a row.

[Plant Deed Lv4 (524/800)]

"If this is the case, it should be enough."

Xue Jing nodded.

He had an idea and wanted to test it out.

"Let's go, let's go and have fun with this 'three noble sons'."

Xue Jing put the map and pen into her backpack.

Then he swung Futu to the side, shook off the dirt with great strength, and put the sword back into its sheath.

"Don't you take a break?" the man in the mirror said.

"No, time is running out."

Xue Jing touched the five snake-killing claws hidden in the small pocket of the tactical uniform.

The dull sound of thunder echoed in the valley.

This valley is close to the territory of one of the 'guard dragons'.

Xue Jing searched in the valley for a long time and stopped in front of a small tree over three meters high with golden branches and leaves.

"This is the dragon thunder plant."

The person in the mirror in the bracelet said.

"After being hit by the dragon thunder, most plants will die directly, but for some reason, a small number of plants will survive unexpectedly. Not only do they not become necrotic, they also adapt to the dragon thunder and contain part of the power of the dragon thunder in their bodies."

"I remember that this plant was quite expensive in your human world."

"But for the sake of convenience, you didn't even take the core organs of the dragons you killed. I can't even think about it..."

Xue Jing did not reply, but stretched out his hand to gently touch the 'Dragon Thunder Tree' in front of him.

When he put his hand down, there was a small circular 'deed seal' where it touched.

He opened the panel and took a look. The color of [Zhiqi]'s name became much darker.

It seems that the cost of contracting this dragon thunder tree is quite high.

"Then, let's try it."

Xue Jing thought.

The golden Dragon Thunder Tree immediately began to proliferate and grow crazily. In a short time, it became a large tree more than ten meters high and required four or five people to surround it.

The tree crown covered several meters in radius, shrouding Xue Jing in it.

The person in the mirror was stunned:

"And the secret technique of controlling plants? Which power god's 'chosen' are you?"

Xue Jing smiled: "The King of No Appearance and the King of Thousand Appearances...haven't I told you?"

The person in the mirror pondered: "I've never heard of it...could it be the forgotten god of the past?"

"It's not uncommon for a divine choice to have multiple secret arts... But having both the 'shadow' of the dark realm and the 'plant' of the life realm is a bit out of my knowledge..."

"Forget it, let's talk about this later. I understand what you think."

The man in the mirror nodded.

"Using resistant dragon thunder plants to deal with dragon thunder... is a good idea."

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