I will eventually become a god

Chapter 154 Huge harvest, crazy liver, skyrocketing experience value and divinity (4K)

In a valley covered with yellow sand.

Xue Jing placed an unfolded monitor on the ground and let it use its eight mechanical claws to dig holes in the loess.

He took out the tablet from the backpack held by Shadow Flame Crow and glanced at the map displayed on it.

At this moment, there are three white dots spaced apart on the map, indicating that he has placed three monitors in the junction.

"Why do I feel that this junction is much larger than originally predicted?"

Xue Jing jumped up the cliff and stood on a large rock more than three meters high, looking up into the distance.

With his eyesight, which is enough to see dozens of kilometers away, he can't actually see the boundary of the world here.

According to the information that White Crow had given him previously, the total area of ​​the 'Roaring Falls' should be between more than 500 to more than 1,300 square kilometers.

If this junction is roughly circular, the diameter of 1,300 square kilometers would only be a few dozen kilometers.

With his eyesight, as long as there are no obstructions in his line of sight, he should be able to clearly see the border even if he stands at the edge of the border and looks to the farthest other side.

"There's something wrong. According to the map of the dragon species' distribution, it's not right either."

Xue Jing took out the map he got from the leader of the 'Dragon Catching Group' and spread it out to look at it.

"I walked at least seven kilometers from the long-tailed dragon's territorial forest to the nearest dragon species' territory."

He stretched out his hand to compare the distance between the long-tailed dragon's territory and the valley where he was at this moment...it was about half a finger's length.

On the entire map, the distance between the two red dots that are farthest from each other is as long as an adult's arm.

"If the length of half a finger is seven kilometers, the furthest dragon territories are at least a hundred kilometers apart."

"This is just a map of the dragon species' territory, not a 'world map' within this border area."

"This area is obviously far beyond the area in Bai Ya's information."

Xue Jing looked thoughtful.

"...Either White Crow's surveyors are too unprofessional and the data errors are too outrageous, or there is something strange that I don't know about."

He thought again of the abnormality when he first entered the junction.

"The GPS at the exit and the two 'monitors' that were originally placed are not displayed on the tablet."

"It seems that something happened that I don't know about..."

Xue Jing sat down cross-legged on the rock, lit a ball of black flame in his hand, and tossed it up and down.

His eyes looked to the horizon.

A long snake-like figure was flying towards the valley.

"There's no need to think about anything else for the time being. The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge."

"The first priority now is to destroy all the dragon species in this border area and unleash the divinity."

The long snake-like figure flew from the horizon to the valley, revealing its full appearance.

It was a dragon with no claws, no wings, a single horn on its head, covered with smooth dark red scales, and a snake-like body.

Dragon creatures have characteristics that are very easy to identify.

First of all, its body surface must be covered with scales.

There must be dragon horns on its head.

His eyes must have vertical pupils.

Finally, and the most identifiable point - dragons must fly.

Their flight relies on the anti-gravity biological force field they are born with. Even if they have wings, they are only used to assist flight and do not rely on their wings to take off.

"This is the dragon species marked on the map."

Xue Jing's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this time, the red-scaled dragon species flying closer also noticed a 'little bug' sitting on the rock of the cliff who did not know whether to live or die and dared to invade its territory.


It immediately flew in front of Xue Jing and let out a dragon's roar that shook the entire valley. Visible airflow fluctuations started from its mouth and the strong wind blew Xue Jing's hair into a big back.

Xue Jing stroked her hair and frowned slightly: "You sound a bit loud."

Countless black air currents were pulled out from the shadows and rushed towards his shoulders, igniting large-scale black flames on them.

Then, a giant's right hand, which was seven or eight meters long and covered with exquisite gauntlets, suddenly stretched out from the black flames and grabbed the red-scaled dragon flying in the sky.

"Gah——!!" The entire snake-shaped body of the red-scaled dragon was pinched by the huge palm, and he was suddenly speechless.

Its body kept struggling and twisting, opening its mouth towards Xue Jing.


Dark green liquid shot out from its throat at an extremely fast speed, like a high-pressure water gun, forming a straight line.

Xue Jing stepped out of the way.

The dark green liquid directly punched a big hole in the rock where he was sitting just now. The splashed dark green liquid also fell to the surrounding areas. When it came into contact with the ground, it emitted sizzling white smoke, which seemed to be extremely corrosive.

Xue Jing raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene: "Spitting indiscriminately, the quality of the local dragons is really too low."

He stretched out his right hand and shook it at the red-scaled dragon species.

At the same time, the hand of the Shadow Flame Giant holding the red-scaled dragon species also shook hands simultaneously.


With a crisp sound, the red-scaled dragon's body was crushed flat, and the flesh and blood were squeezed out from the inside to the upper and lower ends.

Its tail suddenly erupted into a cloud of blood mist, and its head opened its mouth, with pieces of flesh and blood vomiting out from the mouth.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +29]

"Done... Let's go find the next one."

Xue Jing spread out the map in his hand, reached out and clicked on the red dot closest to the current location.

"Just go around in a circle like this, clear everything on the outside first, and then gradually clear the inside, and solve it round by round..."

Two days later.

Xue Jing, wearing a black tactical uniform, walked across the water and galloped across a large lake.

Every time he took a step, thin plates of shadow flame would appear under his feet, and his whole body would shoot forward like a sharp arrow.

As he advanced, the violent air currents he set off directly cut the lake surface to both sides. White waves burst out, leaving an obvious dent in the lake surface behind him, which was filled by the lake water after a few seconds.

But even though his speed has reached its extreme, there is still something faster than him.

Under the lake, reflected in the sunlight, a huge black shadow was slowly approaching him, and gradually came to his feet.

The black shadow looked like a giant fish that was more than ten meters long. It was swinging its tail continuously. As it got closer to Xue Jing, its body became more and more obvious and bigger.

Until a certain moment - boom!

The surface of the lake exploded, and a huge strange fish with double wings on its ribs, a six-pointed head, and golden scales all over its body gleaming in the scorching sun suddenly jumped out of the water.


Amidst the roar of the dragon, the strange fish opened its mouth full of sharp teeth toward Xue Jing and pounced on him.

Xue Jing's expression remained unchanged, she tapped her toes, stepped on the thin board of shadow flames, and shot into the sky, just in time to avoid the bite.


The giant mouth closed in the air, and the lake water spread out, making a tooth-aching sound.

Xue Jing turned her body in the air, with her head facing down, and once again condensed the shadow flames on the soles of her feet and stepped on it, sending her whole body towards the monster below.

The black airflow condensed on his right arm, igniting black flames and turning into armored gloves. Then he stretched his palm flat and assumed a hand-piercing posture.

Spiral indentations appear all over the arm.

"Juanfeng Lei·Guan——"

The armored gauntlet has extremely sharp black claws, which combined with the spiral compression force of the wind thunder, form an extremely powerful penetrating force.

The countless water droplets that filled the air because the strange fish jumped out of the water were immediately sucked in by this spiral force, forming a waterspout.


The hand came into contact with the scales on the head of the strange fish. After a stalemate that lasted for about half a second, the scales were crushed and penetrated into the head of the strange fish, nearly half a meter deep into its hard skull. However, because the skull was too thick, it was not Can penetrate completely.


With a groan of pain, the strange fish began to swing its body wildly in the air.

Xue Jing's left hand grasped the scales on the top of the strange fish's head, keeping it from being thrown away. The armor on her right hand that penetrated into the strange fish's body was deactivated and burned into black flames again.


The pure shadow flames kept annihilating the skull of the strange fish, burning a hole as thick as an arm that went straight to the brain.

Sensing the danger of death, the strange fish let out a roar, and the scales on its body lifted up, just like a cat's fur.

Under all the scales that were lifted up, there was a small black hole. Combined with the raised fine scales, it looked dense and extremely terrifying. When Xue Jing saw this scene, she suddenly got goosebumps all over her body, and her symptoms of cryptophobia appeared on the spot. Guilty.


From the countless small holes, laser-like water spurts out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xue Jing's whole body ignited with black flames, turning into gorgeous armor to cover his whole body.

Even so, under the laser water cannon, which was as powerful as an armor-piercing bullet, countless holes were directly punched out of the armor, which were imprinted on the dragon scale skin condensed by his running power.


In the sound that sounded like gold and iron clashing, the water cannon was blocked by the dragon scale skin, and Xue Jing felt a slight numbness and pain all over her body.

He didn't stop, and immediately put his two hands into the hole he had just dug with the Tornado Wind Strike Hand. Then with a strong push, the dragon-shaped energy came out of his body and wrapped around him. His whole body was as fast as a drill. Spin it up.

Turning golden scale——


Amidst the painful screams of the strange fish, its head was filled with blood and flesh. Pieces of flesh were squeezed out by the drill bit and scattered in all directions. It rained blood on the surrounding area and dyed the lake red.

After a few seconds, Xue Jing's whole body got into the 'brain hole', and the strange fish also stopped struggling and fell into the lake, creating a huge splash.

Everything calmed down.

A few seconds later, an explosion exploded in the red-dyed lake water, and a figure jumped out of the lake and ran to the shore across the water.

After arriving on the shore, Xue Jing was shocked by her strength.

The blood stained all over his body suddenly exploded and turned into mist and raindrops, soaking the surrounding ground.

He shook his hair to get rid of the moisture in it, and his whole body suddenly returned to dryness and refreshment.


Xue Jing took a breath, feeling a little tired.

He opened the panel and took a look.

[Kill special creatures with divinity, divinity +91]

[Possess divinity: 1029]

"The closer you are to the center, the higher the danger level of the dragon species..."

Xue Jing looked thoughtful.

For the past two days, he had been hunting dragon species non-stop.

Now he has cleared two circles of the dragon species distributed on the map from outside to inside, and killed nearly thirty dragon species in total.

From the peripheral dragons he killed casually at the beginning, to the strange fish-type dragon that took him a lot of effort to kill just now, Xue Jing obviously felt that it was getting more and more difficult.

"Looking at it this way, I'm afraid I may not be able to defeat these three around the Roaring Falls."

Xue Jing unfolded the map he took out from his backpack and touched the three thick red dots in the center with his fingers.

"However, we may not be able to defeat him now, but it won't be certain in two days." Xue Jing said softly.

It has been very hard to cultivate divinity in the past two days, but the rewards are also great.

Not only did he gain divine power, but the continuous combat to the death also gave him a burst of experience in his regular skills.

[Fitness Level 10 (1261/?)]

[Health Level 8 (5402/6000)]

[Cooking Skill Level 6 (2120/3000)]

[Running Level 8 (2169/6000)]

[Charm Lv10 (10000+/?)]

[Aim at Lv8 (3596/6000)]

[Fighting Level 8 (3623/6000)]

[Hidden Dragon Power Level 7 (4521/9000)]

[Visualization·True Level 6 (988/7000)]

[Soldier Strike Level 7 (4197/4500)]

[Swimming Level 5 (533/2000)]

[Riding Level 4 (499/1200)]

[Acting Lv5 (355/2000)]

Among them, fitness gained the most, with nearly 6,000 experience points, reaching Level 10 directly, achieving one of the conditions for sublimation!

After reaching Level 10, the experience value turned into a question mark, which also solved one of Xue Jing's doubts.

It seems that the upper limit of regular skills is Lv10, and [Charm] is not a special case.

Perhaps only after sublimating your skills can you continue to improve.

It's a pity that he has achieved the three conditions currently required for fitness sublimation, Lv10 and 1000 divinity, but the final condition is unknown? ? ? But it still shows 'insufficient conditions'.

Otherwise, he would be able to sublimate his fitness on the spot.

In addition to fitness, the experience gained in other skills is also huge.

I gained nearly 4,000 experience points from running and was promoted to Level 8. I gained over 3,000 health points, more than 3,000 aiming points, more than 3,000 fighting points, and nearly 4,000 hidden dragon powers.

Guanxiangzhen has been promoted to Level 6, and the three skills of swimming, riding, and acting have also gained a lot of experience points, and each has been improved by one level.

It can be said that his liver is full. From the time he got the panel to now, he has never grown so fast.

The basic hard strength of the whole person has improved greatly.

Xue Jing, who closed the panel and felt deeply satisfied, reached into the backpack that Crow was holding, rummaged for a while, and took out a 'monitor'.

"Huh? This is the last one."

Xue Jing touched the inside of the backpack and found that it was empty.

For two days, he followed Dr. Shen's request and placed a monitor at regular intervals. All the nearly thirty monitors in his backpack were now gone.

"Each monitor can cover an area of ​​approximately 110 square kilometers. Originally, as expected, thirty monitors were more than enough."

Xue Jing turned on the switch of the monitor and let it take root in the soil on its own.

"But now, the monitors are obviously not enough...the first task of entering this border area has been failed."

Xue Jing shook his head.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Let's kill all the dragon species first. At worst, we can find a way to kill the 'Dragon God'. Once the core creature dies, the junction will no longer change. Naturally, there will be no need for monitors."

(Watching MSI is fascinating...I haven’t watched the game for a long time)

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