I will eventually become a god

Chapter 147 ISE, Shadow Flame Armor, is this the Chosen Son of God (4K)

The black arrows flew toward the sky like a reversing meteor, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the long-haired man's body that was broken in half.

Everyone present was shocked by this sudden scene.

"Damn it, inhuman power, that's the recipient!"

The tall man named Wanbang exclaimed.

"Tan Hao fell, and his 'dragon wing device' on his waist was shot out!"

Wanbang watched the long-haired man's broken body fall straight to the ground, stopped his progress, and prepared to save him.

The tall woman immediately stopped him and said, "Don't worry about him! The recipient has very strong abilities. If the target is too obvious, he will be defeated by everyone!"

"Tan Hao is dead. He did not have a repair type implant implanted. Cutting the waist cannot save the injury. Let's retreat first!"

She backed down.

Wanbang said angrily: "Damn it, one of my comrades has been killed, how can we retreat at this time? Brother Zhong?"

He looked at the muscular leader.

Brother Zhong's expression did not change, and he said concisely: "Go up."

After saying that, he took the lead in speeding up and flew towards the translucent black giant standing on the plane.

Wanbang followed without hesitation. The skinny woman gritted her teeth, hesitated, and flew over.

On the other side, after seeing the arrow, Xu Ren immediately looked back and saw Xue Jing hiding among the shadow giants. He suddenly felt a little dizzy.

"Xue Jing? What's going on?"

"Wait, you are the recipient? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

One of the conditions for entering Roaring Falls is a natural person with a 0% alienation rate.

The recipient's spiritual consciousness will be polluted by the power of the supernatural god, and he will never be able to enter.

In this case, wouldn't asking Xue Jing for help become a farce?

Hearing Xu Ren's question, Xue Jing touched her chin and said, "Things are a bit complicated...Have you ever heard of the 'Chosen Son of God'?"

Xuren was stunned.

The Chosen Son of God...

She knew this concept. It was another name for a gifted person, an existence actively chosen by the gods.

It is said that this kind of divinely chosen son will not be troubled by pollution and alienation...but whether he is considered a 'natural person' and whether he meets the conditions for entering the Roaring Falls is a question mark.

After all, Bai Ya doesn't have the luxury to find an underage son of God's Chosen to test it out.

This is an extremely rare individual with less than twenty in the world.

Xu Ren felt a little headache. She wanted to have a good discussion with Xue Jing, but the situation was a bit urgent now, so she had to say: "...We will talk about it later, and solve the immediate matter first."

Xue Jing activated [Twin Instinct] and looked at the muscular man leading the three sky pirates opposite.

The doubly keen intuition made the hairs on his body stand up, telling him how dangerous this man was.

Xue Jing narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Captain Xuren, leave the leader to me."

"The other two are up to you."

After saying that, without waiting for the virtual blade to respond, he raised his foot and stepped on the fuselage, and like an arrow from a string, he sprinted towards the three people on the opposite side.

The Shadow Flame Giant attached to his body also sprinted with him, but because the six-meter-tall giant was too large, the wind resistance was also great, causing the speed to be seriously affected.

After Xue Jing noticed this, he immediately controlled the Shadow Flame Giant, concentrated it, and turned it into a set of gorgeous armor burning with black flames. He wore it on himself, covering his whole body tightly, even his face. Only one pair of eyes is exposed.

Different from the translucent Shadow Flame Giant, this set of armor is as dark as ink, almost like a black hole, as if all the surrounding light is sucked into it. There are sharp black bone spurs on the joints of the limbs and back. The tips of the five fingers are also sharp claws.

"This move is called - armor wrapping."

Faced with Xue Jing's actions, everyone present had mixed reactions.

Among the remaining three sky pirates, the leading man showed no sign of cowardice. He just speeded up with a calm expression and rushed straight towards Xue Jing.

The other two were lagging behind and looked at the virtual blade.

The latter also raised the sharp blade held in both hands in tacit agreement.

"King versus king, versus general?"

The skinny woman spoke. She looked at the situation and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The recipient, who clearly wanted to carry out long-range attacks like before, actually couldn't think of engaging in a close combat with Brother Zhong... It was a foolish decision."

A smile twitched her lips.

In the air, the leader of the sky pirates who was about to come into contact with Xue Jing suddenly experienced a change.

The purple rhombus crystals inlaid on the spine on its back gave off a faint shimmer.

Afterwards, the crystals quickly squirmed and proliferated like living creatures, spreading to cover the entire waist and abdomen, then extending up and down to the chest, thighs, and eventually even the feet and head were wrapped in purple crystals.

In less than a second, a complete set of amethyst armor had been formed.

Purple and black collided in the air under the sunlight.


A huge ring-shaped air wave that was enough to distort light exploded between the two people, mixed with a lot of purple crystal powder and black flame debris, and spread suddenly.

The other two Sky Pirates and the Void Blade were swept away by the spreading air waves. The aircraft floating not far away was also knocked aside by the air waves. The mandrill who was secretly aiming at the opportunity with a large-caliber sniper rifle in the cabin suddenly fell to the ground. Insert a green onion upside down.

When the air waves dissipated, everyone was able to open their eyes and look into the field.

I saw two figures, one purple and one black, like two bullfights, holding each other's palms with their palms, grasping each other, and wrestling.


The two looked at each other through the helmets, which only exposed a pair of eyes. Purple crystal powder and broken black flames continued to fall from their respective gauntlets, making a dull clicking sound.

Void Blade put down the arm that was blocking the strong wind in front of his eyes, looked at the purple crystal armor on the leader of the sky pirates, and his expression changed.

ISE! ?

She immediately shouted: "Xue Jing, be careful of the crystal armor on his body, it's a living thing!"

At an altitude of 10,000 meters, the strong wind and biting wind made it difficult for sound to travel, but Xue Jing had already mastered the fifth level of practice and had strong kidneys, so her hearing was excellent and she could barely hear Xu Ren's words.

"Living thing?"

While Xue Jing was thinking about what this meant, his hand movements were not slow, and spiral dents began to appear on his arms and shoulders.

The sky pirate in front of him was extremely physically strong. When he used his twin powers, he made contact with the opponent's palms to compete with each other for grip strength. It turned out that he was only evenly matched, and even seemed to be overpowered.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation since he started practicing martial arts.

If you can't beat the basic attributes, you have to fight for skills next.

With a strong push, the real dragon roared softly, thunder exploded, tornado thunder was launched, and with the blessing of spiral compression force, the grip strength increased instantly.

The dark gauntlets formed by the shadow flames instantly shattered under this unparalleled grip, exposing all the fingers of Xue Jing's hands.

The leader of the sky pirates let out a light sigh, and Xue Jing's suddenly tightened grip made him unable to resist.

But his expression remained unchanged and he did not hold on. The amethyst armor on his chest squirmed and proliferated, exploding with several crystal spikes and quickly piercing Xue Jing.

Xue Jing originally planned to rely on the Shadow Flame Wrapping Armor to withstand this attack, crushing the opponent's palm first, but the [Twin Instinct] that had been activated from just now sent a warning sign.

His intuition told him that he couldn't bear it forcefully.

Without any hesitation, he trusted his instincts, flicked his hands, and shook the palm of the sky pirate leader away. Then he kicked the opponent in the stomach and flew backwards.

The crystal spikes pierced the air, and after the kinetic energy on Xue Jing's body, which was flying upside down, was exhausted, he, who could not fly, began to fall.

At this time, his body did a backflip in the air, and then his feet were slightly bent.

At the soles of his feet, black air flow emerged and turned into a thin plate.

He stepped on the thin board with both feet, pushed hard, and his whole body turned into a cannonball, shooting towards the sky pirate leader.

On the way, his eyes exposed from the gap in his helmet turned into divine silver, and his pupils also transformed into vertical pupils. The black airflow condensed on his palm, revealing a long black knife.

At this time, the amethyst armor on the arm of the sky pirate leader changed.

Multiplied, transformed, and actually formed a handful of... Gatling.

"Huh?" Xue Jing raised her eyebrows.

Amethyst Gatling aimed at Xue Jing, and the six barrels rotated rapidly.

"Da da da da da-"

Dozens and hundreds of violent bullets were fired at each second. Since she was in the air and had difficulty moving, she was unable to dodge for a moment. Xue Jing simply raised her long knife.

Under his twin instincts, the trajectories of all bullets were sensed by his intuition. He turned on his twin speeds and swung his sword quickly according to his instincts. In one moment, he could cut off or block the incoming bullets.

However, in the face of this level of crystal storm, the Shadow Flame Long Knife, which was only as hard as steel, could not withstand it at all, and it broke into pieces within a short time.

"Da da da da da-"

Xue Jing condensed thin plates of shadow flame on the soles of his feet and began to move around in the air. The torrent of bullets followed his movement like a shadow.

While dodging bullets, Xue Jing took out a dark red seed from her pocket and threw it into the air.

Dozens of thick green rhizomes suddenly sprouted from Seed's body, each one tens of meters long, spreading its teeth and claws in the air, like a giant octopus.

Brother Zhong, the leader of the sky pirates, was stunned.

Another ability, which sect is this person a recipient of?

plant? Is it from the flower god?

But his ability to manifest black matter is closely related to the Flora Society, at least it has nothing to do with it.

Forget it, no matter what abilities the opponent has, they will always fight.

Brother Zhong didn't pause at all, and Amethyst Gatling continued to shoot at it. The green roots were as brittle as a piece of paper in front of the torrent, and they were immediately shattered into pieces, with sawdust flying all over the sky.

Xue Jing didn't take it seriously. He summoned the oxygen-absorbing tree, not expecting it to do anything.

It has only one purpose.

The roots, wood blocks and debris all over the sky reflected many shadows on each other under the sunlight.

Shadow Flame is the ability to turn shadows into black flames. The larger and deeper the nearby shadows, the stronger this skill is.

If the moonlight shines on the earth in a dark night, there will be shadows, but because the light is too thin and the shadows are not deep, it will be difficult for the shadow flames to be used.

The stronger the light, the deeper the shadow can be illuminated.

At this moment, we were ten thousand meters above the sky, it was afternoon, and although the sun's rays were not as strong as noon, they were not weak either.

In the deep shadows where countless pieces of wood and debris reflected each other, a strong black air flow was drawn out by Xue Jing.

The air flow turned into black flames and burned, and then transformed into a pitch-black crow with white hollow eyes.

One, two, dozens, hundreds.

The eyes of everyone present suddenly opened wide, looking at the densely packed shadow flame crows that were chirping silently.

"what is that?"

"Crow? Alive?"

Xue Jing pointed at the leader of the sky pirates, and hundreds of crows immediately vibrated their wings and pounced towards him without fear of death.

Amethyst Gatling shot at the incoming crows, but they dodged in the air very smartly. Although some were inevitably broken after being hit, most of them kept getting closer to the sky pirate leader.

Xue Jing no longer had the pressure of being targeted by bullets, and immediately did a somersault without hesitation. Black thin plates condensed on her feet, and with a push, she rushed towards the leader of the sky pirates.

The long black knife reappeared in his hand.

The first crow hit the sky pirate leader and exploded, turning into black flames that burned on the amethyst armor, annihilating the armor and leaving a shallow dent.

"This is……"

Brother Zhong, the leader of the sky pirates, shrank his pupils.

The Gatling in his hand immediately deformed, with several crystal blades sprouting from his wrists. The gauntlets on his forearms separated from his wrists and upper arms, turning into a roller structure.

The other arm did the same, and then faced the incoming crows with both hands, the amethyst blade began to rotate at high speed, turning into two meat grinders.

The crows collided with the meat grinder and immediately exploded into black flames, annihilating the crystals. However, if there were any gaps, the sky pirate leader immediately let the amethyst armor multiply and grow to fill it.

And while he was busy dealing with the crows, Xue Jing himself came to him with a black long knife.

"——Heitian Dao·Mu Guanliu."

The dragon's vertical pupils that penetrated the blue stream of the sea of ​​clouds reflected the rare 'lines' and 'dots' on the sky pirate leader's body.

The black long knife in his hand swung out and slashed along an obscure 'line' on the opponent's neck.

Black light flashed.

The gaps in the amethyst armor that were invisible to the naked eye were split open by the light of the knife, and the long knife touched the flesh.


A huge gash was cut in the neck of the sky pirate leader, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

"Brother Zhong!!"

When the other two sky pirates, a man and a woman, saw this, their expressions suddenly changed.

"You dare to be distracted?" Xuren, who was fighting with them, stared intently.

She held two sharp blades in her hands, while three more were flying in the air beside her.

In an instant, she quickly slashed out the sharp blade with both hands. The speed was unbelievable. In half a second, she completed slashing out, changing blades, slashing out, changing blades, and slashing out.

With a flash of light from the five-level sword, the male sky pirate named Wanbang was cut into more than a dozen pieces on the spot.

At the same time, gunfire rang out.

A bullet was shot from the plane's door and penetrated the female air pirate's left abdomen.

She covered her abdominal wound and ran away without hesitation.

Xu Ren wanted to catch up, but the other party took out a capsule, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

In less than a few seconds, the flying speed suddenly accelerated, and the distance suddenly increased.

When Xu Ren saw this, he stopped and turned to look at Xue Jing.

The sky was filled with black flames, root tentacles and debris, the dark knight holding a sword, and his opponent who was almost cut in half.

Xu Ren narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed:

"ISE is well-known for its fighting methods, but this time it was a fake ghost that collided with a real ghost."

"How many tricks does this person have?"

"Is this the Chosen Son of God?"

(I’ve been having too much crotch strain recently, so I’ll adjust my work and rest schedule and will update more tomorrow)

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