184 – 184 – Blooming iron heart is glass #3

184 – Blood iron heart is glass #3

It is dangerous outside of school.

It was a place where all kinds of monsters were infested and wild beasts roared at the scruff of the neck.

In fact, it was.

In the western field full of flowers and trees, all kinds of animals… In particular, there were a lot of insect-type monsters, but after defeating the huge grasshopper, Enio shuddered and was shocked.

“It’s disgusting… !”

Multi-legged insects and women.

It is as if there may be an enmity between the two as promised in a long covenant in the Bible.

No, come to think of it, it wasn’t a snake.

Anyway, Enio seemed to hate insects.

“Why? Isn’t this cool enough?”

Nike held up the carcass of the wasp, which was bigger than her forearm, in her hand.

Indeed, Nike, who was born and raised in the forest, doesn’t care about bugs.

“It’s like wearing armor.”

Nike tilts his head and presents an insect to Enio.

Soon, Enio freaked out and said, “Hey, get rid of it… !” and slapped Nike’s palm with her own. For a moment, I was surprised to see him not like Enio, whose attitude is calm enough to smirk.


The corpse of the “tiger and hornbeam” that fell to the floor turned into powder and disappeared, leaving only Renée to jingle.

When Nike feels sorry for her appearance.

Enio said with a sigh.

“You guys know what loneliness is?”

“You mean lonely… ?”

“No, Arnoi. don’t be lonely Loneliness means strong poison. It’s a spell that puts all kinds of bugs into a jar and makes them.”

At Enio’s explanation, Victoria, who was holding a palm-sized butterfly on her finger, frowned.

“What are you talking about?”

More than that, how did you get that butterfly on your palm?

Isn’t that the “Monarch Butterfly”? It’s a rare collectible that costs more than 100,000 Renae per bird.

Such “monarch butterflies” are crowded around Victoria.

Seeing that, Nike said, “Miss Victoria seems to be secretly of a fairy nature. Butterflies flocking is only possible with fairy-attributed mana… .” and envy.

Of course, the real fairy, the nymph Arnoi, struggled to keep her bag while watching the butterflies swarm around her.

“It is clear that these guys are aiming for the last remaining honey candy in Arnoi’s bag… ! I’m telling everyone to go away… !”

It’s confusing.

However, Enio, who was the only one with a serious expression in this situation, added.

“Anyway, at Blackstar, we made a lot of bug jars full of poisonous insects. Maybe that’s why at night, the tiny, tiny footsteps of insects—”

Enio trembles with a eugh.

Somehow, the pain seemed vivid.

I don’t know, but I seemed to know that Enio hates big bugs.

But the west side where we are is the habitat of giant insects.

Enio’s pain seems to last a little longer.

Insects are better though.

There are a lot of them, but the overall level is low, so it’s worth dealing with.

The real dangerous guys are the beasts.

If they start showing up, I won’t be able to walk around in a picnic mood.

ㅡ Grrr… !

They say that even a tiger will appear if spoken to.

A tiger with impressive stripes appeared in front of us who were walking in a wide field.

It was a tiger with fangs protruding up and down, just like in an old comical folktale.

—-Grau… !

Everyone was startled by the loud roar.

Butterflies sitting on Victoria’s head are all blown away by the roar.

“Victoria, be careful!”


Full up.

A tiger as big as a car jumped high.

What he’s aiming for is Victorica, and I was already expecting an attack like this. This tiger, “The Lost Mountain Army,” is guaranteed to hit the wizard with the lowest quickness first when encountering it.


So I was able to anticipate the attack and get in between Victorica and the tiger—.

I was able to insert my hand into his wide-open mouth instead of the nape of Victoria’s neck.


I felt my arm bitten by something sharp.

No, to put it correctly, it should be said that it feels like putting your hand into a large machine by mistake and getting caught.

ㅡ Grrr… !

But it was more tolerable than I thought.

The problem is that he has sharp nails like a younger sister who got caught reading a love letter by her mischievous older brother… No, the problem is that they started scratching me with their claws!

“This guy… , I will hold you, so attack!”

I grabbed the tiger’s body as hard as I could.

This [Sangun] is a medium-sized monster, so if other mages other than me, the avant-garde, are attacked, it may cause irreparable fatal wounds.

“Shadow wedge!”


A simultaneous attack by Nike and Enio.

Thanks to this, the tiger was pierced through the stomach and at the same time was trapped in a huge thorny vine and struggled to death. Only then did I get my hand out of his mouth.

The condition was more serious than I thought.

The wounds on the serrated teeth must have been so terrible that Enio and Victorica couldn’t see the wounds and turned their heads away.

I don’t know if these terrible scenes were hard to bear for the ladies who grew up finely.

Even Nike, who grew up rough in many ways, said, “Oh, you’ve become a complete rag. I can see the bones… It was to the point of frowning.

“This, this Arnoi is not good at seeing things like this… . Seeing things like this makes Arnoi rather sick… !”

Arnoi won’t see anything like Saw.

In any case, my wounds were horrific because they transformed into works of art made in the deconstructivist spirit of modern art.

But, oddly enough, it didn’t hurt much.

“Victor, I’ll sprinkle holy water here… ! Even if it hurts, you have to be patient… !”

Sprinkle the potion [Intermediate Holy Water] brought by Nike on my affected area.

There was still a part of me that I hadn’t gotten used to seeing my wounds growing and moving forward with it.

“It’s really amazing.”

However, unlike me, who was curious about this situation, Nike, Enio, and Victoria looked at me with serious expressions.

Then they said to each other, “Guy Viktor, you can’t feel pain when you’re hurt that much… .” or “Victor-kun’s condition is worse than we thought… .” or “I’m stupid like a fool… .” he was busy muttering.

* * *

“Victor, cooking today. It’s delicious, but it’s saltier than I thought.”

Fire, fire.

Evening came to the western fields.

Nike has been talking like a sister-in-law blaming the liver’s regulation.

It was the first time Nike had criticized food, so I was quite shocked.

Why, even if Nike picks up a potato that has fallen on the floor and eats it, it tastes good.

“It’s salty?”

So I asked again in disbelief.

Then Nike nodded.

“Yeah, squeeze. Are you trying to replenish your salt intake by sweating a lot from running around in the heat?”

“… … .”

No, today I just made it according to the quantity.

However, it seemed to be true that the food was salty.

Somehow, both Arnoi and Victorica were constantly drinking water.

“Has liver regulation failed?”

This was the first time ever.

As I was shocked, Nike said, “Actually, Victor’s food seems a bit off-season these days… .” He lucked out.

How many days has it been?

“… … .”

Is my tongue getting dull?

It couldn’t happen without a reason, and I wondered if it might be because of eccentricity if I had to guess.


Originally, I don’t know if it has something to do with the approaching point of the 7th act, where I appear as the episode boss, the ‘middle boss’ of the main scenario.

“It is fatal.”

The chef of the cooking club is losing his appetite.

Of course, there are people who, like Beethoven who lost his hearing, overcame adversity and reached the realm.

You can’t serve dishes that don’t match the seasoning to guests.

“Isn’t it getting better?”

I thought the condition of the quirk would improve while receiving Eclair’s treatment.

After all, it seemed too early to be relieved until it was completely removed.

Tack, Tack.

The night deepens beneath a burning bonfire.

When I am about to fall asleep while listening to someone quietly breathing.


something moved

I also raised my head and got up from my seat.

It was Victorica who moved in the middle of the night, looking at the dark forest and looking lost in thought.

“What are you doing not sleeping?”

When I asked, Victoria looked lightly at my face and said,

“I want to know what the mainland is going to be like now. there’s going to be a war great war. I bet you heard it too.”

“Yeah, I did. With that, you might end up getting engaged to some strange person as well.”

“… don’t do that anymore Because it’s boring.”

“Yeah, what. Let’s say so. Still, I thought you had completely given up on the Arclight work, but it seems like you were willing to cooperate with this one?”

“War… . You, no one else, know how terrifying and terrible that is. Because you lost your family in the war.”

“is it?”

“I want to prevent a war before there are too many victors in the world. Is it greed Because of that, I thought about the engagement with Eclair in many ways, but it was a foolish thing in the end… .”

Victoria seemed to be worried a lot without realizing it.

These were much bigger and more overwhelming concerns than I would have thought right away, ‘How to pay this week’s interest’ or ‘What’s on the menu for tonight’.

It’s ‘World Peace’… !

In front of that worry, there are other worries. It’s just funny.

said Victoria.

“I really wish there was that Wizard of Oz. Of course, the world isn’t a place where the story flows so comfortably… .”

It was Victorica, who seemed somewhat depressed.

There was silence for a while.

As the cool summer breeze brushed the nape of her neck, Victoria was the first to speak.

“When I’m with you, I keep talking about serious things like this.”

“I’m only talking about this with you.”

At my words, Victoria mumbled, “What is that?”

It’s hard to know whether you like it or hate it.

Then, he asks as if to lighten the mood.

“I’m asking Kim when the words came out. Victor, you. Did you know that Mokey Mokey is actually the daughter of the Wild Rose?”

I was deliberately avoiding this to avoid talking about it. I’m asking directly.

“yes. I knew.”

“… Could it be that our marriage broke up because of that?”


It has nothing to do with it.

Victoria seemed strangely relieved by my story.

Then, carefully add a word.

“I did a little research. you might be angry Your father was actually quite famous in the west of the mainland. He said he was close with the Duke of Wildrose.”

“Are you talking about Avon?”

“Yeah, that was the name. Wandering Avon. my father… , It is said that Cain was probably the first and last strong enemy he faced in his life.”

“is it.”

“It was the man who wounded my father’s eye.”

It was like listening to someone else’s story.

Well, my father wasn’t killed by Cain.

My father died of an illness.

However, it seemed that Victoria had misunderstood my attitude.

“You, Victor. It’s like being raised in the hands of the enemy. Maybe the pain is too great… . Could it be that a quirk like a rusty nail has developed in my heart?”

It was a reasonable guess.


Victoria shuddered a little.

Shivering in this hot weather.

“I am, to be honest, a little scared.”


“Victor, you really met that wizard. If you find the feelings that have been paralyzed… , I have a feeling you might hate me.”

“Now that I hate you, what is there to be afraid of?”

“… Yeah, because I don’t want you to hate me.”

“Then, how about being a little kinder on a regular basis?”

At my words, Victoria opened her slender eyes.

Then ask carefully.

“Well, then, what would you like me to do? Do you wish I could hug you like Eclair? yes?”


Victoria opens her arms.

The ‘favor’ that was not like a guy made me rather scared.

Why is he like this all of a sudden?

But this guy seemed very serious.

If I refuse here, I think I will be really angry.

Write, I don’t know.

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