156 – 156 – Colors rising from the sea # 2

156 – Colors from the sea #2

Ludens, the island of amusement, is an island that has received the grace of heaven.


Whatever the case, Ludens tended to be isolated from the mainland and the outside world.

The waters around Ludens are fucking dirty.

Huge sea monsters pop out, there are many pirates, there are ghost ships, and above all, strong winds, typhoons, storms, and huge tidal waves often come.

I wondered why the sea around Ludens was so wild.

At this moment, in many ways, I felt like my curiosity was being solved.

There must have been a reason.

“So the sirens, the natives of this island, are those who serve the forgotten goddess. Are you waiting for the return of the goddess who was defeated in Yu-Gi for some reason?”

Then the picky siren, who identified herself as Calypso, spoke.

“yes. And he appeared again like this. On behalf of us who cannot reproduce, he is the one who will give birth to many sisters in the future! So, today you will have to satisfy the goddess!”

Satisfying the goddess in me.

When I didn’t understand, Siren Calypso let out a hu-sigh.

“Don’t you know that the more satisfied a woman is, the higher the chance of a successful pregnancy? I heard that kids these days are fast, but it doesn’t seem to be that way either. It wasn’t like this when Hercules and Theseus were attending Ludens.”

“… … ?”

“What is that reaction? Surely you don’t know what to do? You don’t mean to say that you don’t know about the four stages of love for newlyweds determined by the goddess of love, right?”


The siren’s legs moved noisily.

Suddenly, if I had eight legs, I wondered if I could do four times the work.

Siren Calypso, who was looking at my face like that, took off his glasses and wiped his face.

“My God, what are you learning at Ludens these days? anyway. can’t do it If so, I’ll let you know. In order to satisfy the Goddess, first—”

It was when Calypso was about to say something.

Enio, who had been silent for a long time with his face flushed, shouted.

“You already know… ! Elder Calypso, even if you don’t worry, this original woman will take responsibility for the prosperity of her descendants… . Stay out and see… !”

“But Goddess, from generation to generation, the elders of the Siren have to watch over the Goddess’ bridal chamber—”

“Such regulations are abolished as of today… ! You have to adapt yourself to the changing world in order to survive… !”

“change… .”

Calypso seemed very impressed with Enio’s story.

Neither did I.

The world tends to change suddenly.

For example, suppose I suddenly become a character in a game.

It’s a really sudden change.

It’s an unbelievable story.

But if that really happens, you have to adapt to the world to fit yourself in order to survive. Enio is also smart.

But a woman named Calypso was also stubborn.

“But, tradition is tradition. Also, the newly resurrected goddess has parts of her memory that are not perfect, and her body is weak like an ordinary child, so we will protect her nearby. I can’t lose the barely resurrected goddess again.”

It was the siren who said, “We can’t back down like this.”

In the end, Enio made a compromise with Siren.

I’m not sure, but it seems that the sirens are protecting us outside the cave.

from what?

Enio said.

“Ugh. Then, everyone, get out now.”

everyone go out

Everyone is a word used to refer to a large number of people.

However, when Calypso is the only one here, he feels puzzled.

The walls of the cave shook with a strange feeling, and the hidden women appeared.

That number is about five.

They said, “Sorry… .” and retreated out of the cave with Calypso.

All that’s left now is me and Enio.

I asked.

“Enio, what is this?”

“Victor-kun, from now on I will tell you a lie. I’m not going to ask Viktor to hang out with me, so I just want you to close your ears. Pretending not to hear… !”

What are you trying to do?

I decided to just nod my head.

“i get it.”

I don’t know why, but Enio had the same serious expression as when he was about to sacrifice himself in the ninth act.

Soon enough, Enio covered my ears.

It is a small, soft palm.

“Ah, are you taking off your clothes? ? Indeed, he is a brave man… .”

The problem was that the palms were too small and too soft to block my excellent hearing.

Thanks to that, I could hear Enio’s bizarre acting in my ears.

“So hastily? that, yes Uh, let’s finish this quickly. yes, ah… !”

It was Enio who screamed as if he had been beaten by someone.

Then, isn’t it that he splashes his feet in the sea water that is submerged up to his ankles and makes a strange sound?

The play that felt like that lasted about five minutes.

When I am puzzled by this strange situation.

A sound could be heard from the far side of the cave entrance.

“This is how intense it is.”

“If only I didn’t have eight legs… .”

“Even though I wasn’t cursed… . Originally, my legs were very pretty… . It’s like an octopus now. I saw a handsome sailor a while ago, and when he saw my legs, he was horrified.”

“For some reason, I’m sad and I can’t listen anymore. Shall we just clear our seats?”

“Yes, Elder Calypso. I don’t think anything will happen, but I’ll just go. We also have a lot of injured people, so we need to treat them quickly… .”

“is it… .”

Are you trying to leave the cave entrance?

If Enio could escape this cave, now seemed like an opportunity.

So, with my ears covered, I quietly said “Oh, owa-” to Enio, who was making a strange sound.

“It seems that the guards have disappeared. Enio, if you want to escape, now is your chance.”

“The guards are gone… ?”

“He just said that with his own mouth outside the cave.”

“Outside the cave, I covered my ears, but I heard the sound outside the cave… ? That means… .”


It was Enio with his hair standing on end.

“Enio, are you okay?”

“… Mo, I don’t know… !”

“Anyway, we have to escape quickly. Where does the boat go?”

“The boat… .”

“Calm down.”


When I lightly pat Enio’s cheeks with my palm, Enio looks up at me, his cheeks burning as if they’re about to explode.

Maybe he came to his senses after that, “If it’s a boat, over there… .” He pointed to another entrance to the cave.

I grabbed Enio’s hand and ran to it.

* * *

After running through the cave for a long time, I finally came across a coastal cliff with the sound of waves.

It is very nice to see the shaking form of the boat anchored under the moonlight.

However, the pattern of the cross drawn on the ship was something that bothered me as well.

“It’s the pattern of the Genesis Church.”

Why is the ship of the pseudos serving the eighth god here?

No, now is not the time to care about these things.

once boarded the ship.

But I didn’t know anything about this ship.

There are no paddles to paddle.

It doesn’t even seem to have an engine.

It wasn’t that there was no way.

It would be a little difficult, but it was the moment when I was struggling to make it move somehow.

with a plop.

Someone revealed their face in the sea.

Sirens already?

I was nervous for a moment, but the guy who appeared this time was different from Siren.

If the siren’s ears looked like small fins, this guy’s ears were a little shorter and pointed.


Her blue hair flowing down like seaweed is impressive.

“I’m asking if you need help… !”

“you… .”

It was a familiar voice.

Soon I could see that this was the nymph who sang in the storm.

“You are a nymph.”

“I am Siriol, the nymph of the sea water… ! It’s about helping people in need… ! And, sometimes it’s singing on the reef and getting people into trouble… !”

He’s a guy with a weird accent.

However, the current situation desperately needed the help of a nymph with a strange tone.

“you. This ship, do you know how to move it?”

“This sirioll is something that can move a boat… ! Instead, take what looks delicious you have… !”

This guy was expecting something in return from me.

What a delicious looking thing I have.

did that happen to me

“… Perhaps?”

I rummaged in my arms.

Soon, a piece of chewing gum with a wet wrapper was caught in my hand.

It’s the gum you got from Domina earlier.

“Are you talking about this?”

“That’s right… !”

“Yes, I will give it to you.”

I held out the gum to Siriol. The guy who tore off the wet wrapper put the gum in his mouth and munched it, and he really liked it.

“It is delicious… ! Then, since you received help, it is to return the favor… ! Wake up, <Spray>… !”

Splash, splash.

As Siriole uttered a strange incantation, a rustling wave began to push against the boat.

“Okay, let’s go to the main island of Ludens like this.”

I shouted hopefully in the cool night sea breeze.

However, Siriol, who was pushing his stomach with strange force from behind, spoke in a worried voice.

“I can’t go all the way to the main island of Ludens… . There is a scary sea monster that causes storms and typhoons… . It might be eaten… !”

“A sea monster?”

Is this a guy I know?

Or is he a new addition?

* * *

Before we knew it, the boat we were on had arrived at a rather familiar island.

Did you end up coming back here again?

When I get off the boat, someone comes and runs to the sandy beach.

“Victor! You’re back!”


“I was just talking to everyone to save Viktor! And this side… .”

Nike opens her slender eyes.

Nike’s eyes shot sharply at Enio getting off the ship.

“It’s Enio who kidnapped Victor! You, you traitor! Thief raccoon!”

“… Thief raccoon. Anyway, Nike. There was a situation here.”


Enio explained well what had just happened.

After hearing the story, Victorica was indignant, saying, “This guy, how can you believe a black liar?”, but Nike seemed to accept the story a bit.

“So, are you saying those sirens might come after you? Still, since I have a boat, can I somehow escape? However, the ship is small, how can everyone escape… .”

It was then.

Ciriole, the sea nymph who climbed up from the sea, said.

“I’m going to the island on the other side… ! Even the sirens can’t approach the island on the other side… ! However, there is a nest of terrifying monsters… .”

Was the opposite island an island with a monster’s nest?

This island is a siren.

is that a monster

double moon.

Contrary to its romantic name, it was quite a terrifying content island.

I asked.

“If it’s a monster, is it the sea monster that causes the typhoons I mentioned earlier?”


Siriol nodded.

“Let’s go to the island… !”

said Nike.

“I think you’d better go to that island… !”

Nike has been interested in the island on the other side since yesterday.

Victoria, however, disagreed with this opinion.

“There are too many variables over there. I heard that there is a monster that even the sirens are afraid of? I’d rather fight the sirens here.”

Opinions differ.

If it was like a game, the choice would have come out right here.

According to Nike’s opinion, Nike’s favorability will increase.

According to Victoria’s opinion, Victoria’s favorability will increase.

Of course, I wasn’t the main character.

No matter what choice you make, these guys’ likeability won’t go up.

And since you’re not the main character of the game, you probably don’t have to choose between the two options.

Then what I choose here is the third option, freedom.

“I take over the sirens. And defeat the monster with the siren.”

I have a good plan.

“Enio, do you have some of the “sea apples” I ate earlier?”

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