145 – 145 – To the dream resort, Bikini Island #2

145 – To the dream resort, Bikini Island #2

student president.

The weight given to these four letters was beyond imagination.

It was Victoria, who was proud of having done a lot of work since her days as vice president.

After becoming the president of the student council, the paperwork and tasks to be dealt with came like a raging storm and shook Victoria’s time.

Milone, a junior in the first year who was buried in the paperwork, wept.

“Seniors, how come you seem to be busier than the semester even though it’s vacation… ! Everyone said that during the vacation, they would go to the mainland or go on vacation to a nearby resort island, so we… .”

In response to that grumbling, Victoria had to set an example.

“Don’t be nervous because it’s vacation. The student council is a place where others work hard while resting. Keep in mind that what we do allows others to rest.”

Victoria is strict.

both to oneself and to others.

There was even pride in the heart that others could enjoy peace by doing their best.

A favorite of royal studies, trained from a young age to rule over others.

That was Victoria Arclight.

But it was also true that there was a lot of work.

Even though it was well past morning, Victoria was a bit tired as well, with no signs of abating.

“You assigned some to Christina, right?”

Shadi nodded at Victoria’s question.

“They took half of it too.”

Even though Cristina was collaborating smoothly, this kind of workload.

I can feel how paralyzed the student council has been during that time.

Then, all of a sudden, Victoria had the idea to keep an eye on Cristina to see if she was doing well.

So, I go to the new secretary’s office and knock on the door.


A door that opens from the inside.

“Christina, how’s things going?”

“Victoria. I’m doing well even without coming to watch over you.”


I think I’ve been caught, so I coughed.

Then, looking around, I asked because I couldn’t see someone.

“Where is Hilde? Did you go out on patrol?”

“No, I haven’t seen Hilde lately.”

Hilde, the executive committee member who was clinging to Christina’s side.

I was puzzled because I couldn’t see the fort.

‘But well, it doesn’t seem to cause any unnecessary problems. Cristina doesn’t seem to be flirting with Viktor for nothing.’

Inside Victoria, Cristina was still a person of interest in many ways.

Then someone approaches and whispers in Victoria’s ear.

“Me, Chairman. A message from the older sister, Flora-sama… .”


“what… ? Bikini Island… ?”

Victoria’s expression immediately frowned.

In response, Christina asked, “What’s going on?”

As for Victoria, she just blurted out, “It’s nothing.”

However, Victoria went back to her office and rummaged through the papers.

The rights and benefits given at the same time as the duties of the student body president.

Among them, there must have been a ‘one free pass for Bikini Island every semester’.

‘Enio, that girl… !’

* * *

While Flora went to contact Ludens main island for some reason.

Enio and I were sitting on the beach, dipping our feet into the hot sand.


Could this be the sand bath?

It’s a strange feeling.

Enio, who took off his straw hat and set it down next to me, asked me.

“So how is it? Do you think the bad marks on your arm will go away?”

I looked at my left wrist.

The bruise that the goblin or whatnot had carved last night.

It still remained as a clear handprint.

If you have this, you will be out of luck for the next few days.

“I think it’s still far away.”

“Victor-kun, I’ve said it many times, but you have to have more fun. Otherwise, the marks will remain for a long time.”

I was just having fun playing with it.

Sitting quietly on the beach and doing nothing.

Taking a vacation away from work.

That alone gave me chills as if I was committing a great sin.

Shall I buy one of the grilled squids sold over there?

No, is that too extravagant?

Then I noticed that Enio was looking at the people playing on the beach with some kind of envious look.

“If you want to play in the sea, you can play.”

you don’t have to be with me

Then, Enio pulled the neck of her dress with her fingers and peeked inside.

“I was wearing a swimsuit inside. Viktor-kun, do you want to see the swimsuit I’m wearing?”

Was there a swimsuit under the white dress?

It’s Enio’s swimsuit… .

I’ve seen it quite a bit in D&A’s CG.

It must have been a velvet-like red dress with lace.

“miss you.”

To be honest, I really wanted to see it.

I think it will be thrilling in many ways.

“yes? really?”

But Enio didn’t seem to believe me.

“I didn’t expect Viktor-kun to speak so straightforwardly. What do we do. Would you like to change clothes?”

Enio glanced around.

Then, just like Flora did earlier, she grabbed the skirt of the dress with her hands and took it off.

When I was a little startled by his extremely bold move.

Enio’s white limbs were exposed on the golden sand.

Beyond that was a triangular bikini that glowed yellow.

It’s a swimsuit that I’ve never seen in CG.

It’s touching because it feels like a new achievement has been unlocked.

“… bikini.”

“Yes, it is a bikini. how is it? I heard you have to wear a bikini on Bikini Island.”

Enio seemed a bit shy.

I said.

“It’s yellow.”

“Yellow, is it strange?”

Did you think a yellow swimsuit would be weird?

Come to think of it, Enio liked yellow ribbons.

Maybe I just like yellow.

“Goes well.”

I gave the highest compliment I could on my line.

Then, now that I’ve changed into a swimsuit, I can play in the sea.

“Then play in the sea.”

“What, am I playing alone?”

“No, we can play with Flora when she comes back.”

“… … .”

Enio frowned as if he didn’t like something.

Then, he holds out an oil canister lying nearby to me.

“I’m from the north, so my skin gets damaged quickly when exposed to the sun. Then, since we’re going to play in the sea, Viktor-kun put some oil on us.”


Enio’s skin was as white as snow.

If I go out to sea in this state, I will turn into a sun-baked Enio and it will sting in many ways.

“Then lie down.”

I made Enio lie face down on the blanket under the parasol.

After that, apply oil to your hands and lightly place your hands on your back—.

“oh… !”

Enio made a strange sound.


“… No, it’s just a little cold… .”

“is it. I was inconsiderate.”

“It’s okay, so keep going.”

With Enio’s permission, I applied oil to every corner of Enio’s shoulders and back.

Every time my hand moved, Enio trembled and grabbed the sand with his hand.

“Ahhhhh… .”

You’re making a weird noise.

I seem to be trying to hold it in, but I can hear everything leaking out between my lips.

Is this oil that cold?

Although it was written on the oil canister that it contained ‘cold magic’.

Having straightened my back, I now move on to my legs.

It was when Enio’s legs and toes, which were longer than expected, were filled with oil.

“Hey, that’s it… ! As for the legs, I can apply them on my own… !”

Enio stood up and stopped me.

Seeing that his face was bright red, he seemed angry.

Was my hand too clumsy?

I was quite confident in my massage.

“Then Viktor-kun, let’s go to the sea too!”

Then Enio grabbed my hand and pulled it.

I was going to sit still, but since Flora hadn’t arrived yet, I thought it would be a pity to send Enio alone to the sea, so I got up.


it’s the sea

What, is there anything special?

“Victor-kun, shall we bet who will swim first to the buoy over there?”

“Bet. good.”

“Then, start… Ah, Viktor-kun, you’re sinking… !”

By the way, I can’t swim.

You must have done it.

Still, I thought it would be possible with this body.

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Just like a heavy piece of iron sinking into the sea, it just kept sinking.

“Victor-kun, relax your body. Does it sink if you make it that stiff? Come on, I’ll hold your hand, so try splashing with your feet.”

Plop, plop-.

“No, not splash, splash, splash.”

What’s the difference?

I do not know.


I had to learn how to swim from Enio.

Of course, there was no improvement in being taught.

“Viktor-kun is the best in school, but he is a mess at sea? I’ve never seen anyone who can’t swim like this. Phew-.”

Enio chuckled.

He wouldn’t have had much fun playing with me, but seeing him smile like this.

On the one hand, I thought it was fortunate that I couldn’t swim.


It was fun to move my body no matter what.

I glanced at my left arm and saw that the bruise was slowly fading, whether it was from the intense sunlight or some other reason.

* * *

“Look at this, I caught a crab. crab… !”

When taking a short break under a parasol.

Enio held out a crab to catch.

“Does it look like a kongkong?”

Do crabs and kongkeons look alike?

I guess you could say we look alike in a way.

The important thing was that Enio was more used to playing alone than he thought.

Even if I don’t care about it, I’m going to have a good time with myself.

By the way.

At this point, I was curious.

“Where the hell is Flora? I wonder if I should look for it at this point.”

I looked around and tried to find Flora.

Flora is like a flower in full bloom, so you can easily find her among all these bikini women.

but didn’t see


It was then that I felt like something was stuck in my ear.

When I came to my senses, a blue crab was holding my ear with tongs and hanging on.

It was because Enio held a crab in my ear.

“what? What are you doing?”

When I asked, Enio said with a cool expression.

“Now you’re looking this way.”

“… … .”

“Victor-kun is always looking for Flora-senpai. Weren’t you on good terms with Flora? It was rumored that we didn’t get along.”

There were rumors like that.

However, I’m doing pretty well these days.

I suddenly became curious.

“Enio, how are you and Flora? I wonder what their relationship is like.”

“What? not even friendly. It’s not even bad.”

is it.

It seems that Enio and Victoria were the only ones on bad terms.

Then, in the distance, I saw the familiar silver hair swaying.

I thought Flora would finally come back.

“Strange. Flora looks like two. Is it a mirage?”

A mirage that occurs in the desert.

It was also a place with sand like a desert, so it was not strange even if a mirage appeared.

But when I came a little closer.

I could tell that one side wasn’t a mirage.

“What is it, Victor? Do we all meet in a place like this?”

The guy was Victoria.

Soon, Victoria’s golden eyes looked at Enio.

“Who is this, Enio was there too. I didn’t even know it was because it was so ‘flat’.”

“… … .”

Enio’s brow furrowed.

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