But she cares about the MV of this song, because it was shot with Lin Xuan, and everyone in it is Lin Xuan’s good friends, and they are so beautiful and so beautiful, If there is no grade, An Xin will really be annoyed to death.

"How many views does the MV usually have?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Um...like if there is a recommendation, the first day's playback volume should normally be more than 1 million times. Normal people will not care about the MV. My record seems It is a maximum of 2.8 million views in a day."

An Xin said.

"That's very difficult to deal with."

An Xin shook her head and said: "The most powerful is Qi Yue, her MV has always been the most popular Welcome, because Sister Qiyue is super beautiful, and her fans like to watch the MV she starred in. Sister Qiyue’s record is 9.9 million views a day."

Lin Xuan;" ......"

"Huh? Sister Qiyue also posted a new song, Lin Xuan, it's your decent one."

Anxin saw the recommendation on the software and said excitedly .

"What excitement are you, others are our competitors." Lin Xuan said helplessly.

"Um...so too." An Xin nodded.

Then An Xin clicked on that decent song, and the song was uttered.

Listening to the prelude, Lin Xuan feels very good and very talented.

He gave lyrics and music, but they need to do the accompaniment by themselves, but it sounds pretty good.

Don’t pile up nostalgia to make the plot become bloody

After so many years of love, why ruin the classics

have grown up and are not in arrears

I’m willing to waste time

Like an actor on the curtain call

Seeing the lights go out

Lin Xuan is satisfied and nodded.

Sure enough, this Zi Qiyue is very suitable for this song. It is not the same as the tone in his impression, but it is still very suitable, and she sings very emotionally.

"It sounds good."

An Xin said.

Miao Xiaomiao also has a little head.

"It's mainly about singing." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"I don't know humility at all." An Xin muttered and then clicked on the real-time comment area.

The first comment is...

"Lin Xuan, composer? Lin Xuan, composer?"

"Wow, it sounds good, it's a god Concubine."

"Huh? Is this written for Lin Xuan, who wrote those songs for An Xin? Heavens! This Lin Xuan has only appeared for a long time since he wrote a song for the Concubine Tian."

"Wow! This Lin Xuan is really talented, why didn't he become a star? I think he can definitely become half of the music scene with his talents, even if he doesn't know the channels, the talent show that many, he just likes So I participated in a creative elective course, it was definitely a big hit."

"This is also where I admire him. He doesn't even love fame."


Obviously, An Xin’s songs have set off a wave on the continent, because her songs are now in a state of crushing dominance, and the name Lin Xuan has spread very, very widely. Suddenly, Ziqi Yue’s fans saw that Zi Qiyue made a song, and Lin Xuan was also the writer and composer. Can they be shocked?

What height is this Ziqiyue? This Lin Xuan first entered the entertainment industry, just to write a song for An Xin, Zi Qiyue, his starting point is too high, right?

But for these songs, he is qualified.

The name Lin Xuan once again set off everyone’s sense of anticipation. What are the words circulating now?

Produced by Lin Xuan, it must be a fine product.

"Then...I'm going to prepare this song." An Xin said to Lin Xuan.

"Okay, let's go together."



In the evening, they will go there after they are busy. Pay attention to this MV.

Then she was stunned.

Play volume...

8.9 million? Did she read it right?

Only a few hours? Six hours? 8.9 million views in six hours? Are you kidding me?

She rubbed her eyes and took a look. It was not 890,000, but 8.9 million!

"Lin Xuan Lin Xuan Lin Xuan!"

An Xin ran to Lin Xuan's side and showed him the phone.

"Look, six hours of nearly 9 million views, I... I may break the record."

An Xin said in surprise.


"Um... yes."

Anxin spit out her tongue.

"Let me read the comments."

Lin Xuan then took a look.

Similar to what he had guessed, the comments were all amazed by these girls. As expected, it was the last Linglong Xue's face that caused a wave of waves.

Under normal circumstances, the volume of this MV is absolutely impossible. Even in the recommended position, everyone saw the reassuring MV in time, but many people would not click in to watch it because Many of them are not interested in MVsimply.

However, it’s because someone uploaded this MV to various software after watching it, plus those software’s built-in traffic, such as Yayin and Kuaijiao. Once this kind of software becomes popular, To be honest, the playback volume is very abnormal. It is precisely because this video from a few hours ago was uploaded to those software, the playback volume exploded in a short time!

No, this is not the most exaggerated. The most exaggerated is that the number of MVs uploaded by the main software has reached nearly 9 million, but the number of plays on the audio is now 13 million. .

This is only six hours.

The hot search on Weibo has changed. This is the number one hot search, and the hot search is called......

"I call this the most beautiful picture in a thousand years"

That's right, this is the number one hot search, and what is the most beautiful picture in a thousand years?

Linglong Xue's side face.

It is precisely because of this side face, how explosive this MV spread in an instant.

The second place is the new song of Ziqiyue, but he was firmly suppressed by the news.

Sometimes, in an era when the Internet is so developed, a thing spreads so fast!

For example, a funny video, a funny sentence, a sentence pretending to be B, or something like tofu shishi, selling fish shishi, etc. The spread speed is so wide that it is unimaginable, and Linglong Xue’s The vice-side Yan is really invincible. It's actually quite normal to spread like this in six hours. Everyone who sees it wants to go.

"Little Linglong is still beautiful."

Lin Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

In fact, if the side face is changed to Bing Lingyue, Lin Ya and the others should be fine, but only Linglong Xue has that kind of temperament.

Mom! Unfathomable mystery wants to go to her to do something.

No, no, hold back, or your body will collapse.

"Linglong elder sister is really beautiful, how can you know such a beautiful girl?"

An Xin is also convinced, she is a girl who sees Linglong Xue's side face She can watch the photos or videos of her in a loop as many times as she can, let alone that many idiots.

"Che, what you said, why can't I know? I'm so good and handsome, is it hard for me to know her? It's funny."

"Oh- "

Both girls made an expression that they were about to throw up.

At this time Anxin's phone rang, and then she picked it up and took a look.

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