For about fifteen minutes, Lin Xuan was still chatting with the girls. Yes, Lin Xuan added the group where all the girls were.

What are they discussing now?

I just discussed Lin Xuan. Now Lin Xuan is okay. They are all sighed in relief. Now An Xin is also drawn into this group. They are discussing An Xin's song, but what did An Xin propose?

Although she has never met everyone, only a few, but it is said that she also heard Miao Xiaomiao say that these elder sisters are super super super beautiful, she wondered that Miao Xiaomiao is also very beautiful , Why does she use so much super?

Then Miao Xiaomiao told her how beautiful she is...

Click on the hot search, and some photos that are still on the hot search list, that is, some of their sisters shopping Among the photos taken was Linglong Xue. Those who admire them on the Internet are not too crazy. This hot search was made by those crazy people, and I was stunned when I saw it at ease.

They are very beautiful, some of them are not so beautiful, and some of them are really fairies. This is nothing, but they are all Lin Xuan's friends...Heavens! This is amazing.

And An Xin also saw that they are so beautiful. After joining a group to chat with everyone, Ling Longyue asked what An Xin’s next song was, and An Xin answered that it depends on when Lin Xuan gave it to her. , Because several of Lin Xuan's songs are still dominating the list, she is really convinced, so she really doesn't want to write it by herself, it can't be compared.

Lin Xuan happened to have an accident. She also knew that she had visited too. She was not in a hurry. She felt relieved when she saw Lin Xuan. Lin Xuan's body is more important than this.

But then she suddenly thought of something.

Because I have sung a few songs, but the songs are all going to be filmed in MV. Those who are not well-known, they don’t have the money to shoot, but she must do it, seeing so many super Super beautiful elder sister, she just derives an idea, or... please take these elder sisters together?

It just happened to be a song of youth on a sunny day. Normally, it was meant for one man and one woman, but she felt that if all were girls, it would be very beautiful to outline another beautiful picture.

So An Xin made a suggestion in the group.

There are about three kinds of responses, one belongs to Lu Yufan, Ye Yiyi can’t wait to agree, they don’t want to be famous, they like peace of mind, they think it’s fun and interesting, and I am honored that the other kind of response is Xiao Runing, which is all okay. They don't care. If they can help, it will be fine. The third is Linglong Xue's response, which is probably a slight rejection.

Lin Xuan felt that it was nothing after seeing it. Although he didn't want his women to show up, they had already made waves on the Internet, and they had already been noticed, and it didn’t matter if they missed it. Yes, but this has something to do with Lin Xuan's mission, and Lin Xuan suddenly bubbled.

"The big gangster is here, everyone, run!"

Lu Yufan posted a dynamic picture that slipped away.

Then the following is a picture of "hahaha" or "hahaha" of a few girls laughing.

"Don't do this, little fairy, give it to management, or I will be kicked again."

Lin Xuan said helplessly.

Linglong Xue was sitting on the sofa and saw Lin Xuan's words with a slight smile, which was too beautiful.

Lin Ya still gives Lin Xuan a lot of face, so he has an administrator.

Then Lin Xuan asked: "An Xin star, when the time comes, is there any MV award for the Golden Melody Award?"

"Wow, the most popular MV award of the year?" "

Seeing An Xin's reply, Lin Xuan tick the corner of his mouth.

Regardless of whether your MV is rated for the best of the year according to the amount of broadcast or something, when these girls appear on the stage, they are not stable to get them?

Lin Xuan is confident that the song itself will win the prize, but the MV is not necessarily true, but if they do, hehe, it will be different.

"Film, shoot decisively. Tomorrow happens to be the weekend. Come to me, brother, be the director."


Murong Qing Replied.

Damn, this bastard still wants her to be on camera?

"Pap, shoot, just take a few shots, why? Are you not confident in your appearance? Afraid of being compared by others?"

"I This violent temper." Murong Qing was lying on the bed and rolled the eyes, knowing that Lin Xuan was deliberately agitating her, but she was still fooled.

There is actually one reason why I don’t want to shoot. I don’t want to receive too much attention. But when I think about it, it’s nothing. It’s really nothing. She’s nothing anyway. In Murongqing’s view, perhaps more attention is needed. Linglong Xue and Bing Lingyue, these two women are her. This woman feels that if she is a man, she will have to go to them if she dies. They would rather sit in prison and wear them. They are really top grade.

Lin Xuan has a tick at the corner of his mouth.

When your own women show up, they actually feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts. Damn, you are not allowed to see Lao Tzu's women! But it's okay to think about it, because their photos are already so popular on the Internet, and they don't wear revealing clothes, shoot a MV, let you envy it! these all are Young Master's women!

"Forget it, you guys are enough, I won't, the Academy assessment, there is no time." Although Murongqing is unhappy with Lin Xuan, she really wants to play, but as a Martial God Academy instructor, these Naively, there is no time.

Xiao Runing replied with a +1.

In fact, the girls have a comparison in their hearts. I just say forget it, but I want to shoot again in my heart. After all, other girls are Go for it.

"Let's do it, after all, you are a mentor, you can get Little Ying's shadow."

"Come, come," Ling Ying replied.

"What about Little Linglong?"

Lin Xuan asked.

An Xin froze for a moment.

I just talked about it, and then Lin Xuan was already talking about it, and she just asked about the Golden Melody MV, she thought...couldn't...he really wanted to make herself At the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, you won ten awards and worked hard, right? Does he really want to pursue himself?

But there are that many beautiful girls around him! Which one is worse than her?

"Let me forget it, you guys play."

Linglong Xue still declined. Lin Xuan expected her decline, including Bing Lingyue.

"Why don't you and Little Bingbing come, I have an idea in my mind, you two should come out to have a meal with everyone, when the time comes, just make a shot It only takes one or two seconds for one person, okay?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Well then..."

Linglong Xue thinks about it, it's okay, it's just a sneak photo of a passerby while walking on the road.

"OK, just say so, come to my house tomorrow afternoon to gather, I have thought of the place."

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