After two hours, the food on the table was almost eaten, especially the wine drank more!

Of course, what I was drinking was not human wine. Yi Renbing spit out this red wine after taking a sip. It was very difficult to drink. Then she took out a large pot of Baihua Niang, and both of them drank it.

Now they are all slightly drunk. Baihua Niu is a special type of fermented wine. You will not feel drunk at all if you drink less, but once you drink too much, even if it is Heavenly Venerable Realm, you want to use spiritual It is very difficult to dispel this drunkenness with power.

"That's your taste in Linglong Xue now? You can drink this kind of rubbish."

Yi Renbing is holding his forehead with one hand, and his face is slightly red. Looking at Linglong Xue in front of him, he laughed.

"It's not important to taste or not, just get used to it slowly."

Linglong Xue's complexion is also slightly red, and Baihua Niang is a bit punchy.

Both of them are actually kind of hard-spoken people. Although their personalities are different, they care about each other very much in their hearts, but they don't care about each other.

In Linglong Xue's life, apart from Bing Lingyue later, only Yi Renbing is a good friend. For Yi Renbing, Linglong Xue is the same!

Both of them regard each other as friends and they are also the motivation for mutual supervision and cultivation.

Their innate talent and bloodline are both Peak's, and even Yi Renbing is faster than Linglong Xue cultivation. Of course, it is not innate talent inferior. Linglong Xue's spatial difficulty is more difficult than her cultivation. It's really harder.

"Didn't you say... five hundred... impossible to be promoted to Heavenly Dao Realm within the year? What? You lied to me at that time and wanted me to relax the cultivation, right? Then surpass me. Fortunately, I'm exceptionally intelligent, otherwise I was deceived by you."

Yi Renbing said in a slightly drunk tone.


Linglong Xue shook his head slightly: "I never lied to you, Heavenly Dao Realm... Lin Xuan helped me get promoted."


Yi Renbing's movements stopped.

"You fart, what is he? A humble and weak bastard... Can he help Linglong Xue advance to Heavenly Dao?"


Linglong Xue is slightly nodded.

"He is a bastard. I admit that he is weak...I admit that, as for the humble...Humans and demons coexist in the world. Demons desperately cultivate and want to transform into human form. Why are humans humble? Man is the spirit of all things Long, as for Heavenly Dao...he really helped me get promoted."

"I don’t care about these, why do you like him?"

Yi Renbing puts down his hands and looks looked towards Linglong Xue.

"Perhaps... it's fate."

"I think you are getting more and more depraved."

"You may just get along with him for a while. I gradually feel that he is no longer so ordinary."

"I will kill him..."

"You won't..."

Yi Renbing Looking at Linglong Xue.

"I really want to kill you!"

Yirenbing panting with rage drank the cup of Hundred Flowers in front of him, and then suddenly smashed the cup.

Incompetent furious!

Ahhh! So angry!

"Gold Spirit Pill, give it to me."

Linglong Xue then said slightly.


Yi Renbing stood up.

"Then borrow my top grade Tianlian seed."

"You wishful thinking! Go away."

Yirenbing then disappeared in place, But there is a pure snow-white sky lotus seed on the table in front of him.

Linglong Xue stood up and picked up the top grade Tianlian seed, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.


At twelve o'clock in the evening, the densely packed crowd was at Martial God Academy.

These are the people who came back from the first day of the assessment, and they will accept cruel rankings.

Everyone turned in the demon crystal, and those mentors were quickly calculating the scores and rankings!

"Okay, now we will read all the names of the promotion, please come to this area."

Ling Ying and Han Chuxue appeared not far away, they Looking for Lin Xuan, he found that Lin Xuan did not appear here. What's the matter?

Did he forget the time at Linglong Xue? No, he wouldn't be that stupid.

Wang Xintong is also looking for Lin Xuan, but he didn't find it either.

And that Murong Yu also paid a little attention, but did not see Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan killed that many demonic beast. She absolutely believes that Lin Xuan can advance, but why didn't he appear here? If a person does not come, even if he kills more demonic beasts, it will be considered eliminated.

"Zhang Meng, Qin Chao, Zhang Haoming..."

One after another name was pronounced, and at the same time, a huge large screen in front of them displayed their scores and rankings!

Time slowly passed, and all the list of advancements came out.

Murong Yu and the others are even more puzzled, because they did not see Lin Xuan's name, nor did they really see him appear.

Has it been eliminated?

Then Qin Ming and Su Zhiming and even Xiao Yun and the others are naturally concerned about Lin Xuan. When they didn't even see Lin Xuan's ranking and people, they couldn't help but sneered.

"Sure enough, this Lin Xuan is so ordinary. He can't even enter the Martial God Academy assessment. It's really a spicy chicken."

Su Zhiming said with a smile.

"But it's impossible. His attribute is here. It really defeated you and me at the time. It stands to reason that he can definitely pass this test."

Qin Ming browses tightly knit thinking.

"Maybe you took drugs when you defeated us? Not anymore? Don't take him too hard."

Su Zhiming said.

Qin Ming did not speak.

"Chuxue, what's the matter?"

Ling Ying asked.

Han Chuxue shook his head, she didn't know.

Didn’t it say that Lin Xuan was with Linglong Xue? Why...

Did something happen to him?

This is their idea.

At this time, Na Luo Xiu said: "In addition, there is another special thing."

Everyone looked towards Luo Xiu curiously.

"There is another member who is promoted, and that is Lin Xuan."

Upon hearing Luo Xiu's words, the girls who followed Lin Xuan suddenly sighed in relief.

They just said, how could Lin Xuan fail to advance?

Luo Xiu then said: "Lin Xuan is ranked 521."


Su Zhiming sneered.

Five hundred and twenty-one, really rubbish, what about promotion?

It seems very ordinary.

It's very ordinary. Lin Xuan has reached the 521th place after a few hours. If he is a day, the first three are stable.

Then Luo Xiu said: "Because Lin Xuan had some accidents, he can't come here now."

At this time, the man who ranked just in 2001 stood up and said: "Associate Dean, this is not fair. The rules clearly state that if a person arrives in the future, he will be considered eliminated. Associate Dean, even if he has enough points, but he hasn't arrived now, I don’t care whether it’s injured or something. This is not in compliance with the regulations, right?"

Hearing what he said, many people who had been eliminated expressed their discomfort one after another.

"Well... it is true, but his problem is special."

"What's special?"

"The danger he encounters is Heavenly Dao Realm is dangerous, so Academy chooses to be tolerant!"

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