Murong Yu's gaze has been looking down, watching Lin Xuan little by little fighting among hundreds of Demon Beasts and then killing them.

What surprised her was that she herself was a Martial Artist of Space Attribute, and she could see that Lin Xuan had too much control over her space.

"Thunder's attack uses the displacement of space to make an unexpected all-round sudden attack. You can control ten thunders at the same time in an instant. This must be achieved by how purely control the space is."

Murong Yu is secretly frightened.

She believes that her space is definitely inferior to Lin Xuan, and she is far behind.

She puts herself in Lin Xuan's current situation. If she does not release a powerful range attack, she will be very tricky, because her space is definitely not as skilled as Lin Xuan, hundreds of demonic Beast attacks, constantly strikes remotely, all directions are to be avoided, he needs to perceive the remoteness of all directions, he needs to dodge melee, and he needs to solve the opponent, even in this case, he can also coordinate the space and thunder She thinks it is difficult for her to use it.

Sure enough, in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself, she is not jealous, but this inspired her strong fighting intent!

Others are probably still on the road, but Murong Yu did not continue to fight, she is standing here, after watching Lin Xuan solve these demonic beasts!

I admire it, mainly because why he dared to fight like this!

If you just make sure that the demonic beast level here is like this, then you can fight like this, but there will even be Heavenly Venerable Realm here. Maybe the powerhouse of Supreme Void Realm exists, you are so high profile, you What about Space Attribute? If you encounter a demon who is also a powerful Space Attribute, there is no escape.

So Murong Yu doesn't think Lin Xuan's approach is correct.

"Law Principle Realm seven stars."

Lin Xuan took a long breath.

Tired! It's really tired! The spiritual power consumption is too serious. This is basically... No, this is definitely not what the current Martial Artist can do! Without the Spirit Recovery Pill given by Linglong Xue, Lin Xuan would simply be impossible to support it until now! And Martial Artists without spiritual power are athletes who have lost their legs, so Lin Xuan is really risky!

But everything is worth it. I got two stars and killed that many demonic beasts!

Lin Xuan sat where he was restoring his spiritual power and physical strength. The whole square was filled with a strong bloody smell that made people nauseous. Then Murong Yu walked down and smelled the bloody smell and frowned his eyebrows. .

It's crazy.

"Hey, don't you want to grab my demon crystal."

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and said to Murong Yu cute.

"Even if I grab it, it's compliant."

Murong Yu said.

Lin Xuan nodded: "It’s right to meet the regulations, but I will be very sad."

Murong Yu: "..."

She is naturally Not going to grab it, her personality is like this, Lin Xuan is also very clear, although she is not very familiar with her, but Lin Xuan guesses that is the case, this is the personality of the girl.

"I went to other places, please be careful."

Murong Yu said.

"Are you caring about me?"

Lin Xuan looked at Murong Yu with a grin.

There is no change in Murong Yu's expression.

"Friends should care about it, and if you die, who do I call for a breakthrough?"

Murong Yu walked away .

Lin Xuan took a look at Murong Yu's favorability towards him, which has not increased.

Wow! How to increase the favorability of this woman! It's too difficult!

Lin Xuan then elated these demon crystals.

"The demon crystals on this trip may be enough to enter the top two thousand."

Lin Xuan muttered to himself, but not necessarily, but he obviously What is done is something that no one else dares to do. Who dares to be so public in the demonic beast?

Time passed slowly, and the sky gradually brightened.

Lin Xuan no longer knows how many Demon Beasts he killed. Later, he really didn’t dare to publicize it anymore. Spirit Strength Value simply is not enough. If your Spirit Strength Value is not enough, you will meet When it's in danger, you can't run it if you want to use Space Attribute.

The sky is gradually breaking dawn, Lin Xuan sits on a tree to recover his strength! He thought that it should be enough! Because he really kills demonic beasts much faster than others.

More and more people have come to the city center, and a lot of people have seen this scene!

They were so surprised!

What happened to this fuck! How come the corpses of demonic beasts are all over the floor!

If it were just a corpse of a demonic beast, they would suspect that it was a fight between the demonic beasts, but they found that all the demonic beasts had been taken away, so they knew it. The students they assessed did it!

Who is it?

They are all meditating.

There are so many demonic beast corpses here, so there shouldn’t be too many demonic beasts on the person who killed these demonic beasts. Go straight to grab the demonic beasts from him. It’s more likely than they can do it for a day. The efficiency is high.

Lin Xuan jumped from the tree at this time!

I don’t want to stay in this place anymore. It is full of demonic beast corpses. The smell of blood is pungent. Murong Yu has left long ago. After all, she is a beautiful girl. She doesn’t want to run around, on the ground. His blood spilled blood on the skirt and legs.

When Lin Xuan landed, the eyes of about five or six people around him all looked towards Lin Xuan.

"It's him! It's him!"

A person pointed to Lin Xuan and shouted.

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"Our friend, little nezha?"

Lin Xuan replied in confusion.

Everyone:? ? ?

"It's him, I remember him, he is Thunder Attribute, and purple thunder, there are signs of thunder strikes everywhere, so these demonic beasts should be killed by him, the demon crystal must be there On his body, and he is here again, he must have been restoring spiritual power just now!"

Another person pointed to Lin Xuan and shouted.

Lin Xuan: "..."

The last second may have been a little dazed, but now looking at these people, they look at me with eyes that look like little white rabbits, Lin Xuan I understand!

Feelings, they are trying to grab their own demon crystal!

At this time Lin Xuan said: "Big brothers, it's really not me!"

"You still quibble!"

"Think about it, I It’s Thunder Attribute, but I’m a Martial Artist of Law Principle Realm. I’m not Domain Realm. Where is my strength to solve so many demonic beasts here? Look again, there is also Law Principle Realm ten, half There are several demonic beasts, how can I beat them?"

When they heard Lin Xuan's words, they glanced at it, and it seemed that it was indeed the case!

"Then what do you say?"

Lin Xuan said: "It's Murong Yu, that's the beautiful girl with blue hair and blue eyes. She is so fierce, all hers Killed, I saw hundreds of demon crystals on her body. If several brothers can give her, wouldn’t the demon crystal be beautiful?"


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