Ling Ying pulled Han Chuxue panting with rage away, and Lin Xuan laughed helplessly behind.

They are quite tolerant of themselves, Lin Xuan is just joking, of course, if you can, of course you can move your body, warm up.

"Heavenly Flower City..."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin, thinking about something.

Monster Race captured Heavenly Flower City, and Heavenly Flower City is a brand-new city. The demonic beasts are naturally willing to live in such a city. Needless to say, the number of demonic beasts in the city It must be very much. This is not the key. The key is those demonic beasts. They are just like human beings. Living in a city, a brand-new city is naturally the best, so Heavenly Flower City should There are quite a few demonic beasts like this!

And demonic beast transformation, the minimum is Domain Realm!

So Lin Xuan also knows what Ling Ying means, which is very dangerous.

Heavenly Flower City, true heart is not necessarily safer than Endless Forest, but it is almost the same in comparison! At most, in the endless forest, as long as you stay on the periphery, it is basically impossible to encounter a powerful demonic beast, and Heavenly Flower City, there may be a powerful demonic beast anywhere.

Of course, demonic beast, like people, has high and low, and also has a sense of self-esteem. Places with high-rise buildings like the city center must be powerful demonic beasts and more places. Everyone knows everything well in their hearts, and if you're awesome, you must live in a good place. Maybe monsters like those exquisite and noble communities are the most amazing, or some of them live in villas.

"Lin Xuan, assembled."

Wang Xintong shouted Lin Xuan from below.


Lin Xuan jumped down.

Coming to the back of the crowd, Lin Xuan's eyes saw Ou Zhenjie next to Murong Yu.

Obviously, this Murong Yu's cousin must like her, and his advantage is that a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first. The relationship is here. He asked Murong Yu to talk or something, Murong Yu is sorry for not replying.

"Everyone is ready!"

Luo Xiu said!


"Okay, let’s go to Heavenly Flower City!"


An hour later, all right The good crowd came to Heavenly Flower City. Of course, everyone had sent the teleport spar.

"Here is the Heavenly Flower City ahead. It is now 11:40, and I will enter the Heavenly Flower City on time in 20 minutes. It will still be here to gather at this time tomorrow! Remember the time!"

Luo Xiu said!


On the other side, in a room in the main hall of Myriad Monsters Alliance, there are several silhouettes sitting.

"Everyone, I got a tip in Martial God Academy, the human Lin Xuan is now outside Heavenly Flower City."

The speaker is a burly middle-aged man. , Obviously this is a demonic beast character.

The name Lin Xuan has a strong response in Monster Race!

In fact, the previous events are nothing, but one of the most critical reasons for the entire Monster Race is that Lin Xuan destroyed a large number of Void Sky Crystals in Monster Race!

These are the void celestial crystals collected by Monster Race for many years. If this void celestial crystal can always exist, it will be of great significance to Monster Race. They can take the shortest time Take down the cities of Human Race one after another, because the power of these void celestial crystals can instantly teleport millions of troops to a certain position. In this case, Human Race can't defend it at all!

However, the entire Monster Race did not expect that a young man named Lin Xuan appeared in Human Race. He unexpectedly discovered this thing and then destroyed the Void Sky Crystal!

It can be simply said that Lin Xuan ruined Monster Race's several decades of plans! So in Monster Race, you can imagine how much they hate Lin Xuan!

They have been paying attention to Lin Xuan, even in Human Race, there is their Myriad Monsters Alliance powerhouse spy, and there is even a special task, that is, always paying attention to Lin Xuan's movements! But absolutely don't move him, don't move anyone around him, because Myriad Monsters Alliance also knows that there is a Void Fox around Lin Xuan, so Lin Xuan joined the Martial God Academy and naturally spread to this side! Of course, the establishment of Martial God Academy is naturally in the eyes of Monster Race.

Martial God Academy they can't help it, now the important thing for them is Lin Xuan!

In the eyes of Myriad Monsters Alliance, Lin Xuan is a very important part!

This person does not need to kill. They think that if they can win Lin Xuan, they will get more benefits than killing him!

Such as genetic medicine, such as Void Fox...

There is so much to get!

"Hmm...Have you arrived at Heavenly Flower City?"

"Here! They are about to enter Heavenly Flower City."

"The existence of Heavenly Flower City There is no need, and the demise of Human Race is only a matter of time."

A man said: "But this Human Race created Martial God Academy. The strength and potential of Martial God Academy are indeed incredible. Slightly, Lord Ice God is already preparing a series of methods."

"There are a lot of Human Race geniuses in Martial God Academy, but they still need time to grow, which is not enough for the time being. Fear, these young people, one by one, proud and arrogant, think that they are fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, omnipotent. We, Myriad Monsters Alliance, can find countless opportunities to kill them, but now, Lord Ice God pays more attention to Lin. Xuan, more importantly, the boy named Lin Xuan!"

"Great Elder, in your opinion?"

Myriad Monsters Alliance is a huge organization of Monster Race. In this way, Human Race has Three Great Influences, while Monster Race has only one Myriad Monsters Alliance and one Great Influence, but the Myriad Monsters Alliance has a total of thirteen temples. Each Divine Demon Temple is responsible for one party, and Heavenly Flower City is Myriad Monsters Alliance is in charge of the tenth Divine Demon Temple. Every Monster God Temple Lord is called Monster God. That must be the existence of Heavenly Dao Realm! At least have absolute right to speak here!

Myriad Monsters Alliance thirteen Divine Demon Temples, thirteen Monster Gods have the same status, but the strength is not big. You can’t say that the Monster God of the first Divine Demon Temple is the most powerful, and the thirteenth Divine Demon Temple Monster God is the weakest, this is not necessarily true! And the Monster God of the tenth Divine Demon Temple is called by them the Ice God, and Elder is the strongest under this Monster God.

And Lin Xuan has even attracted the attention of the tenth Temple Lord of the Myriad Monsters Alliance Divine Demon Temple, which is enough to show how much the Myriad Monsters Alliance cares about Lin Xuan.

"This Lin Xuan is the only Human Race teenager that the deity has seen for so many years, and the Ice God Lord is very concerned. Those major genetic medicines are very terrifying, and they can even create improvements. The attribute is pure genetic medicine, and this method is monopolized by it. One of the most important formulas is called chalcedony fluid, but the deity has not found the existence of chalcedony fluid after going through the ancient book! Therefore, we can only draw in To this Lin Xuan!"

Great Elder glanced at the crowd and said.

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