They have seen someone with purple innate talent in front of them. So far, only one person has participated in the assessment. Although it is a purple innate talent, it is not full of innate talent, and the color change is very slow. Yes, the first three colors are very fast, and the latter is changed by little by little, and finally becomes a purple innate talent. Very reluctant!

But this person, in one second, seven color changes fell on the deepest purple, and he could see how easy it was at a glance.

Obviously this person's innate talent is much better than the previous one!

Xiao Runing thinks that Lin Xuan is full of innate talents. It is not surprising that he is not too surprised! Very happy for him!

Su Zhiming and the others saw that Lin Xuan was full of purple talent, and secretly clenched their fists.

To be honest, unhappy! Extremely unhappy!

"Lin Xuan is purple and full of innate talent."

Ling Ying said in surprise.

"It's not too surprising what he said." Han Chuxue said slightly nodded.

"We are both purple and full of innate talents. Lin Xuan is not that good, just like us." Ling Ying said proudly.

Just when Ling Ying finished talking...


The innate talent stone exploded directly.

Everyone: "..."

"Fuck! What's the situation? It exploded?"

"Fuck? Broken! Or is it...explosive? It’s a watch?"

"The innate talent is out of order? How could it be possible! A Thunder Attribute is out of order? Just kidding! It's probably really broken."

"... "

Everyone discusses spiritedly.

This is definitely the most mysterious thing they have seen today.

"Damn! What's the matter."

Lin Xuan withdrew his hand and shook it.

Xiao Runing looked at this scene in astonishment.

"I said, this is not a fake and shoddy product, right?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"This...I don't know. It's the first time I have used this thing. I don't understand why this happens. Wait a minute and I will ask."

Then Xiao Runing ran away quickly.

"Vice Dean Luo Xiu..."

Xiao Runing came to Luo Xiu.

"Teacher Xiao, what's the matter?"

"When an Academy was appraising innate talent, the innate talent stone exploded. I don’t know what happened. It might be bad. Now, is there any extra innate talent stone?"


Hearing Xiao Runing's words, Luo Xiu showed a shocked expression!

"You said... someone identified innate talent, the innate talent stone burst?"

Xiao Runing nodded.

"Is it broken?"

"No! No! No way! It is his innate talent that surpasses the purple full innate talent, the is innate talent stone can't bear it anymore His innate talent power!"

Murongqing; "..."

No way? Is this Lin Xuan really an evildoer?

"Quickly, take me to see!"

Then Xiao Runing brought Luo Xiu there.

Luo Xiu took out another innate talent stone and looked at Lin Xuan.

"You caused the innate talent stone to explode?"

Luo Xiu asked.

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

"Associate Dean, are you going to rely on me? I can say yes, this is your quality problem, it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Xuan, hurry up Said.

", try again!"

Luo Xiu put the new innate talent stone on the table.

"Now, I can say it's okay. I can't blame me if it's broken. My family is poor and I can't afford it."

Luo Xiu and Xiao Runing couldn't bear it. Live a twitch.

"Yes! You can appraise it!"

Lin Xuan then put his hand on it.

Red, orange, red, green, blue, blue and purple...


The innate talent stone burst again.

"I'm going! You guys won't buy fakes, right? You make me feel that Martial God Academy is so low, shouldn't it be a lie?"

Lin Xuan Road.

Everyone: "..."

They also want to know what's going on, why are they all right next to them?

"hahaha ——"

Luo Xiu couldn't help laughing, then patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder.

Lin Xuan looked dumbfounded.

"Go to the third round." Luo Xiu said to Lin Xuan.


"Well, naturally passed."

"Many thanks."

Then Lin Xuan left Past.

Everyone looks dumbfounded.


Is it possible that the innate talent will survive a stone burst?

"Associate Dean, I am not convinced! Why can he live? If so, I can live too. I only need to release a little bit of strength to smash the innate talent stone, and I can live too! Why eliminate me!"

A teenager said unconvinced!

"Oh? Really? Then you try! Shatter him, if you shatter it, I will let you pass!"

Luo Xiu said to him!

"Okay! You said it!"


In the next moment, a monstrous thunder blasted on the innate talent stone! The entire table was annihilated instantly!

The dust dissipated, and the innate talent stone was on the ground intact.

"hmph! Do you think I have any personal affair in Martial God Academy? Why do you let us Martial God Academy against you? Do you have this qualification?"

Luo Xiu looked at that person coldly and said.

The man was speechless.

"Then why does it pass?"

"There are two ways to make the innate talent stone explode. First, your strength reaches the Domain Realm five-star, so you can Destroy the innate talent stone. Second, your innate talent is beyond the scope of the innate talent stone's appraisal! Do you understand?"

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, everyone was dumbfounded!

Has the innate talent of the person just surpassed the purple full innate talent? Did he really let the innate talent burst?

Xiao Runing showed a surprised expression.

It seems that she still underestimated Lin Xuan.

Ling Ying and Han Chuxue also glanced at each other.

"That...I put away what I just said."

Ling Ying said very helplessly.

The watch is out!

However, they don't understand what this means, but Luo Xiu understands!

"Keep on being firm!"

Luo Xiu can't wait to tell the dean of this news to them.

I just left for thirty seconds...


There was a sound of popping the watch again from behind.

Everyone: "..."

Na Luo Xiu stopped and turned around and took a look.


It’s not...

How many years there hasn’t been any evildoer, why are there two in a day today?

Luo Xiu then rushed over, looking towards Murong Yu.

It turned out to be her!

Then he is slightly balanced! That means there is only one.

Murong Yu withdrew his hand.

"It's gone, it's gone, go to the third round." Luo Xiu said to Murong Yu.

Murong Yu nodded and then walked away.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The beauty with blue hair is so cruel this day.

Luo Xiu then hurry away!

"The Dean!"

Luo Xiu entered a room and shouted.

"Go in!"

Then Luo Xiu walked in, and inside was a white haired old man.

"Dean, there is..."

The white haired old man raised his hand and said, "I know what you want to say."

Luo Xiu is not surprised.

"For us Martial God Academy, for our Human Race, this is definitely unexpected harvest!"

Luo Xiu said excitedly.


white haired old man nodded; "This is what I didn't expect. As the third person in the history to have an innate talent, Xiao Yu, I thought she was the only one in this era, and didn't expect to have a Legendary boy. It is my great fortune for Human Race."

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