A lot of people, the surrounding is very lively, the genius gathering from the Five Great Empires is here.

Lin Xuan looked at the time. Today is the first day of the assessment. The first batch of these people will end the assessment today. Tomorrow will be the second batch. The assessment time starts at 8 o'clock, and it is now 8 o'clock. Up!

The people who come now are basically the people who were assessed today. Lin Xuan glanced around and started with 30,000 people!

Many people will choose to bypass the first day and choose the last day for the assessment. These people are actually smart, because everyone knows how the opening of Martial God Academy has caused the whole continent. It's a sensation, everyone can't wait to enter Martial God Academy, can catch up with the first day, the first day starts, everyone can't wait to come over! So this first day of assessment must be the day with the most people and the most brutal day of competition!

"A lot of girls."

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

These are the geniuses who have gathered the five continents of Great Empire, and they are all born in wealthy families.

Wang Xintong; "..."

Old color embryo.

At this time, the illusion in front of him suddenly disappeared, and everyone let out a surprise.

"Damn! I'll just say, where is Martial God Academy, it's right in front of you!"

"This wall is probably made of special materials, I'm afraid Domain Realm It may not necessarily be able to smash this wall in a short time. This Martial God Academy’s handwriting is really big."

"The biggest handwriting is this illusion! It's amazing!"


The people around exclaimed.

At this time, the huge gate of Martial God Academy opened, and a group of people walked out of it.

Murong Qing!

Lin Xuan; "..."

Lin Xuan was also taken aback when he saw Murong Qing walking in front.

This girl came here without saying a word?

Fuck me! Don't tell him, do it!

There are a few middle-aged man behind Murongqing, a few old men, and more than a dozen youngsters!

Lin Xuan also saw a few acquaintances!

Su Zhiming from Bingdu, Qin Ming is here, and Xiao Yun from Tiandu is also here! Of course, this must be a very small part of those who are pre-determined!

According to Xiao Runing, there are close to 500 people who are scheduled.

There are too many people, whether it is Su Zhiming, Qin Ming or Xiao Yun, they are actually looking for Lin Xuan.

In their eyes, Lin Xuan is their enemy!

In fact, Lin Xuan almost has the qualifications to be appointed by default, but how to say it? The realm is too low, the default is basically no Law Principle Realm five-star, the lowest is Law Principle Realm eight stars, Han Chuxue and others are not as lazy as Lin Xuan, they are almost the Domain Realm, Lin Xuan goes to Bingdu All kinds of joy, they are desperately leveling!

"Everyone! Please be quiet."

The speaker is an old man who should have a lot of cards in this Martial God Academy. After all, this is the first place in Martial God Academy. In one day of enrollment, he is at the lowest level of the dean of teaching, or maybe it is the level of Vice Principal.

"Thank you all for joining Martial God Academy. At Martial God Academy, I can assure you that as long as you are willing to improve yourself, this place will be much bigger than any Academy will give you. Martial God Academy, there are only two words, cruel! The rules are cruel and the competition is cruel, but I dare say that as long as you can stay here, what you get will be a qualitative leap. Of course, the premise is that you are willing to endure hardship. I am willing to face danger! I am one of the deputy deans of Martial God Academy, and I am also from Divine Temple. My name is Luo Xiu. From now on, you can call me the deputy dean Luo!"

Luo Xiu glanced at the crowd and said, "Since everyone is here and the time is up, let's get straight to the subject. As the highest school in history, Martial God Academy has very strict requirements for students. You are all from The genius of each empire and each city, but genius is nothing in Martial God Academy. What Martial God Academy wants to create is evil! Genius is not worth mentioning in front of evil! In Martial God Academy, time and Space Attribute's Martial Artist will compare There are many more in your imagination. Double attribute and even three attribute Martial Artist will be beyond your imagination. There is even one person who has time and Space Attribute at the same time!"

Lin Xuan: "..."

This TM is too exaggerated! Sure enough, in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself. Some people have a Space Attribute and they can’t be stunned. As everyone knows, some people still have space and time!

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, everyone sucked in a cold breath.

Originally, they thought they had a Thunder Attribute. The dark attribute was really satisfied. Suddenly they heard that there is no shortage of Martial Artists in time and space in this Martial God Academy. There are three attributes, and some have both time and space. Yes, in an instant they felt that they had become stupid from genius!

This Martial God Academy is too terrifying.

"So I won't say much about anything else, you weigh yourself, whether you still have the courage to continue to join Martial God Academy, if you are lucky enough to be able to enter Martial God Academy, become a member of Martial God Academy , I hope you are also ready to change from being a shining genius to being here at the bottom!"

"Okay, now we are going to the first round of Martial God Academy's first round assessment, attribute assessment! These all are Martial! The instructors of God Academy, as well as the geniuses appointed by Martial God Academy. Next, Martial God Academy will open 20 channels, and 20 instructors will personally identify attributes for you! Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth single attribute You will be eliminated. Even if you are rare attributes such as wind and ice, if the attribute's purity is not high, then you will be eliminated. Of course, if you are the ordinary attributes of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, but your essence is pure Very high, surpassing the common martial artist, that can pass the first round assessment!"

Then Murongqing and the others sat at the door of Martial God Academy, with a table in front of them.

"Now please line up in front of the twenty instructors in an orderly manner for the first round attribute assessment!"

Then more than 30,000 people lined up in an instant!

What makes everyone very excited is......

This fuck! The quality of the instructors of Martial God Academy is so abnormal!

Of course they saw Murong Qing!

Isn’t this a bit too pretty?

Is this a mentor?

Fuck me!

You have to join Martial God Academy even if you die!

Then a picture appeared, Murong Qing's long line in front of the other nineteen tutors more than doubled!

So, this is still an era of looking at faces.

One by one passed the first round assessment. Basically, very few people were screened by the first round. Since you have come to prove that you are capable and confident, this first round is just an attribute. Since you are called a genius, even if your attributes are single and ordinary, you are basically extraordinary.

The first round assessment speed is quite fast. Although there are many people, there are 20 channels, and you can reach out and release your power to be identified. It will not take much time. All those who have passed will enter the Martial God Academy. I walked into the door and started the second round assessment.

"I should be able to pass?"

Wang Xintong was a little timid.

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