Bai Xuanxuan walked out quickly.

Girls like this are huge and beautiful, and this kind of beauty is not made up at all, such as going out or something, they spend less time by many times.

Bai Xuanxuan came out and saw Lin Xuan still lying on the bed, then stood there hesitated, and said: "I'm going to get dressed."

Although if Lin Xuan treats her Grandfather is cured. She is really willing to be Lin Xuan's lover, but you have to be cured. Before that, she is impossible to have any close relationship with Lin Xuan.

"Then I will go wash if I kiss."

Lin Xuan moved his face together.

Bai Xuanxuan; "..."

She pushed Lin Xuan away, and then lightly saying: "I said, you will heal my grandfather, whatever you want ."

"Oh? Anyway?"

Lin Xuan gave a smirk.


"Hahaha, you said."

Lin Xuan then laughed and walked to the bathroom.

Bai Xuan Xuan black brows slightly wrinkle, did he think of something abnormal?

After the two changed clothes, they went out.

"Can you give me your number? When the time comes, I will call you."

Bai Xuanxuan said to Lin Xuan.

"Well, I'll call you, you can save it."

After saving the phone, Bai Xuanxuan hurriedly walked away.

"Little elder sister, why are you looking at me with worship?"

Lin Xuan looked towards the little elder sister at the front desk.

"Little brother, you are so amazing, you can meet such a beautiful woman for a P."

The little elder sister at the front desk was really surprised.

I thought they were boyfriends and girlfriends last night, but the woman asked him for a number just now. It must not be a boyfriend. It must be an appointment. It’s amazing! She has only seen this level girl on the Internet.

"He he he, it's so charming, no way."

"Then little brother, would you like to think about me? Baoye 800."

She I feel that a woman of that level can be conquered, so it must be very difficult to deal with. She usually covers three thousand nights.

Lin Xuan glanced at her.

The beauty is actually a beauty, but compared with Bai Xuanxuan and the others, the difference is too big.

"Tired, goodbye."


After going out, I just received a message from Ling Ying.

Tomorrow Martial God Academy enrollment assessment begins!

She and Han Chuxue passed by today as requested.

"Tomorrow is Martial God Academy's assessment, then it is estimated that Xiao Ningning and the others have also gone ahead of time. Are you going to accompany the little fairy today or who?"

Then Lin Xuan went to accompany Lin Ya during the day, and when it got dark, Lin Xuan decisively went to Linglong Xue and the others!

I was so angry that Bai Xuanxuan was hooked last night, so I had to look for Little Linglong.

Ling Ying and the others have gone to Martial God Academy, Lin Ya Lin Xuan is reluctant to push her down now, isn't Linglong Xue the only one to push her down?

See if there is a chance tonight.

Regarding Martial God Academy, Wang Xintong also went to take a look. This is where he can improve himself. What if he really passes the assessment?

"Little Linglong, I am going to Martial God Academy tomorrow, so I can't come to accompany you every day."

Lin Xuan aggrievedly said to Linglong Xue.

"Well, it's good."

Linglong Xue nodded said.

"Damn! It's good? You think I'm annoying! Wu wu wu."

" are finally going to improve yourself."

Linglong Xue said.

How long has Lin Xuan's realm been slack? She knows too well!

"But I can't bear you."

Lin Xuan's head rests on Linglong Xue's chest.

Linglong Xue avoided flexibly.

"Smelly Rogue!"

Linglong Yue mumbled uncomfortably.

"Big sister, I play with my woman, I am a gangster."

Lin Xuan gave Linglongyue a stare.


Linglong Xue sniffed slightly with her pretty and straight nose.

Today Lin Xuan has a new woman's smell.

"I don't know how long the assessment will take. By the way, Little Linglong, can you get top grade Tianlianzi?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Lin Xuan still has some understanding of these. Tianlian seeds are already very rare. What is the concept of top grade Tianlian seeds? For example, Tianlianzi is a very rare medicinal material, and the top grade Tianlianzi is its ancestor. The former may find ten plants in the entire continent a year, and the latter may find one plant in the entire continent in ten years, that is amazing! So Lin Xuan thinks Bai Xuan Xuan should not be found! Because there is really very little, no matter what resources she uses.


Linglong Xue nodded.

Lin Xuan; "..."

Wow! Heavenly Dao Realm deserves to be Heavenly Dao Realm! Flow batch.

"I want it."

"Give it to you in a few days, I have to go back and pick it."

"Good! many thanks Little Linglong Now, fragrant one."

Then Lin Xuan directly leaned over and took a hard sip at her powder cheek.

Linglong Xue: "..."

"Bah! I went back to my room to play games, small dragon, you sleep with me tonight."

Linglongyue returned to the room with the small dragon in her arms.

"I'm going back too, play with Yue'er, you guys talk."

Bing Lingyue smiled and walked back to his room.

"Hehe, Little Linglong, let's go back to the room and rest."

Linglong Xue didn't say anything, and went straight back to the room.


An hour later, Lin Xuan was holding Linglong Xue's lovable body, but she didn't move it.

Lin Xuan is so uncomfortable!

"Little Linglong, just once."

Lin Xuan hugged her fragrant lovable body and dangled slightly.

"No, you can find other girls."

Linglong Xue replied.

Originally, she thought it was okay, but when Lin Xuan smelled of other girls, she was upset.

Although I can't say it, I don't think there is anything. This is Lin Xuan's freedom. She doesn't care about it, but it's normal to know that you are unhappy!

You already have that many beautiful girls by your side, and you still go to provoke new girls.

"Then we don't pa pa pa, you can always figure it out for me."

Lin Xuan whispered in Linglong Xue's ear.

"No way."

Linglong Xue lightly saying.

Lin Xuan cried and touched Linglong Xue's lower abdomen.

"Baby, you said that father is so miserable. I finally came to see you, but your mother didn't let me come in to see you."

Linglong Xue: "..."

"I just wanted to come in and see you, but was rejected by your mother, wu wu have to be responsible for me."

"Hey... I won't come in this time. Look at you, I won’t be able to come in to see you for half a year... What should I do... I have to miss you."

Lin Xuan started acting there.

Linglong Xue; "..."

I really want to punch him.

Then she sighed slightly.

Think about it, basically you can’t do that anymore when you are pregnant for 3 months later. After all, she is Lin Xuan’s woman. It has been more than two months now... Tomorrow he will go to Martial God Academy is here...

"Then...then you go take a bath first."

Linglong Xue said quietly while lying there with his back to Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan "rubbed" and sat up.

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