Lin Xuan and Murongqing looked at the old man.

But at this time, he could see Murong Qing from close!

It's so beautiful, so beautiful!

Maybe God gave him a chance instead of killing her!

That's also just right!

But is Lin Xuan a fool? Why doesn't he run?

There is that uneasy feeling, because the other party clearly perceives the power released by him, he should also know that his strength lies here, so why not run?

Why do they still look like serene?

Not afraid?

Why not be afraid?

In fact, as a vigilant person, he has done a good job. He didn't give the other party any chance and just made a big move. Since there is a Space Attribute, it makes sense to hide. In, although the probability is not big! Logically speaking, if you didn't kill, then you just slipped away and waited for the next chance.

But, you know, he is Heavenly Venerable Realm! Obviously know that Lin Xuan is the Law Principle Realm. Is the mentality of normal people to run?

Definitely not! If it's just a simple assassination, it's okay to run with the same strength, but he is Heavenly Venerate.

His self-esteem, his pride does not allow him to run away directly! He is not allowed to run away if the mission fails in front of a weak person of Law Principle Realm! Even if no one knew who he was, he would never allow it.

Isn't that a joke?

So, although he was skeptical, he had no reason to run! Why did you worry about not revealing your identity?

"Hey, old man, you scared me, don't you?"

Lin Xuan looked at the old man and said.

Murongqing: "..."

Lin Xuan's words were completely unexpected to her.

It's just three characters anyway.

shameless, two words, shameless!

Regardless of the occasion, facing who, he can play his shameless vividly and thoroughly!

Faced with a Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse who wants to kill you, the first sentence you say is...Old man, you scared me.

Is this fuck?

The old man was obviously stunned by Lin Xuan's words.

Is this kid an idiot?

"Do you know who the deity is?"

The old man stared at Lin Xuan coldly and said.

I dared to jump in front of him, courting death!

"I don’t know, who are you? Why did you kill me? I’m lacking hatred and enmity with you, or else, how much money and benefits did you give you? I’ll give you Ten times, how about it?"

The old man: "..."

Then Lin Xuan continued: "Since you killed me, you should know my relationship with Yaxuan Group. He can give you the money. I will give you ten times. You should know that it is easy."

"What do you think of the deity!"

The old man said angrily.

He actually used money to humiliate him?

Heavenly Venerable Realm will be short of money?

He is more of selling Gongsun Hao a favor, which is more valuable than money.

Lin Xuan scratched his head, then looked towards Murong Qing suspiciously.

"Baby, what do you think I should regard him as?"

Murong Qing: "..."

Wow! It's disgusting, the goose bumps are all coming out!

You can call it a baby, don't call it a baby! Waaaaaa! It's uncomfortable!

"I don't know, you say."

Murong Qing said in cooperation.

"I think I treat him as a dog, what do you think?"

" looks like."

Murong Qing faintly muttered to oneself nodded.

"Hey, old man, we all treat you as a dog, then?"

Lin Xuan looked at the old man and said!

ka ka ka ——

The old man clenched his fists tightly.

"Courting death! You are all courting death!"

After that, the old man burst into flames and rushed towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan couldn't stop that power. He sighed that he was a man who relied on a woman, really...comfortable.

Murongqing's silhouette rushed directly in front of Lin Xuan, a powerful force blasted directly at the flame pillar from the strikes with a punch of her own fleshy body.

The two forces collided, and Murongqing smashed the flames out with a crushing attitude!

"Heavenly Venerable Realm!"

The old man pupil suddenly shrinks.

And this power is above him.

He should have thought of it long ago! He should have thought that Lin Xuan is so arrogant and unscrupulous, he must have confidence, not just his Space Attribute!

didn't expect that beautiful woman next to him turned out to be Heavenly Venerable Realm!

This World makes him feel very unfair!

He is Heavenly Venerable Realm after a lot of age. Why is this beautiful woman, Heavenly Venerable Realm at a young age, and the realm is higher than him?


His first reaction at this time is to run!

This is something that can't be helped, I met Heavenly Venerable Realm!

At his age, this status, fate is even more important to him.

In the next instant, the silhouette of the old man galloped away.

"It shouldn't be from Evil God Temple. This is not the way Evil God Temple works."

Murong Qing said to Lin Xuan.

"Then you are chasing him back, asking for questions."

"Nonsense, my old lady knows!"

Murongqing is not happy, just Because of this B, Lin Xuan took advantage of her for nothing!

f4ck your mother.

In the next instant, the old man appeared in front of them again.

Lin Xuan; "..."

People who don’t know think that Space Attribute sent him, but Lin Xuan knows that Murong Qing is a Time Attribute, so this should be ......

Back in time!

This belongs to the top power in Time Attribute. The difficulty of time is actually higher than that of space, especially this kind of time reversal. It is actually very simple, that is, a range is selected. How many seconds to rewind the time in this range.

The old man suddenly appeared on the spot and his whole body was shocked.

"Time Attribute!"

His cold sweat came out directly.

Sometimes an attribute is enough to make an opponent desperate.

Time is an attribute of real fuck!

For example, if two people are fighting, you release a time delay to the opponent. For him, an attack that can be completed in 0.1 seconds takes one second, and another Time Acceleration is used for one second. 0.1 second is enough to attack him!

Who can withstand this kind of battle?


Murongqing then rushed over.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ——

Lin Xuan was secretly speechless, watching Murongqing beat the old man with his bare hands.

This girl is venting, and Lin Xuan can’t vent, then turn her uncomfortable into battle strength. Can’t beat up other people to vent their anger?

The old man really has no room to fight back in front of Murong Qing.


With a loud noise, the old man was blasted to the ground, smashing a big hole.

"It's boring, realm is 4 stars away from me, and attributes are not good. I won't fight."

Murong Qing fell by Lin Xuan's side, and then Patted said with an unhappy hand. .

Lin Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, strength means being able to act wilfully.

"Hey, get up, stand up if you don't want to die, or you will be killed!" Murong Qing said fiercely fiercely.

The old man slowly got up from the pit. It was reasonable and a bit miserable, but it was basically superficial wounds.

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