Lin Ya feels that he has hung up at the moment, holding a mouse in one hand, and drinking tea comfortably with tea in the other, and then sees...

Is it empty again?

The knock-up effect ended, Lin Ya clicked the mouse and walked down the tower, and then an R kicked Lin Xuan blind who was just about to run out of the tower.

Without the W eyes and no flashing, Lin Xuan was shot to death by the tower alive...

The screen went black again.

Lin Xuan; "..."

Murong Qing: "..."

Lin Ya: "..."

Lin Ya said he was helpless!

You made me act more realistically, and you made me lose to you, but how can you lose?

If I didn't kick you in, it would be too fake!

And I have already let the water go. I didn’t even slap in my eyes to kick you, nor did I flash kick you. I just walked slowly in front of you and kicked it in. I ignited it and didn’t let it go. What should I do?

"Your opponent "Little Fairy Light Speed ​​Knuckle Batch" has quit the game."

Lin Ya: "..."

That's right! And your ID, can you make it normal?

Playing games with girls every day, you have such a shameless ID, no wonder people catch you with all kinds of three packs.

Lin Xuan reluctantly quit the game.

"If you don't play, don't play, don't play, walk around and watch movies."

Lin Xuan is about to cry.

Wow! He is so good!



He knows that Lin Ya has enough water, he is too good!

"It's a real dish! You really don't play this game, please."

Murong Qing muttered and couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey, it doesn't feel good today."

"You Cai and love to explain."

Murong Qing shook her head.

"Also, your ID is really shameless." Murong Qing's face turned red slightly.

Lin Ya on the other side couldn't help laughing.

At this time she saw Linglong Xue online.

Linglong Xue's ID is very simple, it's called Linglong Xue.

She then sent a message to Lin Ya.

"Why are you online so early?"

Lin Ya then replied: "Lin Xuan heads up."

"Who won ?"


Linglong Xue took a faint sip of tea.

"As expected."

"He is still online, do you want to be together?"

Linglong Xue sent a message: "No, he is too It’s ready."


Then one after another, Lu Yufan, Ye Yiyi, Wang Xintong, Linglongyue, Bing Lingyue, Ling Ying and Han Chuxue, of course , And another Xiao Runing is online!

They are all good friends. They often play games together. Most of them are brought into the pit by Lin Xuan, and then they are better than Lin Xuan. They played games together when they had nothing to do. They had a deduction group with only a few of them. Lin Xuan didn't pull it because Lin Xuan is too culinary. What do they like to do?

Ten people, open a custom, five people and five people together, fight the civil war.

They all like this feeling very much. Ten of them have their voices on, they have a civil war, and they are full of happy laughter and cheerful voices. They are chatting while playing, all of them are their own family members, just have fun, most What is important is to cultivate the relationship and feelings between them! It is for this reason that everyone often plays together. As for Lin Xuan...

Lin Xuan dare not pull them into a group, what if the chat breaks down? But last time I saw Lin Ya had a group where they were all there, so Lin Xuan yelled and pulled him in to see if anything happened.

Hmm... I went in. I played two games that night. I woke up in the morning on the 2nd day and found that he had been kicked out of the group chat. That's right, Linglong Xue did it.

There are two reasons for kicking him. One is that he is really too dishonest, and the other is that if he wants to be in the group, can't you say bad things about him?

To be fair, ten female Divine Grade girls are fighting a civil war. It takes so many Divine Immortal people to get them together.

However, the person who brought them together was kicked by them...

Murongqing was also in it, Xiao Xinyue was also there, and Miao Xiaomiao was also there, probably when the time comes An Xin is also there, but Lin Xuan is not there...

And they often say bad things about Lin Xuan in it. These Lin Xuan are not known, such as Lin Xuan and An Xin are together today What did you write a song for? Then Ling Ying asked everyone where Lin Xuan was. Miao Xiaomiao answered in a second. At the Bounty Hunter guild, she wrote songs with Anxin, and Ling Ying sent an "OK" Gesture to indicate receipt.

They often ask for advice. For example, Ling Ying bought a piece of clothing today, took a photo and sent it in. If it looks good, everyone will give advice, or everyone will make an appointment, when and who will have it Sora, go shopping together and so on, make an appointment, when the time comes, go where there is time, they may not guarantee that everyone can play together every day, but they can chat together every day on the Internet.

This is exactly Lin Xuan's harem group.

Of course, some things should be concealed, such as Linglong Xue’s child, for example, a few sisters and Lin Xuan are the identity of a couple...

may be in the eyes of some people , I knew it in my heart and guessed it, but no one clicked it.

None of these Lin Xuan knows! His life is suffering!

But, these girls are all gathered together, the relationship is very good, this is really a very good thing, this is true.

"Walk, go to the movies."

Lin Xuan silently quit the game client, and then dragged Murong Qing away. This scene is really enviable Sha all.

The game is good, but my girlfriend is really beautiful.

"Is there time tomorrow night? I heard that a shopping mall is open. Let's go shopping together."

Lin Ya asked in their group.

Good, good!

There is time and time!

Then came the answers of the girls.

Linglong Xue can just give them the Space Spiritual Artifact bracelet that she has refined. After all, Lin Xuan asked her to help. She is also willing. The safety of everyone is the most important thing.

To be fair, they have a lot of opportunities to show up in Lin'an City. There are really many pictures of them on the Internet. Passersby saw them as being too beautiful and then took them. Because they are really beautiful, they are hot. Up! There are even many people from other cities who come for them. Everyone’s suitors are no longer as small as the previous small circle, very, very many, especially Linglong Xue and Bing Lingyue, these two girls are too Immortal Qi. .

If more than a dozen such beautiful people go shopping together, imagine how it will be posted on the Internet, what kind of sensation will it cause?

According to incomplete statistics, from two months ago, there have been 18 times more tourists from Nebula cars and even planes to Lin'an from various cities! Some people suspect that it is because of these girls, because Lin'an has no tourist attractions, and it is a small city, and it is also a border city. There is nothing to come, but this time is a lot, a lot!

"We are being followed."

After Murong Qing and Lin Xuan walked outside, Murong Qing took Lin Xuan's arm and said slightly.

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