Murongqing rolled the eyes after hearing Lin Xuan’s words.

This man speaks in a set way. It is estimated that he has practiced around those little elder sisters. It is smooth and mellow. Don’t say, if it is a younger little elder sister, he will really be said in his heart. She's very happy, but it's not so easy for her.

"Why? Did I make a mistake?"

"I was right, I was right. Go ahead, where to go to play?"

Murong Qing He took Lin Xuan's arm.

Lin Xuan: "..."

If this is another little elder sister, specify that they are very close, but since it is Murongqing, some of her ideas and even practices It is also something Lin Xuan can't understand!

Don’t look at her now taking the initiative to hold Lin Xuan’s arm, but they don’t have a particularly close relationship, and it can’t be said that the relationship is not close. It’s forty favorability, that’s not a boast. , It’s just that it’s definitely not as close as it seems on the surface.

"What do you want to play?"

Lin Xuan asked.

The two walked out with arms in arms. They were very surprised to see them on the road.

This woman is really beautiful and has a real temperament, but the man who is holding it in her arms feels very ordinary. Although she is not wearing a street stall, she is wearing clothes for hundreds of thousands of dollars! It feels totally different from her!

The staff of Rose Paradise felt nothing when seeing this scene, because they were all guessing that their boss and Mr. Lin were lovers, because they always saw their ambiguous moments.

"Aren't you going to take me out to play? What do you want to play?"

"Then go to the movies."

"No Something new."

Murong Qing murmured.

To be honest, watching a movie is really nothing new.

"This is Lin'an again this night, what else is there for fun?"

Lin Xuan faintly muttered to oneself.

"Aren't you going to chase me? You know An Xin, you know to write songs and lyrics to chase her, you don't know what to do with me?"

said Murong Qing .

"Elder sister, I don't know what you like."

Lin Xuan is very helpless.

"Go to the Internet cafe to play games."

Lin Xuan: "..."


Lin Xuan looked at her dumbfounded.

"Why? I can't play games?"

"Yes! Of course I can!"

"I think the game your sister played before was quite interesting Yes, I also played a few games, but the record is not good, you take me."

"Okay! I am a great god! I will take you to fly!"



One hour later, Lin Xuan let out a dry cough after seeing the big red failure in the middle of the screen.

"1-8, you are so strong! Wow! How can you be a man like playing games?"

Murong Qing really thought Lin Xuan was quite good, and he was only able to play this game. I found out that I was 1-4, this Lin Xuan turned out to be 1-8!

"I was caught by Conte."

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose and said.

"That means you can take me to fly?"

"Of course!"

Forty minutes later...

Another big red failure!

Murong Qing is really helpless!

Is Lin Xuan so good at playing games?

I came out to play. I thought I could be taken by him. It was cool to abuse people to play, but I was abused by all kinds of blood! Who can stand this?

Lin Xuan is also very helpless, how come there are no teammates with great appetite? Why! Why can't you come with a teammate like that of one dozen nine!

His dignity as a man is gone.

"Really not as good as your sister! Really."

Murong Qing took the earphones down and looked at Lin Xuan and said.

"Damn! I've been targeted! Nakano has been arresting me. I hit three on the top lane and can be caught in the autistic bush. You can understand the pain of top laner as a bot lane supporter. Is it? Also, how could I not be as good as Little Fairy? She was taught by me!"

At this time, Lin Xuan just saw Lin Ya online.

"Isn't this your sister's ID?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.


"Come on, you invite her to solo! Didn't you say that she was taught by you? Then you can crush her? And 1v1 is not necessary Worried about being caught?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

"Of course!"

Then Lin Xuan invited Lin Ya.

Lin Ya and Linglong Xue will make an appointment with Linglong Xue to play two games at nine o'clock. She goes online half an hour earlier to practice her hands. Didn't expect Lin Xuan to be online too.

Then Lin Xuan invited Lin Ya to customize 1V1.

"Well, you help me choose a hero, choose blind, this is my soloblind with the little fairy, this hero can still see the problem in the show, and show you a wave of handsome! Let you see Let me go to the toilet first."

Then Lin Xuan slipped away.

When he arrived at the toilet, Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone and quickly found Lin Ya and sent a message.

"Little fairy, little fairy, let me order solo later, must let me win, but there are girls watching on my side, but don't act too fake."

Lin Ya glanced over there and couldn't help laughing, and then sent an "OK" gesture.

To tell the truth, Lin Xuan is really good at playing games. He really doesn’t have any innate talent in this regard, and he is handicapped. It’s good for him to fight and playing games is very rubbish. , These girls who were brought into the pit by him are really better than him! Lin Xuan is really drunk! He really couldn't beat Lin Ya.

They had soloed at home before, because Lin Ya said that Linglong Xue is better than him, Lin Xuan was dissatisfied, he had soloed with Lin Ya three times, and lost two!

This fuck!

But I always feel that it is because he plays too little. He may not be able to play several games a year, but Lin Ya and the others? After often getting off work, a few female Divine Grade girls are in five blacks together. They are all higher than Lin Xuan. For example, when playing a mid laner, Lin Xuan will only rely on the line. At least Lin Ya, they all understand mid laner and want to push. Lin Xuan said no! Because of this, for example, Lu Yufan collided with the opposite jungler in the jungle, and the opposite midlaner went directly to support. Lin Xuan continued to swipe the lane without a bird, and then Lu Yufan was caught to death, all kinds of dislike Lin Xuan.

To put it simply, several girls now have a better understanding of games than Lin Xuan.

But, as a man, you are a rookie in front of a girl, how come you lift the head?

So must win! Although somewhat shameless.

Wiping his hands, Lin Xuan walked to the position, the game just started!

Blind solo in the middle road, one blood, one tower and one hundred dollars, can't return to the city.

"Your skin is quite expensive?"

Murong Qing didn't play much, but she lived with Lin Ya some time ago. He didn't play less and knew something. .

"The descendant of the dragon, Young Master, it took me more than 10,000 lottery to get it out! Not many people in the entire Skyblue Star have this skin."

Lin Xuan said .

"I think your sister has it too."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"She...she also smokes."

This is another heartbreaking thing.

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