Lin Ya and An Xin are sitting together, actually thinking, if Lin Xuan’s girlfriend is An Xin, that would be great, very beautiful and famous star, she is also very like.

"Then you may have seen the press conference?"

Hearing Lin Ya's words, An Xin suddenly understood why she felt so familiar!

Isn’t she the boss of Yaxuan Group that she has seen?

When she heard about those medicines, she thought it was super magical anyway, and at the time, the hot search, the browser news was all refreshed by that thing, and there was also news about the most beautiful president in history. She noticed it!

didn't expect ... She turned out to be Lin Xuan's elder sister!

In other words, Lin Xuan simply has no shortage of money. Her so-called millions, tens of millions, are nothing in Lin Xuan's eyes!

Then why does he look like a miser...


They are so low-key!

As a big company like Yaxuan Group, they live in three rooms and one hall... It's amazing!

You know, Yaxuan Group is a very special company!

Many large companies are diluted by shares. You may be the boss, but you may only have ten percent of the shares of thirty-forty, or even lower! But Yaxuan Group is a dictatorship model, and basically only one share is in their hands! The money they make is theirs!

"I remember." An Xin said in surprise.

"Little fairy, why are you still asleep?" Lin Xuan asked.

"Just go to bed, you guys have a rest, too."

Lin Ya said.

"Hmm, I have trouble Lin Ya elder sister."

An Xin said obediently.

"No trouble, the room is there." Lin Ya pointed, and returned to his room after speaking.

"Go to sleep, if you are lonely at night, you can knock on my door."

Lin Xuan gave An Xin a smirk.

Anxin rolled the eyes.


One night passed. On the 2nd day, I went to Miao Xiaomiao with peace of mind. Miao Xiaomiao was very happy, but what is Lin Xuan doing?

It's nothing more than playing with the girls.

Although he also wants to improve his strength and go to the field of demonic beast, for him now, it may be more important for him to take advantage of this time to cultivate the relationship with his sister, peace of mind, and Murong Qing As for Xiao Xinyue’s mission, he can go to Martial God Academy for further training, but now if you don’t train with Anxin, you go to Martial God Academy. When she leaves Lin’an, there are not many opportunities.

So Lin Xuan's improvement is more to start at Martial God Academy.

Then Lin Xuan paid attention to Zhao Mengyue, including the Evil God Temple, and even the movement of the Gongsun Family!

There seems to be something happening in the Gongsun Family, Lin Xuan has discovered some, but is not sure.

And there is a big news on this day, that is, the star Wu Hongfeng released two singles! The momentum is very fierce, but...the three that can't threaten An Xin at all!

The popularity of these three songs has been fermented, and they have been reposted by the stars in the entertainment circle. They are getting more and more popular! Unless you have a phenomenal piece of music, it is temporarily impossible to shake the status of these three songs.

"Damn it! Competing is nothing but peace of mind!"

Wu Hongfeng gritted his teeth.

Liang Yue hugged him from behind, and said softly: "Hongfeng, An Xin is more famous than you, plus these few songs are indeed good, you are actually behind her. Normally, if you can’t compete, you can’t compete. As long as you can get a Golden Melody Award when the time comes."

"But I just want to be the first, I just want to put peace of mind on Sole! Baby, let's spend money to buy more good songs, can't we? Take advantage of my current heat, catch up with An Xin's pace, and sing with her, even if it is not better than her, we will continue the heat Keep it, as long as there are a few songs on Anxin's new song!"

"This..." Liang Yue hesitated.

"How can I find a good song in a short time?"

asked Liang Yue.

Wu Hongfeng doesn't know what to do.

Suddenly Liang Yue thought of something.

"Right, that Lin Xuan! How about... go find that Lin Xuan?"

"Look for him? Can he still write good songs?"

Wu Hongfeng didn't believe it.

"You think, money can make ghosts grind, let's spend money to let Lin Xuan help write songs, with his talent and current popularity, the songs written must not be bad, at least The reputation is definitely not low, it is the easiest to make the list, and even compare Anxin. Moreover, he is now helping Anxin write songs. If we also ask him to write, it will cost more than Anxin, he Using more energy to help us write, it will lead to the quality of the singles of Anxin's subsequent albums being compared to us. It doesn't matter if you spend a little more money, it is important to keep Anxin down."

Liang Yue said.

"But... will he write for us?"

Wu Hongfeng asked worriedly.

"It's fine if you have money. He is not a safe lyricist. Even if he is, it doesn't mean that he can't write songs for others. We might be able to dig him over! Hire him with a high salary and let him I wrote it specifically for you. In this way, isn’t Anxin’s advantage that she is the only one who is more popular than you? But with one good song after another, won’t you have a chance to surpass her?"

Wu Hongfeng eyes shined, and then made trouble again.

"But... I am afraid that the money is not enough."

"The company's resource fees for your promotion are almost used, and your money is almost used. Don’t worry... I’ve saved tens of millions over the years and leave it to me."

"Okay! I will go there myself?"

Liang Yue shook his head; "I go! You stay Write a good song here."

Liang Yue then kissed him and walked out!

After she went out, Wu Hongfeng's eyes flashed with evil spirits.

"Wait for Ben Shao to truly become famous, to pursue peace of mind, to pursue those young and beautiful women, as for you... You are just a boost to my rise, that's all, do you still want to marry me? Are you worthy? Second-hand goods! Bah!" Wu Hongfeng snorted.


"Here you are."

Murongqing handed Lin Xuan a light screen.

"This is?"

"Heavenly Grade One-star Thunder Attribute martial skill, Leiyong Heaven and Earth!"

Murong Qing said.


Lin Xuan put the martial skill away.

"The things I promised you will naturally be given to you, but the few songs you wrote are pretty good."

Murong Qing looked at Lin Xuan with a smile and said.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes, I usually do nothing or listen to music at work, otherwise I will be boring, I will scan the list or something, I will also scan Checking the news, what are the hot searches, this is not, it is all Anxin telling you, if you want to ask her?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

Wow! Isn't this woman speaking too direct?

"Who doesn't want to be a pretty girl? I still want to soak you, do you want to soak?"

Lin Xuan said.

"Why not? You want to show your sincerity. For example, if you write a song for An Xin, what do you have to do for me if you want to confuse me? Right? Actual action, don’t just talk about it, you just want to spread my legs just by saying a few words?"

Lin Xuan; "..."

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