An Xin then talked to the company for a while, and then took out the phone.

"I want to post a Weibo, Lin Xuan, Little Miao, shall we take a hand photo? Just put one hand together." Anxin looked at Lin Xuan expectantly.

"This... forget it."

Lin Xuan helplessly said.

"Come on, I won't let you show your face."

An Xin is too excited, so she is very active.


Then the three people held hands together, Anxin took a picture, and then posted a Weibo, which is this picture.

The content is...

"With Lin Xuan, and my dear Little Miao, the nocturne has been completed in three hours in super fast time. It has been released. I hope you like it. Oh, stay tuned for the next sunny day (naughty) (naughty)"

You know, this is a Weibo for peace of mind!

After one minute was posted on her Weibo, the number of comments reached 9,300!

Lin Xuan was still quite interested. The three of them sat together, watching Anxin's comments on Weibo on her mobile phone.

"Waaaaaa! "Nocturne", I love so much, finally released! Anan Goddess, come on!"

"Wow! So fast! Everyone, hurry up and listen! Yes, who is Little Miao Meow? Please tell me."

"Wow! I'm in love with this palmshot. Ann Goddess's hands are beautiful, and a girl's hands are also beautiful!" Licking."


Anxin’s fan cohesion is very strong. Under her Weibo comments, you will rarely see defamatory comments. All support, praise, all true fans.


An Xin said with a contented face holding the phone.

I don’t know why, this song is obviously not composed by myself, but I like it very much, I am very satisfied, and I feel very different.


"Hongfeng, release a new album with peace of mind."

On the other side, in a magnificent mansion, a man in his twenties, The unusually handsome man was signing some agreement, and then a red clothed woman who was about 30 years old, looks good, and had a good body pushed open the door and walked in.

"Just send it, didn't it mean that it will be sent long ago?"

Wu Hongfeng didn't particularly care about it, and continued to write something.

The red-clothed beauty locked the door, then walked over and sat on Wu Hongfeng's lap, rubbing her beautiful leg in stockings against him.

This scene is actually slightly offensive, because Wu Hongfeng’s age seems to be twenty three-four, and the woman is about thirty years old, but it’s fine, she’s only five or six. , In fact, it's quite normal, it's a little bigger.

"Hongfeng, don't be too tired at work. After all, your health is important. As your agent, I have to supervise your health. Have you heard? If you are in poor health, I will Worried."

The woman lightly bit his earlobe.

"Don't worry, you still don't know my body?"

Wu Hongfeng put down the pen and looked towards her, directly pressed her down on the table, and opened her buttocks Short qun, straight in!

A few minutes later, the two people hugged each other gasping for breath.

Wu Hongfeng, an entertainer who only became popular in August last year, was only 18 lines before, but because his agent, the red clothed woman he was deeply involved in, helped him buy a song at a high price. Song, and then through her own operation, only one song made him popular all over the country! Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, he released three high-quality songs that he bought a long time ago to stabilize the enthusiasm, plus a series of variety shows, TV series, one of which is a virtual game with An Xin during the winter vacation. , He also became the husband of Wu Hongfeng among those otaku girls!

Isn’t that the case with those otaku girls? Today, the husband will be the next big hit tomorrow, and the husband will be the next one.

But I have to say that these few waves have directly made Wu Hongfeng the hottest young male artist recently. Weibo fans have soared from more than 30,000 to 22 million!

This is actually quite a normal phenomenon in the entertainment industry. A movie, a TV series, and a variety show may instantly make an unknown artist into the front line.

And all of this is actually because of her agent, that is, the beautiful woman Liang Yue in his arms. Liang Yue fell in love with Wu Hongfeng and was willing to do this for him!

The slender jade hand of the red clothed woman stroked Wu Hongfeng's chest.

"Hongfeng, now you are booming because of a few songs and TV dramas, but you are a singer after all, you need to keep the heat, and as a singer, the most important point for keeping the heat and increasing the heat is this year At the Golden Melody Awards ceremony in April, there were a lot of good songs last year, but these few of yours are currently the most prominent, occupying the top few of the Ranking List. The awards of the Golden Melody Awards are very important in the major charts, and peace of mind is currently It can threaten one of your Golden Melody Awards, so you must not underestimate it when you send songs with peace of mind."

Liang Yue said.

"What song did you post?"

"It was a "Nocturne" sung by the amateur named Lin Xuan at the concert that day. I listened to this song, and the level is very good. High, coupled with Anxin’s enthusiasm, even if your two songs were phenomenal songs from last year, they have been spread for nearly a year after all, and they will definitely be topped by Anxin’s songs."

"What should I do?"

Wu Hongfeng said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I spent five million to help you buy two more songs, the level is not low, so no matter how good luck Anxin, it is a nocturne and a sunny day, I am afraid I will take it later Nothing, you release these two songs one by one, and I will help you with marketing. It shouldn’t be a problem to kill Anxin. You must continue to work hard to hit the Golden Melody Award."

I’m going to watch the song now and feel relieved... Hmph, I will definitely step on her feet in the future!"


On the other side, "Nocturne" once With the release, coupled with Anxin’s card, the entire buckle music front page was the recommendation of the first single "Nocturne" of Anxin’s new album "Miao Anxuan" in an instant. After half an hour, the comment system of the buckle music was paralyzed. Up! Because at the same time, there are too many comments on this song! Created a Legendary, with over 80,000 comments in half an hour!

This in itself is the heat of Anxin, coupled with the popularity of the new album, and at the same time, coupled with the turmoil between Anxin and Lin Xuan a few days ago, the heat is too high and it is so amazing!

The most important thing is that this song is really nice! This is the most important thing!

The staff who buckle the music are quickly maintaining it.

"Wow! 80,000 pieces, 4.3 million views, so fast!"

If you release a song with peace of mind, you will naturally care about your results.

"Isn't it that fast before?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"No wow, my record is 83,000 comments in an hour, this nocturne is directly 80,000 in half an hour, wow!"

An Xin was very excited.

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