Ling Longyue swears that Lin Xuan must be the worst and most rascal person she has ever seen in her life, not one of them!

But to be honest, she doesn't even know a few men.


Linglongyue snorted, she doesn't like to talk to Lin Xuan anymore. Talking to him is totally irritating.

About an hour or so, Linglong Xue solved three dishes and one soup, which is really fast.

Lin Xuan ate the food made by Linglong Xue contentedly. Although Linglong Xue didn’t seem to care much on the surface, she had been watching Lin Xuan’s expressions all the time. She actually cared very much about Lin Xuan. What kind of evaluation.

After receiving the evaluation approved by Lin Xuan, Linglong Xue's expression is still indifferent. She only moved the chopsticks, and she was actually quite happy.

"I'm gone, there's something else."

After eating, Lin Xuan pinched the small dragon's face and said to them.

"hmph! I must find another elder sister."

Linglong Yue mumbled uncomfortably.

"What do you know, I am going to write songs for the big stars."

Lin Xuan said.

"Are you at ease?"

Linglong Xue asked.

"Yes, you guys are also at the concert. She is now admiring me so much. She has been clamoring for me to help her release an album. It is a sin to say that this person is talented. Hey."

"Smelly, you!"

"Go away, bye."

Although I said uncomfortably, I have to say, they They both like Lin Xuan's two songs.

Lin Xuan then smiled and walked away.

In the cafe of Storm Mercenary Group, Lin Xuan is sitting in the corner, Miao Xiaomiao crackle next to him, typing on the keyboard, what program he is writing.

The reason why An Xin met here is because it is safe enough. She is a super famous star, wearing a mask, wearing sunglasses, and wearing a peaked cap on the road may be recognized! It's really exaggerated! Mainly, your various disguise dresses, peaked caps, masks, sunglasses, this kind of dress will be particularly attractive! Normally, who is dressed like this when walking on the road?

This attraction is easier to recognize.

Fortunately, the first thing I did when I got out of the hotel, I took a taxi directly. The taxi came to the Bounty Hunter guild building. I didn't experience the crowds on the road and was not recognized for the time being.

"Hey, is it true that Anxin's elder sister is coming?"

Miao Xiaomiao knocked on the keyboard and then stopped. Lin Xuan slammed his elbow and asked.

She is a fan of peace of mind! There are still a lot of peace of mind albums at home, and some are in the collector's edition. Although she will not be super enthusiastic about going to other cities to watch her concerts, although she has never watched a concert, but it is quite I like it, because when she is creating, she writes programs, or drums up some small inventions, and there are basically peace of mind songs next to her.

Wang Qianqian handed the coffee over, and then said with a smile: "Anyway, Lin Xuan knows An Xin is true."

Lin Xuan then nodded and said: "Of course, People worship me with peace of mind. They came to Lin'an city to find me in order to chase me. You said true or false?"


Lin Xuan said Miao Xiaomiao like this If you don’t believe me, you might come, but... chasing you? admire you?

You seem to be thinking about it.

"Because she was moved by the song I wrote, she begged me to make an album for her."


Miao Xiaomiao blinked and looked at Lin Xuan.

Because of this probability, Lin Xuan's news is super hot after all. She has also listened to the two songs on the Internet. They are pretty good, and I look forward to high sound quality.

And the video of the concert was posted on the Internet, and she could see that An Xin also liked these two songs very much. It was a pleasant surprise, so it is possible.

"Of course."

"You mean, Anxin elder sister will publish your sunny and nocturne?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Sold it to her, one million, although it is cheap, sell her for a friendly price."

"I also charge Anxin elder sister. It's really not a man."

Miao Xiaomiao muttered.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Wow! This Miao Xiaomiao ......

I have to slap my ass!

"Are you making all the songs of Anxin's next album?"

asked Wang Qianqian.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Almost, she came to Lin'an to do this with me. It is convenient, so, in the next period of time, you will feel that it is from me Eldest Young Master Lin Talent!"


Miao Xiaomiao suddenly thought of something and asked: "By the way, Lin Xuan, are you going to Martial God Academy?"

"Called Elder Brother Xuan!"

Lin Xuan gave her a stare.


Miao Xiaomiao gave Lin Xuan a white look.

Then Lin Xuan said: "Go, I want to go, don’t we need to have some assessment? I will do things here during this period of time, and try it when school starts."

"I want to go too."

"Yes, of course you can go with your innate talent."

"But forget it. Will it be a long, long time since you went?" Miao Xiaomiao muttered softly.

Wang Qianqian suffocated a smile next to her.

This girl is still pretending to be garlic. The look and tone of your missing Lin Xuan are already on your face and tone. Lin Xuan hasn't left yet, are you worried about this thing?

"Stupid, Martial God Academy is just fifty kilometers outside Lin'an city. To me, it’s like going to school in a far place. I drive there. It takes less than an hour’s drive. School is over in the afternoon. Wouldn’t it be okay for me to come back in half an hour? How convenient, and don’t necessarily stay at the Academy all day long, don’t you know me? The Academy is the most troublesome, or it’s better to be chic in the city, if not for this Martial God Academy is the most powerful and exaggerated academy in history. It's all Tianzong genius, so I won't go."

Lin Xuan laughed.

"Well...then you go out to play together during the week, I invite you to dinner, you invited that many times, I should always...repay the courtesy, right?"

Miao Xiaomiao suddenly realized that what he said didn't seem right, and then quickly explained it.


Lin Xuan also understands why Miao Xiaomiao does not go to Martial God Academy, she naturally wants to go, but although she is young, she is very sensible , The reason she didn't go was to accompany her grandfather Miao Zhenghao!

Although Miao Zhenghao goes to play mahjong all day long, they will chat and play together at night, so she still chooses to accompany her grandfather.

At this time, the door of Storm Mercenary Group was slowly opened, and a girl wearing a white down jacket, mask, peaked cap and sunglasses sneaked in quietly.

When she saw Lin Xuan, she sighed in relief.

Then she walked in.


An Xin walked up to Lin Xuan and patted him on the shoulder. Indeed, she got the breath of youthful vitality in her every move. Lu Yufan, like Ye Yiyi.

"Don't cover it so much?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

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