It is natural to go, but before going, Lin Xuan needs to solve some problems in Lin'an to be more at ease in the past.

"Then I will follow you when I'm over."

Lin Xuan grinned.

"Let’s talk about it when you pass the assessment. The assessment will be very difficult, and what can you and me learn? Arrange troops? Do you like this?"

Xiao Runing ate a piece of meat and said.

"It's okay."

"It's not good or bad, you have to have a responsible heart to everyone when you learn this, and only if you are outstanding enough and strong enough Strong and powerful enough, the empire might try to give you power and strength, and you also want to like it. Don’t you like to do these things? After learning, you must want to lead troops to fight, otherwise it will be a waste of time. "

Xiao Runing feels that Lin Xuan doesn't like this. Compared to this, Lin Xuan may prefer to simply improve his strength.

"Besides, I don’t want to do it now does not mean that I will not in the future. After all, everyone wants to contribute to the continent. If you don’t work hard, Human Race will be gradually annexed by Monster Race, then when the time Comes is gone, what's the use of the strength I still have?"

Xiao Runing's nodded slightly.

While chatting, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang, and he glanced at Murongqing.

Murong Qing said directly...

Little brother, come and have fun?

Lin Xuan: "..."

This makes Lin Xuan a little begin to stir!

Xiao Xinyue is here tonight, Lin Xuan certainly can't stay here, why stay here? I can’t snap Xiao Runing again, so I just went to Murong Qing to cultivate and cultivate relationships, so I had to find a chance to take her down.

"Yes, what are you doing?"

Lin Xuan sent a sentence.

"Play with me."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Wow! I can't stand it anymore.

Lin Xuan's chopsticks are about to fall.

When Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue saw Lin Xuan, they seemed to be chatting with great interest.

If you think with your toes, you will know that you are talking with a girl.

"I'm done, Xiao Ningning, Xiao Xinyue, goodbye, next time I play, brother will go to other girls to play, you are not fun, goodbye!"

Lin Xuan then left.

The two girls have a question mark.


Xiao Runing couldn't help cursing inwardly.

Lin Xuan on the other side has gone to the Rose Paradise Hotel.

I’m tired day by day. I have to meet three batches of girls a day. Do you think you can stand it?

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is physically strong.

"Young Master Lin!"

The staff of Rose Heaven know Lin Xuan and respect Lin Xuan very much. They know Lin Xuan and their boss are very familiar , The relationship is also very good, maybe it may be the future Boss.

"Hello, how are you, where is your boss?"

"On the top floor."

Lin Xuan then nodded and walked up.

This top floor is a big room, which is Murongqing's exclusive room.

Lin Xuan directly flickered in a space force, maybe she could see some beautiful scenery without giving her reaction time.

It's a pity that Murongqing is just sitting at the table and eating dinner!

Eat alone, a table full of more than a dozen dishes, luxurious.

Because Lin Xuan said that she had eaten it, she didn't wait for Lin Xuan to eat it together.

"It's impolite for you to enter the girl's room without knocking on the door."

Murong Qing looked up at Lin Xuan and said.

"Didn't you say to play with you? It doesn't seem to matter how I came in, right?"

Lin Xuan smiled and sat down, then stretched his legs to Murong Qing Going out, put it on her lap, but didn't move, because she didn't dare to move, she was wearing pajamas, and there was a layer of pajama pants, just putting it on it seemed okay, right?

"Remove your hand! Or cut it off."

Lin Xuan then let go of his hand.

"It's a fickle woman. She hooked on me on her phone one second before, and the next second she despised me, left, and said goodbye!"

Lin Xuan then got up Want to go away.

"Would you like some wine?"

Murong Qing said.

"The drunk one? If it is, then I drink it."

Then Murongqing threw a bottle of red wine directly to Lin Xuan, and then she opened it by herself. bottle.

"Then drink, who is afraid of whom?"

Then the two of them really blew on the bottle.

"I came to you because I wanted to ask you for help."

Murongqing put down the bottle, beautiful eyes looked at Lin Xuan slightly blurred and said.

Lin Xuan took a look.

Forty good impressions!

In fact, Lin Xuan didn't deliberately brush up Murong Qing's favorability from beginning to end, but maybe he is too good, and his favorability is not low.

After all, you can confess at fifty, and Murongqing is not an ordinary woman. Temperament is not Han Chuxue. Ling Ying and the others can compare. After all, she is in a high position.

"Let's talk, can I still help you with your affairs?"

Lin Xuan naturally knew that she was really impossible and came to be happy.

Then Murongqing threw a pile of materials to Lin Xuan.

"This is the incident in Lin'an City a few days ago. I have the most complete information. You can take a look first."

Lin Xuan then rolled a look.

It's about the five demonic beasts in Lin'an!

"Have you investigated any demonic beast? Have you ever fought?"

Lin Xuan took a look and asked.

"No, the big data filtering statistics are just guesses based on those reflections, not necessarily correct."

Lin Xuan nodded, and then continue to watch.

"So before and after they were discovered, dozens of people were strangely missing?"

Lin Xuan looked up towards Murong Qing.

"Yes, although there is no accurate evidence that they did it, it happens to be at this time, so we have to think of a causal relationship."

Lin Xuan then probably read all of this, there was too much information compared to the news.

Murong Qing looked at Lin Xuan and said: "I want to ask you to help investigate this matter."

"Hey hey hey, sister, you look too high at me." , Something that you can’t solve by Three Great Influences, please ask me for a fart."

Lin Xuan rolled the eyes.

"No, I think you can do it inexplicably."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"I look like this in your mind Niubi?"


Murong Qing is nodded.

This is true. Murong Qing really thinks Lin Xuan is amazing. It seems that he is quite ordinary and his strength is not high, but he can do many of those powerhouses. What happened completely contradicted the facts and was very strange. Then the unfathomable mystery felt a lot of weird things. They couldn't do things like powerhouse, but somehow they thought he could do it.

I don't know why I have such an idea, which is strange.

"What if I die?"

Murongqing; "..."

"Well, you are also a Space Attribute, why don't you do it? See if you can find their location. Once done, I will help you request the Heavenly Grade martial skill of this Thunder Attribute on behalf of Divine Temple, okay?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

(Um...maybe these chapters will be boring. After all, I’m back. Every girl has to take care of it. The next long section may be the story of Martial God Academy. The appearance rate of these girls will be Has become very low,)

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