Lin Xuan and An Xin finished a bottle of red wine, and Lin Xuan almost ate all the things on the table.

They talked a lot. At first, they only talked about work matters. Later, gradually they tended to life and the like, and then it was fun, and some small thoughts.

Anyway, what did Lin Xuan and An Xin talk about?

For example, Lin Xuan wrote a song for Anxin, and Anxin gave him 10 million!

Lin Xuan is stunned!

This it so profitable? Ten million for a song?

Normally, it will never make money like this, but An Xin knows that these Lin Xuan songs are really good, she thinks it's worth it!

This Little Rich Lady... It seems that she hasn't arrived in her twenties yet, so she took it out of ten and ten million.

"Do you think you are so profitable as a celebrity?"

Lin Xuan asked while eating dessert.

"Alright, it's mainly because of the reputation that makes money. For example, I can make about 300 million yuan in this concert, and I will give half of the company to the company, and the rest will pay for the venue. Yes, pay the employees and earn a little more than 100 million."

"I rely on! Sing two hours of songs to earn 100 million..."

"Who said that? , I’m tired, okay, I’m also this year, bah... I just relaxed a little bit last year, and I don’t want to be so tired."

Lin Xuan gave Lin Xuan a relieved glance.

"Even if you are tired, it is something that an ordinary person can't make in a lifetime."


An Xin is slightly nodded.

"Then say it like this, when the time comes, you send me these four songs first, and I will stay in Lin'an after a while."

"Why are you staying in Lin'an City?"

Although Lin Xuan feels An Xin, staying in Lin'an City must be a good thing for him. Being close, I might meet frequently to cultivate feelings. .

"At this time, I will not accept TV series, movies, or variety shows. I want to make an album with peace of mind and hit the Golden Melody Award 3 months later, so the next three months I want to concentrate on making the album. I can do it anywhere. For the next one, two albums, you are the lyricist and composer of this Young Lady. It is convenient to be a little closer to you."

An Xin said with a laugh.

"And...I'm still going to find a few songs to record with you."


Lin Xuan shook his head quickly.

"Why? I think since it is a song you wrote, you can definitely sing some of the stories and emotions in it more real."

An Xin blinked and looked at it with wide eyes. Lin Xuan.

She really wants when the time comes. If there is something suitable for male and female choruses, she must be with Lin Xuan.

"You don't give money."

Peace of mind; "..."

"Give it, I will give it!"

Peace of mind rolled the eyes.

Really, I fell into the eyes of money.

But he doesn’t seem to be short of money. If he is really short of money, or really likes money, he would never say that he would not charge him for writing lyrics and music before, and if He really likes money. With his talent, he can find channels and companies to release these songs by himself, and even sell them to others early at a high price!

So this may also be a place where Anxin is more curious about Lin Xuan!

Space Attribute, powerful and talented, can’t see through, and don’t know what he wants to do...

"That's OK."

"I left here in these two days. When the time comes, I went directly to Lin'an. When the time comes is looking for you."


"Well Well, that's it!"


After talking with An Xin, it was really almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening before the concert ended, but Lin Xuan and An Xin had a good chat, this girl is pretty good, no wonder the system triggers tasks because of her.

By the time Xiao Family arrived at midnight, the security would naturally not stop Lin Xuan. The villa was already dark and everyone was asleep, but the lights were still on in Xiao Runing's room.

Lin Xuan's heart suddenly warmed.

Although Xiao Runing was very upset, he still left a light for him and waited for him to return home.

I have to say that Xiao Runing should also be a good wife and mother.

Lin Xuan then went upstairs and slowly opened the door.

"Xiao Ningning, why don't you sleep?"

Lin Xuan watched Xiao Runing sitting on the bed, leaning on the bedside and reading the book, and leaned over with a smile .

"Look at the book, I will go back to Lin'an city tomorrow to prepare for the class for the students."

"Teacher Xiao, I can call you when I have sex tonight Teacher Xiao?"

Lin Xuan smiled hehe and leaned over to give her a cheek.

Xiao Runing pushed Lin Xuan away, and the pretty face instantly turned red.

"Go to hell! A breath of alcohol! Are you still drinking with Anxin?"

Xiao Runing asked.

"She asked me to drink, red wine, but the stamina is a bit big."

"Hurry up and take a bath!"

Xiao Runing disgusted.

"Hey, it's not Great Xia, I take a bath once a day in winter? Are you crazy?"

"Then you sleep on the floor!"

"Then I'll take a shower!"


Lin Xuan slapped Xiao Runing again that night.

She is really resisting, but she can't resist when she resists.

I really want to cry.

The most important thing is that this bastard always says that he owes him a condition, the condition is to pa pa pa, a softhearted woman, what can she do?

And she did lose to Lin Xuan by betting again and again.

She swears that she will never bet Lin Xuan again after returning to Lin'an City!

In the early morning of 2nd day, Lin Xuan, Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue boarded the plane back to Lin'an City.

Xiao Xinyue still owes Lin Xuan six conditions. Lin Xuan has to grasp these six conditions and win her when the six conditions are over!

Wow! What a sin.

One day later, they returned to Lin'an City.

After returning to Lin'an City, they separated from each other, and they had been tired and crooked together for many days. Back to Lin'an City, they had their own affairs for the time being!

Lin'an City is not so peaceful during this time!

Liao Family, Liao Zhibang was secretly killed by Lin Xuan. Although there is no evidence, Liao Zhian always thinks Lin Xuan did it!

And Gongsun Jun is still lying at home now, his hand is connected, but it will take some time to recover, even if he recovers, he will never return to the way he was before! Fighting against other people is definitely his weakness! Too fragile!

Gongsun Hao has been investigating Lin Xuan secretly, and Gongsun Jun has always hated him, but in the past few days when Lin Xuan was absent, they basically didn't do it because they really didn't find a good opportunity!

The only one who can do it is Lin Xuan’s elder sister Lin Ya, but Lin Ya the past few days has always been with Murongqing, they don’t know Murongqing, but in the past few days, Gongsun Hao sent I went to Lin Ya twice, but there was no news, so I really didn't dare to do it!

He is not sure whether this Lin Ya is great or the Murongqing next to Lin Ya is great!

Simply look for opportunities. It is the best to directly act on Lin Xuan! After all, Lin Xuan's strength is probably clear.

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