I rely on it!

Lin Xuan suddenly realized...

If An Xin becomes his girlfriend, the girl next to him...

School flower Lu Yufan has it, iceberg beauty Han Chuxue has it, Tsundere Lori Miao Xiaomiao has it, and the girl next door Wang Xintong... Then Lin Ya should be regarded as a female president, and then beautiful teacher Xiao Runing... Then there is a Demoness Ling Ying, noble Goddess Linglong Xue... Then it's big Stars at ease...


Isn't this TM the ultimate dream of every man?


"Go go go, chatting seriously."

An Xin gave Lin Xuan a white look.

Although it was the second time they met, and even the total time to meet was only one day, Lin Xuan rescued her, and when he rescued her, they even molested her. They are friends. It is definitely a special friend. Maybe this kind of speciality has not risen to an ambiguous relationship for the time being, but there must be this trend, and An Xin does not have the kind of big celebrity with hundreds of millions of fans. Together with Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan anyway I think she is simply not a star, but a very simple, youthful girl.

Anyway, just two words...

I want to snap.

"Very serious, I am thinking about having a big star as a girlfriend, the scenery is dead."

Lin Xuan said with a laugh.

"Okay, then you helped me win ten Golden Melody awards at this year's awards ceremony, and I will be your girlfriend, okay?"

An Xin is white again. Lin Xuan glances at it. , Said casually.

Just to say it casually, the Golden Melody Award is an award with a huge weight in the music world. It is once a year and there are a total of more than 20 awards. For her, half of them have nothing to do with her, such as the best Newcomer award, best male singer award... There are only a dozen who can be related to her, she has won them, best composition, best lyrics, best song of the year, best album of the year, best female singer Wait...

She won four Golden Melody Awards in one year.

But it is not only possible to get it once. With Lin Xuan’s talent, An Xin feels that he has the ability to help herself get a dozen more. At least the level of those two songs, she thinks it is absolutely possible to maintain it, but then Talented people are also impossible to make that many high-quality songs in a short period of time. Especially, she said that this year, she will receive ten Golden Melody Awards. This is even more impossible. Get one Golden Melody Award and win one at a time. Ten Golden Melody Awards are completely two concepts. Since ancient times, no star has ever taken ten awards at a time at the Golden Melody Awards ceremony.

There are also thirteen-fourteen Golden Melody Awards related to her. This year's awards ceremony let her take ten, which is absolutely impossible! So she said this deliberately, which is absolutely impossible.

"You said it."

Lin Xuan said.

"Ang, I said it."

An Xin snickered, it seems that he really has no idea about the Golden Melody Awards, that many outstanding singers a year, that Many songs, that many outstanding artists, why can she sweep ten awards alone?

There were only four in her Peak period. In that year, she neglect sleep and forget about food and barely took a day off. She released five albums. What is the concept of five albums a year? very horrifying!

In that case, she even found some excellent lyrics and composers to write a lot of excellent songs, plus her own, only four!

Lin Xuan really surprised her with those two songs. She thinks she definitely has the level of golden melody, but ten golden melody awards...really impossible!

Winning and nomination are also two concepts.

"Okay! Just for you, I will write a song for you, and I don't want your money."


Listen When it came to Lin Xuan, An Xin was taken aback.

"No, no, that's two different things." An Xin shook her head quickly.

She is nothing serious. Things that Lin Xuan thinks are impossible. If Lin Xuan doesn't need money, she really feels so sinful.

Or... he wouldn't be serious, would he?

"Ding...Anxin's favorability to you +5."

Lin Xuan looked at Anxin, then raised his eyebrows, said with a smile: "If I can get you , Doesn’t that mean I have got everything from you, including your money?"

An Xin: "..."

"Then you can't get it? Isn't it all in Is it vain? And do you know the concept of ten Golden Melody Awards a year? The most famous star Rosie only nominates 16 awards a year and won six! This is the most powerful!"

An Xin is really afraid of Lin Xuan.

"What if I am better?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Peace of mind: "..."

"Just say that, I will give you all the songs of your next album. You can tell me the genre, and I will help you Write! I won't charge you money either!"

An Xin: "..."

What does he picture? Do you really like yourself?

An Xin thought of it.

"You...do you really have this ability?"

She is really sorry, but Lin Xuan seems to be serious.

It’s just...

Nocturne and Sunny Day are good, but they were written by him before. It may have taken a lot of time. The Golden Melody Awards started in May, and there are three more Months, three months... She felt that writing two songs of that level would be against the sky.

"Take a paper, a pen, and a guitar."

Lin Xuan took a bite of a large lobster and said.

"What are you doing?"

"Give me the conditions for a song you want, this Young Master will show you what true talent is!"


Lin Xuan looked towards An Xin, the confidence in his eyes makes An Xin feel that this man is really shining!

"You...you wait."

An Xin then made a phone call. She was very excited and excited, and couldn't believe it. Lin Xuan could say such a thing? He wants to improvise?

She is not excited because of her own interests, but Lin Xuan makes her feel...may subvert her cognition! This is where the excitement is! She really likes those talented people! I also admire it very much.

Moreover, a confident man is really charming! But prerequisite, he must have confident capital!

Lin Xuan asked her to type directly on the spot, which has proved that he wants to improvise! It is absolutely impossible to take out the ones created before! Unless he created countless, that would be impossible!

Five minutes later, a man walked in with a pen and paper and a guitar.

"Brother An Xu, why are you here!"

Seeing him, An Xin was taken aback.

Wei Anxu is also a popular star and male singer. He himself developed in the ice country. Lin Xuan met him at this concert and he was one of the guests invited by Anxin , I helped sing two songs, which are absolutely popular little fresh meat.

"Listen to your agent saying that you want a guitar or something. It happened that I was eating with them, and the food was almost the same. Come see you, and I will give it to you by the way!"

Wei Anxu's gaze then looked towards Lin Xuan.

Seeing them sitting together, he also knew that they were talking about something! It's just that he doesn't like other men being alone with An Xin.

"Hello, my name is Wei Anxu, Mr. Lin Xuan, right? Please advise."

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