Since Lin Xuan said so, it is impossible for him to smoke more.

"Go for a drink together? Some things and Young Master Lin you talk about."

"Oh, I'm sorry, because I have some things to go to Ice Country, so I'm afraid I don't have time Now, Young Master Ye has anything you want to say. Just tell me now."

Ye Qingyun came to Lin Xuan for only one purpose. As Lin Ya’s younger brother, Lin Xuan has the best He has the right to speak and presence, what he said will be very useful, and he likes Lin Ya, if he can win Lin Xuan and let Lin Xuan help him pursue Lin Ya, he must double the results for half the effort.

"This is the case, you should also know that I am pursuing your sister?"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"So I want your support. Don't worry, if I can pursue your sister, I will spend my whole life and use everything I have to care for her."

Lin Xuan 摩挲Chin.

"But, I can't."

"I know I am too abrupt, but I really like her, but she doesn't even see me, at most It is for the business aspect that I might meet, so I think..."

"Young Master Ye."

Lin Xuan patted Ye Qingyun's shoulder.

It can be seen that this person really likes Lin Ya. Lin Xuan does not know what his character is, but even if his character is good, but... Lin Ya belongs to him! I'm really sorry.

"What advice does Young Master Lin have?"

"It is my sincerity to chase a girl. It is always wrong to rely on others to chase, especially she is my sister, oh By the way, if Young Master Ye is here only for this, then I think you can go back, because my sister has someone she likes."


Ye Qingyun showed an expression of disbelief.

He has never seen Lin Ya close to any boy!

"Well, yes, tell you clearly, my sister has someone she likes, she is impossible to accept anyone else."

Lin Xuan said.

At that moment, Ye Qingyun felt that his sky had collapsed.

"But... but I have never heard of or seen... Who is he?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "This Young Master Ye, you don't need to know You just need to know that you don’t have a chance anyway. There are so many beautiful girls in this world, Young Master Ye, you should consider other people."

After Lin Xuan patted his shoulders and then walked away.

Ye Qingyun's face is as gray as death...

It's the kind of feeling that she has lost her love.

"Wait, Young Master Lin!"

Ye Qingyun called out Lin Xuan.

"en? Is there anything else?"

"I want to know who he is? What kind of guy is worthy of her, and the guy she really likes What is it like."

Ye Qingyun said unwillingly.

Or maybe I'm a little bit heartened, but he wants to know.

"He is not so good, just like that's all! I like this thing, who is right, right? Go."

Then Lin Xuan waved his hand. walked away.

Ye Qingyun clenched his fist secretly, and after a while he loosened it slightly.

"Hey, Ye Qingyun, ah Ye Qingyun, in this life you finally fell in love with a girl, and it was too late in the end. It would be nice if you could get to know her earlier."

Ye Qingyun sighed.

"Forget it, if you can become a friend, that's okay, if you blame it, blame yourself!" Ye Qingyun sighed, and then walked into the Yaxuan Building.

How should I put it, suddenly he stopped pursuing Lin Ya, but instead let go. Then go and have a good chat with her. He is also satisfied to be a friend.


At this moment, Lin Xuan is already sitting on the plane heading to the ice country.

Because the accident rate of flying vehicles such as airplanes is simply too high, there are very few airplanes as vehicles, and few people are willing to make airplanes, although it is faster! But less return less, not to say no, and why the high accident rate is not the problem of the aircraft itself, but the field of demonic beast!

In the field of demonic beasts, there are many flying demonic beasts. When the flying demonic beast sees an airplane flying by, it blasts past with a demon skill and the airplane is gone. Everyone on the plane has to hang up! If there is no threat of demonic beast, the accident rate of normal aircraft is 3 in 1 million, and if there is demonic beast, it is 1 in 100,000!

Although the odds of one in 100,000 seem to be very low, it is indeed dangerous!

It’s just going to places like Ice Country. It’s too far and too far. It will take longer to take a Nebula car. Secondly, the danger level is actually higher than that of an airplane. You are far away and traveling across borders. You have a higher chance of encountering a powerful demonic beast and a greater chance of being attacked. Moreover, that area belongs to the field of demonic beasts and is more dangerous, so more people are traveling across borders. More options are airplanes.

"Lin Xuan, are you here?" On the plane, Lin Xuan was in a video call with Xiao Runing.

The aircraft here is much more advanced than Earth. Just play with mobile phones, at least you don’t have to worry about the threats that your mobile phone signals might bring to the aircraft.

"I just got on the plane, it will take 23 hours, I am drunk."

Lin Xuan has never been in a car or plane for more than ten hours in his life. He never had it when he was in Earth. He felt it was a kind of torment. When I went to Tiandu, I spent about eight hours on the Nebula Car and died. Fortunately, Linglongyue talked to cultivate and cultivate feelings. But it's hard to be alone now.

There are not many people on the entire plane, about ten passengers, but the plane ticket is extremely expensive, anyway, it cost 50,000 yuan from Lin Xuan to the airport of Lin’an Feibing National Ice Capital! After all, there are too few people who fly by plane, so the unit price will be very high.

"It's okay, take a good night's sleep."

Xiao Runing said with a smile.

"Ah, you have to reimburse me for the 50,000 airfare money."

Xiao Runing then couldn't help but give Lin Xuan a blank look.

"Okay, I'll reimburse you, but you have to play it for me."

"Don't worry!"

Lin Xuan took a look at Xiao Runing The background seems to be in the living room.

"Is this your home? The villa?"

Xiao Runing's family living in a villa is also reasonable, but Lin Xuan really doesn't understand Xiao Runing at all.

"Why? I can't live in a villa?"

Xiao Runing is rolled the eyes again.

At this time, Xiao Runing passed by a girl in pink home clothes, passing by while eating delicious food, and then she took a look, it was very strange.

"Who do you video with?"

Xiao Xinyue came over.

Does this elder sister even have a video call with a boy?

"Hello, Xiao Xinyue, I want to die, kiss me."

Lin Xuan saw Xiao Xinyue and waved with a smile.

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"Hey, I advise you to be kind."

Xiao Runing said uncomfortably.

Xiao Xinyue then sat beside Xiao Runing.

"Do you have a video call with Lin Xuan?"

It feels amazing. Even if the relationship is good, just make a phone call. Video...

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