Yes, in the next hour, Lin Xuan took Linglong Xue and did not continue the topic. The two people held the laptop in her room and killed two enthusiastically.

"Let me go! Little Linglong, why are these two of you so fierce? A series of single kills are opposite!"

Lin Xuan was surprised by Linglong Xue's operation. Is this still Linglong Xue? Isn't she a pit wall? How can you kill the opposite infinitely?

If a single kill is luck, it is the real dish on the other side, but two consecutive games are super god...

"Because I learned the big move."


Linglong Xue lightly saying.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Then she closed the computer.

"Don't fight anymore?"

Lin Xuan asked.

She shook her head: "Don't fight anymore."

"Have you relieved?"

Lin Xuan put her arms around her, and then let her go. He fell on the bed, looked at her profile and asked quietly.

"Not angry."

She lightly saying.

"I must be angry, all the mistakes are my fault, but...I really can't leave them behind."


Linglong Xue lay there, turning his head to look at Lin Xuan.

"Um...reluctant, and I don't want to make myself a scum."

"You are already a scum."

Lin Xuan ; "..."

"Then can you forgive me for being a scumbag?"

Lin Xuan lightly gave her pink cheeks.

"Just don't be in front of me."

Linglong Xue was slightly sighed.

Lin Xuan showed a surprised expression.

"Then...then you..."

Linglong Xue then sat up and said quietly: "Actually, I knew it a long time ago. If you didn't admit it, then I would leave you , But you admit it, at least you didn’t deceive me. Mother said, never choose a man who deceived you, at least you have passed this aspect, and..."

Linglong Xue turned his head to look Looking at Lin Xuan, very helplessly said: "You are destined to be impossible and only me."


Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"And Ling Yue."

"Why do you talk about this again?"

Although Lin Xuan does want to pick her up...

"Didn't you say that you don't want to disappoint any girl you can't live up to? She is."

"Then...can you accept it?"

Lin Xuan look She asked.

"At least it is easier to accept than others, and...I am not a big room."

Linglong Xue said quietly.

Lin Xuan: "..."

It is estimated that the first woman she heard of Lin Xuan was Ling Ying, so she said that.

"Aiya, don't worry about this, there is no difference in size, in my heart you are all the same."

Lin Xuan smiled and then hugged her.

Happy, very happy.

This is the lump in Lin Xuan's heart. I dare not say it, just like Ling Ying and Han Chuxue before, but I said it and got forgiveness from Linglong Xue at the same time. I am really happy!

So, Lin Xuan's blessing is really good! The girl around is really good!


Linglong Xue then looked at Lin Xuan seriously.

"What? You say it! Just say it!"

"I'm still upset, so as a punishment, I bet that I lost to you will not count, do you agree? "As she said, her face was slightly flushed.

Lin Xuan: "..."

A joke, of course I agree! Although a little reluctant, but this is my own wife, who will be long in Japan.

"Of course! Of course! What else, daughter-in-law, please mention it."

"The same sentence, you can't touch me without my consent!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan nodded.

It's to calm down her heart.

"Remove your hands."

Linglong Xue lightly saying.

Lin Xuan released his hand decisively.

Although he has promised now, he will definitely be able to act wilfully again in two days.

"Hehe, happy, wait for them to buy the ingredients later, and I will cook it for you."

"I will make it."

Linglong Xue said.

"Wow! You even have to grab this from me."

"I am happy."

Lin Xuan laughed.

"Okay, okay, you do, but you can't work too hard, my son is still in your stomach."

Lin Xuan said with a laugh.

Linglong Xue touched her lower abdomen, then lifts the head looked towards Lin Xuan.

"I will help you pursue Lingyue."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Isn't it? so good?

Lin Xuan still looks tangled.


"Um, sure."

"Are you really okay?"

"en. "

"Then...when the time comes, if you really catch it, can you three people together...cough cough..."

"Unless you want to die."


Linglong Xue coldly said.

"Hehe, just make a joke, make a joke."

Lin Xuan said with a laugh.

"That... my wife, I want to ask for one thing."

Linglong Xue then looked towards Lin Xuan.

"Just... Look, if I don't go back tonight, I will be here with you."


Linglong Xue directly Refused.

Of course she knows what Lin Xuan is doing.

"But... think about it, you are pregnant now, what can we do for the first three months, but not for seven months..."

Lin Xuan then looked at her aggrievedly.

"So don't you have Ling Ying and the others?"

Linglong Xue's sentence choked Lin Xuan not knowing how to answer.

"Okay, okay, if your wife disagrees, don't do anything else, I will put your arms to sleep, and don't move anything, okay?"

Lin Xuan looked wronged and pleading.

Linglong Xue: "..."


"But I will leave tomorrow."

Linglong Xue black brows slightly wrinkle looked at Lin Xuan.

"Go to Bing Country, you should know Bing Country, there are some things there, I don't know when I can come back."

"What's the matter?"


It feels like what Lin Xuan said is going to go for a long time.

"Hey, go to the major event, the man's major event."

"Is it about the forces?"

Linglong Xue asked.

Not quite right, why did he go to other empires to develop his power?

But isn’t this the thing about men?

"Hey..." Lin Xuan sighed didn't answer either. Isn't this a lie to her?

"So I want to make friends with you before I leave, and don't do anything, just put my arms around you to sleep, okay?"

Linglong Xue bites slightly Red lips.

How to say I am his woman, this is actually her duty.

"Then...Okay, but you have to promise, nothing can be done!"

Linglong Xue finally relented.

Yes, in fact, basically all women are soft-hearted. This may be a woman, even Linglong Xue from Heavenly Dao Realm! Of course, there may be a prerequisite, that is, he will be soft on the people who care about him.

"Really, you promised, but you are not allowed to go back!"

Lin Xuan was overjoyed.

When the time comes, I slept together, now keep on saying can’t move her, but when the time comes ……hehe ……

Then Linglong Xue can’t be helped anymore. .

Think about some small expectations. I have never slept with her in her room...

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