Zhang Ting looked at her face in the mirror...

White, smooth, rosy and shiny, and all the crow's feet around her were gone!

She doesn't even think this skin is worse than the daughter next to her.

"Mother Queen, your skin, wow!! It's so smooth!"

Mu Feifei touched her, she was shocked!

"This is really my skin."

Zhang Ting opened her mouth wide, showing an expression of disbelief and surprise!

"Mother queen, wrinkles and crow's feet are gone, now you and I and elder sister are going out, others really think we are three sisters."

"Go, Didn't you always say that we were the three sisters when we went out!" Zhang Ting gave her a white look, and then stared at herself in the mirror!

She really feels like she is dreaming! You can't dream of it like this!

It's amazing!

"Hehe, it must be the three sisters now, wow! Mother and queen, that Lin Xuan is not ranting, it is true!"

Zhang Ting nodded, look. The self in the mirror!

"I misunderstood him. For this ability, Fahrenheit Group is absolutely incomparable. For this ability, if this thing produces energy, he can sit in the position of the richest man!"


Zhang Ting muttered to herself!

Yes, women buy countless cosmetics and skin care products. How much money does it cost? However, this thing directly allows you to save all the money for skin care products. Forty-fifty-year-olds, the skin can change Twenty to thirty, how exaggerated do you say this? Once this thing spreads out, it is simply a sensation among women all over the world!

"Originally, people thought he was talking big, but it turned out to be true. Mother and queen, he really has a lot of confidence but comes from himself. He really doesn't like it. What about the Fahrenheit Group."

Zhang Ting is nodded.

"He has conquered things that cannot be overcome in the world."

"Then he said that cancer, AIDS and the like can also be cured, and it can be cured by taking medicine. Then..."

Zhang Ting's body trembled slightly!

"Then he can definitely be the richest man in the world!"

No matter what, they all look at the facts!

And now, Lin Xuan gave them the facts!

Moreover, whatever he said is too much fantasy story and impossible, so they think this is a big talk, but the facts are in front of them, even if cancer can’t be done, it’s a big talk. But this skin care product made her wrinkles disappear, and her skin turned into a twenty-seven-eight-year-old look, invincible!

"Hehe, mother and queen, do you recognize this boyfriend of elder sister?"

Mu Feifei said with a laugh!

In my heart, I'm typing selfish calculations!

Well, he is pretending to be an elder sister anyway, if such a powerful person follows him, wow! Invincible!

Well, how about seduce him?


"Recognition, of course! Originally, my opinion of him was that he did not speak through the brain and speak big words, but now he really has this ability, and may even bring brand new to the world I misunderstood him, and of course he recognized him!"

Zhang Ting is nodded.

Moreover, as long as this person is more ambitious, he can be the richest man in the world!

Outside, Huayu looked at Lin Xuan jokingly, while Lin Xuan was sullen to eat, Mu Qingya bit her lip and lowered her head. She wanted to have a showdown with her father!

"Big Brother Mu, sister-in-law, is this all right?"

Hua Tian asked this time!

"It should be okay, didn't Lin Xuan say it, that's detoxification!"

Hua Yu said: "Mu Uncle, detoxification is not like this, it's too scary. "

Then he looked towards Lin Xuan and said: "If something happens, you just wait to go to jail!"

At this time, Zhang Ting smiled and left with Mu Feifei come!


Mu Qingya quickly stood up and turned around to look over, then... was shocked!


Zhang Ting laughed and said: "Little Xuan, hahaha, this thing is really amazing, look at the skin of Aunt, this is the station with Feifei Being together is like a sister!"


Hua Yu stood up with wide eyes, looking at Zhang Ting in disbelief!

Foggy grass? What about wrinkles? What about crow's feet? Foggy grass?

Mu Hao also took a look.

Foggy grass?

This wife is so beautiful! Isn't this what you look like in your twenties? Heavens! This is too happy, right?

Suddenly my 40-something-year-old wife turned into a twenty-six-seven-year-old. Do you think he is lucky? Sexual blessing is dead!

This Lin Xuan, what he said is absolutely true!

Mu Qingya's mouth is wide open!

He... he he he!

She looked at this weird Lin Xuan with beautiful eyes.

Lin Xuan smiled and stood up: "hahaha, Aunt, then you have to tell who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister. If you can't get it, people will think that Feifei is an elder sister. "

"hahaha ——"

Zhang Ting's smile is so happy!

"Qingya can have a boyfriend like you, that is really her blessing, and also our blessing!"

Zhang Ting said with a smile!

"no no no, it is my blessing to have a girlfriend like Qingya!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile!

Huayu;? ? ?


"Come, sit, eat, eat!"

Zhang Ting said with a smile!

"Huayu, you sit too."

gu lu ——

Huayu swallowed.

Lin Xuan sat down and said: "So, Hua Shao, it's not that I'm talking big, but I really don't like your Huashi Group's things!"

"He he he."

Huayu's face is ugly!

Mu Qingya sat there in shock, looking at Lin Xuan with beautiful eyes.

Who the hell is the person she met halfway through, who she thought was a gangster! It feels so strange, so mysterious!

"hmph! You said that when the time comes, you can cure cancer by developing medicine?"

Huatian coldly snorted.

"You don't believe it?"

"Of course!"

"Then wait and see, please come back!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile!

"Let's go!"

Hua Tian then took Huayu away and walked to the door, both of them stunned at the same time!


Fuck me? Why are they leaving?


But I can’t go back now!

"Father, what should I do now? If his stuff is really useful, then we Fahrenheit Group..."

"Listen to his boosting, don’t even want to do this thing To mass production!"

"But...it definitely broke the technology and new look of this World!"

"Hey..." Huatian sighed!

Inside the house...

"haha, Little Xuan, come, come and eat Red Braised Pork!"

Zhang Ting is really right now to Lin Xuan Satisfied!

"Thank you Aunt, Aunt, your craftsmanship is so good!"

"I did it." Mu Feifei said!

"That's normal."

Mu Feifei: "..."

"Brother-in-law, don't be like this."

Mu Feifei rolled the eyes!

"Little Xuan, did you develop this thing?"

Zhang Ting asked!

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