Lin Xuan scanned all this!

It doesn't seem to be much different from three years ago, except for a few more things, besides becoming more prosperous, except for the taller buildings!

Because Lin Xuan used to live in Jiangnan City!

The acquaintance with Dongfang Xue was also accidental. Later, Dongfang Xue often came to Jiangnan City to play with him, and then Lin Xuan went with her to one of her private residences. At that time, their Feeling fermented, and then you just have sex...


Lin Xuan died.

"This mall is still there."

Lin Xuan looked at the Suning Square in front of him.

This is far away from his previous residence, because he didn't have much money at the time, this is the city, and he can't afford to rent a house in the city!

But his happiest thing is that he can go shopping in the city during his free time. It's fun, and he has a lot of long legs!

At this point, the only lights on are street lights, and occasionally a few shops have lights. After all, it's too late!


Mu Qingya got out of the car.

She lives in the vicinity. Only she lives with her younger sister. It’s too dangerous, but she knows that there may be some shops open here and there will be people, so she might find a chance to leave Danger.

"Are there any mobile phone shops open now?"

Lin Xuan scratched his head and asked.

"No, but I know a shop that is open 24 hours a day. Although it does not sell mobile phones, it sells them."

Mu Qingya stood there and said.

"Okay, please take me there!"


Mu Qingya then walked over there! Then they saw a shop that was not too big!


A salesperson yawned and looked towards them!

When she saw Mu Qingya, she suddenly became energetic! This woman is not simple at first glance.

Lin Xuan took a look.

"Buy a mobile phone."

"Okay, here, you can choose by yourself, is there any style you are already interested in?"

Qingya just wanted to sneak out, Lin Xuan glanced at her and said, "You recommend one to me."


Mu Qingya bit He took a bite and walked out.

No, it seems that this person is deliberately restricting his life freedom, this person will definitely not let himself leave him for half a step!

I haven't taken out my mobile phone in the car, even if I took it out, I will never have a chance to make a call!

What should I do?

"This is good."

Mu Qingya pointed to a mobile phone of more than 10,000.

"Too expensive."

Lin Xuan shook his head.

Mu Qingya:? ? ?

Install! You continue to pretend!

"This is fine too!"

The little elder sister of the salesperson was shocked!

This woman looks so beautiful and noble. How can she be with a man who feels so ordinary? Buy him a cell phone? Is this man her younger brother? It’s always impossible to be her boyfriend, right?

Wrong! If it were her younger brother, how could this younger brother not have a mobile phone? How could he not wear a famous brand? What is this young brother wearing?

Lin Xuan took a look.

Five thousand yuan, ten thousand borrowed, and the remaining five thousand will not rent a house, so I will live in a hotel, and then I will make money slowly, and I should be able to survive!

It’s very uncomfortable because Lin Xuan was poor in Earth and didn’t know how to make money. When Lin Xuan came back here again, he had a shadow and felt that he might not be able to live. Sky Blue Star has already become that kind of existence, but now the cultivation base is gone...I can't act wilfully here either, that would go to jail.

"Okay, that's it."

"Thank you for it."

Mu Qingya then said to Lin Xuan: "Look again to see if there are any more Whatever is needed, I will pay."

Then she and the little elder sister walked a few meters to the side. There was a pen there. Mu Qingya found the opportunity and quickly picked up the pen and wrote in her palm. Two words.

"A total of 4999."

Then she saw Mu Qingya's hand lying on the counter, and the word "Help" on the palm of her palm!

She covered her mouth, looked towards Mu Qingya, and saw a trace of prayer in her eyes.

"That is five thousand."

Lin Xuan said.

"Ah... well, yes."

Mu Qingya also quickly withdrew her hand!

"just a moment please ……this…this machine seems to be the second mobile phone from the past, I seem to have got it wrong, please wait for my one minute."

The girl hurriedly left Turned on, then called the police, and cast a look at Mu Qingya when he came back.

Mu Qingya took a long breath!

After buying the phone, they went out!

Mu Qingya actually didn't want to go out because he called the police! It is estimated to be here soon, can't find a way to drag it!

Suddenly she saw a barbecue stall on the other side of the road, and her beautiful eyes lit up!

"I'm hungry, I invite you to a barbecue, do you eat it?"

Lin Xuan eyes shined.


Then the two went over there and ordered a bunch of barbecue!

"You eat, aren't you hungry?"

Lin Xuan elated the skewers there.


Mu Qingya is nodded.

And the little elder sister of the salesperson has been watching them opposite, paying attention to their whereabouts.

"Hello, may I ask..."

"You are finally here, just across the street, the barbecue stall is the man and the woman, the woman seems to be affected by the man I was held hostage, and I wrote a word of help on the palm of my hand, and I called the police!"

Some of them looked over in plainclothes!

"Asshole! I hate this kind of person the most!"

Lin Xuan grinned on the other side.

"It's really fragrant."

Mu Qingya let out an "um".

Suddenly, a few silhouettes ran over!

"Don't move!"

The guns in their hands pointed at Lin Xuan from various positions.

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

gu lu ——

He swallowed the barbecue.


Lin Xuan looked at them dumbfounded.

"Hold your head!"

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

"No, what's wrong with me?"


Qin Yijun shouted.

Lin Xuan then hugged his head very hard.

"Come here!"

Qin Yijun pointed at Lin Xuan and said to Mu Qingya!

Mu Qingya hurriedly ran behind her.


She looked at Mu Qingya in surprise.


Mu Qingya feels wronged.

"Damn it!"

Qin Yijun gritted his silver teeth and glared at Lin Xuan.

"Buckle it up!"

Then Lin Xuan was forced to be handcuffed.

"Is there anything dangerous on him?"

"Report header, I didn't see it."

"Take it back first."


"Hey hey hey! Why do you catch me? I'm not a prostitute, no prostitute, she is not a lady!"

Lin Xuan Shouted.

"You are the miss! Bastard!"

Mu Qingya bit her silver teeth!

"Qingya, what's the matter?"

Qin Yijun asked with frowning eyebrows tightly!

"I was on the way from Tianning City, I ran into him on the expressway to block the car, and then..."

She told Qin Yijun those things.

"So that's how it is! Don't worry, leave it to me, you go back to rest first, and drive the car all night."

"Don't you need to make a transcript?"

"No, let's go back!"

"Okay! Must punish him severely!"

"No problem."

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