Licking the dog?

Well, it is!

But sometimes it can’t be licked, and sometimes it can be licked and needs to be licked.

Like now.

A junior praises his mother-in-law and his elder is beautiful. Everyone knows that he is licking, but the other person will be very happy! The other person himself knows that this is licking, but he is just happy! This is different from the concept of licking a girl! Especially praise her in front of other people!

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this. The effect will only be great if the other party has some good feelings about you.

Murong Yu shook his head helplessly.

This Lin Xuan......

Murongfeng smiled in his heart.

This Lin Xuan is quite sensible.

"hahaha, Little Xuan, what you said makes sense, he is indeed blessed."

Lin Yu said with a smile and gave Lin Xuan a pair chopsticks.

Ye Feifan:? ? ?

How could this be?

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Aunt, do you know?"


Lin Xuan said with a smile: "I at first The first time I saw Murong Yu was at Martial God Academy. At that time, I was curious. This woman is so beautiful. How beautiful is her mother to give birth to such a beautiful daughter. Today I first saw Aunt’s I just wanted to say at the time, Aunt is so beautiful! Uncle Murong marrying Aunt is a blessing for eight years of cultivation. Is it Uncle Murong?"

Murong Feng: "..."

Damn! He was upset with this sentence!

But he still has to say yes!

"Hahaha, yes! Only with the blessing of eight lifetimes can we marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law, and have such a beautiful daughter!"

Murong Feng said with a smile!

"It's good if you know." Lin Yu laughed and said!

"Come on, Little Xuan eats chicken legs."

Lin Yu then smiled and gave Lin Xuan a chicken leg.

"Thank you Aunt, wow! Aunt, your hands look so good."

Lin Xuan eyes shined.

"Hahaha, is it?"

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, if you have a mother, you have a daughter. Murong Yu's hands are good-looking. Sure enough, Aunt's hands are good-looking. Although Murong Yu is already beautiful, it still has something like Aunt. Some gaps." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Murong Yu: "..."

Licking the dog!

"hahaha, it is my daughter after all. Come on, Little Xuan will try this Red Braised Pork."

Lin Yu smiled and gave Lin Xuan another piece Red Braised Pork.

Originally, Lin Yu prefers Lin Xuan. Although there is no contact between them, this person will find that besides being a bit lustful, other people are really good, even this People are willing to sacrifice themselves for something!

The simplest example, once Heavenly Flower City fell, how many people did he save by risking his life?

This kind of righteousness is something that young people rarely have now.

At least she can be certain that if her daughter follows him, if there is any danger, this person will at least leave her daughter and run away!

“hmph! ”

Ye Feifan coldly snorted!

How do you feel that Lin Xuan's crazy licking is still effective?

"How does it taste?"

Lin Yu asked with a smile.

"It's delicious. Murong Yu cooked for me before. I think it tastes very good, but now I think she may be doing mediocre cooking. She and Aunt still have a lot to learn. "Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Murong Yu: "..." Single

Murong Feng can't stand this Lin Xuan anymore!

Wow! How can you do this?


Lin Yu smiled openly.

Ye Feifan clenched his fists tightly and ate there with his head down!

How could this person have such a thick skin?

"Aunt, when you and Murong Yu are out shopping, will someone treat you as sisters and strike up a conversation with you?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile .

"Haha, I have done it several times."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"I guessed it too." Lin Xuan nodded.

"cough cough ——"

Murongfeng coughed dryly and said: "Little Xuan, Gate of Enlightenment, have you prepared in advance?"

Lin Xuan shook his head; "Not yet, I don't know what's going on inside anyway, let's talk about it when the time comes."

"I said Murongfeng, I talked to Little Xuan. Well, what are you doing?"

Lin Yu was not happy.

Murongfeng: "..."

"Cough cough cough, you talk, you talk."

Murongfeng is helpless!

Ye Haitao glanced at his son, and found that his son didn't seem to say anything, he also hurriedly winked at Ye Feifan.

Ye Feifan, of course, can see that Lin Xuan's licking here is effective, but... he won't!

And he is embarrassed, okay? He clearly knew that what he said was not true, or that it was exaggerated, he said that he was totally uncomfortable!

Murong Yu lowered his head to eat the food, but also very helpless, no matter what Lin Xuan said outrageous.

"Aunt, I have a medicine pill here."

Lin Xuan handed Lin Yu a medicine pill.

"What medicine pill is this?"

Lin Xuan said: "This is called Counterenance Halt Pill. Although Aunt is very beautiful and young, he may be uncle Murong. Yes, it will definitely have some effects on the skin. This Counterenance Halt Pill can make Aunt stay in the face. Although it cannot be said to achieve the so-called permanent appearance, it can definitely make Aunt not worry about the so-called women for ten years. Things."

Although this Lin Yu realm is not too low, it is clear that she is a realm that was promoted later.

For example, if you are 22 years old Heavenly Venerable Realm, Supreme Void Realm, then you look like 22 years old when you are 80 years old.

But if you are promoted to Supreme Void Realm at the age of forty, then you are at the age of forty when you are 80...

In short, the sooner you are promoted to high realm , The more direct your appearance will remain in a more perfect twenties stage.

So, Lin Yu is still worried about things like eye bags, small crow's feet and skin that are not as supple as before.

"This...really okay?"

Lin Yu was taken aback.

Lin Xuan smiled nodded; "Yes, Aunt can definitely let Aunt's face crush Murong Yu after taking it, so that Aunt can regain his twenty-seven-eight-year-old appearance!"


Ye Feifan laughed and said: "I said Young Master Lin, are you cheated by who?"



Lin Xuan glanced at him.

"I’ve lived such a big life and I’ve never heard of Counterenance Halt Pill in reality. It’s all illusory things on TV. Did Young Master Lin watch it in the supermarket? When I arrived at the leaflet, I mistakenly thought it was true? That is definitely not a good thing."

Ye Feifan said with a smile.

For TM, I finally found myself a chance to speak and fight back against this Lin Xuan!

Murongfeng also glanced at Lin Xuan.

Ye Haitao said: "This is normal, this thing is a gimmick, used to deceive those ignorant girls money, in fact, there is no effect, but may be harmful!"

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