Lin Xuan walked out of the Secret Realm of Evil God Fire Palace, and then came to Xiao Family.

The Xiao Family people saw Lin Xuan and were not surprised!

It’s best for him not to be poisoned in the Evil God Fire Palace. As long as he is poisoned outside, no matter how he died, he can’t think of them on his head, right? Even if you think about it, what evidence is there?

And Lin Xuan can make them feel better?

How can Lin Xuan not know that for Evil God Fire Palace, interest is the most important thing? Now he has joined Evil God Fire Palace. For Evil God Fire Palace, that Xiao Family’s The benefits to them are not important!

The benefit that Xiao Family gives to Evil God Fire Palace is Xiao Family's huge industry, and no matter how big you are, can you make the Yaxuan Group bigger?

But it’s better to have a Xiao Family than nothing, but in that case, he must make a choice. It must be impossible to kill everyone in Xiao Family, but at least Lin Xuan said Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Yun will definitely die!

Of course Lin Xuan knew that for the Evil God Fire Palace Palace Lord, it was too easy to kill them, but he told himself to give him some time, he must kill them!

Why does it take time?

It may be that he wants to kill them in a relatively silent way, without attracting Xiao Family’s attention, and then other members of Xiao Family will succeed, and he will still be able to control Xiao Family. Business.

"Young Master Lin, are you finished talking?"

Xiao Yun saw Lin Xuan come out, then smiled and asked.

I feel so comfortable! There is nothing more comfortable than Lin Xuan's death.

"Well, the chat is over!"

"How was the chat?" Xiao Yun asked with a smile.

"It's okay, that is, I was given a Sixth Elder seat, nothing else." Lin Xuan shrugged said!

Xiao Yun: "..."

Xiao Jianguo: "..."

Sure enough!

Sixth Elder!

This Sixth Elder has almost all rights in Evil God Fire Palace!

Like his Xiao Family, he has worked hard for so many years and brought much benefit to Evil God Fire Palace. It is only that Xiao Jianguo has become the Tenth Elder!

What is the status of these ten Eighth Elders?

To give the simplest example, Sixth Elder is qualified to order some members of the Evil God Fire Palace to do something, and Ten Eighth Elder may be the one ordered!

Xiao Jianguo is let out a long relaxed breath!

Sure enough!

This Evil God Fire Palace will indeed reuse Lin Xuan, which can be seen from the rights and status given to him!

Fortunately, he was poisoned. Once Lin Xuan died, their Xiao Family would be fine. Lin Xuan would not die, and Xiao Family’s status would definitely be squeezed!

"He he he, Sixth Elder is already very good!"

Xiao Jianguo said with a smile.

"It seems, then there is nothing wrong with me. I will leave now, there are still some things."

Lin Xuan said.

"See you later." Xiao Yun said. .


Lin Xuan nodded and then went out!


Xiao Yun is coldly snorted.

Goodbye, that is to see his corpse!

"Father, fortunately he was poisoned, otherwise his power is so great, and we Xiao Family are in danger."

Xiao Yun said!

"It is estimated that he does not have two hours to live. As long as he is out of Xiao Family and is poisoned, I can't blame Xiao Family." Xiao Jianguo sneered.

"Go, send someone to look at it."

Xiao Jianguo Road.


On the other side, Lin Xuan elated is walking on the bustling streets of Tiandu!

He also visited Tiandu three times in total, once as a guest of Ling Family and Han Family during the Chinese New Year, once to Divine Realm, passing here when he went to Divine Temple, and then this time!

Lin Xuan doesn't have much love for big cities. Mad, I was holding my pee at night and I couldn't find a remote place where no one was outside. I was really upset.

Lin Xuan then took out his mobile phone and sent a message in the group. Aite gave Ling Ying, Han Chuxue and Murong Yu.

"Little Ying Ying, Xiao Chuxue, Xiao Yu Yu, I have come to heaven, come out to play."

This news was seen by other girls, and they were extremely unhappy. Ate Lin Xuan, and then sent that kind of emoticon that crushed you, and the group exploded for a while.

"What are you playing?"

Ling Ying then asked in the group.

"Don't go, have dinner at home."

Murong Yu sent a message and said.

Han Chuxue also replied: "We have dinner at home."

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

"Damn! What day, why do you all have dinner together at home? Little Ying Ying, why don't you have dinner together?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Today is the Ching Ming Festival, I am going to worship."


Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

Ling Ying said: "This Young Lady has already worshipped, and lunch is almost finished. It's not enough to talk to grandfather and grandma for a while, so I can have time in the evening."

Lin Xuan sat on the street.

Ahhh! ! so boring!

Then Lin Xuan raised his brow slightly.

"Xiao Yu Yu, shall I go to your house?"

Murong Yu frowned slightly.

I don't want Lin Xuan to come to her house now!

Is it Mao?

Her mother seemed to have discovered something some time ago, and then she kept talking about her problem with Lin Xuan, and she kept talking, and finally she told her helplessly about the relationship between mother and Lin Xuan!

Now, her parents have looked at Lin Xuan from the perspective of son-in-law, but she has a headache.

"Don't come, what are you doing?"

Murong Yu refused.

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

Wow! Xiao Yu Yu turned down herself?

There is a ghost!

"Xiao Yu Yu, is there a man in your Murong Family? Say!"

Murong Yu: "..."



Murong Yu replied.

"Damn! You wait for me, I will pass now."

Murong Yu: "..."

She was helplessly sighed, in Take a look upstairs.

There are indeed men below.

"It's up to you, then."

Murong Yu shook his head helplessly.

"I don't know true or false either."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

It doesn't matter whether it is true or false. Lin Xuan used to tell Murong Feng about the situation of the Evil God Fire Palace here.

"Then you come to us at night?"

Ling Ying asked.

"I won't come, I'll see tomorrow, I will live in Xiao Yu Yu's bed tonight."

Murong Yu: "You are dreaming."

"I don't care, your bed tonight is mine!"

Murong Yu: "..."

Then she reluctantly sent a "stroke you" The emoji pack went on!

In the living room below, Murong Peak and Murong Yu’s mother Lin Yu are sitting on the sofa. On the other side are sitting two men, a man who looks like a twenty-six or seventeen. Handsome, and he also showed a superior quality.

Next to him is a middle-aged man, and he does not look simple!

"Hahaha, we haven't seen it in years!" Ye Haitao said with a smile while looking at Murong Feng!

Murongfeng nodded; "Yes, Big Brother Ye, we have indeed not seen each other for several years. What are you doing in the past few years?"

Ye Haitao said with a smile:" Develop Human Race forces in the field of demonic beast!"

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