Ling Ying and the others are basically at home now and haven't come back.

Originally, they didn't plan to go home, but when the bastard Lin Xuan went to another place, they felt that it would be better to go home and stay for a while in Lin'an City!

After all, after a while, they may leave home for three months. Will they stay at Gate of Enlightenment for three months? So let's stay with their family.

Xiao Xinyue, Xiao Runing and the others have also gone back!

Wu Yuhan is alone here, and Wang Xintong has also gone to accompany Qin Feng.

"Ah? Where is Huang Xi?"

Lin Xuan asked in surprise.

"Go back."

Bing Lingyue said.

"Go back, isn't it okay to stay here?"

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

"Maybe she still likes it there, but she said she will come over often, so it's easy for her to come over."

"Well then, pack up and eat out."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


"Ouch my little darling."

Lin Xuan picked up the little poem!

"Hey, Xiaotian, wouldn't you hold it?"

Yi Renbing glared at Lin Xuan.

"I like my daughter."

Lin Xuan shaved Xiao Shishi's little nose.

"Um..." Xiaotian pouted aggrievedly.

"Girls are preferred over boys."

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Neither, I like them all, how could I not like my own baby? It's just that, Girls need to be pampered, boys need to be independent."

"The small dragon thinks that Xiao Tianyi needs to be pampered."

The small dragon flew to Lin Xuan's shoulder.

"Oh? Why?"

"Xiao Shishi bullies Xiao Tianyi every day."


Lin Xuan couldn't help laughing.

"You kid is not tough at all, next time Xiao Shi Shi stretches out jio, you bite her."

Lin Xuan squeezed Xiao Tianyi's face.

"You have no teeth to bite her."

Ling Longyue said.

"Also." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Let's go, go out and play!"


"Chenxi, Lin Xuan wants us out for dinner, let's go."

Murong Qing put on her coat.

Luo Chenxi closed the contract nodded; "It will be here soon!"

"Go, let's call Bai Xuanxuan together, and Leng Wuxin."

Bai Xuanxuan and Leng Wuxin are in charge of Asura Palace, while Murongqing and Luo Chenxi are in charge of the Yaxuan Group. There is a very big connection between them. They are only two departments, but one family!

In a huge box, a group of beautiful girls, only Lin Xuan is a man, oh no... there is another, Xiao Tianyi!

"Order a la carte! Wind chimes, you are the guest, you order first."

Lin Xuan smiled and passed the menu to the wind chimes.


Feng Chime took a look, then thought about it.


Lin Xuan, your sister’s dog thief!

This is a 5-Star level hotel, yes! There are a lot of expensive things, but... when I look at the dozens of beautiful people around me, they are all Lin Xuan’s friends or women, how could she be ashamed to cheat him like this in front of such a group of people around Lin Xuan, totally sorry what!

Wait, are you sure any of them is Lin Xuan's friends? Are you sure they are not all women?

That's not the case. After all, there are still some who have not got it. It doesn't mean that you can't get it, but Lin Xuan hasn't confessed, or that he hasn't really started it. 536 Literature

"Cough cough, whatever, you order, I can do it, stir-fry, soup, etc."

Feng Chime handed the menu to Lin Xuan, Then Lin Xuan gave Lin Xuan a secret glance.

Lin Xuan smiled in his heart, let’s fight him!


Lin Ya and the others are in one room!

Their team has grown to five people, and they are all people with the power of Demon God!

Just to say that there are three Demon God powers on Lin Xuan's side, ten thousand ways of evil thunder, nothingness killing pupils and dark fog! They can only have nine at most.

Zhao Mengyue walked over and looked at Lin Ya who was sitting on the side, with the other four people, as if they were in two worlds.

"Tell you a good news."

Zhao Mengyue glanced at Lin Ya and said.

Lin Ya opened beautiful eyes.

"I am also the latest news. Your baby younger brother already has a daughter and son."

Lin Ya lovable body trembled suddenly.

Little Xuan...Is Little Xuan already a father?

"I'm going to see them!"

Lin Ya quickly stood up and said.

"Oh, I have done my best to tell you this news. Do you still want to see them?"

Lin Ya secretly clenched her pink fist!

"Work hard, you two will go with Lin Ya to find the next Demon God power. As for the one who inherits this power, I will take it!"

Zhao Mengyue lightly saying!

"Yes, head!"

Zhao Mengyue then threw two photos to Lin Ya.

"Work hard after watching it! Don't say I don't care about you."

After finishing Zhao Mengyue, he walked away.

She just winked Lin Ya's heart a little, at least to ensure that she would be motivated to work next time?

Lin Ya quickly picked up the two photos. The photos were obviously taken secretly at a certain location. The photos were of several people. Linglong Xue held Xiao Shishi and Yi Renbing held Xiao Tianyi.

Not too clear, but there are two particularly clear.

"So cute."

Lin Ya lightly rubbed the photo with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Is this Linglong? so that's how it is."

Lin Ya Weiwei's nodded.

That very beautiful Linglong Xue, but who is the other one? It should also be very beautiful.


On the other side, Xiao Family.

"Lin Xuan is back?"

Xiao Yun asked.

"Yes, Young Master, I just came back today during the day!"

Xiao Yun rubbed his chin slightly!

"Since he is back, the people at Evil God Fire Palace should let him come."

At this time, Xiao Yun's father walked in.


"Well, that Lin Xuan is back. I guess the past few days Evil God Fire Palace should let him come."

Xiao Yun said: "Then how do we do it?"

The value of Lin Xuan will be higher than them, when the time comes, whether it is Lin Xuan has a higher status in Evil God Fire Palace What's more, as far as Evil God Fire Palace is concerned, their Xiao Family has little use value. Their end will only be that their position in Evil God Fire Palace is getting weaker and weaker, and they are gradually squeezed out!

This is a consequence of Lin Xuan joining Evil God Temple!

So, for them, Lin Xuan can only die to be good news for Xiao Family!

The usual way to kill Lin Xuan almost doesn't exist anymore, it's too difficult! However, since Lin Xuan wants to come to Xiao Family, it is not necessarily impossible!

Xiao Family is Evil God Fire Palace underneath. There are also members on it, but there are more Xiao Family members on it. They can at least get in touch with Lin Xuan in advance when Lin Xuan goes down. It's their chance!

"Don't worry, when the time comes, he will also meet us, you and him are considered old acquaintance, let him die in Xiao Family!"

"That Evil God Fire Palace will not blame it?"

"Then they have to have evidence that we did it? Even if they know it clearly, they will not do it without evidence. After all, Lin Xuan is dead, ours The value is still very high!"

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