It’s okay for Huang Xi to ask this question, that is, the former Demon God, who controls the existence of the evil thunder is a friend of hers!

Later, this friend, how should I say, she also went astray, and that was nothing to do!

She just heard that Lin Xuan got ten thousand evil thunders, so she took a look and recalled that's all for a while. There was no other meaning.

In another room, the wind chimes are stupid!

They are all Lin Xuan's women, really! These beautiful elder sisters, one by one, are so noble and so powerful. Are they the big women of Lin Xuan?

This may be relatively fine, but... They both gave Lin Xuan a beautiful daughter and son...

Wow! !


She can't figure out where Lin Xuan's charm is. Can such a woman be attracted?


"Hello ladies!"

Lin Xuan and Huang Xi walked into the room.

"Xiao Shishi Hug!"

Lin Xuan smiled and hugged Xiao Shishi.

Next to him, Xiaotian blinked his eyes and watched Lin Xuan pick up Xiao Shishi, and then extended the hand aggrieved and asked for a hug.

"You don't hold me."

Lin Xuan glanced at Xiaotian.

Then Xiao Tianyi curled his mouth.

"Wow! Isn't it? How does he feel so young that he can understand what Lin Xuan is saying?"

Fengling and Wu Yuhan were both surprised!

Really, what he showed was as good as he understood.

"They are very smart."

Yi Renbing looked at his baby son, and then said: "Xiao Tianyi, do you like him?"

Yi Renbing pointed at Lin Xuan.

Xiao Tianyi then shook his head.

Wind chimes:? ? ?

Heavens! This is too terrifying! Is this really understandable? Is he only a few months old? This this? ? It's so scary.

And they are all used to it.

"Big Brother Big Brother, Xiaotian just ate the jio of Xiaoshishi."

The small dragon flew out of Linglongyue's arms and said.

Fengling and Wu Yuhan also saw the small dragon. They hadn't seen it before. That's because the small dragon was sleeping in Linglongyue's arms and in the small backpack, and they didn't pay attention either!

Feng Chime just saw Small Dragon just now, she is even stupid!

Dragon Race, this is Dragon Race!

Heavens! What kind of evil spirit is next to Lin Xuan? Dragon Race have little girls? She was stunned.

"Really? Did you stretch your feet over again on purpose."

Lin Xuan squeezed Xiao Shishi's face.

Xiao Shishi proudly said "hmph"!

The wind chime opened her mouth secretly.

It's so scary!

Really... the world view is about to collapse a little bit.

These two little things feel like a five-six-seven-year-old, maybe even bigger.

"Wind chime, can anyone from the dark alliance kill it?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Feng Chime thought for a while, and then said: "According to what father said, although the Dark Alliance is not a wicked organization, 90% of them are actually puppets, and they have lost their souls. , Only battle strength, follow the order, they are dead men, only a small number of people, they retain their own consciousness, in fact, they can kill all!"

"Then there is no problem, let's Let’s take a rest and set off at night!"

Wu Yuhan stood up and bowed to them; "Thank you for your help."

Yirenbing slightly twitched the corner of her mouth and said: "That You can take care of this person in bed."

Lin Xuan; "..."

The wind chimes are all shocked!

These beautiful and noble elder sisters are Lin Xuan’s girlfriends and she can accept them for the time being, but they all accept Lin Xuan three wives and four concubines one by one?

Wow! Is this World crazy?


In the middle of the night, above the dark alliance...

"Have you found anything?"

Dark Alliance Alliance Leader Sit there indifferently asked.

"Back to Alliance Leader, I haven't found it yet, but there are clues. Basically, I have locked the range in a small area. You should be able to lock the target in less than a day!"


"Well, if you suspect anyone, you can catch them all, as long as there is a dark mist in his body, then there is no problem!"


At this time, Lin Xuan and a group of people walked up the mountain in the middle of the night with such a big swing!

"Alliance Leader, there is a group of people walking up the mountain below."

Another person ran over and said.

"en? Are you here to worship? Don't they know that worship is forbidden on this peak late at night? You can solve this kind of trivial matter."

Dark Alliance Alliance Leader Didn't take it to heart.

In fact, many people come here admiringly. Some people don’t know the rules here, and may come at night. For him, this is normal and doesn’t require much attention.

"Alliance Leader, they look not simple!"

Dark Alliance Alliance Leader frowned.

"Not simple!?"

"No, there are a few women who are particularly beautiful and noble, and they don’t look like ordinary people. Maybe they have a cultivation base, which is not too low. ! Like some Martial Artists whose cultivation base is not very low, how could they come to worship?"

"Be careful."


Outside, they just walked up.

"A few, no worship is allowed on this peak late at night!"

Halfway up the mountain, a few people who looked like monks stopped them!

"I didn't come to worship."

Lin Xuan looked at them and said.

"The few who are?"

In the next instant, they fell directly to the ground.

Lin Xuan's mouth twitched: "I'm here to kill! Little Linglong!"

Linglong Xue lovable body exploded with a powerful force, his eyes condensed, showing Dancing wildly, and then a terrifying space blockade completely blocked this place!

Want to break through Void Fox's blockade, then your realm may need to surpass her a lot, or you need to spend a lot of time and energy!


Wu Yuhan's Xiao Shishi seems to be very excited about this scene, clapping her hands happily, like Xiao Tianyi in the arms of a wind chime, that is completely completely It's the opposite, a bit afraid of it.

Lin Xuan said he was helpless!

Big brother, you are a man. Although you are a younger brother, how do you feel that the personalities of these brothers and sisters are reversed?

It is estimated that as Yi Renbing said, when they grow up, Xiao Tianyi will be bullied to death by Xiao Shishi.

And this imposing manner was directly noticed by everyone in this dark alliance!

"Come on!"

The dark alliance Alliance Leader's eyes condensed!

Or the strong enemy of Space Attribute?

shua~ shua~ shua~ ——

Hundreds of dark alliance powerhouses jumped up in the dark, standing above the void!

Wu Yuhan's eyes condensed, staring at the people above! Secretly biting his silver teeth!

She doesn't know who did it, but there must be her enemy here, who killed her parents, the enemy of her family!

"What do you mean by this?"

As the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm, the Dark Alliance Alliance Leader, he naturally felt that the power of this space blockade was Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Dao Realm came to his dark alliance, to be honest, he did not expect it!

If you can’t do it, it’s best not to do it. Even if he admits it, don’t do it. Heavenly Dao of space is too strong!

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