Linglong Xue sat there noble and gracefully, and then connected to the video!

"Little Linglong, I miss you."

Lin Xuan's humble appearance is in the eye.

Why do you want to smoke him so much?

"What's the matter?"

Linglong Xue asked faintly!

"I can't video chat with you if I'm fine? What are you doing?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

"Eating, hot pot, everyone is here."

Then Linglong Xue picked up the phone and pointed the camera at Yi Renbing, Linglongyue, Bing Lingyue and Huang Xi in turn.

"Cough cough, then let me talk about it again, I miss you."

Lin Xuan grinned.

"Sure enough, people will change."

Huang Xi took a bite of fat cow and said lightly.


"Just assume I didn't say you."

Huang Xi said indifferently.

Lin Xuan then said awkwardly: "It feels delicious."

"Then wait till you get back to eat."

Linglong Xue said .

"How about... come and eat with me?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"I knew you must have something!"

Linglongyue rolled the eyes to Lin Xuan.

"Cough cough cough, little things, little things."

"What's the matter?"

Yi Renbing asked lightly.

"Come and kill a Heavenly Dao Realm for me."

A few women: "..."

Killing a Heavenly Dao Realm, this can also be said to be Is it trivial?

"If my realm is a little higher and reach Supreme Void Realm seven stars, I would dare to fight Heavenly Dao Realm, but I only have Supreme Void Realm three stars."

Lin Xuan Road.

"Are you too imaginary?"

Bing Lingyue asked in surprise.

"Yes, I accidentally absorbed an evil thunder, and then I was promoted to the Supreme Void Realm!"

"The power of one of the twelve Demon Gods Thunder?"

Linglong Xue faintly muttered to oneself.


"Okay! When?"

Linglong Xue asked.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."


Linglong Xue nodded.

Normally they won’t help Lin Xuan, and Lin Xuan doesn’t need them to help normally, because then they can’t improve themselves!

But, this matter does not need their help, Lin Xuan really can't do it! Heavenly Dao Realm!

"See you tomorrow."

Linglong Xue said.

"Wow! Bring Xiao Tianyi and Xiao Shishi here tomorrow, I want to hit their PP!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

The corners of the mouths of the women twitched.

There is such a father?

Then Lin Xuan video chats with them all the way, until Xiao Tianyi wakes up to drink grandma, Yi Renbing wants to feed him, Lin Xuan keeps shouting to watch, then Linglong Xue shuts down the video Up.

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Wow! It seems that this is not at home, they are not afraid of me."

Lin Xuan turned off the phone Said sadly!

"Then if they wait for me to come out of Gate of Enlightenment, won't they be going to shake the sky? No way! They have to stand up!"


2nd day, Linglong Xue and their entire group came to Fengdu.

They don't need to fly or anything, just go directly to Linglong Xue's Space Jump, and they can easily come here!

"Wow! Where is this beauty! My Heavens!"

"Beauty? Beauty, you are humiliating them! This should be Goddess, right? This temperament, This look, I rely on! Invincible!"

"How come there are women of this level!"


When they are so few When an individual walks in the streets of the city, there is absolutely nothing to compare with the rate of return!

They are already low-key enough, and the clothes they wear are all relatively ordinary, but can you stand up to this temperament? This kind of temperament has made people fall into it and can't extricate themselves!

However, these noble and beautiful women are all Smelly Rogue.

I don’t know where the blessings came from.

Linglong Xue is holding Xiao Shishi, Yi Renbing is holding Xiao Tianyi, these two brat eyes are looking at all the bustling surroundings with divine eyes.

"I want...mother...I want."

Xiao Shishi looked at the marshmallows with big eyes, and then pointed her cute little finger.

This little poem is eight or nine months old, and she is extremely smart, and can basically say something simple!

Moreover, Linglong Xue has never taught her how to speak, or even taught her to call mother. She really called her mother.

Xiao Tianyi can't speak yet, but his little hand is also pointing at the marshmallow, looking very excited.

Linglong Xue rubbed Xiao Shishi's little head dozingly, then hugged her and walked over.

"You can't eat yet."

Yi Renbing looked at Xiao Tianyi's desire, and then said with a faint smile.


Xiao Tianyi pulled his head together.

Then Xiao Shishi ate the marshmallow happily, and Xiao Tianyi looked at the marshmallow in her hand longingly.

"Give it."

Xiao Shishi handed the cotton candy to Xiao Tianyi, Xiao Tianyi extended the hand happily, and then...

Then she pulled her hand back with her backhand, eating beautifully, her big beautiful eyes full of cunning.

Xiao Tianyi: "..."

"pu chi ——"

Several women couldn't help laughing.

"When Xiao Tianyi and Xiao Shishi grow up a little bit, Xiao Tianyi will be bullied to death by his elder sister."

Yi Renbing couldn't help saying with a smile.

Huang Xi looked at them with beautiful eyes.

To be honest, some envy!

She never thought she would envy these before, but after staying with them for a long time, she really liked and envied them.

"hmph! I am the boss anyway!"

Linglongyue's cute little nose wrinkled: "You all have to listen to me in the future!"

Around The people looked at them enviously.

Who can get such a woman, I really envy him, and even gave birth to a little baby.

"Let's go, Lin Xuan is waiting for us."

Linglong Xue said.

Then they walked to the box of a certain hotel.

"Hey, did you mean that Heavenly Dao Realm's experts will come here for dinner later?"

Feng Chime asked with his feet shaking.

Lin Xuan nodded; "Yes, Heavenly Dao Realm, can't you, the host, express it well?"

Wind chimes snorted.

"Well, after all, it is the senior of Heavenly Dao Realm. This Miss is still very careful. What kind of person is it? Heavenly Dao Realm, shouldn't it be famous? It stands to reason that I should be listening Said his name!"

Lin Xuan faintly muttered to oneself.

"Not very famous, but very beautiful."

"Very beautiful? No way? Shouldn't Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouse all be old fogey with white hair and beard?"

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Who told you?"

"Several times I have seen are like this, and That's all I know! In that era, you would have to be a very old age to reach Heavenly Dao Realm! That is, in our era, it is possible to have a young Heavenly Dao Realm powerhouse." Feng Chin didn't believe it.

"You know when you see it." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Wu Yuhan is also puzzled.

She knows Linglong Xue and the others, but she has no idea that they are Heavenly Dao Realm! To be precise, few people around Lin Xuan knew that they were Heavenly Dao Realm!

dong dong dong ——

The door of the box was knocked.

"Come here!"

Feng Chime ran to open the door very actively, and then... she was stupid.

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