The position of Sima Yan in this banquet is very high, because Sima Family is really very difficult to deal with!

So, at first, there are people who doubt Lin Xuan's identity, and now that may not need to be suspected, Sima Yan from Sima Family actually came to meet him.

"There were some small contradictions before, but I think they are all normal. After all, it is normal to snatch Heaven and Earth Spirit Object and fight each other, right?"

Sima Yan said with a smile.

"I think so too!"

Lin Xuan nodded.

"It's just that I didn't expect to see you here. If I met Young Master Lin earlier, I would attend the Heavenly Martial Conference whatever I said!"

Sima Yan said with a smile!

"Then I have a lot of face."

Lin Xuan exchanged various greetings with him.

ka ka ka ——

Chu Jingyun on the other side stared angrily at Lin Xuan, who was surrounded by stars.

of fuck your mother!

"Your Majesty, let's start the banquet!"

Chu Jingyun said!

Haitianxia nodded; "en!"

Then Haitianxia came over, and everyone's eyes were on him!

"He he he, everyone is quiet!"

Everyone is quiet!

"Thank you very much for being able to come to my birthday banquet, and some people even come from far away, I am very grateful!"

"Emperor, you We will come naturally for the birthday banquet!"


Everyone is catering!

"Hahaha, okay, today I have seen a lot of young genius, even I just know, it turns out that the first place in this Heavenly Martial Conference actually came to this banquet. In!"

Hearing this, many unsuspecting people were shocked, and then their eyes followed the gaze of Haitianxia towards Lin Xuan.

"Okay, my banquet is brilliant again! So now the banquet officially begins, everyone, eat and drink, don’t be restrained!"

Then the banquet is formal it has started!

Lin Xuan feels a bit weird. You always impossible to poison the food at the banquet, right? So if you are like this, how do you do it to him? Are you going to approach him secretly and poison him? This is too low-level, right?

Although the wind chimes are also talking with some people in a way, they are also curious about this!

After a while, an old man who looked a little unremarkable suddenly passed by Lin Xuan, and then he pierced Lin Xuan with a silver needle at an unimaginable speed. One click, and then pulled it out again, very fast, and the most exaggerated thing is that Lin Xuan didn't even feel it!

That's right!

Their methods may not be superb, they are just Chu Family who has spent a huge amount of resources to hire someone! And this person is called the Black Wind Ghost Hand!

He is a very strong Poison Master from Feng Guo, in fact, he should be a villain, a character wanted by Three Great Influences, but if they can kill Lin Xuan, who can't they please?

But this is the person invited by Haitianxia, ​​but it is the reward of the Chu Family. Of course, at the same time, the Chu Family also paid the emperor a lot of rewards!

This emperor’s house may be above the Chu Family, but it will not be much higher. There are still many things in the Chu Family that the world can see!

Then the old man passed by Lin Xuan, winked at the sea, then smiled and greeted someone who was already there, drinking and chatting.

However, this scene is in Wu Yuhan's eyes!

She has been worried about how these people might act on Lin Xuan, so her more attention is actually paying attention to Lin Xuan in another direction.

"Asshole! Chatting with girl, you are all recruited!"

Wu Yuhan bit his silver teeth secretly, and then walked towards Lin Xuan.

"You have been recruited."

She sent a note to Lin Xuan, sound transmission at such a short distance, It shouldn't be discovered!

Lin Xuan was taken aback.


"The old man behind you just used a very quick technique against you, it may be poison!"

Wu Yuhan said.

She is the Great Accomplishment of the Dark Attribute, and the Martial Artist who is the Dark Attribute must have a strong point, that is the vision!

Lin Xuan's expression remained unchanged, and he passed a message to Wu Yuhan.

"I got it!"

In fact, if it is poisonous, Lin Xuan will not be afraid, but I really appreciate Wu Yuhan's reminder!

Sure enough in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself, ah, I was recruited without even realizing it!

Then Lin Xuan took a cake and inadvertently served a Detoxification Pill made before!

This Detoxification Pill belongs to a very high-level Detoxification Pill. Lin Xuan still doesn't believe it. In terms of medical skills and poison, can you compare with him?

Chu Jingyun showed a surprised expression!


What about the first place in the Heavenly Martial Conference? You were promoted to Supreme Void Realm at a young age, so what? Are you still going to die?

Time passed slowly, but Lin Xuan still smiled calmly and talked with some girls about life and ideals.

Of course, Lin Xuan did one thing halfway through. Didn’t you ask for a lifeless poison to death me? Then see who was poisoned to death!

Therefore, Lin Xuan secretly pierced the old man with the same very terrifying and fast technique, and the old man had never discovered it!

"Emperor, how long does the poison take effect?"

Chu Jingyun asked a little puzzled.

Twenty minutes have passed, so it should be effective.

"I don’t know, it’s the poison of the black wind ghost hand senior, only he knows it, but I know that once he is poisoned by the black wind ghost hand, even if the king does not want him, he will Go to hell!"

Haitianxia lightly saying!

Feng Chime approached Lin Xuan's side and asked: "How is it?"

"You count to ten."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


She was stunned for a moment, and then followed Lin Xuan's instructions and started counting!

That black wind ghost hand is a little puzzled!

Something is wrong!

That person has already been poisoned by himself. According to theory, it should erupt in an instant in twenty minutes. At the moment of the eruption, his internal organs have been infiltrated by the poison, so he will be in It dies instantly within a few seconds of the poison, so there is absolutely no possibility to react!

But, twenty minutes have come, why is he still smiling there...


The moment the wind chimes counted to ten , The black wind ghost hand pupil suddenly shrink.


A mouthful of black blood came out!

His silhouette staggered back a few steps, and then...


He fell directly on the ground, no breath!


This sudden scene made some people scream, and in an instant, that position was vacated!


Both Chu Jingyun and Hai Tianxia were completely taken aback!

What the hell is this? What... was the black wind ghost hand who was poisoned to death? why? That Lin Xuan... still happily standing there chatting?

"How could this happen!"

Haitianxia browses tightly knit.

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