The three people left the playground with their own concerns .

"Lin Xuan, there is one thing I have to remind you, Chu Family very difficult to deal with, their assassination method is very strong, you must not be careless, Chu He is dead, more than 20 Supreme Void Realm is dead, and of course they know that you did it, and even though they may be jealous, they will never end well!"

Wind chimes reminded Lin Xuan.

"I know! Still use you to remind?"

"Fuck off!"

The wind chime gave Lin Xuan a white look.

But it was really shocking, he... he killed more than 20 Supreme Void Realm in such a short period of time, how did he do it! She is not Supreme Void Realm ten stars!

"Go back, take a good rest, I'm tired after a day of playing today." Lin Xuan said.

"Are you still playing tomorrow?"

Feng Chime asked.

"Oh Huo."

Lin Xuan raised his brows and looked at her.

"Don't get me wrong, tomorrow this Young Lady is going to sleep late, so don't bother me."

After the wind chimes released the Space Attribute and disappeared in place!

"Lin Xuan...the Chu Family..."

Wu Yuhan asked.

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I'm not sure, it won't work in another two days, I can only use the next trick."

"But... it's too dangerous, right?" ?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Don’t forget that I have the law of creation. In two or three days, I will release the law of creation to create something, and the intensity will never be low. That's right."


Wu Yuhan was nodded.

"Let's go, pa pa pa go."

Wu Yuhan:? ? ?

Then she was slapped by Lin Xuan again that night.

These days, Wu Yunuo occasionally came out, the main body is to Wu Yuhan.

2nd day, Chu Family is completely messed up!

"What's going on? Xiaohe? Xiaohe hasn't come back yet?"

Chu Jingyun, the father of Chu He, looked extremely anxious!

Chu He is too important to Chu Family. He is a rare genius of Chu Family for so many years. Even he has the opportunity to be promoted to Heavenly Dao Realm. After returning from the magic, He must be too imaginary, I'm afraid it won't take too long to become Heavenly Dao!

Of course he knew that Chu He took someone to kill Lin Xuan last night!

He thinks of course it’s nothing, Lin Xuan is of course very important, but if you want to kill someone, what is the difficulty for him Chu Family? Just do it secretly enough, and his son is also very careful, he believes it!

But what?

Lin Xuan didn't know whether he was dead or not, but one night, Chu He and the Supreme Void Realm of the more than 20 Chu Family never came back. Forget it, even now I can’t get in touch!

His unfathomable mystery started to panic!

"Father, don't worry, maybe they are still fighting?"

Chu Feng said.

"Still fighting? More than 20 Supreme Void Realm kill a Heavenly Venerable Realm ten stars, even if Lin Xuan is promoted to Supreme Void Realm, can he last so long?"

Chu Jingyun gnashing teeth!

There is a very uneasy feeling!

Don't have an accident, don't have an accident!

"That Lin Xuan has Space Attribute, as well as destruction. He has a chance to escape in the space blockade. Maybe he has escaped to the ends of the earth. Big brother, they also chase after him. When it comes to the ends of the earth, it may be impossible to make a call."

Chu Feng said.

"I hope so, I hope so!"

Chu Jingyun sat there smoking a cigarette!


At this moment, a person ran in!

"Has Xiaohe got any news?"

Chu Jingyun quickly stood up and asked!

"No, but...but I just found out that Lin Xuan was shopping with that girl."

Chu Jingyun:? ? ?

Lao Tzu’s son, took over twenty Supreme Void Realm powerhouses to kill you. Now, the life and death of Lao Tzu’s son is uncertain. There is no news. I can’t contact him. Are you shopping?

At this moment, he was completely panicked!

Lin Xuan hasn't run yet? Even he is still shopping? That means... my son...

Chu Jingyun's body staggered back and forth, and then fell on the sofa!


Chu Feng ran to help Chu Jingyun.

In fact, he is happy inside.


In this case, his big brother was killed by Lin Xuan, then this Chu Family will fall into his own hands in the future, otherwise it must be Chu He's!



Chu Jingyun's body was shaking!

He really can’t understand. There are more than 20 Supreme Void Realm and Supreme Void Realm Tier 10. Why is Lin Xuan still not injured? Still shopping today? Your own people are dead? why? This completely makes him puzzled!

"Father, we must avenge the big brother!"

Chu Feng looked very sad!

ka ka ka ——

Chu Jingyun clenched his fists tightly!

Yes, there must be revenge...but...

Chu Family’s strongest is Supreme Void Realm ten-star, and Supreme Void Realm ten-star was sent out last night, but I still can’t get in touch now, and Lin Xuan appears in the shopping mall where Feng is still elated, he has reason to believe that both the more than 20 powerhouses and his son Chu He are dead!

"There must be a powerhouse behind Lin Xuan who is secretly protecting!"

Only then did Chu Jingyun realize this!

It must be! Otherwise, how can it be possible with his cultivation base?

"Perhaps it really is!"

Chu Feng nodded.

"That's really not easy to do! At least on the surface is not easy to do! Then how can I do it so that I can kill him and avenge my son!"

Chu Jingyun's eyes were blood red.


Twenty people were assassinated last night, but all of them are worthless.

"Father, can we try poison?"

"Poison? Of course there is no problem, but how to try!"

Chu Jingyun gritted his teeth!

At this time, an elderly man next to him said: "patriarch, there will be a grand banquet in the imperial palace tomorrow night, and there may be a chance to make a shot at the banquet! As long as that person participates!"

Chu Jingyun's eyes suddenly lit up!


At the banquet, there are ways to do it! It really doesn't work. He went to find the emperor and asked the emperor to cooperate with him. After all, Chu Family has been a dog in this imperial palace for a long time!

Yes, the country of wind is the same as the country of ice. It has an emperor, while the country of China is more similar to Earth, but this emperor does not have much real power, but it is also an emperor after all!

"But now, the important thing is, how to let that Lin Xuan participate?"

Chu Feng said.

"This is easy. Didn't he get close to Feng Family's wind chimes recently? Feng'er, you can send Feng Family's invitation card. Send two more. Besides, how to imply that I shouldn't need to teach you Are you?"

Chu Feng nodded; "Son understands!"


Chu Jingyun beckoned weakly, and then Leaning on your sofa, the whole person seems to be twenty years old instantly.

"Lin Xuan!"

His eyes flashed with killing intent!

"You will definitely die!! I will kill you!"

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