Lin Xuan released the Space Attribute and took Wu Yuhan directly to a place hundreds of kilometers away.

With his Supreme Void Realm's cultivation base, Space Jump Lin Xuan, which is more than hundreds of kilometers, can do it. Of course, it depends on the number of people.

This is the gap between Supreme Void Realm and Heavenly Venerable Realm! Heavenly Venerable Realm is tenth, Lin Xuan can only Space Jump for tens of kilometers, to Supreme Void Realm, hundreds of kilometers!

Above the void, thunderclouds condensed, and Wu Yuhan is advancing to Supreme Void Realm!

It shouldn't be a big problem! Lin Xuan will not worry too much!

About half an hour later, Wu Yuhan withstood the last thunder, climbing up in an imposing manner, and the promotion was too empty!

Lin Xuan walked over, smiled and squeezed her face, then released the power of the law of creation to recover her injury.


Wu Yuhan shook his head: "I want many thanks to you."

"It's not too early now, let's open a room Take a rest."

Wu Yuhan: "..."


She didn't say anything, lightly gave a "um".

After a fierce battle, Wu Yuhan nestled in Lin Xuan's arms, and Lin Xuan elated took out a cigarette and started smoking.

"Lin Xuan..."


Wu Yuhan's beautiful eyes glanced at Lin Xuan and asked, "What should I do about the murderer back then? Check?"

Lin Xuan sighed: "It's a bit difficult, but rest assured, there is always a way! I just say that there is no clue now."

"The only clue is my elder sister at the time. I saw the martial skill of Chu Family released by someone."


Lin Xuan faintly muttered to oneself.

"Although I think there is a high probability that it may be Chu Family, but it is just a guess. Now in the past is beat the grass to scare the snake, we still lack a very important opportunity." Lin Xuan Tao.


Wu Yuhan was nodded.

"In fact, or if we can find people who go there to search at night, and then get news from them, it should be very good, but God knows when they will search again. It has been searched for 20 years. I guess they Is it annoying, once a year?"

Lin Xuan said.

"I don't know."

"Don't worry, you have also got the most important things. We will treat it as traveling here for a few days. There will always be a chance. It's really impossible. I can use the next move."

Wu Yuhan looked at Lin Xuan suspiciously.

"What's the next move?"

Lin Xuan put his hand into her pajamas.

Wu Yuhan: "..."

"Take it out."

"If you don't take it, I will force it if you pull my hand out." !"

Wu Yuhan: "..."


Lin Xuan said with a smile: "The next step is to... lead them out!"

Wu Yuhan probably understood what Lin Xuan meant.

They must be this dark fog, but they don’t know where the dark fog is, and the next best thing is to release the power of the dark fog, then they will come over after seeing it, In this way, everyone knows who they are...

Just say why it is a bad idea? The reason is simple, they are who, how strong their power is, and how high their realm is, no one knows!

There may even be a group, but there are others. What if they don’t see it? Isn't the murderer still at large? I don’t even find it in this life!

This is not what Lin Xuan wants to see!

But, it really doesn't work, it can only be so!

This is better than going to Chu Family beat the grass to scare the snake, right?

" hurry, I have been waiting for so many years, don't worry, safety is the most important."

Wu Yuhan said.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan nodded.

"But this Chu Family is not impossible."


Lin Xuan said: "Forget it, I will think about the details. Well, how about we go out and play for a day tomorrow?"



2nd day dawn, Lin Xuan left with Wu Yuhan Hotel.

"Daughter, how did you play with Lin Xuan yesterday?"

Feng Family, Feng Qingyang asked with a smile.

"Don't mention it, that Lin Xuan is a bastard. He spent 800,000 pocket money yesterday and was given a meal by him!"

Feng Chime thought of the whole person here I was furious.

Ahhh! !

I hate it!

"He he he, the more you do this, the more it proves that he actually treats you as a friend in his heart."

"Friend? Come on? What kind of friend is so cruel !"

The wind chime shook his head.

"It hurts friends and hurts friends. Friends just want to pit each other, and the other is upset but helpless. Isn't this a good friendship?"

Feng Qingyang said with a smile.

"Yes, just like you pit me and Xiaoyu all day long! You said, if you don’t treat a person as a friend, why would he dare to pit someone with embarrassment?" Feng Qinghao said with a smile.

Wind chime: "..."

Does he really think of himself as a good friend?

No, no, no, no!

"Come on! He is just cheating me!"

said Feng Chime!

"hahaha, you should know if you get along again!"

"hmph, I will also go to Lin'an after a while, I will kill him!"

said the wind chimes gnashing teeth!

Suddenly she thought of something and asked: "Dad, what exactly happened to Wu Family back then? Why was it extinguished?"

Feng Qingyang lit a cigarette , Said: "It's nothing more than provoke the enemy or they have something to be discovered, leading to a killing disaster!"

"I have been to the old site of Wu Family, and even I have seen someone hiding in the dark I rummaged in Wu Family, so the former can be ruled out. It must be something in Wu Family that caused the killing disaster, right!" Feng Qingyang eyes shrank and quickly said; "From now on I can't go again! If you are found, you will definitely die, you know?"

Wind chime beautiful eyes looked at the wind lightly.

"Dad, do you know something?"

Feng Qingyang stood up and said: "I don't know, I mean, it can make Wu Family disappear silently We Feng Family may not be able to provoke the power, but if you are found there alone, you must be very dangerous, so don’t go to that place!"

"Oh, I got it "

At this time, her cell phone rang, and she glanced at it.

"Yo? Little girl, this remark bastard, scum, beast, scum... Is it Lin Xuan?"

Feng Qinghao saw Feng Chime’s remarks and couldn’t help saying with a smile.

"You can control it!"

Wind chimes rolled the eyes.

Then she glanced at the message.

"He asked you to go out again, take him out to play, tonight Fengdu happened to have a big event in the amusement park, we are all going to play, when the time comes, you too Phew."

"I'm too lazy to go." Wind chimes murmured.

"But ah, people come all the way to play, if you don’t go, when the time comes to talk about his personality, this Feng Family wind chime has a bad personality and bad character. I don't understand the human relationship and sophistication... I guess, those people will criticize you behind the scenes." Feng Qinghao said with a smile.

Wind chime: "..."

"Yes! I hate those who speak ill of them, then I will go!"

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