Lin Xuan finds it quite interesting.

There is no relationship between himself and this Chu River. In the Heavenly Martial Conference, the intersection of them is only to meet a few people, and they have never spoken. If he wants to get to know himself, why bother Want to sit and eat here? It's all right when the Heavenly Martial Conference ends.

So, he should be because of other reasons, maybe because of wind chimes!

Although this wind chime is not very good-tempered, it is really beautiful. Maybe it is an admiring wind chime? Also a possibility!

Whatever the reason, Chu Family may be the one who started Wu Family back then. Lin Xuan was also impossible to let him sit here. Wu Yuhan would be unhappy.

"Does he like you?"

Lin Xuan asked a wind chime.

The wind chime's steak cutting action stopped.

"There are more people who like this Young Lady, how old is he?"

Lin Xuan; "..."

"He told you Have you ever confessed it?"

Wu Yuhan asked.

"Why do you ask this?"

"It's okay, just ask."

At this time, three bottles of Lafite in 1982 came up, and the wind chimes were ready After opening the sober and drinking, Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and collected three bottles of wine into his space ring with lightning speed.

Wind chimes:? ? ?

"What are you doing?"

"Take it back and give it to my wives."

Lin Xuan said.

Wind chimes: "..."

"This Young Lady bought this, this Young Lady invited you."

"Yes, please Mine, is it okay for me to take it?"

Wind chime: "..."

This person is really shameless! Too annoying!

"hmph! Wait for this Young Lady!"

Wind chimes gnashing teeth, and then vented the steak in front of him.

Wu Yuhan shook his head helplessly!

This Lin Xuan is definitely a scumbag, who just likes to bully girls.

"Hey, go for a walk after eating?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Don't go! Get out after dinner, this Young Lady will go home!"

Feng Chime said angrily.

"Go out and learn from you!"

When she heard Lin Xuan's words, she stopped cutting the steak.


Lin Xuan is ready, why does this woman like to fight so much?

In fact, she doesn't like fighting either, just that she likes fighting with Lin Xuan.

She was very upset with Lin Xuan and wanted to beat Lin Xuan. Although she was defeated several times by Lin Xuan, she was actually convinced in her heart, but she was just upset! She just thought, she can definitely beat Lin Xuan, she can definitely beat him, and then stepped on him under the foot, I stepped on it, I stepped on it, I stepped on it! ! !

But, it also needs a chance to fight Lin Xuan right?

"When the time comes, I suppress realm to fight with you like you!"

"hmph! No need!"

Feng Ling said proudly !

Although she knows that if Lin Xuan does not suppress her, she will definitely lose if she fights with Supreme Void Realm, but she is arrogant, what can she do?

"If you don't need it, you are definitely not my opponent!" Lin Xuan laughed!

Why does he fight the wind chimes? In order to bring the topic to Wu Yuhan Wu Family for when the time comes!

"Then you will lose miserably! Let me tell you, I am not what I used to be half a month ago!" said Feng Chime!


Lin Xuan put a tick at the corner of his mouth: "What does it look like very difficult to deal with."

"Go away, silly!"

After eating, they went out!

"Where to fight?"

Wind chimes then blunt asked.

When Lin Xuan said that she wanted to discuss with her, she had no thought of eating.

"Whatever you want, but you must find a place where no one is in the suburbs."

"I know where to go."

Feng Chime said.

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Whatever, I will release Space Attribute casually, let's fight wherever we go, and go to the suburbs!"

Wu Yuhan beautiful eyes Taking a look at Lin Xuan, she probably guessed Lin Xuan's mind.



In the next instant, Lin Xuan released the Space Attribute, and the three people disappeared in place!

When they disappeared, Chu He walked out of the dark.

"What are they going to do?"

Chu He browses tightly knit!

This Lin Xuan and Feng Chime suddenly came together, and he felt very strange, even they directly released the Space Attribute and disappeared in place. What is this going to do? Shouldn't this wind chime hate Lin Xuan?

Actually, she couldn't reach the level of hatred. It was just unhappy. As long as Lin Xuan gave her a beating, she would definitely die.

However, Chu He didn't know where they were going... He just felt that Lin Xuan was definitely not that simple to come here, and it was definitely not a simple trip!

On the other side, Lin Xuan and the three of them appeared directly near Wu Family's former site.

But it seems that Lin Xuan just came here at random.

Feng Chime took a look, and then her eyebrows frowned slightly.

"You are really unlucky!"

The wind chime couldn't help it, and then he stomped on Lin Xuan's foot.

Lin Xuan; "..."

"What's wrong?"

Lin Xuan asked pretendingly not to understand.

The beautiful eyes of the wind chimes glanced at the huge old site of Wu Family in the distance.

Lin Xuan then pointed and asked: "Who owns such a big manor there? It looks like it has been for many years, is it abandoned?"

Wu Yuhan bit him slightly Red lips.

Wind chimes are nodded; "The Wu Family in Fengdu, but was slaughtered overnight many years ago."

Lin Xuan eyebrows slightly frowned.


Lin Xuan asked curiously.

"How do I know? Extinguish sect is either a deep hatred or a conflict of interest. Maybe it's because some treasure of Wu Family has been discovered."

The wind chime looked at the distance and said.

Lin Xuan is still thinking about getting some news from Feng Chime. It seems that she really doesn't know much!

But she was very sincere and didn't evade at all. Lin Xuan felt that she should be completely unaware of it. Even if Feng Family participated, she should have no idea at all.


Wind chimes faintly muttered to oneself, and then said: "I was here once a while ago."

"You come here to do it Huh?"

Lin Xuan asked curiously.

"Such a big family said that it was gone. For so many years there has been no clue. There are even rumors that Demon did it. This Young Lady didn't believe it, and went in alone that night. See if I can find anything, guess what I found?"

Lin Xuan and Wu Yuhan eyes shined.


"Not long after I passed, Wu Family once again welcomed a group of people. There were only four people in this group. I hid in the dark. Hidden away, they seem to be looking for something very carefully. As for their identity, I don’t know at all. They only said one sentence, maybe I only heard one sentence. They said that they have been here more than 20 times. , I got nothing, and I don't know what the above is asking them to do."

Lin Xuan and Wu Yuhan looked at each other.

Feng Chime said: "So, I basically concluded that those few people are probably the people who did it in the past, or they are their forces! And they are really looking for something in Wu Family. "

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