The wind chimes are all bad!

This own father, and big brother, what are they doing?

Yes, this Lin Xuan won the first place in the Heavenly Martial Conference. His strength is indeed beyond doubt. Although she is dissatisfied, she does know that she is not a personal opponent!

But, what are they doing?

Don't talk about wind chimes, Lin Xuan is numb by their scalp.

"cough cough..."

Lin Xuan gave a dry cough and said: "Maybe I am too handsome, so she can't forget it."

Wind chime :? ? ?

"Can you point your face? Get out!"

Feng Chime pointed to the outside and said in an angry voice.

"Lingling, people are guests, how can you be so rude to guests?"

Feng Qingyang stared at the wind chimes!

Wind chimes gnashing teeth, and then glared Lin Xuan.


Lin Xuan laughed, and said: "Then I will leave first. This is the first time I came to Feng Nation, and I want to get better."

"That happens to be, Lingling , You take Lin Xuan and girl Wu Yuhan to go roam around Fengdu, let’s try the friendship of a landlord!" Feng Qingyang said to Feng Chime.

Wind chimes:? ? ?

"Let my brother go."

The wind chime sat there lightly saying.

"You this girl, you are going to the Gate of Enlightenment together for some time. There may be unknown dangers in the Gate of Enlightenment. You were opponents before, but in the future you are friends. Get along well, when The time comes, take good care of each other, Lin Xuan, after going to the Gate of Enlightenment, this girl will trouble you to take care of it."

Feng Qingyang looked at Lin Xuan.

"That's that!"

Lin Xuan laughed.

"This Young Lady needs him to take care of it?"

"Go! Change clothes and go quickly!"

Feng Qingyang yelled.

Wind chimes:? ? ?

People are stupid!

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "It's true that we just came here and are not familiar with it, so I asked Feng Feng to take us out to play together."

Feng Chime: "... "

"Look, Lin Xuan has said so, go and change clothes. As the daughter of Feng Family, if you are so rude, then you will be a father!"

The wind chimes are helplessly sighed.

"I see."

Then she glanced at Lin Xuan with gnashing teeth and ran upstairs.

"hahaha, Lin Xuan, don't care too much. My daughter has been spoiled since she was a child, but she is actually very kind and decent. She is really bad at making friends, you Look, that many excellent people around you, and Murong Yu, have a chance to see if I can help my daughter get to know each other. If she would never take the initiative to get acquainted."

Feng Qingyang said with a smile.

He is really worried about his girl, she is indeed very talented, but emotional intelligence and communication are a big problem! And this Lin Xuan, it just so happens that this aspect is simply invincible! My daughter becomes friends with him, and I will gain a lot in this regard!

And although he thinks they might be rivals, this Lin Xuan came directly to his Feng Family, and it is estimated to be Interesting to his maiden, and this maiden will not be submissive, it seems like Lin Xuan Xuan seems to have a very poor relationship, in fact, it should be just fine to get along, he knows his daughter too well!

As for where they can go, let it go!

The potential of this Lin Xuan is limitless, and in this era, three wives and four concubines of capable men are also normal. As long as his daughter is willing, it doesn't matter, and he won't say anything.

Lin Xuan smiled nodded; "Okay, as long as she wants to."

"Hahaha, this girl is willing in her heart, but her mouth is very hard." Feng Qingyang laughed said.

Lin Xuan nodded.

"However, Lin Xuan, I went to the Gate of Enlightenment. I really need to ask you and Lingling to look after each other! The Gate of Enlightenment has the probability of death. "

Feng Qingyang said solemnly.

Lin Xuan nodded; "I know!"

This wind chime triggered the mission, and Lin Xuan has to take her down no matter what!

And she is really beautiful, her personality is very unconventional, just want to smoke her PP! Make you arrogant!

"Well, many thanks to you."

Feng Qinghao said with a smile: "I am not qualified to go to the Gate of Enlightenment. I hope that when the time comes, you will all Can be alone!"

"many thanks!"

Feng Chime casually changed clothes and walked down.

"Let's go!"

She glared at Lin Xuan.


Waste your time!

"Then we will leave."

Lin Xuan laughed said.

Then the three of them walked out.

On the way, Lin Xuan went to buy a cone.

"I said, why do you like this kind of bastard?"

Feng Chime approached Wu Yuhan and asked quietly.

Wu Yuhan was taken aback.

"It's okay."

Wu Yuhan lightly saying.

Asshole? Well, it's really a bastard, but it's pretty good.

"It's not like, I don't think you are like that kind of girl, and it should be very difficult to follow."

Wind chimes felt a little weird.

"It's okay."

Wu Yuhan said.

"We have time to learn from each other!"

Feng Chime said.


Wu Yuhan was nodded.

Feng Chime then glanced at Lin Xuan.

"When will he be promoted to Supreme Void Realm?"

She has been stuck at ten stars, but she really feels that it is too difficult and too difficult to be promoted to Supreme Void Realm. Now, although mob spawning can be improved, she feels like she has to spawn a lot!

It may be three months, half a year and soaking in the field of demonic beast may not necessarily improve!

It is true that the gap between this great realm is too big, and the promotion of too virtual really belongs to the top powerhouse, how can it be so easy to be promoted? Even the top innate talent Martial Artist is not easy!

Even Lin Xuan, if he did not absorb the evil thunder, he would be impossible to advance to the Supreme Void Realm before going to the Gate of Enlightenment.

"I encountered some opportunities on the way here."

Wind chimes: "..."

"Can you meet opportunities when you come by plane?"

She froze for a moment.

Wu Yuhan was nodded.

"Take it!"

Is this God preventing her from defeating this bastard Lin Xuan in this life?

Lin Xuan smiled and walked over with the cone.


Lin Xuan smiled and handed Wu Yuhan one.

"Thank you."


Lin Xuan handed a wind chime.

Feng Chime took it.

"Your ten yuan."

Lin Xuan said abruptly.

Wind chimes: "..."

Your sister!


She took out a ten yuan and patted it on Lin Xuan's shoulder, and then walked forward with Wu Yuhan.

Lin Xuan laughed.

In Feng Family, he didn't feel anything special. Spirit Penetrating Eye has explored it. There are indeed some spiritual power trends, but as a Great Family, it is normal to have a little treasure.

I feel that the wind is okay, it's kind, but Lin Xuan can't see it well, and doesn't know if it's pretending or real!

I can only follow-up to see if I can learn from the wind chime, this wind chime is indeed a very decent character!

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