At the same time that the characters of the various worlds are talking about it.

On the light screen, a new round of video has been loaded!

[Second place - the root is shattered, the god of death - Kipbu!]

[Let's not talk about the terrifying combat power of Kipbu itself. 】

[Just the subordinates it brought, the super giant monopole monster Mochian, can bring ruin to the entire world!]

[Because Mochian itself is also a BUG-level existence!]

[It's an N-pole creature with only a single pole!]

[Once this guy is allowed to log in to Earth.] 】

[Then, all objects on Earth with S-pole poles will be attracted!]

[The land of the north and south poles will squeeze each other!]

[Turn the planet Earth into cosmic dust!]

See here.

Everyone's faces also changed instantly!

This Mochian

It has such a tricky special ability!

No, it's not!

That's just what it is!

It's not a special ability at all!

Just logging into Earth can make the entire planet collapse!

It's terrifying just to think about!

[Mochian also made the same contribution as Hilba Bourmei!]

[Not long after his debut, he directly destroyed XIG's air base!]

Looking at the picture of the air base being "swallowed into the belly" by Mochian.

Everyone also intuitively felt that Mochian's extremely tricky special production!

If the interception is not successful.

The earth will be smashed like an air base!

Kipb learns the lesson of Bizom before. 】

[I know that I can't win over my dream at all.] 】

[Therefore, the goal of the Grim Reaper's efforts to win over this time has changed to Fujinomiya!]

[He doesn't believe that a vice-Olympics will be as difficult to win over as my dream!]

[It can only be said that these cadres who have been recruited by the destruction are really good at doing things!]

[I was able to think of an idea like winning over Gaia and Aguru!]

[If you can really draw one of them into your own camp.] 】

[Then they can completely turn on the Musou mode on the earth!]

This scene also made everyone nod their heads.


After all, the cadres who are destroyed themselves are very strong in combat effectiveness!

Not to mention the help of Gaia or Aguru!

If you can win them both at the same time...

There will be no defense on Earth!

[Of course, in the face of the invitation and temptation of death. 】

[Fujinomiya also refused unsurprisingly!]

[In the battle that followed.] 】

[The Grim Reaper fully demonstrated his super combat power as a cadre recruited by Destruction!]

[Almost with just one knife, I instantly cut down Aguru, who had just appeared!]

[This is already how many times Aguru has been speedrun...]

See here.

Everyone couldn't hold back in an instant.

It seems that when the three heroes of the human form were introduced before.

Aguru was also given a thirty-second speedrun by the cloth bird...

Although this guy is a vice-Olympian, he always feels that his combat power seems to be a little strangely weak!

[After Aguru fell, Gaia immediately took over the battle with the Grim Reaper!]

[Although the Grim Reaper is slightly inferior to Bu Bird's hand-to-hand combat.] 】

[But after gradually falling into the downwind, the Grim Reaper was able to rely on his own combat experience to turn the tide of the battle!]

[Instantaneous two-level reversal, re-suppressing Gaia!]

[The most important thing is that the Grim Reaper has a rather buggy ability - electromagnetic barrier!]

[The electromagnetic barrier can cover the skin of the Grim Reaper except for the eyes without dead ends!]

[Block all means of attack!]

[To put it simply, it's a perfect shield that is almost invincible!]

I'm blanching!?

Seeing this, everyone also gasped on the spot!

The cadres you have destroyed and recruited are really open, right?

The invincible shield and everything are taken out and used!

This kind of turtle shell set, what else to fight back!

Not to mention the Grim Reaper's fighting ability is also online!

It's impossible to play much of an advantage in melee combat!

[Of course, just when Gaia was in a bitter battle.] 】

[The XIG fighter seized the opportunity and successfully injured the only weakness of the Grim Reaper, the eye!]

[Finally let the Grim Reaper's invincible shield go offline!]

[Otherwise, even if Gaia can open the supreme without limits, it will have no effect at all!]

After losing the electromagnetic barrier.

No matter how strong the Grim Reaper is, he can't resist the indiscriminate bombardment of the Supreme Mode!

On the spot, he was beaten to pieces by the angry Gaia!

Land of Light.

Look at the picture on the light curtain.

All the Ultra warriors were completely dumbfounded!


These cadres who have been destroyed and recruited seem to be all powerful monsters with special abilities!

And their IQ is not weak at all!

I can even think of such a ghost idea as wooing Ultra warriors!

If it weren't for the fact that my dream and Fujimiya's willpower were strong enough.

Words that can resist all temptations.

I'm afraid the earth has already been destroyed by these monsters!

And also.

Gaia's combat power is really not Gaia!

Although the cost of Supreme Mode is too high, Gaia can't use Supreme in the first place.

But judging from the final picture.

In Supreme mode, Gaia's overall output has increased by I don't know how many notches!

Basically every time, you can blow all the enemies in front of you to pieces!

How embarrassing is this for a certain B king who was crazy about speedrunning!

Armored warrior Nava world.

General Duanmu looked at the contents of the picture.

The eyes were also full of shock!

Let's be honest.

When I saw Bizom before.

He felt that this so-called destruction recruited cadres was definitely not a good stubble!

I didn't expect it.

The fighting ability shown by this second "Grim Reaper" even exceeded his expectations!

The invincible electromagnetic barrier is intimidating just by listening to it!

After all, with such means of protection.

You can launch a crazy attack on the enemy without any fear!

There is no need to worry about the other party's counterattack or ambush or anything!

Anyway, as soon as I open this plug-in, I am directly invincible!

If you can break my shield, I'll lose!

If the Grim Reaper's electromagnetic barrier could protect the eyes without leaving any weakness at all.

Then, the Grim Reaper may really be the "Grim Reaper" of the earth, just like its name!

Kamen Rider Extreme Fox World.

General Fu clasped his hands on his chest and looked at the picture on the light curtain with a solemn face.

His gaze is always locked on the electromagnetic barrier of death!

Under the multiple attacks of Gaia and XIG fighters.

After the Grim Reaper was still unscathed.

He immediately realized the true power of the Grim Reaper!

That's right!

It's this invincible defense!

Although the Grim Reaper's attack methods are indeed a bit small, and the power is not very high!


As long as you can't kill it, the Grim Reaper will be able to grind Gaia to death little by little!

Gaia's combat effectiveness, he has seen it many times.

Be able to come out on top of all Ultra Warriors!

And that supreme mode is even more exaggerated!

Monsters can be quickly dealt with every time you use them!

But, in the face of death.

Even the highest mode doesn't have any effect at all!

Even the Grim Reaper doesn't need to make any blocking moves!

This is the confidence that the invincible shield brings to the Grim Reaper!

In other words.

If he can have that ability, too.

That's going to be able to crush all enemies with ease!

If it weren't for the fact that the XIG fighter shot the eye of the Grim Reaper.

The invincible Gaia will fall directly!

Look at it this way.

Reliable partners are still quite important!

In case you encounter a similar opponent in the future. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

General Fu also hopes that such a witty teammate can come to help!

At this time, the light curtain had gradually dimmed.

But soon.

Countless rays of light once again illuminate every world.

A new video has appeared -

[Third place - Root Destruction Angel - Zog!]

[Compared to other disillusionment recruits cadres.] 】

[Zog can be said to be their last hole card!]

[The strength is completely worthy of the expectations of the body that is destroyed!]

[The first form looks like a holy angel and doesn't look like a monster at all!]

At this time, everyone who was watching the video was also amazed by Zog's holy appearance!

It can be said that the first form of Zog does meet their expectations of angels!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you're going to be hostile to Ultra Warriors!

And it doesn't feel like it's going to be very strong, right?

[Just when Aguru and Gaia were overwhelmed by the shattering demon insects that filled the entire canopy. 】

[Zog suddenly descended!]

[Almost instantly, the three Demon Destroying Worms that defeated Gaia and Aguru were killed in seconds!]

[Moreover, after a simple wave of the hand, the energy of the two Ultramans is completely replenished!]

See here.

Everyone was also slightly stunned.


Is this really a cadre who has been recruited by the body?

As soon as he came up, he saved the two ultra warriors who were in an embarrassment, and also helped them make up a demon.

Isn't this a real angel sister!?

[I have to say that Zog's appearance this time directly made all humans regain hope!]

[With Zorge's help, even more Demon Destroying Worms won't be a problem!]

[However, this is the effect that Zog wants!]

[It's about giving hope to humans and Ultra warriors first, and then shattering those hopes with your own hands!]

[Angel Zorg soon showed its fangs!]

[The overwhelming power it displayed easily killed Gaia and Aguru!]

[And also take away my dream and the light of Fujimiya!]

[So that they can't transform again at all!]

This scene directly lifted the hearts of everyone present in an instant!

They really didn't expect that.

Zog would play such a hand!

It's not about going to crush Gaia and Aguru directly!

It's about letting the strength of their hearts be completely shattered by themselves!

As long as it can lead the enemy into irreparable despair.

to be able to truly defeat the tenacious Ultra warriors!

Zorge's plan is really too vicious!

[After removing the women's clothes, Zog's true face, that is, its second form, appeared!]

[Compared to the angel form, although the second form is larger, the sense of force and oppression is not as shocking as before. 】

[After receiving the light of all the monsters on the earth, Gaia and Aguru have been strengthened like never before!]

[As the last hole card of the destruction move, Zorge finally lost to the last hole card of the earth!]

Land of Light.

Look at the picture on the light curtain.

All the Ultra warriors were stunned.

They were really confused!


Where's my angel sister!?

I'm a big angel sister!

I'm here to see this!

What a despicable Zog!!

She even put on women's clothes at the beginning and deliberately disturbed our minds!

After switching back to the second form, the contrast between the front and back is so big that you want to vomit!!

And Zoge's combat power, isn't it a little too perverted, hey!

Kill three Demon Destroying Worms in an instant or something...

Even if Gaia Supreme Form can do it, I'm afraid it will consume a lot of energy!

But this Zog is completely not red and out of breath!

He even "kindly" helped Gaia and Aguru restore their energy!

Didn't you also open an unlimited energy plug-in?

World of Armored Warriors.

"Pretend to be an ally, and then suddenly reverse the way around, dashing everyone's hopes in an instant..."

"It's really the final hole card of the ruin!"

At this time, Xinnan only felt that he was afraid for a while!

He really didn't expect it.

Looks so holy "angels".

would have thought of such a means of attacking the heart!

Even he had to admit that this trick really worked!

There's nothing more demoralizing than killing a full-state Ultra warrior with ease!

He was already able to think of it.

When humans see Aguru and Gaia being easily killed by angels.

What a desperate mood there will be in my heart!

Compared with the cadres who appeared before.

Zog can be said to be pure and powerful!

The strength of the flesh has been full, and the energy is even more bottomless!

Even its intellect is terrifying!

Fight against such an opponent.

If you're not careful, you'll lose everything!

Even the strengthened Gaia and Aguru will have to do their best to be able to solve (Qian Hao Zhao) Zorge!

If it was he who met such an opponent ...

It's really hard to imagine.

How do you deal with it in order to find a way to break the game!

Kamen Rider Levis World.

The second and Kazuki looked at Zog in the picture with extremely shocked eyes.

The face is full of disbelief!

This angel Zog really deserves to be called the guy who can be called the final hole card!

The sense of holiness when he first appeared, and the sense of oppression that suddenly killed Gaia Aguru in seconds.

They were amazed!

This is the ultimate boss monster in the truest sense of the word!

It is also a super monster that can truly fight against two well-known Ultra warriors independently!

They were really skeptical.

If Angel Zorg directly shows his true strength.

Less profligate words.

Will Gaia and Aguru be knocked down directly before they have time to strengthen at all!

Think about it, though.

If at the beginning, the angel Zorg had come to Earth.

Gaia and Aguru, who don't have the support of so many monsters, really have a way to turn the tide?

Look at it this way.

Even if it's the first stage.

Neither Gaia nor Aguru could stop Zorg...

Just when everyone was talking.

On the light curtain, a new video is also emerging—Miao—

[Fourth place - the god of the sea with the destruction of the root - Gakuzom!]

[After the death of the three major generals, especially after the defeat of the final hole card angel Zog. 】

[The Root Destroyer ceases to invade the Earth.] 】

[After all, even Angel Zorg is not an opponent of the two Ultra warriors. 】

[No matter how many other means of attack come, it will not help.] 】


[As Gakuzom, who has been on Earth since ancient times.] 】

[It can be regarded as the last force to destroy the root body on the earth!]

[In other words, only by defeating the sea god can the earth be truly out of the situation threatened by the Root Destruction Body!].

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