Kingdom of Light...

At this time, the Ultra brothers already have a very high opinion of Jinghe!

Such a man who is willing to sacrifice so much for people's safety.

In fact, there should not be such a result!

Jinghe didn't miss a thing from beginning to end.

The result is due to fate.

It turned black in the end.

If not for fate.

Maybe Jing can also obtain the form of the God of War as he does later.

Then help General Fu and others fight a hearty battle!


So General Fu has a big problem!

I wonder if General Fu will change himself after seeing this video?

What they hope for most right now.

It’s just that the copy of Kamen Rider Jihu has not reached the plot where Kei and his sister are killed.

There was no such incident.

Everything can develop in a good direction!

The final evaluation of Light Curtain is also accurate!

Jinghe also did some bad things after he turned black!


The Armored Warrior Nava World... looked at everything Jinghe went through.

Ma Lingling let out a long sigh.

Sometimes we can only say that good people are not rewarded!

Usually, it's with such nice people.

There should be a perfect ending.

Sometimes things like fate are really hard to say!

Destiny can always be towards Jinghe.

Sakurai Sara will not die!

What on earth are your Kamen Riders doing?

Ma Lingling always had a feeling.

Of all the battles, he is the most miserable!

Everyone else has benefited!

General Duanmu didn't say anything when he saw this.

I just feel that General Fu should no longer be called the three generals with me!

Jinghe is more suitable!

This is the quality that a general should have and a superhero should have!

As for cheating to gain power or something.

General Duanmu doesn't care!

It's enough that Jing He has never harmed ordinary people!

How many people immediately hurt ordinary people after gaining power?

Compared to these people, Jing and Na are not considered blackened at all!

Just put on black clothes!


Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World...

Zimli hasn't gained emotions yet.

Therefore, I would not make any comment on Jinghe's behavior at all.

As for General Fu.

Now I know what I should do!

The light curtain lays everything out for you!

If you don't know how to do it yet.

I really don’t want to be the main rider of this Kamen Rider.

Just let Jing He be the main rider and that's it!

Leave it to Jinghe to get the God of Creation!

Niu Niu didn't say much.

The best thing about Brother Niu is.

If it was his fault, he would still bear it.

I won’t say anything about escaping.

Of course, Jing He, who is still a good old man, will not pursue these things that have not happened yet!

Just protect your sister!

We must not let my sister run around!

It must be in front of your own eyes!


Right now!

The picture on the light screen gradually became dim.

Now everyone is curious.

What will be played in the next video?

Hope it’s some interesting videos! soon!

A line of headlines appeared in front of everyone!

【The former Hyperjetton! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this title!

Hyperjetton and the others are no strangers at all!

A terrifying existence that can even compete with Ultraman Saiga, one of the mysterious Four Oddities!

Definitely the strongest monster anyone has ever seen!

One of a kind!

Have you ever seen other monsters that can compete with the Mysterious Four? absolutely not!

Now the only one who can survive in the hands of the mysterious four is the little golden man who is as slippery as a loach!

When others see the mysterious Siao, you should find the place where you want to die as soon as possible!

This shows how terrifying Hypajton is!


If humans had not intervened at that time, no one knows how long it would have taken Ultraman Sega to defeat Hypa Jetton!

But what does light curtain mean now?

Why do we talk about the former Hyperjeton?

Could it be that there is more than one Hyperjackton?

Wouldn’t it be a bit too scary if there were such terrifying monsters?

And right now!

The picture on the light screen starts to play!

The sky is filled with darkness.

Hyperjedon's terrifying voice appeared behind the light.

Can't see the original appearance at all.

The yellow flashing spots on his body gave everyone a weird feeling!

The monstrous purple flames made the battlefield extremely hot!

This figure alone, even if it is seen for the second time, can shock everyone!


When facing three Ultraman!

Hypajedon's continuous teleportation defeated San'ao without any strength to fight back!

Even the light skills they are good at.

He was like a toy in front of Hyperjackton.

Easily absorbed and rebounded!

Completely defeat San'ao directly!

But that's not all!

In the three Austrian fusion, he became Ultraman Saka.

The kind of Ultra warrior who is full of a sense of sacredness.

Facing Hyperjetton, there was no advantage at all at the beginning!

Both sides show off their tactics!

The fight is inextricable!

If not for falling into a human trap.

It is impossible for Saka to defeat Hypajton in a short time!

…… kingdom of light……

"to be honest! This isn't the first time I've seen Hypajeton."

"But the feeling of oppression is still quite terrifying!"

I saw the scene of Hyperjetton playing on the light screen again.

The expression on Taro's face was still unusually solemn!

If Sano Zero hadn't transformed into Ultraman Saiga at that time, then the entire universe would be in danger.!

There is no light curtain appearing at all!

I don’t know how many parallel universes are going to be destroyed!

Only Ultraman Noah and the Ultra King can stop it!

"really! When I saw that guy on the battlefield,"

"That kind of inner pressure can indeed easily affect combat effectiveness!"

Ace was one of the people who rushed over to help.

He was well aware of the terror of Hypajeton.

That's why they went there in time.

Otherwise, with the restraints of the five-headed monsters, they might really be able to affect Saka. Ah!

After all, Hypajeton lost to Saka in the end.

The fundamental reason was that human traps allowed Saka to seize a short output opportunity!

Never doubt the impact of low-power creatures on the battle situation!

The role they played It may be far beyond your imagination!

"That's what happened to the Jetons after the Baxters were resurrected."

"They don’t have that kind of power anymore!"

Master Qi smiled.

The Hyperjadon and the variants of Hyperjadon that appeared later were far less oppressive than the Hyperjadon at the beginning!

After all, those that appeared later were basically Baxter. Defective products made by the stars!


The world of armored warriors... after seeing this most terrifying and powerful monster again.

The faces of Xinnan Dongshan and others were still full of shock!

"I didn’t expect that!"

"Hyperjetton appeared not only this time!"

"According to the meaning of the light curtain, Hypajton also appeared behind!"

Xinnan can't even imagine how terrifying the Hyperjedon that appears later will be!

After all, this battle has also made everyone aware of Hyperjedon's weakness!

As long as there are subsequent battles, don't let anyone join the Hyperjedon. battle.

And then if we get two teammates for Hyperjedon, we really don’t know what direction things will develop in!

"Dongshan, who do you think will solve the problem of Hyperjetton later?"

"Ultraman Noah, Ultraman Regedo, or the King of Ultra?"

Xinnan looked at Dongshan.

It has to be said that they are very curious about who will fight against Haipageton next time! The mysterious Siao's previous shots were all instant kills!

Can they kill Haupageton instantly this time?

I guess not!

The four mysterious powers all represent a kind of ability in the universe!

Even if there is a gap in strength, it shouldn’t be too big!

I wonder what other operations Hypjadon can do in the face of these opponents?

Yes. Wouldn't it appear more oppressive than the previous Hyperjetton?

"I no longer know! But it will definitely be more terrifying!"

Xinnan thought for a while and said with a solemn expression. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Kamen Rider Emperor World...

Xiao Ming doesn't even know what to say!

Good guy!

He was still comparing the difference in strength between Jinghe's God of War Blade and his own.

As a result, now... there is another video of Hyperjetton!

It is even said to be a video of Hypageton who will definitely become more powerful in the future!

Are there too many scary guys in the universe?

You should be thankful now.

Ultraman is here to help them figure it out!

Even Hypageton is very strong.

There is absolutely no way he can be the opponent of the mysterious Siao~!

After all, there are four mysterious four.

There is also the existence of the ultimate mystery below[]

Hyperjetton will definitely not be Ultraman's opponent!

But I don’t know if the Hyperjackton that appears in the future will have any new abilities?

Open your eyes!

…… at this time!

The picture on the light screen changes again!

【Now Hypajton! 】

Everyone is looking forward to the current operation of Hyperjetton!

After having a precedent.

How powerful will Hyperjackon be?

Isn't there a scene where two mysterious Four Ao's appear at the same time?

There must be one!

However, when the video on the light screen started playing.

Everyone was stunned!

A Hypajton walks alone on the earth!

There is no black mist covering the sky and the earth.

No purple flames filling the sky!

There is no such bone-deep fear!

Every chiton sounds unthreatening!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this!

Are you really sure this is Hyperjackton?

It seems that there is really no difference in appearance!

Then, Hypageton and Galaxy and Victory started fighting!

That fireball that even Sega, one of the mysterious Four Olympians, didn't dare to catch.

Easily bounced away by the big V!

It just made everyone stupid!

Isn’t this power a bit too weak?

It's not as scary as the Hyperjedon in the past!

Light screen, are you serious?

Logically speaking, shouldn’t it get stronger and stronger?

Why does it feel like Hypajeton is getting weaker and weaker!

The weak one is not even the slightest bit weak!

It feels like any ultimate form of the new generation can kill it instantly!

Later, Hyperjedon also demonstrated his teleportation ability!

But the current teleportation ability... is so rubbish!

Any Ultra Warrior can react at that speed!

It's nothing like the original one.

Teleport at speeds invisible to the naked eye! at last!

Hyperjetton was instantly killed by Galaxy's ultimate move!

He even managed an instant kill while carrying Hyperjedon's light-absorbing shield!


Everyone is confused!

You were so amazing that you were able to directly absorb the light of three Ultra Warriors!

Now you tell me...

Hypajeton couldn't even absorb the light of an Ultra Warrior and was exploded?

Are you a fake Hypajton?

It must be fake!

But even more surprising things continue!

The picture on the light screen changes!

The screen came directly to Orb!

Uub actually used the most scraping wind form.

Challenge Hypajton alone!

He even still has the upper hand!

Everyone knows how rubbish Uub's wind form is!

As a result, you were hung up and beaten in the wind form?

Is this still the same Hyperjackton?

In the end, he was stabbed directly by Uub with his trident!

Even more outrageous things happened after 940!

The several-headed Sea Pajton appears!

The result is that it's like a miscellaneous disease!

Or a one-to-many single brush!


Kingdom of Light... see the scene where Hypajton appears later.

There is no change at all on everyone’s face!

After all, they have all experienced this!

It can only be said that the Baite star was resurrected by the Little Golden Man.

It is impossible to recreate the scene at that time!

After all, the strongest Hyperjedon.

It's a monster that has swallowed up several universes.

Then he absorbed the negative emotions of people in a universe.

Plus feeding with sphia.

Finally, it became a level where you can challenge the mysterious Four Olympians in a duel!

As long as these conditions are not met.

Hyperjetton was directly created.

Just a cannon fodder!

It has no effect at all! besides!

At that time, the legendary Hyperjedon was able to exert such great strength.

A large part of the reason is due to the control of the Baxters!

But there are no Baxters.

Hyperjetton is also unable to show that kind of combat power!

So many conditions.

The little golden man himself knows that he can't replicate the combat power of Hyperjetton!

I wonder how people in other worlds would be surprised!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World!


Li Haotian and others were all stunned! no!

Were they sure that what they saw was Hypageton? ? ? ?

As we all know!

What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger!

But why on you Hypajton.

Is this truth simply gone?

Or is it that the Baxter people have no intentions?

It shouldn’t be!

The Baxters fight against the Kingdom of Light.

To fight Ultraman.

He will definitely use all his strength to resurrect Hyperjedon!

And it will definitely make it stronger!

It is impossible to say that Hypjadon will be turned into cannon fodder!


Is there something happening in the middle that they don't know about?

Light curtain!

Can you let us know what happens in between?

Why did Hyperjadon become an experience pack?

It even became a practicing presence.

Even Gricho can fight back and forth with Hyperjedon?

That's the wet nurse!

Not a fighting Ultra Warrior!


Kamen Rider Tokio World...

Shogo Tokiwa rubbed his eyes.

I quite doubt whether I have fallen into some illusion!

Is all this true?

Why did Hypageton become a miscellaneous soldier?

Why come to me.

Is the previous boss still that strong?

Doesn’t it make sense!

The boss that Ultraman fought once turned into a miscellaneous soldier.

After beating the boss in Kamen Rider, the one who was particularly meowing was the boss!

It makes people lose their temper at all!.

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