Just when people from all over the world were discussing the scene just now.

The light curtain changed once again.

New title is being generated!

【Eighth place - Super decisive battle! Belial Galaxy Empire~ Kingdom! 】

See the title this time.

Everyone’s eyes also changed instantly!

Because, you can tell from the title alone.

I’m afraid this battle scene will be given to Beria again!

Didn't this guy Beria just get a good beating from Zero?

Wasn’t it true that everything was completely defeated after becoming Beleudra?

Why did it suddenly appear again now?

The scar is healed and you forget about the pain, right? but.

The title this time is quite interesting.

Belial Galactic Empire?

After Beria narrowly escaped death, he actually established a galactic empire?

If you look at it this way.

I'm afraid this guy Beria didn't know where he found the plug-in!

【Belial Galactic Empire is Zero's second debut game.】

【Zero still maintains super fighting power】

【Although the dark starships and dark Lops who invaded the Kingdom of Light were very capable of fighting, they defeated many Ultra Warriors at one time.】

【But in the end, it was still easily solved by Zero. 】

See here.

Zero couldn't help but straighten his chest. joke!

Although Dark Lopus Cero is very powerful.

More difficult than many ordinary mechanical Ultra brothers. but!

In front of him.

A counterfeit is a counterfeit!

He can completely eliminate it without using all his strength!

【In order to solve the invasion of Dark Lopsero】

【The Kingdom of Light mobilized the whole country to send Zero to another world.】

【I don’t know if it’s because Zero was caught cheating.】

【This time, although Zero still has super combat power, he only has three chances to transform!】

【It can be regarded as a small restriction on this wall hanging.】

【After rescuing Brother Xiaozhi, Zero possessed his seriously injured brother Lan.】

【By accident, he boarded Princess Emerana's royal spaceship and met the Red Lotus Flame.】

【After a simple fight, we became stronger with each other】

【Laying the foundation for the future formation of the Ultimate Zero Guard Team】

【Join a group to find the Shield of Palagi】

【Afterwards, Zero used his second chance to transform and rescued the Mirror Knight.】

【But in the underground temple, Zero's human body was also captured by Beria. 】

See here.

Some differences inevitably arise in everyone's hearts. to be honest.

They originally thought that in this video, they could see Zero acting like before.

Directly use incomparable power to completely defeat Belia, and annihilate his galactic empire together!


Judging from the plot and pictures shown so far.

It seems like Zero...It’s not as smooth as before!

I haven’t seen Beria yet!

Just used up two transformation opportunities!

How to fight after that?

As long as Beria sends some more powerful soldiers over.

Zero will have to use up his chance to transform!

Could it be that in the end, Zero will have to use his human form to beat up Beria? ?

Is this the true strength of wall hanging!!

【With the help of Mirror Knight】

【Zero transformed for the third time in Belial's lair - the Devil's Claw Fortress!】

【Relying on his super combat power and perverted plug-ins, he successfully beat up Caesar Belial!】

【This makes me have to criticize Caesar Beria by name!】

【You all know that Zero only has one chance to transform!】

【Simply send a hundred and eighty Dark Lopus Sero over to consume the last chance of transformation. Wouldn't that be a sure win?】

【It took a lot of effort to come to this world and establish such a large galactic empire!】

【Why can’t you even understand this simple truth?】

【Have you seen! This is the end of the wave!】

【You don’t understand at all the principle of going with the wind and steady against the waves! ]

The words on the light screen also made everyone present laugh.

What this light curtain said is really not wrong at all!

The Dark Lopusero under Caesar Belia is not particularly powerful in combat.

But he is still a powerful opponent!

Directly send more Dark Lops to Zero to cause trouble for Zero.

Isn’t that a sure win?

It seems that Zero may have caused a great psychological shadow to Beria before.

At this last moment, I had to go over and ridicule him in person!

It’s not unreasonable for villains to die because they talk too much!

【In short, although Caesar Belial is much stronger than before, he is still no match for Zero.】


【At the same time that Caesar Belial was defeated】

【But he cheated on the spot once again!】

【After learning the lesson from the last time】

【Beria very wisely found an opportunity this time without the administrator present.】

【His plug-in will not be taken back!】

【As a result, Caesar Belial absorbed a large amount of Emmenar ore stored in the Devil's Claw Fortress and became Arc Belial!】

【Arc Belial can be said to be a true super boss!】

【Whether it's physical strength or fighting skills, he completely crushes Zero!】

【This is the real power of wall hanging! 】

See here.

Everyone also took a breath of cold air.

There is no other reason.

Arc Belial's sense of oppression...It's really too strong!

Just the energy breath spreading from the body is enough to make them break out in cold sweat!

You're sweating profusely, bro!

It was them who had to face such a terrifying opponent.

Don’t say whether you can win or not.

Just whether you can take one or two moves is a problem!

And the energy in Arc Beria's body is endless!

We simply cannot count on a war of attrition!

We must attack head-on!

【In front of Arc Beria, Zero and his companions were completely helpless.】

【They can't even break through defenses or get close!】

【I can only be beaten passively like this!】

【However, at a critical moment】

【Sero finally stopped pretending! He showed his hand!】

【You're hung up, right? I have one too, Zero!】

【And this time, Zero even got a plug-in from the space administrator!】

【Ultraman Noah, one of the four mysterious Olympians, appeared on the spot!】

【Granted the Shield of Ceropalaj!】

【Zero, who became a wall-hanger again, cut Beria's Claw Fortress in half with a single sword strike on the spot!】

【Then, Zero directly condensed the energy in his body!】

【The ultimate killing beam completely exploded Arc Belial! 】

The Kingdom of Light. quiet--!

Quiet quietly——!!!

At this time, all the Ultra warriors who were paying attention to the contents of the light curtain fell into deathly silence!

They didn't expect it at all.

Zero's previous journey to the"different world"...

It’s so wonderful! no! ?

This Beria's survivability is too strong!

They were all blown to pieces. Can they escape to another universe?

And also able to create so many powerful dark Lopsero?

Judging from the screen.

The number of Dark Lopsiro far exceeded their expectations!

At least there are millions of levels!

With this kind of quantity, no matter how strong their Kingdom of Light is, they may be directly overwhelmed!

What's more, there are various types of space robots!

Although Cerro relied on the power of plug-ins to defeat Beria this time. but!

As long as we can defeat Beria, anything is easy to say!


This is the power given by Ultraman Noah himself!

Can the administrator's power be used for cheating? ?

That’s called an epiphany on the spot!!

Armored Warrior Nava World.

General Duanmu just looked at the picture on the light screen quietly.

The expression on his face is quite wonderful. to be honest.

Every time a video about the Ultra World is played on the light screen.

He felt as if his outlook on life had been reshaped....

What kind of monsters are you guys in the Ultra World?

Just open it if you can't beat it?

You drive and I drive too?

It’s a real battle between gods, right?

It was outrageous enough that Beria could escape to another world alive!

I didn’t expect that there would be something even more outrageous later!

If you look at it this way. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s better to just cheat to improve yourself!

Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World.

General Fu crossed his arms and looked at the light curtain with interest.

Although Beria and Zero were cheating on each other, the battle between gods really surprised him. but!

This Caesar Belial showed him a possibility!

That's right!

It's that super powerful dark Lopusero!

Dark Lopus Zero's combat power is indeed not as good as Zero's own body.

But at least, it can also push many ordinary Ultra Warriors to the ground and rub them!

Even if the quantity is sufficient.

There is absolutely a chance to bulldoze the Kingdom of Light in one wave!

Zero itself will also be completely suppressed by the ocean-like numbers!

Look at it this way[]

If I could have the skills of Caesar Belial...

Don’t even say it!

Even if you encounter some powerful enemies later.

Just let this"replica" pass through the human sea tactics and bulldoze it, and that's it! at this time.

People in countless worlds are recalling the video just now.

And the light curtain that gradually dimmed lit up again!

【Seventh place - Ultraman Taiga The Movie: Top of the New Generation! 】!!!

As soon as this title came out.

Everyone who was still having a heated discussion fell silent instantly!

The top of the new generation!

This title can be said to have attracted everyone’s attention!

To know.

Zero was the absolute protagonist in the previous scene!

Even Beria, who almost destroyed the Kingdom of Light, was no match for him!

But this Taiga theatrical version...He actually said these five big words: the top of the new generation!

There are experts too! ?

Is it possible that there is a new generation who is even more awesome than Bi Luo? ?

【Just a friendly reminder】

【The movie version of"Top of the New Generation"...It’s really hard to describe in words】

【However, given that our judgment standard is the overall difficulty of the theatrical version, we gave it the seventh place.】

【At the beginning of the theatrical version, the three-person team easily defeated the Dada-painted Imperial mechs.】

【Show a little bit of their respective strengths】

【Then Grimd appeared, and the trio fell into a hard fight.】

【Brothers Taiga and Rob had a famous scene!】

【After Grimd released the light skill,】

【Taiga: Senior can help me block the knife, right?】

【Brother Rob: The younger generation should be able to escape, right?】

【Therefore, Taiga was so unlucky that he was hit directly and returned to his basic form!】

【Although Taro arrived in time and successfully eliminated Grimmud, he also fell into the trap and became a black man.】

【There was a wonderful domestic violence show in front of everyone!】

【By the way, beat all three of them until they are released from transformation!】

【After a series of new generations paid off their debts, everyone transformed and began to crusade against Tregear.】

【Then comes another classic scene!】

【Tregear had just shaken out Taro, and Taiga went straight up and launched an Ultra Bomb that he"learned by watching"!】

【His old father almost died on the battlefield!】

【Seeing that something was wrong, Tregear took the initiative to be absorbed by Grimd into his final form!】

【The Evil God Grimmd successfully suppressed the gods as soon as he appeared!】

【But soon, Taylor found a way to cheat!】

【That is to turn all the Olympians into Lingga!】

【After Ling Jia appeared, the game went straight to GG!】

【You are the"most ferocious and evil monster", right?】

【Lingjia didn't say anything, and the power of the plug-in completely exploded!】

【Shoot the evil god on the spot! 】

Kamen Rider Tokio World.

Tokiwa Shougo stared at the picture in the light screen in stunned silence.

For a moment I didn't know what to say. because...

Why are you Ultra Warriors all defeating your opponents by cheating?

Doesn't it make sense anymore?

At first, he was quite looking forward to how this so-called"top of the new generation" would perform.


The Ultra Warrior actually showed an invincible domestic violence scene on the screen!

Taiga even directly learned his father's ultimate trick later on!

And the first time he released it, he used it on his father!

Later I found out that I couldn't defeat that evil god.

Start using the plug-in again immediately!

Finally, a super perverted guy emerges from the combination!

Have you ever played like this?

The world of armored warriors.

Xinnan was confused.

He was really confused. to be honest.

Every BOSS that appeared in the light screen made him feel a strong threat!

Even if it is an ordinary monster, he can understand what kind of terrifying combat power the opponent has!

The key is.

These Ultra Warriors actually actually won!

They actually succeeded in finding the most correct way to win the battle under various adverse conditions!

Although it seems like they are all cheating. but!

Being able to cheat is also your own ability!

He also wants to cheat like these Ultra Warriors!

But the key is that he doesn’t have it!

For example, at the last moment, all the Ultra warriors merged and transformed into Lingga.

It instantly made that arrogant evil god lose his arrogance!

Judging from the energy breath escaping.

He even had an inexplicable feeling.

Lingjia may even be infinitely close to or rival the power of the mysterious Four Olympians!

This is a bit too scary!

I originally thought that the mysterious Four Austrians were the ultimate trump cards of these Ultra Warriors.

Unexpectedly, there are other warriors who can compete with him!

Kingdom of Light.

Look at the picture on the light screen.

Zero couldn't help but nodded vigorously. have to say.

This guy Taiga...

My brain is still very flexible!

You can secretly learn the forbidden technique of Ultra Bomb just by looking at it!

I originally thought this guy was just a reckless man.

Unexpectedly, his performance was indeed wonderful!

Compared to Zero's ease.

Taiga and Taro looked a little embarrassed.

Especially Taiga. after all...

The scene of him getting hammered by his father was seen by everyone!

And later, the scene of him using an Ultra Bomb to"save his father" was completely exposed!

Even the new generations have seen it all!

This is a bit too embarrassing!

Now he can't wait to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

Light curtain, light curtain!

Please don’t play this kind of video next time, okay?.

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