The first-generation special cat... can it have a more glorious record than Biluo?

It shouldn’t be!

Cerona is a super warrior who has defeated Beria several times in a row!

Not to mention the normal form, it's just Caesar Belial and Arc Belial.

Even the hundred-body monster Beliudora, which was synthesized from the power of plasma sparks and the Ultimate Fighting Instrument, was defeated by him!

In everyone's eyes full of curiosity and surprise.

The video starts to play officially!

I saw a middle-aged man with a plump body and a face covered with white powder standing by the lake.

Then he raised the long umbrella in his hand.

A burst of strange blue light beams instantly landed in the center of the lake!

The next second.

A strong earthquake swept across immediately!

The extremely strong energy aura activated the monster suppressed in the lake - Yanagaki!

And the middle-aged man also revealed his true form at this moment - Charlie Jia!

Looking at the resurrected Yanagaki in front of him.

Charlie looks very excited!

Immediately command Yanagaki to start wreaking havoc on human towns!

But right now!

A dazzling blue-white light beam shot into the sky!

Blocked Yanagaji's steps!


Tiga, who followed Charlieja's footsteps and came to this era, immediately launched a fierce offensive against Yanagaji!

Relying on his skilled fighting skills.

Gain the upper hand at the beginning of the battle!



Anagaki is a famous and powerful monster in the universe.

After gradually adapting to Tiga's attack rhythm.

He immediately regained the initiative!

First, relying on his terrifying defense, he resisted several heavy punches from Diga.

Then he took advantage of Diga's opportunity to adjust his posture and flew forward!

An extremely perfect tail flick successfully hit Diga's head!


With a strong collision sound!

Diga was directly knocked away in this sneak attack!

Yanagaji didn't give Tiga any chance to adjust his condition.

He ran forward, grabbed Tiga and threw him hard and continuously!

Diga, who was beaten to pieces, could not find a chance to fight back!

After confirming that Diga had fallen into a complete disadvantage.

Yanagaji directly locked Tiga in 06!

And he used his special abilities!

The light energy in Diga's body is being directly absorbed by Yanagaji little by little!

The timer on Diga's chest also began to flash a warning red light!

If Tiga doesn't think of a way to break free

, I'm afraid he will be completely drained by Yanagaji soon!

At this critical moment.

Director Tsuburaya appears!

His thoughts turned into a light!

Finally, it gathered into a red ball of light that shone with intense light! boom--!

It hit Yanagaji on the head with great precision!

This sudden blow knocked Yanagaji to the ground!

Later, this red ball of light gradually condensed into a human form - the first generation Ultraman!!

Looking at the first generation Ultraman walking out of the light.

Diga's eyes were filled with disbelief!

Charlie Jia also looked in the direction of the first generation in shock!

It really wasn't expected.

First Generation...It actually appears here!

The appearance of the first generation made Yanagaji, who had just struggled to get up from the ground, feel intense uneasiness!

After all, it was the original one who sealed it into the lake before!

Now...The original is back!

The first generation didn't even do anything, just stood on the ground.

It was enough to make Yanagaji feel a strong sense of pressure!

It seems as if there is any abnormal movement in it.

The first generation was able to kill it immediately!

Sensing Yanagaji's wavering.

At this time, Diga was also quite surprised.

He really didn't expect it.

This monster that was powerful enough to put him in a tough fight was actually in such a panic right now!

After the first generation's eyes glanced at the timer on Diga's chest.

He also slowly raised his right hand.

Then, a gentle golden energy light gradually emerged.

They gathered on Diga's chest.

The next second.

Diga was shocked to find that the energy that had been taken away from his body...

It was refilled!

My body, which was already exhausted, now feels extremely relaxed!

Diga immediately stood up and nodded vigorously to the first generation.

But the first generation just nodded lightly.

Then he turned his attention to Yanagaji.

Feel the sight of the first generation.

Anagaji seemed to understand his own end!

Let out a sharp roar and immediately prepare to fight to the death!

But the first generation didn’t give it any chance at all!

Just raise your hands!

Form a cross on your chest!

And Diga followed closely behind!

Specium Rays!

Zaipelliao rays!

Two terrifying light techniques filled with the aura of destruction.

It hit Yanagaki almost at the same time!

Yanagaji's body was simply unable to withstand such a powerful attack!

It exploded directly on the spot!

Turned into particles of light that filled the sky!

Kingdom of Light.

Look at the scene in the video.

At this moment, all Ultra warriors were stunned!

They suddenly found out.

The fighting power of the first generation...

It seems really strong!

Although there is still a certain gap between Yanagaki and monsters such as Beliya and Glizza.

But the first generation was able to scare it into trembling with its own temperament and eyes!

It is clear!

The previous first generation must have given Yanagaji a hard education!

Moreover, even that Tiga was fighting with Yanagaji inextricably.

The first generation not only fully charged Tiga as soon as it came on.

He can even instantly cast his signature light skill - Specium Light with ease!

Yanagaji was beaten into pieces on the spot!

This no-nonsense way of fighting is so cool! and.

The total amount of light energy in the first generation's body is definitely beyond the imagination of many people!

It's both charging and amplifying moves.

It can both C and assist!

This is the real big brother!

The world of armored warriors.

Xinnan looked at the content on the screen.

My heart is full of shock!

He could clearly feel it.

The fighting power of that monster Yanagaki...

Definitely not weak!

It can even be said to be a quite ferocious and powerful monster!

However, this monster is in front of the first-generation Ultraman.

Not even a little bit of resistance!

One look can completely scare it!

This is enough to prove how terrifying the fighting power of the first generation Ultraman was! have to say.

The strong man in the ultraman world...

There are really too many!

If you pull one out at random, you can crush them!

If I could possess these Ultraman powers...

That would be really cool!

Don't say anything else.

Just this scene where the first generation raised his hand and cast his ultimate move instantly, completely killing Yanagaji.

It made him extremely excited!

Kamen Rider Levi's World.

The sophomore year has fallen into a state of confusion. no? what's the situation?

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he killed Yanagaji immediately? ?

Didn't we have an inseparable fight with another Ultraman before? ?

This first generation Ultraman...

It’s a little too strong!!

He originally thought that there would be nothing outstanding about this video.

Unexpectedly, the first generation of Ultraman still shocked him enough!

It seems...

After all, I still can’t underestimate anyone in this world! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Lu Novel Network!)

Maybe you just catch a passerby, a low-key strongman like the first Ultraman!

While everyone was discussing the scene just now.

The light curtain has changed again!

【My own copy is never full of health, and other people's copies are never full of health! 】

This new title made everyone suddenly stunned.

The title this time...

It seems interesting!

Could it be that the protagonist who will appear this time is a firefighter! ?

Under the curious eyes of countless people.

The video officially begins!

All I saw was the center of countless tall buildings.

An alien beast is wreaking havoc on the city!

And Aix also appeared immediately, trying to stop the alien beast.

But what he didn't expect was that[]

The fighting power of alien beasts...Far beyond ordinary monsters!

Almost at the moment of debut!

Aix was completely suppressed by the opponent!!

Aix, who had experienced countless battles, could not find a chance to counterattack for a while!

Regardless of physical skills or other aspects, he is no match for his opponent!

Just a few seconds.

Aix was completely at a disadvantage!

Although Aix was in a desperate situation, he kicked the opponent directly to the top of the tall building.

But the alien beast relied on this opportunity to swoop in again!

I want to completely eliminate Aix in front of me!

At this critical moment.

A fiery red figure appeared instantly!

Directly kick the alien beast in mid-air away!

Ultraman Nexus!!

Looking at Nexus who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ax was also obviously a little surprised.

He really didn't expect it.

The vice-captain suddenly transforms into Nexus and comes to the rescue!

But now is not the time to relax either.

This alien beast in front of me...

But it’s not solved yet!

Nexus looked at the alien beast that had fallen to the ground and was about to get up again.

There was also a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

After all, he knows very well how troublesome these alien beasts are!

This guy is even more difficult to deal with than a super beast!

If it is not resolved as soon as possible...

Then I'm afraid, the whole city will turn into a sea of ​​fire!

Therefore, Nexus had no hesitation at all!

Lift your right arm immediately!

Countless light energy spread from his body!

A brilliant spherical light curtain fell from the sky!

Gradually everything within thousands of meters around it was completely enveloped!

The moment when the light curtain is fully formed.

Everything within the light curtain has been transferred to another world!

Meita field!

Nexus’ classic field move!

After coming to another world.

Nexus is finally able to let go and fight the alien beasts!

He immediately rushed forward!

A sliding shovel came behind the opponent!

Take advantage of the moment when its attention is attracted by Aix.

Nexus immediately hugged the opponent's head!

A nice over-the-shoulder slam!

Then immediately condense the light energy in your body!

A light arrow from the palm of his hand hit the opponent's back with great accuracy!

Maybe it was knowing that Nexus was a greater threat.

As soon as the alien beast got up, it forced Aix away with one claw!

At the same time, he turned around and fought with Nexus.

However, Nexus' combat power is obviously superior to it!

Facing the opponent's fierce attack.

Nexus doesn’t even have any extra moves!

He easily dodged the alien beast's continuous attacks, and then another luminous projectile shot out!

This time, Nexus hit the alien beast in the abdomen at a tricky angle.

The violent explosion stunned the alien beast.

Several consecutive attacks were successfully defused by Nexus!

The opponent's attack is not only powerful and heavy, but also very difficult to dodge!

What's more, there is Ax watching eagerly next to him!

In front of this righteous gang fight.

The alien beast was obviously in a state of rage!

The attacks become more violent!

But, even so.

But Nexus was still able to continue to suppress the opponent!

There is absolutely no hope of opening up the situation for it!

After just a few minutes. 357 Alien Beast's physical strength has declined seriously.

And Nexus also realized it.


So, Nexus and Ax nodded at the same time.

They all activated their ultimate moves!

Ax head dart ray!!

Cascading storm!!

In front of this double light technology.

The alien beast has no ability to resist at all!

The body was directly blown into thousands of pieces!

Then even the fragments were completely broken down!

The world of armored warriors.

After seeing Nexus' wonderful performance, Dongshan.

His face was full of shock!

The fighting power of that alien beast is definitely several times more terrifying than the previous Yanagaji!!

But Nexus didn't panic at all!

Use extremely perfect responses to crush the opponent all the way!

Until it is completely destroyed in the end!

This performance alone was enough to shock him! not to mention.

He also clearly saw it.

Nexus's fighting power is definitely more than what he shows!

In the process of fighting against the alien beast, he didn't even suffer any damage!

Almost perfectly dodged all the opponent's attacks!

This is enough to explain.

Nexus has often fought opponents like this before! if it is like this...

It was really hard for him to imagine.

What a terrifying performance Nexus would have if he took it completely seriously!

Armored Warrior Xingtian World. quiet--!

Quiet quietly——!!!

Everyone present was completely shocked by Nexus' performance!

If it was said that Ax's battle against the alien beasts at the beginning allowed them to see how powerful the alien beasts were.

Then after Nexus appears.

This extremely terrifying alien beast...

It's just like a toy!

Being bullied casually by Nexus!

Let alone a counterattack.

Even trying to reorganize the situation is a problem!

Nexus didn't give the opponent any chance at all!

It's a pressing beat from beginning to end!

This is too scary!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

This so-called alien beast is indeed a very difficult opponent.

But now.

Nexus directly demonstrated a perfect response!

I have to admit, this is indeed a guy who never loses his health!

Kamen Rider Tokio World.

Tokiwa Shogo looked at Nexus on the screen.

There was a throbbing in my heart!

He really didn't expect it.

Nexus can be so powerful!

I originally thought Nexus was just an ordinary character.

But judging from the ability shown in the video.

My own estimate of him...

It seems like it’s still a little too little!

If this is the normal combat power of the Ultra World.

Then, it was really hard for him to imagine how strong these Ultraman opponents must be to compete with them!.

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