Yanlongxia forced his body to stand up and took up his stance again.

As for Emperor Xia... until now, he has not taken Yan Long Xia seriously!

He didn't even bother to assume a fighting posture.

As for the result...

Yanlongxia, who was punched three times in a row, couldn't resist it at all!

Xinnan also knew very well that if he continued to lean against the wall.

One hundred percent can only be pressed and rubbed!

He jumped behind Emperor Man.

Emperor Xia didn't even bother to pay attention to Yan Long Xia.

Sometimes the difference in strength is too big, and you can really do anything!

So changing the position is of no use! more importantly!

Behind Xinnan are oil and gas tanks.

If you continue to fight here, something big will definitely happen!

Xinnan can only summon his own motorcycle.

Start to distance yourself from the Emperor Man.

However, he is also an armored warrior.

Xinnan has a motorcycle, how could the Emperor Xia not have one!

Even in terms of firepower, it basically crushes ordinary armored warriors!

After an air battle!

Xinnan also relied on his long-term combat experience to trick Emperor Xia!

Hit it directly into the building!

However... two bricks fell from the building and accidentally injured Minci.

As a good friend of Minci, Xinnan would naturally not let this happen.

Good thing!

The most critical time!

Xinnan finally caught up!

Minci was saved at the last second.

However, this scene appeared to the Emperor Xia who had transformed into Xiangyang.

It was Yan Longxia who planned to harm his sister Minci!

Just hang up the Yanlongxia transformed by Xinnan and beat him!

However, the Black Emperor's control is still a bit terrifying.

Being controlled, Xiang Yang once again forgot Minci's appearance and approached Minci step by step.

Xinnan was anxious now!

Totally anxious!

"Take a good look at who she is!"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene!

Good guy!

It turns out that you, Yanlongxia, know the identity of the other party!


No wonder you can be on this video!

Even though you know the identity of the other party, you still insist on fighting!

You guys Aren't there five armor warriors?

No matter what, five people can beat Xiang Yang back to his sanity!

It's amazing!

I can only say that you armor warriors are really powerful!

In vain, the building was harmed!

At this time, Emperor Man is at the end For a moment, I finally recognized Minci's appearance.

I returned to my identity as Xiangyang.

…… kingdom of light……

"I have to say that the emperor's armor and the ordinary five-element armor are not the same concept!"

Looking at the picture in the light screen, Leo was quite emotional!

Xiangyang is obviously an ordinary child without any fighting power.

With the value of an emperor's armor, he can forcibly suppress the Flame Dragon Man!

This His strength is simply not comparable to that of ordinary armored warriors!

He only has Minci's weakness.

Otherwise, the strength of the Flame Dragon Man alone would not be able to stop the Emperor Man!

"really! The Emperor's Man crushes the Flame Dragon's Man in both skills and values!"

"In the face of absolute strength, even skills are useless!"

Ace nodded.

Unexpectedly, the Flame Dragon Man used his skillful combat experience to gain the advantage in air combat.

But in the end, the Emperor Man still has nothing at all?

The gap between the values ​​​​is quite big!

There is no way!

By the way, you Yan Longxia knew the other party’s identity, why didn’t you just bring Minci here?

There are obviously more and better solutions, right?

You have to use this method of hitting the stone with an egg!

I can only say that your world of armored warriors is also Quite outrageous!

Absolutely amazing!

Really amazing!


The world of armored warriors is... confused!

Xinnan was completely confused! no!

Why would you make such a decision?

Obviously you can have a group fight, why do you have to go there alone?


That's outrageous!


The reputation that I have worked so hard to achieve!

Just let such a video be ruined directly!

In the future, after seeing the scene of an egg hitting a stone, I will definitely be mentioned!

They really understand the character of Light Screen!

What you are special about is even if the previous black history has been played.

But as long as it's related to your dark history.

They will still be taken out and whipped!

How many times have you watched the scene where Ultraman Dreams flies kicking?

There are also Shi Wang’s teammates, who are whipping corpses one after another!

You're done! Completely finished!

Dongshan and Meizhen really don’t know how to persuade Xinnan.

There was still a little joy in my heart.

Fortunately, the protagonist of Te Meow this time is not me!


You just took on the trouble of history for our two teammates!

We will appreciate it!

You don't have to be too sad! we know!

Your strength is definitely not like this!

What is happening now must not be your intention!


Kamen Rider 01 World...

No one knows what to say when they see the content in the video.

It’s really a bit miserable for someone of the same kind as myself to transform using a satellite!

You said why do you need to fight an opponent that you can't beat at all (afaj)?

Especially when you know the other person’s weaknesses!

Even last time you can let your companions go over and crush that guy!


To know!

You still have the second team of Armored Warriors!

Although those people say there are big problems with teamwork, they are still pretty good!

It's impossible to say that you can't fight because all your teammates are injured!

It’s hard to resist!

It’s really a bit hard to bear!

And that’s it!

Isn’t the strength of the Emperor’s Armor a bit too scary?

Anyone who has seen Yan Longxia fight before knows very well the fighting power of Yan Longxia.

The results of it?

Every attack hits the emperor's armor.

It's like scratching an itch!

It can’t cause any harm at all!


It’s so outrageous!

Pureness is the beauty of numerical values!

But think about it!

The Emperor's Armor is the fusion of your five armors!

It’s really hard to fight alone!


Right now!

The picture of the light curtain changes again!

Many people are praying that they will never be on the list!

Although it is interesting to see others on the list.

But it would be uncomfortable if I were on the list!

Never be yourself!

Right now!

A line of subtitles appeared on the light screen!

【Xingtian's team battles Emperor Yan Shura! 】

Everyone was stunned after seeing this title!

Xingtian team?

Emperor Yan Shura?

Isn’t this still the world of you armored warriors?

After all, it seems that you are the only one with this naming method!

As for Emperor Yan Shura... it's General Duanmu who doesn't know how to be special!

Even Duan Muyan and Ma Lingling were stunned at this time!

What the hell is the Xingtian Team? besides!

This Yandi Shura can't really mean Shura armor!

Kamen Rider doesn't seem to have such a naming method!

At this point the video starts playing!

Li Haotian, Wu Gang and Xu Tingfei appeared in front of everyone.

Then the transformation begins directly!

"Flying Shadow Armor!"

"Xingtian Armor!~"

"Diamond armor!"

Three people transformed into armored warriors at the same time!

As for the Emperor Yan Shura opposite...

What's really special is the Shura armor!

General Duanmu was stunned for a moment!

So what kind of thing did he have?

It's obvious!

The Xingtian team and I are not from the same world!

Did you directly help them defeat their most difficult enemy? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brats! Show off as much strength as you have!"

Emperor Yan looked at the three people with disdain.

After all, he is the strongest man in the galaxy.

It is impossible for anyone to defeat him!

Then Wu Gang rushed forward!

There was only one person on the opposite side, and the advantage was mine!


The value of Shura Armor also crushed Li Haotian and the others!

Emperor Yan easily pinched Wu Gang's hand!

It was like teasing a child!

Then he kicked Wu Gang back with a kick.

It can be seen that , Emperor Yan didn’t use much power at all!

It was just a simple kick!

Li Haotian and Xu Tingfei were stunned!

No! [] Is this guy so strong?

The King Kong Armor has the most terrifying defense among them!

The power is also relatively powerful. Armor.

Blocked so easily???


Wu Gang is a reckless man after all!

He is not convinced at all! He charges forward again!

Relying on his terrifying defense, his main focus is to annoy you to death with one hand!

Xu Tingfei naturally couldn't watch his companions act recklessly!

He followed Wu Gang and planned to give Wu Gang some support.

However, Wu Gang didn't even get past three moves this time! He was kicked by Yi Yandi as soon as he rushed over. Flying!

Xu Tingfei was still in the middle of flying kicks! He was lightly patted by Emperor Yan and fell heavily to the ground!

"It seems! You can have some fun today!"

It can be said that Emperor Yan didn't take Li Haotian and the others seriously at all!

They didn't even look at the three people's attacks seriously!

The three people didn't even seriously encounter Yan Emperor 's attacks... Even if the other party even tried!

Instead, he was hung up and beaten by Emperor Yan alone!

Don't be too miserable!

The three of them were also discussing how to kill Emperor Yan.

However ,……

"Are you earthlings singing or fighting?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense!"

He was immediately greeted by the ridicule of Emperor Yan.

Everyone else couldn't stand it when they saw this scene!

I have to say that Emperor Yan is quite interesting! He is fighting and taunting each other at the same time!

Who can bear this kind of anger? Come on?

What's more, Li Haotian and the others are already at their hot-blooded age. They can't stand such humiliation! They decisively started using their skills!

It has to be said that the three of them's skill forward time is quite long!

Even longer than Kamen Rider World. The forward swing of their ultimate move is even longer!

In this regard, Emperor Yan stood there and looked down on their moves at all! Is such a move just like defeating himself?

It's simply not ridiculous!

The three of them rushed towards Emperor Yan again.

And they also set up a triangular formation, which was bound to give Yan Emperor no chance to fight back!

But... the next second they knew that what is called numerical crushing could not be filled by any method!

Yan Emperor easily defeated the three of them. The formation was completely destroyed! Xing

Tian was even held in his hands.

He and the two of them did not dare to take action at all!

The next battle can only be said to be garbage time.

Emperor Yan kicked one by one.

The attacks of the three of them That has no effect at all!


In the Kingdom of Light... everyone can see it.

This battle is different from the previous battle between Flame Dragon Man and Emperor Man.

At that time, Yanlongxia also had his own combat experience as an assistant.

Now it is not!

Yandi Shura's combat experience is even more terrifying than that of Xingtian and the others!

No matter which way you look at it.

The Xingtian team is bound to lose!

In addition, the three of them are confused now!

Yandi's verbal attacks are quite effective!

It's not something Li Haotian and the others can ignore at all.

So they could tell from the very beginning of the battle.

In this battle, Xingtian and the others will definitely lose!

The current battle is because Yan Emperor Shura wants to play with them!

I just don’t want to be a killer!

Whenever the other party wants to kill the three people completely.

The battle is estimated to last no more than a minute!

"The strength of Shura Armor is almost the same as that of Emperor Armor!"

Leo really feels that the values ​​​​of the Emperor Armor and the Shura Armor are almost the same!


I feel this way because Xiang Yang cannot use the Emperor Armor. He fights purely by relying on the values.

He has no fighting skills!

But If Xinnan uses the emperor's armor, the outcome will be greatly changed!

The combat power displayed will be 100% better than Xiangyang!


The world of Armored Warrior Xingtian... is confused!

Li Haotian and the others were completely confused! no!

Is there such a big difference in strength between myself and Yandi Shura?

Not so!

Everything happening now is far beyond their imagination!

Especially now that they are fighting the Nether Demon, they can't stand it at all!

So... do I still underestimate Emperor Yan?

But what they don't know now is.

Emperor Yan is no ordinary person!

He was the former leader of Flame Star, the number one summoner of Shura Armor, the number one summoner in the galaxy, and the most powerful person in the galaxy.

If you underestimate a person who can achieve such a title, he will definitely be defeated!

How to deal with the future battle now lingers in Li Haotian's mind.

Looking at it now, they can only increase their strength by more than ten times. , it is possible to fight against Emperor Yan Shura in a duel!

Five times or more might be able to defeat Yandi Shura through cooperation...

The point is!

They know it very well!

His ultimate enemy is not Emperor Yan Shura!

It's the path behind Emperor Yan Shura!

That guy is the most troublesome person!

If I can't even get through Emperor Yan.

Not to mention fighting Lufa.

Because of the emergence of light curtains, the frequency of battles has become higher and higher now.

They are destined not to be given much time to grow! hateful!

If only I could control Shura Armor!

Now the Shura armor is still in the hands of General Duanmu! etc! yes!

Now the Shura armor is not in the hands of Emperor Yan!

It's special that it's in the hands of General Duanmu!

Is it possible that Emperor Yan can directly kill General Duanmu's world?

It's simply impossible!

The Shura armor used by General Duanmu is about the same strength as you, Emperor Yan!

Without Shura Armor, you would never be a match for General Duanmu!

So cool!


The armored warrior Nava World... looked at the battle in the light curtain.

The expression on General Duanmu's face is getting more and more boring!


I am indeed quite invincible!

Not only Shura armor, but also other armors!

Only this kind of armor can be worthy of yourself!

Speaking of which... the Shura Armor is now in his hand.

Will the enemies in the Armored Warrior Xingtian world no longer appear?

Even if it appears, the combat effectiveness is probably not high!

I can be considered a big help to them!

Who made Shura Armor choose him on his own initiative?


It’s so cool!

General Duanmu didn't even know what to say.

Anyway, I am already invincible!

Even if Emperor Xia comes, he can still have fun with him!

It’s not false at all!.

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