【Another thing I want to say here is that】

【The golden and silver dragons here are likely to have been weakened!】

【Gaia can easily defeat the Golden Dragon without changing her SV state.】

【Even Jinlong’s signature space-time realm ability has never been used.】

【Not to mention the Silver Dragon, it has a defense that even the powerful Tiga cannot beat.】

【It has absolutely no effect now! 】

After seeing the words of the light screen, everyone nodded.

Did they just say that?

When Diga fought against the Golden Dragon and Silver Dragon before, he wasted a lot of energy!

Why is it now.

Basically, it’s a flash sale!

It's okay now.

It must have been weakened!

After all, it is a summoned monster, so it is definitely not as powerful as the main body!

【However, at this moment, the previously defeated monster was turned into a stitch monster by the mastermind!】

【Chiga Chimera appears! 】

Everyone looked at this extremely huge monster and didn’t know what to say.


This monster... isn't it a little too outrageous!

Such a big one?

【soon! Jiga Chimera forced the three heroes of Heisei into a desperate situation.】

【The four human bodies of Ultraman Showa also remembered their own stories】

【They all transformed into Ultraman to challenge!】

【They first rescued Xiaomeng】

【Then the eight Ultraman battle against the ultimate suture monster Giga Chimera! 】

When the others saw this, they were all stunned!

Good guy!

Eight Ultra Warriors!

I don’t know how powerful this combat power is!

In the end, even if this is the case, can Chiga Chimera be able to handle it?

So the monsters in Ultraman The Movie seem to be harder to defeat than those in the dungeon!

【From the earth to the universe, although this suture monster is quite strong】

【But still lost to the united Ultramans!】

【Exploded by light in the universe!】

【After returning to Earth, the mastermind behind the scenes appears】

【Diga turns on the shining mode WiFi!】

【Distribute the shining power to all Ultraman】

【The last dark shadow mage was also completely blasted by the Ultraman's light!】

【This movie version gets simpler as you go to the back】

【From the beginning, Mebius fought alone, was exhausted and was turned into a bronze statue.】

【The Three Great Masters of Heisei appear at the back】

【The strength of the protagonist group is improving step by step】

【It's time for eight Ultraman to fight together】

【Kiga Chimera is not that hard to beat!】

【When the dark shadow mage, the mastermind behind the scenes, appears, it's basically equivalent to giving away someone's head!】

【After reading the lines, he was shot!】

【Overall, the difficulty of this theatrical version is moderate.】


The Kingdom of Light...

Looking at the scene in the light curtain, Ace and the others finally understood.

After Membius returned to the Kingdom of Light, why did he ask them how to go to other worlds...

I can only say.

That's entirely because their counterparts in the parallel world of human bodies have gained the ability to transform through spiritual power!

They themselves have no memory of that world at that time!

To be honest, it’s quite outrageous!

But isn't it like Seven X is also a human body in parallel time and space who used his own power?

Moreover, it is also a state of amnesia!

So it makes sense!

Quite reasonable!

But I have to say, Chiga Chimera is still terrifying!

During the Heisei period, they had all become the middle and senior leaders of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light.

The combat ability is not much different from what it is now.

This shows the terror of Giga Chimera.

Until now, there are only a few people who can let the four of them take action at the same time!

It seems that only one Beria can really get through the Ultra brothers!

What others simply can’t do!

Speaking of which... the fighting abilities of Tiga Dina, Gaia, and the Three Great Masters of Heisei are also quite terrifying!

In the final battle.

The cooperation between the Heisei Three Heroes and them is quite tacit.

Without the same fighting level, this would be impossible!

I don’t know about the battle with the Absolute clan this time.

Can I get help from the Three Great Masters of Heisei?

It should be possible!

After all, the Three Great Heroes of Heisei have some kind of fate with them.

No matter how you say it, you can be considered an ally!

I hope I can win them over!

Of course, the premise is that these three people can be found.

After all, these three people are all the elusive type.……


The armored warrior Nava World... looked at Giga Chimera's huge body and the defensive power that could withstand the bombardment of eight Ultra Warriors.

General Duanmu said that he was already a little autistic!

The monsters in the theatrical version are each more terrifying than the last!

They are all opponents that they have no way of defeating!

Now even the arrogant General Duanmu knows it very well.

The combat power of my own world is not at the same level as that of Ultraman's world!

So it’s better to lie down as soon as possible!

Monsters like Giga Chimera should never appear again.

I want to fuse this monster again.

Whether those seven monsters that don't belong to the same world at all can be gathered together is a big problem.

This is why General Duanmu decided to lie down directly.


Even if you can gather all the seven-headed monsters.

There are no Dark Shadow Mage abilities.

There seems to be no way to completely fuse the monsters.

So I don’t have to worry at all!

Ma Lingling looked at the terrifying monsters appearing one after another in the light curtain.

They no longer know how to express their inner worries.

If these monsters appeared in my own world.

The earth is basically destroyed!

These guys must not come here!


Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World...

Kiga Chimera is one of the biggest monsters General Uki has ever seen!

The previous Megalogee and the Angel of Destruction Zog didn’t seem to be as big as Giga Chimera!

Only Ultraman Max's final boss, Million Basaku, can compare with Chiga Chimera in terms of size.

Now I just don’t know how terrifying the monsters in Ultraman Max the Movie are.

The monsters in the Ultraman Max dungeon are all buggy to a certain extent.

Not to mention the theatrical version!

The final theatrical version should be Ultraman Max's!

But General Fu is bound to be disappointed.

Max never had a copy of himself from beginning to end.

So let alone having the number one copy!

Now there is another point that General Fu is quite curious about.

What abilities does the Dark Shadow Mage possess?

Travel through time and space and fuse monsters?

But I always feel that this guy is not that simple!

It's a pity that the light curtain does not mention the specific abilities of the dark shadow mage.

I can only look for opportunities later to see if I can see content related to the Dark Shadow Mage.


At this time, the picture on the light curtain changes again!

【Third place - Ultraman Dyna the Movie: Starlight Warrior! 】

When they saw the title of Dyna, they were 100% sure.

This time is definitely not after the end of the Dyna copy!

They remember it clearly!

Dana, this reckless man, never defeated the final boss!

He was directly sucked into the black hole created by the final boss.

From then on, he disappeared into his original world!

So it is 100% impossible that it was after the end of the Dyna dungeon!

I just don’t know what period it is

【Dyna gets off to a bad start in this theatrical version. ]

I don’t know why when I saw this sentence.

Everyone felt that it was not particularly strange!

This is something Dyna can do!

【In the opening space battle, using Soljet's beam failed to destroy the monster.】

【Dyna was attacked by monsters】

【The monster's head was also taken away by the battleship Prometheus secretly developed by TPC.】

【The Neomax cannon it carries is powerful!】

【Asuka even dreamed that Dyna was blasted by Neomax!】

【Enough to see the terror of the Prometheus battleship】

【Dr. Kisaragi, who was responsible for the development of Prometheus, was controlled by the Monera planet. 】

When everyone saw this, they already understood the direction of this theatrical version. alright!

It's another special human being seeking death by himself.

I created a story about my biological father for myself!

All I can say is, it’s not surprising!

Not surprising at all!

【She read Asuka's memory and obtained Dyna's combat data. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The Prometheus was also tampered with】

【Out of TPC's control!】

【Became the computer demon Desfasa! 】

When everyone saw this, the expressions on their faces were not surprising at all! really!

Human beings' ability to commit suicide is directly maxed out!

Why do you think you have to use power beyond your control?

People of the Ultraman world!

I hope you can learn some lessons!

【As a powerful robot monster with Dyna's combat data】

【In terms of physical skills, he completely crushed Dyna!】

【left handThe Tlin gun has powerful firepower】

【The pliers on the right hand can perfectly grasp the agile Miracle Dyna!】

【Asuka may have lost her mentality and cut into the wrong form.】

【To deal with this kind of monster, you should just use the reckless form to destroy it!】[]

【However, Asuka just wants to win with the blue wall hanging!】

【I didn’t expect to be blasted! 】

No one wanted to say anything about this.

You birds have cut into many wrong shapes.

Still don’t know what form you should use to fight monsters?

【Finally facing the terrifying Neomax Cannon, Dyna chose to fly away!】

【Their fighting venue was bombarded even more horribly! 】

Everyone is stupid!

Good guy!

This must be the first Ultra Warrior to run away directly!

At least the Savage of Light is still handsome when he exits.

You are running away!

Can't you learn from your big brother?

【Later, the people of Monera made a declaration of war to mankind.】

【He said that he would start from the K3 area at noon the next day, hereafter referred to as the K area, to carry out the plan to eliminate human beings! 】

Everyone can’t help their inner desire to complain now! no!

You Ultra Warriors all have something wrong with you, right?

It's not just you who have a problem, the defense team has a problem.

It’s so special that even the enemies have problems!

Why do you keep staring at the K area?

Is someone in area K provoking you?

【TPC is ready】

【Unexpectedly, Desfasa came directly and performed the Lu Family's Art of War, which lifted the floor of the K area!】

【Asuka, who was defeated in the previous battle, learned from the pain and thought of the famous sayings of senior Dagu.】

【In this case, wouldn't it be better to fight in the red form from the beginning? 】

Hearing this, Dagu covered his eyes, not wanting to see his dark history anymore!

【Sure enough, the red mango form is more useful.】

【Easily removed Desfasa's pliers and gun barrel】

【Even the Neomax cannon was punched through!】

【After defeating Desfasa, Queen Monera is waiting!】

【Another pretty huge enemy!】

【Just capture Dyna and lock her up until she runs out of power.】

【Then everyone recreated the finale of Tiga】

【Shake out a Tiga! 】

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help it! no!

Why would any of you copy Tiga's finale?

He is the big brother of the Three Great Heroes of Heisei.

It’s not your wool-gathering tool! besides!

The theatrical version of"Dina Why Are You" reproduces Tiga's finale.

Do you even need to call yourself to help?

Um? ? ? ?

Do you want to think about your own problems?

【Diga fully charged Dyna and helped Dyna escape from the cage.】

【The two of them used a combo to eliminate Queen Monera!】

【It can be said that the theatrical version of Dyna is quite difficult!】

【I couldn't kill the monster from the beginning and my head was robbed.】

【Later, he was defeated miserably by Desfasa.】

【After finally defeating Desfasa, he was locked up in a dark room and ran out of power!】

【After big brother Tiga came to the rescue, it became easier.】

【It can be said that the difficulty of the theatrical version of Dyna is already among the top three in Heisei!】


The Kingdom of Light... is confused!

Everyone is confused!

In their impression, Dyna was not so good!

Every guest appearance in combat is relatively reliable.

Although my brain is not very good at speaking.

But the other points are really not that bad!

Good guy!

As a result, looking at what Dai (who has the money) can do now... it's actually a bit of a dish!

I have to say, in their eyes.

This copy is actually not particularly difficult.

It’s not even as difficult as Tiga’s theatrical version. can only say.

The difficulty of a dungeon sometimes does not depend on the opponent's true combat power.

We also need to take a look at our combat power here!

Tiga cheated the whole time.

A scary guy like Dimogie.

Still can't beat Tiga!

When we arrived at Dyna, there was less fighting.

Eat too much!

He even needed help from his big brother later on.

There really isn’t much to show for it! besides!

Why didn't they react before?

Human beings are so capable of seeking death!

Can such an important battleship be directly managed by one person?


Why don't you send someone to supervise it?

It seems that TPC was invaded by Tiga before.

You haven't learned any lessons at all!


It’s so outrageous!


The world of armored warriors...

Xinnan no longer knows what to say about the human defense force's ability to commit suicide.

Good guy!

Saw so many defense teams.

It seems that you are the only one who has created such an outrageous father-in-law for yourself, the TPC of Dyna World!

The reason why the armory is seeking death is because its commander was parasitized by Celebro when the project started.

You guys even left loopholes inside!

Didn't anyone check it?


It’s so weird!


Kamen Rider Emperor World...

Brother Xiao Ming looked at the picture in the light screen.

Also full of speechlessness.

Dyna World feels a bit outrageous from beginning to end!

One's own warship was even directly controlled by the opponent!

Armory's man-made mecha Zero.

It’s Yoko who is also in control!

No holes left inside at all.

Do you want to think about your own problems?.

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