The Kingdom of Light... looked at the picture in the light curtain.

The expressions on the faces of all the Ultra warriors were quite complex.


Even the final boss of the Ultraman X world is related to Tregear.

The face of their Kingdom of Light.

Maybe because Tregear was pressed to the ground and rubbed! no way!

Who told Tregear to be an Ultra Warrior who left their Kingdom of Light...

It's hard to resist!

It’s really a bit hard to bear!

But speaking of it...

Gliza's strength is indeed terrifying!

They had seen Griza's abilities from the Monster Manual!

For Ultra Warriors.

Grizza's first and third forms are both fine!

Only Griza, who is in his second form, is the most despairing.

That feeling that all your attacks can't hit anyone.

One hundred percent of it will cause serious psychological damage to an Ultra Warrior!

If there was a mechanism, I wouldn't say anything.

It's a pity that Gliza is a void monster and represents nothingness.

There is no mechanism to go!

You can only use huge energy to force Griza into the third form!

Only in this form can one really attack the opponent's entity.

But the energy required is terrifying.

In the world of Ultraman X...

I don't know how many monster dolls were eaten, and even after eating X.

This turned Griza into his third form!


This guy is really desperate!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World... looked at Gliza's ability.

No one said a word.

An eerie silence fell.

Everyone knows it.

How terrifying is this thing about Griza.

All your attacks don't work at all.

You can only watch the other party attack you, without any means to fight back.

This feeling is quite bad!

"If something like Griza appeared in our world,……"

Li Haotian did not continue.

It's clear to everyone.

As long as there is no Ultraman to help, there is no monster to help.

Grizza appears in his own world.

The world can be declared extinct directly!

XIO’s technology is quite outrageous!

It's so outrageous.

Normal monsters can be instantly killed by that kind of firepower!

The results of it?

The result is for Glizza.

The one who was strolling around hid in the past.

I don’t even bother to pay attention to you!


The only thing we can hope for now is that this kind of guy won't appear in our world!

There may be ways to deal with other monsters!


Gliza should be impossible to appear!

As a part of the universe, there should be only one of this guy.

He was also wiped out by Ultraman X... he shouldn't appear!


Kamen Rider Levi's World...

Keefe said.

There are so many monsters that I want to get now!

How many monsters can be said to be invincible! ~

Gliza is also a weirdo.

The first final form of the monster has more disadvantages than the second form.

But Fangliza's third form is also void.

There is no way Ax can defeat such a monster!

I just don’t know if XIO can come up with any terrible technology to help.

It can be said that the biggest variable in Ultraman X is not X.

But XIO!

If Glizza had been in a state of nothingness.

The only one who can destroy the opponent's form is XIO!

Don't doubt the number one defense team among all Ultraman teams!

They can even copy the equipment of the Mysterious Four!

What else can't be done?


Just when everyone was surprised by Griza's ability.

The picture on the light curtain gradually became dim...

I saw the picture on the light curtain dim.

Everyone else wants to know how terrifying the final boss of the Heisei era was!

The strength of the monsters in the Heisei era... feels even more terrifying than the new generation!

Many elite monsters are more terrifying than the final boss.

Especially one like Gatanje.

They had seen quite a few before.

It's a pity that I haven't seen the specific battle process and ability of Gatanjie.

Light curtain!

You have buried a lot of holes now!

You better hurry up and play!

In the expectant eyes of everyone.

The title of the next video appears on the light screen

【A review of the difficulty levels of Ultraman theatrical versions throughout the ages! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

That's right!

Light Curtain said it before.

Except for a copy of Ultraman itself.

There’s also a theatrical version!

The timeline behind the copy!

And generally the monsters that can appear in the theatrical version should be of a very scary type.

After all... after all, the light screen said it!

Monsters from the movie version are not included in the monster difficulty!

This made everyone even more excited~!

This time I expect to see a lot of scary monsters.

The expressions on his face became excited

【This time it is mainly about the difficulty of the theatrical version of Ultraman during the Heisei period!】

【The strength of the monsters in the theater version of the Heisei period is not shown here.】

【Anyway, the performance of each Ultraman is quite normal.】

【We won’t let you suffer work-related injuries like the new generation! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

What does a work-related injury mean?

Ultraman behaves normally...

Light Screen, what you said makes us more curious about the new generation theatrical version!

【Ninth place - Ultraman Tiga's final holy war! 】

See here.

Everyone in the Tiga World Victory Team felt nervous!

Although I am in ninth place...

I feel like he is not an easy guy to deal with!

【Tiga’s Final Crusade is very depressing most of the time.】

【The atmosphere is completely different from the original copy of Tiga!】

【You can even watch it as a horror movie! 】

Seeing the mentality of everyone on the victory team here is even more explosive!

Horror movies... either the monsters of Temeow are the ghost type... or the huge disasters of Temeow!

It is estimated that the second type may be more!

【But there is one thing to say, the final jihad is really not that difficult!】

【In the final holy war, Tiga can be said to be a loser!】

【Cheating all the way!】

【In the first half of the period, basically no monsters appeared.】

【It's more about the daily life of Dagu and the members of the victory team.】

【As for this villain who is not in the theatrical version?……】

【Directly banned by You Lian for a hundred years】

【Can't get out at all!】

【You can only give Dagu some mental shock when he goes on a date.】

【By the way... Camilla, as Diga's ex-girlfriend, you watch your ex-boyfriend and his current girlfriend live happily.……】

【Is it really okay?】

【Especially the kind of young couple who are about to get married! 】

Lina and Dagu were both stunned when they saw this.

Lina’s face suddenly turned red.

It turns out that I really became boyfriend and girlfriend with Dagu later... and even got married!

I'm so happy!

Dagu classmate looked confused.


Diga, if you have an ex-girlfriend, you have an ex-girlfriend.

Why did your girlfriend come over to harass me?

As for people in other worlds.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but think of Teriga...

General Te is worthy of being the new generation of Teriga!

The plot trends are somewhat similar!

【When it came time for the decisive battle, Dagu took the dark divine light stick given by the villain, transformed into Dark Diga and stabbed the villain's lair.】

【I didn’t expect these three villains to have quite martial virtues.】

【Obviously three people can go together, but they have to go one by one!】

【Name and criticize Dagon, Hitram and Carmilla from the world of General Te!】

【No martial ethics at all!】

【Tiga first fought against Durham, and then against Hitler!】

【The process of fighting?……】

【First, fight with the opponent. If you can't beat him, you will take advantage of the opponent's ultimate move.】

【Unexpectedly, Diga would be able to gain the opponent's power after being hit by the opponent's ultimate move!】

【Then use the corresponding power to destroy the opponent】

【At this time, three people were named again. In the end, except for Carmilla, none of them were killed by the special general.】

【It was because of the internal strife between the three of them that Carmilla swallowed up their power! 】(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Basically everyone couldn’t help laughing when they saw this.

Looking at it this way... it seems that Diga's combat power will be higher!

The point is, Tiga is hanging on the wall!

【After destroying the two dark giants, Diga went to find Carmilla with a dark face!】

【That’s right, it’s a black face in the physical sense!】

【At this time, Tiga absorbed the power of Durham and Hitler and became the explosive Tiga!】

【After meeting Camilla, her girlfriend Camilla also arranged a three-piece suit very thoughtfully.】

【The little whip whipped like crazy!】

【As a result, Diga became a compound type.……】

【In fact, why did Carmilla whip Tiga so crazily?……】

【It’s not that Carmilla has any special quirks like Carmilla】

【Mainly to vent thirty million years of anger】

【When have women ever been reasonable?】

【Seeing Diga being beaten into a composite form by himself】[]

【Carmilla doesn’t pretend anymore!】

【He also cheated and became Dimojie! 】

An extremely huge monster built with dark energy appeared in front of everyone!

But everyone who saw Dimojie couldn't help but gasp!


Such a monster... is so oppressive that it is much stronger than Megalogee!

General Special!

The opponents you, the new generation Diga, face... don't feel as good as Diga!

【A Dark Demon Super Beast with unlimited dark energy, born from the love and hatred warrior Carmilla with her two feelings of love and hatred for Ultraman Tiga.】

【Dimojie's combat power is quite terrifying!】

【One set of combos only hit Diga so hard that he couldn't get back up again.】

【Unexpectedly, Tiga also has foreign aid besides cheating!】

【The surrounding super-ancient warriors lent their light to Diga.】

【Shining Tiga appears again!】

【Rushed into Dimojie's body and defeated Carmilla】

【Regarding the difficulty of the final holy war in Tiga Theatrical Edition, from Carmilla’s perspective……】

【The special thing about the opponent is that the big top cannot be hit at all!】

【Speaking of which... one thing that is completely different between Carmilla and her junior Carmilla is……】

【Carmilla never complained about Diga going to the light from beginning to end, but Diga went to the light but did not take herself there.】

【As for Carmilla...the word"yandere" sums up Carmilla very well!】


Ultraman Tiga World...

Lina glanced at Dagu silently. no way!

My boyfriend is straight, but he is also really handsome!

In addition... this love debt was not caused by Da Gu.

All I can say is that Tiga is a scumbag! snort!


Dagu, if you don't give me a package, I won't be able to coax you today!

In response to this, Dagu said...

What the hell is going on!

Why are you so unlucky!

By the way... the light curtain's final comment... made the divine light rod in Dagu's hand flash twice.

It's not that Carmilla is unwilling to go to the light with Tiga... it's just that she didn't take him with her... even though it was Tiga's clone who was on the earth at this time.

It's not Tiga's true identity.

But Diga himself can still know this.

Hopefully the time will come later when the final holy war will take place.

There can be a better way to handle it. to be honest!

After Dagu saw the comments in the light screen, he didn't want to kill Carmilla...

He didn't seem to kill anyone from the beginning to the end.

Even the decisive battle was fought at Luluye's ruins.

There's no one here at all!

Then see if you can persuade it to return to the light!

But what Dagu didn't know was that his approach was completely a fire-fighting act!

The treatment Dagu enjoyed later... can only be said to be quite miserable!


The world of Ultraman Teliga...

Carmilla is so angry!

The light screen is completely slandering her!

What do you mean she is a yandere?

Um? ? ?

What's the meaning?

Is it wrong that I just want Teliga to come back?

Absolutely right!

The dead Telika is also a Telika!


The dead Telika can still be by his side forever!

There is nothing wrong with your own ideas at all!

As for the expressions on the faces of Dagon and Hitram next to Carmilla at this time, they were extremely solemn.

The light curtain said so!

The three of them died in internal fighting!

Even his own power was absorbed by Carmilla!

This can also be explained.

Why in the previous video.

Carmilla is able to summon their two puppets.

Damn Carmilla!

Carmilla, who was focused on scolding the light screen, didn't notice it at all.

The expressions on Dagon and Hitram's faces changed.

However, Dagon is still more concerned about their relationship at this time.

If you don’t plan to attack Carmilla, just leave!

Not so with Hitram!

Decisively draw your sword and prepare to attack Carmilla!

The elite victory team on the other side... faces were full of helplessness...


It’s so uncomfortable!

Ultraman Tiga's monsters are so much scarier than me!

Forget about the terrifying strength.

Everyone still talks about martial ethics.

Look at the monsters in your own world...


Talking too much brings tears to my eyes!


Armored Warrior Nava World...

General Duanmu didn't know what to say when he saw this.

Good guy!

The monsters in Ultraman Tiga the Movie are a bit scary!

The difficulty of this theatrical version will be ranked last.

It's all because of Diga's terrifying strength!

To know!

Dimogie's huge body.

What is properly placed in other worlds is the final boss!

It is estimated that Ultraman will not die the last time he faces Dimojie.

In the end, it is impossible to fight the opponent with the ultimate burst of idealistic power!


That's outrageous!

If such a guy appeared in his own world.

It's not something he can deal with at all!

It’s not easy!

Very meow.

The point is that the world of Ultraman Tiga has the ability to travel through time and space!

This is what General Duanmu is most worried about!

Now you must be prepared for the monsters from the Ultraman world to come to your world.

Otherwise, fighting an unprepared battle will be really difficult!

Ma Lingling was moved by Carmilla's love.


It can only be said that the two of them started on different paths.

It is destined that there is no way to be together.

Hope to see what happens next now.

People in the world of Ultraman Tiga should pay attention!.

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