One gripped the edge of the building.

I climbed up with difficulty, but nothing happened!

Everyone was slightly relieved when they saw this.

But I have to say it.

As the villain, you must hit the target when facing the protagonist's attack!

Tell me about your Eagle Gurungi.

Whenever you push one down.

Make up for it with a knife.

He stepped directly on Ichijo's hand.

Isn’t just one piece enough?

Must fly away!

They can all guess the consequences.

I must have been knocked out of my head!

When this scene ends, a line of subtitles appears again on the light screen

【A pistol nerve-breaking bullet form (final form)!】

【The bullet exploded twice within 0.3 seconds and entered Gurungi's body, severing his nerves.】

【With this, Ichijo defeated General Gurungi and killed Rose Girl B1! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

Good guy!

Such a short time.

Each of your pistols has been upgraded!

They didn't forget that the pistol couldn't even break Gurungi's body at first.

Not to mention letting bullets enter!

At this time, one of the figures in the screen is chasing something.

Came to a movie theater.

There was no one around.

It has to be said that this kind of environment is often attacked by surprise.

He probably doesn’t have the strength to fight back at all!

Just when Ichijo was searching around.


General Grunki appears.

The huge force directly knocked Ichito away.

But I have to say that Ichijou's marksmanship is quite good.

The response is also very quick.

When General Gurungi came out, he decisively turned around and shot several times at General Gurungi.

General Gurungi is a mini-boss after all.

That must be pretentious!

Just stand there and take the bullets one by one.

The result... when Ichijou's bullet hit General Gurungi.

The continuous explosions instantly severed the nerves in General Gurungi's body.

Then he fell heavily in front of Ichijou. act recklessly……

【One more thing, Shogun Gurungi is Kuuga’s mini-boss. Kamen Rider Kuuga at the beginning was no match for Shogun Gurungi!】


20Land of Light……

"So why do these villains like to show off so much?"

Looking at the picture in the light screen,

Ace's eyes were full of incomprehension.

You said you were beaten away by Ichijo.

Why do you have to stand there and show off?

Why bother?

"Then why did you turn your head away from the explosion behind you after you shot the monster?"

"Moreover! General Gurungi is the boss after all, so he still needs to have the cards he should have!"

Taro's words brought everyone back to their senses.


It seems like this is really the case!

After shooting the monster, they don't like to look back at the explosion!

After all, real men never look back at the explosion!

So the same is true for villains Same?

The villain turned out to be myself?


I can’t show off anymore!

It’s better to just watch the other party lose!

Tell me, didn’t General Gurungi and Eagle Gurungi both suffer this loss?

Obviously Trying to replenish your swords more or not standing still and pretending... can make Ichikari fall!


So in the future, you must touch up your swords in battle!

You must not pretend to be cool!

Galaxy knows this very well...

I was at that time Didn't he just transform and spin in a circle.

In the end, he was kicked away by Dark Lujiaier! He especially has no martial ethics!

Since then, he has never pretended to be cool when transforming!

Pretending can harm others. Ah!

Even the boss can be killed instantly!


Armor Warrior World……


"Why don’t we have such scientific researchers in our world?"

Looking at the picture in the light curtain.

How Shinan wishes he could have the same scientific researchers as Ichijou!

Even Kuuga can't beat his opponents.

People can find ways to restrain themselves.

It's a pity that they don't know. The thing is...

Ichijo is not a scientific researcher.

It can only be said to be misleading by the light curtain.

So let them think it is a technology researched by Ichijo!

"okay! We are armored warriors after all"

"It's better for us to do the fighting"

"Humans are so easily injured!"

Dongshan shrugged.

It's good to have such teammates.

But the battle is still theirs! It's really not easy to deal with those guys with supernatural beasts based on their human appearance. Their physical fitness and ability are not the same level of opponents. Ichijou is one of those people who cannot be replicated in so many worlds. It does n’t matter if you have them or not! Xinnan was just envious. Then he nodded.


Kamen Rider Ultra Fox World... watching Ichijo's operation.

General Fu said...

It seems that this world does not need such a person!

The battle between their Kamen Riders...

In the end, ordinary people will lose their memory.

The world will also be reset.

So there is really no need to have such a person.

But if Ichijo becomes a player in the Grand Prix of Desire in his own world.

Maybe he’s still a good opponent!

Just like a cow!

Even stronger than Niu Niu!

Niu Niu is too easy to be emotional!


At this time, the picture in the light curtain changes again!

It was raining heavily, and Ichijo watched a woman in white walking past.

Quickly climbed down from the railing.

Follow closely behind Rose Girl.

Watching the other person keep walking forward, he didn't notice himself at all.

Ichijou also has no sympathy at all.

Just shoot at the opponent.

Of course, it is impossible not to hit with Ichijo's marksmanship.

Rose Girl's body burst out with bright red blood.

He stood there blankly.

Then he turned to look at Ichijo.

There was no anger or hatred in his eyes.

Instead, it is yearning and love.

It's just that Ichijou can't see Rose Girl's expression.

After the other person turns around.

Shoot again!

Decisively display gourmet Iai!

Empty your own magazine completely.

The blood dyed Rose Girl's white clothes red.

But what no one expected was.

Rose Girl actually had a smile on her face.

A smile of relief!

The language of Gurungi comes from the mouth of the Rose Girl.

Of course I can't understand one of them.

The light screen translated Rose Girl's words at this time.

【I like you very much...hope to see you again! 】

When Rose Girl finished saying these words, she closed her eyes slightly, fell into the sea, and lost her figure.……


Kingdom of Light... what a guy!

Everyone is stupid!

No wonder Ichijou is able to fight Gulangi with a human body!

Look at other people’s consciousness!

Women will only affect the speed of his shooting!

Facing a woman who likes him, he doesn't hold back at all!

There is no hesitation in shooting! incredible!

But... this guy seems to be called B1 Rose Girl... so is she also from the Gulungi side?

I didn’t expect that the strongest second rider is quite charming!

He is actually able to attract the villain girl to fall in love with him^

He is indeed a hero!

When facing a girl who likes you, as long as she is not of your own race.

There was no hesitation in shooting!

Anyway, think about it... you might shoot.

But it’s definitely not that simple and easy!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World……

"Therefore, if there is no woman in my heart, I will draw my sword to the God of Nature!"

Li Haotian said...

Women will only affect the speed of his knife!

What kind of girlfriend, is it not good for him to be single?

Yang Weling looked at a loss.

Good guy!

This guy

Ichijo. He is really ruthless when it comes to people who like him!

Tell me!

How can anyone be so cruel to a beautiful girl who likes him?

Although Rose Girl and Grunge are said to be in the same group.

But at least you let her finish her words.

Then there is a very touching lover. The duel between them.

Will it end with Rose Girl committing suicide? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) I was a little caught off guard by you shooting directly!

The TV series lied to me!

Facing people from different camps who like me People.

You won’t show any mercy at all!

But Yang Youying can also understand.

Gurungi is the enemy of human beings!

People who are not my race must have different hearts!

After watching so many videos, she is still quite clear on this day.

There are very few people who are not of the same race and can live in peace with each other.

Only aliens like the Vantons can get along well with humans.

They even help humans improve technology!


What a pity for a pair of enemies.


Kamen Rider Kuuga Sekai... I

'm confused!

Ichijo was completely confused!

He finally knew what Rose Girl said at that time.


I do have a lot of contact with each other.

But it seems that they are all contacts in the battle between the enemy and ourselves!

This woman actually likes me? ah? ? ? ?

Am I so charming?

But Ichijou doesn’t think he did anything wrong.

The Rose Lady does endanger people's safety.

This fact cannot be changed.

Even if he knew it, he would still shoot in the end.

It’s just a matter of hesitation!


I didn't understand what the other party meant at the time.

If she understood, she might be able to say something to let her leave with peace of mind!

【correct! Rose Girl actually didn’t die in the end! 】

After seeing what the light curtain said, Ichijou was confused!

Good guy!

Every shot I take is aimed at my life!

In the end, none of them died?



Right now!

The picture on the light screen gradually became dim... and everyone came back to their senses.

This is quite a recognition for the title of the strongest second rider!

The second riders in other worlds are all Kamen Riders at least!

There are strong ones, but most of them seem to be weak!

Take another look at this one!

What a help the human body helped!

The strongest second rider has no problem at all!

I just don’t know what the next video will be?

Right now!

A line of subtitles appears on the light screen……

【Ultraman Noah? Just a toy! 】

When everyone saw this title, they were all dumbfounded!

Ultraman Noah is one of the mysterious four!

The first light in the universe!

What does the light curtain say now?

Ultraman Noah, just a toy? what? real or fake? ? ? ah? ? ? ?

What kind of monster can treat Ultraman Noah as a toy? ? ? ?


Everyone is confused!

The secrets of the Kingdom of Light are even more confusing.

The monster that can compete with the mysterious four and five now...

It seems to be the complete legendary Hyphajedon!

And now there's another one?

Can you even treat Ultraman Noah as a toy? ? ? ? ah? ? ? ? no!

Be sure to find this monster's weakness in the light curtain! at this time.

The light curtain has begun to introduce detailed information about this monster!

【Two-tailed monster!】

【It's the monster that appears in Ultraman Jack!】

【It is also recorded in the MAT file】

【It first appeared in the form of eggs on construction sites.】

【After absorbing the energy of MAT's laser gun, hatch and fight Ultraman Jack in the city】

【He is Ultraman Jack's strongest enemy!】

【Ultraman Noah was once whipped to death!】

【The eyes can release light that instantly destroys the multiverse! 】

When everyone saw the introduction of the two-tailed monster, they were all dumbfounded!

Completely stupid!

They couldn't imagine that there was such a monster!

Light screen, are you serious?

Does such a monster really exist? ah? ? ? ?

The bracelet stand was also confused. what?

Light curtain, what are you talking about?

Are you sure you mean what you say? ah? ? ? ?

Why didn't he know?

As the strongest enemy I have ever encountered...

I was so lucky that I killed two of them at that time?


In the Kingdom of Light...

I am confused!

893 All the Ultra warriors were stunned!

I couldn't believe what I saw!

Light screen, are you okay?

Do you want to listen to what you said?

The Twin-Tailed Monster... is a monster that basically all Ultra Warriors can kill instantly.

You told us it was a bracelet holder...ahem! Ultraman Jack's strongest enemy?

Please don't make trouble, please!

What qualifications does this guy have to be compared with Ultraman Noah!

The point is!

At that time, Ultraman Jack was fighting Gu Dun and the two-tailed monster, right?

He even defeated these two guys in a one-on-two situation!

As for the light that shoots through the multiverse... please stop kidding me!

Until now, they have never seen an enemy that can reach the level of the multiverse!

The only one that can relate to the multiverse.

It seems that there is only one Dracion!

But to be honest, they are not enemies at all!

Please don't cause trouble!

As a race that has been persecuted many times by the light curtain.

The light curtain must be holding back something bad!


Damn light curtain!

Jack didn't know what to say now.

When did I become so awesome...

I was able to kill Ultraman Noah's monster in one hit or two... What on earth do you want to do, light screen!

Very meow!

Sure enough, the light curtain is not a good thing!


The world of armored warriors... is stupid!

Everyone is stupid!

They didn't expect it at all.

The two-tailed monster is such a weak-looking monster.

It's actually a monster that can kill Ultraman Noah instantly!

It can even shoot out the multiverse!

Very meow!

How terrifying is the Ultraman world?

Multiverse-level monsters have appeared? ? ? ah? ? ? ?


Blanch! besides!

How terrifying is the bracelet rack?

After getting the bracelet.

You can even fight against the monster that instantly killed Ultraman Noah...

Is this true?

It shouldn’t be possible!

They suddenly thought of the time they took inventory of monsters.

There are no two-tailed monsters on Ultraman Jack's list!

Wouldn't you ban such a powerful monster?

Light Screen, are what you said true or false?

They really don’t want to believe the description of the two-tailed monster in the light curtain


Kamen Rider 01 World... maybe everyone is numb. no!

Light Curtain, are you sure you are serious?

Monsters like this... whether it's a replica of the Bracelet Stand or a previous monster inventory.

Why didn't anyone show up?

As long as there is such a monster.

The replica of the bracelet stand must be the easiest!

Just like Mr. E in the world of Kamen Rider Battle Rabbit!

But why didn't you say that?

Something's wrong!

Something is really wrong!

Some people are quite suspicious that Te Miao's light curtain is deliberately causing trouble!

That must be it!


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