Right now!

The picture in the light curtain gradually becomes dim...

Is it over?

Seeing everyone here, they suddenly felt bad...

They also wanted to see more monsters with various terrifying abilities...

But this is the end?

Why! pity!

It's a pity that I can't see more~ content!

Light curtain!

Hope you can understand.

The traffic volume is relatively high when playing some videos!

However, just when everyone was regretting that there was no way to continue to see more monster information.

The subtitles that appeared on the light screen stunned everyone.

【Now that we have taken stock of the list of non-ban candidates from the Heisei era, how is it possible to skip the ones from the Showa era? 】

When everyone saw this sentence.

Everyone is confused!

So the meaning of the light curtain is... this time it will be a direct and continuous inventory of peace and security?

After finishing the Heisei period, did you start taking stock of the Showa period directly?

Not bad! fine!

Everyone looked at the picture in the light curtain with excitement.

【What kind of monsters can the non-banned Leonix fight against? (Showa Chapter)!】

【The first is our first generation of adults!】

【The first generation Ultraman, a monster on the list!】


【The fourth-dimensional scumbag king! 】


Everyone is confused!

What did they see?

The four-dimensional scumbag king? alright!

This time, the special one is another monster that can cause trouble in other dimensions!

No one like this guy is easy to mess with!

The fourth dimension!

It’s hard for you to deal with this guy!

【In fact, if we follow Bruton from the time of Ultraman Showa,】

【There's really no need for this guy to be banned】

【Moreover, Thunder in Monster Pokémon Master also defeated Bruton】

【No way……】

【This guy's evolution speed is maxed out! 】

Seeing this, everyone was stunned.

What's the meaning?

So someone really successfully captured this guy Bruton.

Even used in combat.

Was he just defeated?

But look at the meaning of the light curtain.

The most terrifying thing about this guy is his evolutionary speed?

【After all, Bruton can even trap the racing rabbit in the fourth dimension now.】

【You even need Sai Rabbit to use the Radiant Shining Form】

【Directly use the shining stars to drive this bug skill, and reverse the time of the entire universe to escape.】

【Even after death, you can create a void monster, Grizza from the Cave of the Universe.】

【Such an unbelievable performance, in order not to ruin the battle between monsters and Pokémon】

【So Bruton, you’d better go in!】


The Kingdom of Light... is confused!

Everyone is confused!

I never expected that Bruton could evolve to such a terrifying level!

Sero, you kid didn't even tell us that you encountered such an opponent!

If the light curtain hadn't been exposed now.

When we see Bruton in the future, we will even look at him with the same eyes as before!

But Bruton seems to have also disappeared.

I don’t know if there is another Bruton of the same type.

Hope it’s gone!

Otherwise it would be really hard to deal with!

Zero, you've gone too far!

At this time, Zero also returned to the Kingdom of Light.

Feel the eyes of the elders.

He scratched his head in embarrassment.

I don’t want to hide this matter either!

Didn't the main thing come back just now?


Zero really felt a little embarrassed.

He was actually trapped by an ordinary monster.

You even have to use the skill of shining form to get out of trouble...

It's really embarrassing to say it out loud...

It's so uncomfortable!

Light curtain!

Tell me about you!

Why was this suddenly exposed?



The world of armored warriors is... confused!

Everyone is confused!

The people in Xinnan stared blankly at the scene in the light curtain.

But they weren't surprised by Bruton's ability.

After all, among the monsters that appeared before.

There is nothing more difficult than Bruton.

What surprised them was Zero's ability!


What did the light curtain say?

Can you reverse the time of the entire universe?

Are you sure this thing is real? ah? ? ? ?

They are confused!

Completely confused!

Everything before is just a return to the past.

It does not affect the real timeline.

Zero's abilities are different!

Good guy!

This directly affects the real timeline!

This ability is already outrageous to a certain extent! fear!

It’s so scary!

The more you look at the picture in the light curtain.

They felt that the Ultraman they knew before were all fake!

There is such terrifying power.

Ultraman wants to rule the world... it really shouldn't be too simple!


Kamen Rider Tokio World...

Tokiwa Shogo is confused!

Completely confused!

Isn’t it said that time-related abilities are one of the most powerful abilities in the universe?

Why does anyone have the ability to time now?

Even the time abilities are more outrageous than the last!

In front of you is Goldras, the golden dragon who can summon the realm of time and space.

Later there will be someone like Zero.

The guy who can reverse the time of the entire universe.

This king of time is indeed a joke!

Tokiwa Shogo feels so uncomfortable...

Why don't you change your name?

But the problem is... there is no way to change Kamen Rider's voice when he transforms!

This is very annoying!



That's outrageous!


At this time, the picture in the light curtain changes again!

【Ultraman Seven, one and a half monsters on the list! 】

? ? ? ?

Everyone is stupid!

Light curtain, do you want to see what you are talking about?

What does it mean to be on the list?

Why didn't you say two and a half?

Are you looking down on my brother?

Light screen, you little black guy!

But Light Screen didn't bother to pay attention to the objections of these little black guys.

When I say one and a half, I mean one and a half!

【Protan, you can't find the physical form of this guy at all!】

【Twelve avatars, and can also switch locations between the entity and avatar at any time】

【Even a person as smart as Qi Ye would not be able to crack this kind of bug-level ability】

【In the end, no one was too lazy to fight Master Qi】

【After losing his clone, he returned to his human body and left! 】


Everyone is stupid!

You want to talk about the previous monster ability bug.

That is indeed a bug!

But those monsters also have to follow the rules of their own abilities.

This can also be regarded as a drawback of rule-based abilities.

But the Protans don’t have to!

His ability is very simple!

It's just a clone plus switching positions.

However, this kind of ability is indeed the most difficult to deal with among rules-based abilities!

In a simple way, you can easily understand what the other person's abilities are.

But there is nothing you can do.

Completely different from the previous monsters!

Like the time and space realm of the golden dragon.

As long as you know the weakness, there is a way to solve it!

The main thing of the Protan people is simplicity and roughness!

It’s not even the numerical crushing kind!

And that’s it!

Did your last action look down on Master Qi a little too much?

【How much you underestimate Master Qi!】

【This kind of monster that can't even be defeated...ban it!】

【Must be banned!】

【Of course!】

【Anyone who sees this and knows a little bit about the Ultraman universe will nominate Gaji Planet】

【After all, this guy's abilities are almost the same as those of the Protans.】

【But... forget it!】

【This guy from Gaci……】

【In the end, he stupidly waited to die on the spot inside the spaceship.】

【It is estimated that his brain cells were burned out when he studied Severn's battle for the first time!】

【So its brain air defense turned into a white la】

【That’s why he did this kind of stupid behavior!】

【But the Protans do not have such intellectual behavior.】

【The reason he received the lunch box in the end was because he admired human apprentices too much. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【He was not ruthless enough to attack his apprentice and was stabbed in the back!】

【It makes sense both emotionally and rationally!】


The Kingdom of Light... looked at the picture in the light curtain.

Severn also had a look of nostalgia on his face.

Severn was not too angry at the Protans' ignorance.

This guy is an opponent worthy of respect!

Fighting him is just a conflict of interest.


He also really takes care of his apprentices.

If it weren't for the conflict between humans and Protans, there would be no way to reconcile it.

Maybe it will really create a pretty big story in the universe.


Various conflicts between cosmic and earthlings[]

It is no longer something that ordinary people can deal with.

The geographical location and natural environment of the earth are too special.

It can only be said that it is a pity!

What a pity!

As for the one and a half monsters...

Severn also guessed it.

The other half is a Gaci star!

This guy is indeed almost the same as the Protans!

However, the biggest difference between the two is... the Gaci star's brain turned to mush at the end.

Otherwise, I might end up with two cosmic beings on the list.

It can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

The Kaci star people have killed themselves!

If you don't use your wits, you might really be able to get this guy to succeed!


Armored Warrior Xingtian World……

"Rule-type abilities have the benefits of rule-type abilities"

"But the most practical thing is this simple and crude ability!"

Li Haotian looked at the picture in the light screen and sighed sincerely.

Rule-based abilities are difficult to deal with.

But once you find a way to crack it, your combat ability will plummet!

Look at someone else's simple and crude ability.

Sai Don't Ultraman Wen know?

He knows it 100%!

But there is no good way to crack it!

This kind of ability is the most terrifying!

If only he had the ability to clone himself and swap places with his clone at any time!

By the way!

The half-monster that the light curtain talked about... didn't an alien appear now?

Where's the other half?

"What kind of monster do you think the other half is?"

"Why is it called half?"

Just after Li Haotian asked,

Yang Wenxin covered his head helplessly.

"The other half is a Kaci star!"

"The abilities are all the same!"

"But the people from the Kaci star have become wiser."

"So it counts as half!"

Yang Welin could only help Li Haotian understand what the light screen said.……


Kamen Rider Build World...

Kiryu Sento thought about his position if he were Seven.

Ultraman is good at what he can do when facing an opponent with the same skills...

Thinking about it, it seems that he really can't do it better!

That's right!

The abilities of the Protans are simple.

It is because of simplicity that there is no way to restrain it.

It is estimated that only those who can stop time, or those who can travel faster than the speed of light can fight the Protans.

What surprised Kiryu Zhantu even more.

The Protan star ended up being stabbed in the back by his apprentice. certainly!

Zhan Rabbit said that he had great respect for the Protan apprentices!

After all, people are in the peace of mankind and their own emotions.

Decisions were made that were good for most people.

No matter what, he is a hero of mankind.

But the Protans are pretty good too.

At least he won't have any reservations just because his apprentice is human.

They even died together in the end!

The Protan, who has the ability to clone and can switch positions at any time, faces the backstab of his apprentice.

Is it really impossible to avoid it?

Zhan Rabbit said that maybe it really wasn't.

One could even say... that he took the initiative to think about it!

He is also a respectable cosmic person!


Right now!

The picture in the light curtain changes again!

【Bracelet stand, three monsters on the list! 】

Everyone will smile when they see this.

Ultraman Jack is so miserable!

Tell me!

It’s a direct loss of my real name!

Even when taking inventory of monsters, they are all monsters with bracelets and frames.

None of them are Ultraman Jack's monsters.

I don’t know what Ultraman Jack is thinking at this time……

【Not to mention the three big devils of light, darkness and laziness inside the bracelet holder!】

【Ceiling level monster!】

【Especially the lazy demon Ametanras, there is no creature that can command this guy at all!】

【Do you still want to control it and fight?】

【It makes you lazy in the first place!】

【The lazy demon Ametanras radiates strange radioactive energy that makes people lazy and slack, which is basically an unsolvable existence!】

【More importantly, this guy is also a monster with no upper limit!】

【Feeding on the energy of human laziness and growing huge rapidly】

【No one knows this limit anywhere! 】


Everyone is confused!

Everyone has the emotion of laziness!

This guy is also a guy who can continuously amplify people's ability to be lazy.

If only by relying on this ability.

This guy really can't be said to have no solution.

After all, laziness can only destroy a civilization.

The problem is that people are still able to get through these emotions.

Become stronger!


Isn’t this ability too outrageous!

If this makes a civilization fall into a state of laziness... doesn't it mean that this guy can become an invincible existence? fear!

It’s so scary!

But the good thing is... you don’t have to worry about this guy being manipulated at all!

After all... this ability ignores both the enemy and ourselves……


Kingdom of Light...

Seeing the lazy demon Ametanras, the expression on Jack's face slowly became solemn.

Even the anger of being called a bracelet stand and losing my real name has disappeared!

This guy put him in a tough fight at that time!

The main ability is outrageous!

Human emotions and desires are something that cannot be avoided.

Even they Ultra Warriors sometimes have negative emotions.

Let alone humans! wrong!

It should be said that this kind of emotion is universal in the universe!

The lazy devil's ability makes this guy.

It is basically invincible when facing intelligent creatures!

At that time, it could only be said that the lazy demon Ametanras had not yet spread his ability to a large scale.

Only then did he find the opportunity.

Using the Ultra Bracelet will return it to the original state and throw it back into the universe.

Otherwise, I really can’t beat him! etc!

What did you use to defeat the lazy demon Ametanlas?

It looks like an Ultra bracelet!


How can it be repaired?

Could it be that I am really a bracelet holder?

Jack reacted suddenly.

It seems that when facing a strong enemy...

I basically rely on my Ultra Bracelet to fight...

It's over, it's over!

Have you really become a bracelet holder?.

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