In the eyes of everyone's expectations.

A line of subtitles finally appeared on the light screen

【How powerful is the technology of the Defense Force in Ultraman World! 】

When everyone saw this, they were extremely excited!

What they want to see most is the technological strength of the Ultraman World Defense Force.

After all, it is possible to replicate the Paraji Shield that travels through time and space.

Able to create a robot Ultraman that makes Ultraman Noah appear.

These are not something ordinary people can do!

But some drawings and the like can appear inside the light curtain.

It is of great help to them!

Light Curtain, you did a great job!

Quite good!

I just don’t know who the first defense team will be.

XIO or Armory?

Or is it Team Cote, whose name has always been heard but never seen?

Regardless of that.

It can bring them considerable help!

Light Screen, you better hurry up!

With everyone's expectant eyes.

The picture in the light curtain finally started to play!

There was an open space at this time.

A terrifying monster, all black, with its chest and eyes replaced by orange-yellow luminous bodies, appeared in front of everyone.

This monster is no stranger to them.


But... they know each other.

I don’t know Jayton’s specific skills.

Right now.

A detailed introduction about Jayden also appeared on the light screen.

【The space dinosaur Zeton is a monster weapon brought by the Zeton aliens to invade the earth. It has a combat power far superior to Ultraman.】

【Possess various terrifying abilities】

【Teleportation - Jayden can move to any position on the battlefield in an instant to attack his opponent!】

【Zeton Barrier - Zeton puts his hands in an L-shaped position, forming a cylindrical barrier around his body, successfully blocking the eight-point light wheel of the first generation Ultraman!】

【Light absorption ability - Jayton has the ability to absorb the enemy's light, but this skill is not passive, but requires Jayton to use it actively!】

【One trillion degree fireball - Jayton's powerful attack skill, a 1 trillion degree ultra-high temperature red fireball also known as Jayton's fireball!】

【Jayton's Ultimate Beam - a super-powerful wave-like light emitted from both hands. It is a super-destructive light released in one breath after the intersection of 60 million amps of current and 25 million gauss of electromagnetism! 】

When everyone saw the introduction of various skills of Jayton.

I finally understood how terrifying this monster was.

Every skill cannot be resisted by humans.

But isn’t this time about Earth Defense Force technology?

What does it have to do with Jayden?

Right now!

Jayton's hand suddenly released a series of fireballs!

See here.

Everyone understands that this is a one-trillion-degree fireball!

A temperature of one trillion degrees!

Everyone understands how terrifying this thing is.


I haven’t waited long enough for anyone to be surprised.

A one-megawatt fireball bombarded a building.

What everyone didn't expect was.

The unexpected flames suddenly ignited, or the scene of being burned to ashes did not happen!

He even just broke the glass of this building!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

Don't know what's going on at all.

At this time, a line of subtitles appears on the light screen

【This is Team Cote’s glass! 】

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

Is this the base of Team Kurt? ? ? ?


The Kingdom of Light... is confused!

All the new generation of Ultra warriors are confused!

What did they see?


Jayden's one-trillion-degree fireball could only destroy Team Kurt's glass? ? ? ?

As Ultraman's old rival.

They were all too aware of the power of Jayton's one-trillion-degree fireball.

Even if they forcefully eat Jayden's one-trillion-degree fireball, they won't feel comfortable.

The results of it?

In the end, such a terrifying skill could only destroy Team Kurt's glass? impossible!

Isn’t this a bit outrageous!

It’s really a bit outrageous!

That was the early generation period!

Is human technology so terrifying?

To know.

A 1-megadegree fireball hit the building.

It will definitely reduce the building to ashes in an instant.

It can even destroy neighboring houses.


It’s so fake!

Why is this happening?

Light screen, are you sure you're not kidding?

When the first generation saw this, his eyes also showed nostalgia.

Team Cote did a lot of helping them at that time!

Even nearly half of the monsters were solved by Team Kurt.

The ultimate enemy, Jayton.

After he died, the Kurt team solved it themselves.

It was solved with a small missile.

Thinking of Team Kurt's technology, the first generation couldn't help but admire it.

Seeing this scene now, memories of the past flooded into my mind.

It’s really emotional!

The other Ultraman Showa also knew what happened back then.

But I didn’t think too much about it at the time.

Now it seems...

Team Kurt is indeed a bit scary!

Such level of technology.

It can even threaten their Ultra Warriors!

However, the Showa Defense Force behind them is not as strong.

It’s all considered average!


The world of armored warriors is... confused!

Everyone is confused!

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Is this all true?

Light screen, are you kidding me?

Xinnan couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.

To know.

Team Cote's building is even the same as they were in the eighties!

The result is an older-looking building.

Can it even block a one-trillion-degree fireball?

Isn’t it a bit outrageous?

Is this a temperature that human materials can withstand?

To know.

A one-trillion-degree flame can definitely burn all matter in their world!

There is no way anything can withstand such a temperature!

What kind of materials is this building made of?

No wonder other people's buildings look so small.

It is estimated that the construction cost of materials will be huge!

Even half of the missiles can't damage other people's buildings.

I had never seen a trillion-degree flame move at such a terrifying speed.

Can you break someone else's glass?

Such materials.

The materials required must be sky-high!

Such materials are used to strengthen various armors.

It will definitely greatly improve the strength of their armor in all aspects!

Light Curtain Can you show me the fusion formula for this material?

This way we can also take advantage of it!


The world of Kamen Rider Levis...

Aguilera stared blankly at the scene in the light curtain.

I had no idea that such horrific material existed!

Weapons or masks made from this material.

Even if they risk their lives, they can't destroy it!

A one-trillion-degree fireball!

This temperature comes out.

One hundred percent can burn them to death!

The results of it.

As a result, even the glass of Team Kurt couldn't be broken!


The point is!

The world of Ultraman seems to have many ways to travel to other parallel universes.

This would have been possible if Ultraman had brought the production method of this material here.

They are finished!

Currently, the only people who clearly have an aversion to Kamen Rider are Ultraman Seven, Ultraman Dekai, and Ultraman Nexus.

Others showed no hostility towards Kamen Rider at all.

Who knows if it will help Kamen Rider!

Now all he can hope for is... that Ultraman will not be able to find their world for a while!

After finishing the Kamen Rider in this way, we can then think about Ultraman.

There is still a little delay...

Sakura and others on the other side certainly hope that people can obtain such terrifying materials!

There is such material.

Even if they can't defeat those villains.

There’s no need to worry about humans being unable to fight back!


Ultraman seems to be hostile towards Kamen Rider now.

We can only hope that the light curtain will give them the construction method of such materials.

I don’t know if the light curtain will be displayed!


Right now!

The picture in the light curtain begins to change!

【Team Cote glass is just part of Team Cote technology!】

【As the first ever defense team. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Regardless of his status in the martial arts, he can be regarded as an ancestor among all the defense forces!】

【But it’s such an old antique team】

【Even now, his combat power and black technology are quite explosive! ]

Seeing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

That building material alone is worlds ahead!

Only those who can make huge robots can compare!

【Team Kurt alone killed twenty monsters and aliens of all kinds!】

【What is the concept?】

【Today's new generation of Ultraman, with the exception of General Special】

【The total number of monsters killed in my own copy was only about twenty-five!】

【A comparison like this shows how outrageous the Kurt team is!】

【Moreover, it is known that behind every outrageous defense team, there is an even more outrageous scientist】

【The Kurt team also has such a person, that is member Yichu!】

【As the human with the most kills among all Ultraman generations】

【Of the twenty heads of the Kurt team, a full nine were taken by the Yichu team!】[]

Everyone was stunned when they saw this!

A human being.

Defeated nine monsters?


It’s really a bit outrageous!

【Now let’s take a look at the various black technologies of Team Kurt!】

【The first one, Spark No. 8! 】

At this time, in the light curtain, the reborn Cordora kicked many boulders to attack the Yichu team members, but it did not hurt the Yichu team members.

On the other hand, the Yichu team member directly took out something and inserted it into the ray gun.

Launched at the regenerated Cordora.

It actually directly blasted a hole more than ten meters wide in the body of the regenerated Cordora!

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Is this thing really cool? really!

However, what surprised everyone even more was... this thing was so special that it fired continuously!

Directly smash the reborn Koala into pieces and disappear in front of everyone.……

…… kingdom of light……

"Cough cough cough!"

"This special thing is a small pistol?"

Everyone in Tyro is numb!

Good guy!

First-generation brother, isn't your world's defense team a bit outrageous?


Isn't Te Miao's Seth team also the descendants of the Kurt team?

Why don't they have these black technologies?

It's all alive There are a lot of black technologies.

The problem is that there is no technology that is helpful in combat. There seems to be no technology that can kill monsters instantly!


It really makes people vomit!

Could it be that it is too powerful and let humans do it?


It is really a bit outrageous.!

The first generation was also stunned for a while.

There was no way!

You can’t blame yourself for this!

Did you let yourself go and meet the Yichu team members after that?

That mind is really too much.

There are many things that even I saw They were all surprised!

Later, a shot was fired at Jayden.

Team Kurt’s technology is not something that humans can possess!

It’s really outrageous!

But this is pretty good!

Anyway, if you have such strength, the earth will not be the same after you leave. They are also well protected.

But it seems that the defense team behind them does not have that kind of strength.

It is a bit of a pity.

It is probably because of peace.

So these powerful weapons are sealed away.


The world of Ultraman Orb...

Hong Kai looked at the picture in the light screen with envy!


Why on this earth.

Team Witt is so useless!

Think of the Witt team's operation.

Hong Kai didn’t even know how to complain.

Every time I fight monsters, I don’t have these guys.

That doesn't help at all!

Being able to come over and help him shoot two missiles is considered awesome!

Even most of the time, the missiles are not even fired twice!

It appears quite quickly when you hit yourself!

It’s hard to resist!

It’s really a bit hard to bear!

Especially seeing my juniors.

There are also various people who help fight monsters.

Hong Kai is envious!

Even Light Curtain mentions several Earth Defense Forces.

No one needs help from others.

You can fight monsters yourself!

It seems that he has not fought enough twenty monsters in all the time he has been on Earth!

Team Kurt defeated twenty monsters in one second in the first generation alone.

Not to mention the time when the first generation is not around...

I'm envious!

The gap between Ultra Warriors and Ultra Warriors is really big


The world of armored warriors... is stupid!

Xinnan and the others were completely stupid!

Don't know what to do at all.

Good guy!

One shot directly opened a hole more than ten meters into the monster?

This special thing (good for money) is a small pistol?

Are the accessories of your pistol more powerful than missiles? ? ? ah? ? ? ?

If this shot hits someone, no one will make a sound.

100% piecemeal here and there! wrong!

It’s even impossible to give you a piece of this thing!

It turned directly into a pile of black coal!


It’s really outrageous!

Isn’t Team Kurt’s black technology a little too outrageous!

The point is!

Look at the meaning of the light curtain.

This is also because of Team Kurt's status in the world, so they are the first to appear!

The XIO behind it, the armory’s technology seems to be even more terrifying!

You know, the XIO base behind.

Those are existences that no one else can touch!

The Kurt team was also beaten in.

How powerful is XIO?

Very meow!

With this kind of technology...

Ultraman doesn't seem to be necessary anymore.

You can easily kill monsters in seconds, okay?

Right now!

The picture in the light curtain continues to play

【In fact, Spark No. 8 is just the simplest one among the black technologies of Team Kurt.】

【For example, the Mars 133 ray gun has the same power as Ultraman Specium's ray!】

【A small ray gun (spider gun) that can be adjusted to emit hot wires, ring lights, flames, etc., because it has 8 functions!】

【The X-gun is a special firearm that can destroy a monster's brain cells with one blow.】

【A barrier maker that can withstand monsters' destructive light and physical attacks!】

【The gravity-free bullet even directly killed Zeton, who killed the original Ultraman, with one blow! 】

Everyone didn’t know what to say when they saw this.


Only the word"outrageous" can describe Team Kurt's black technology.

Kill Ultraman's monster instantly.

Even able to move instantly.

A boss that absorbs light.

In the end, you guys used a non-gravity bullet to kill you?

The point is!

Can this thing be carried with you and fired from a pistol? ? ? ? ah? ? ? let?.

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