Bid farewell to Brother Chu, and agreed to come to his house next time to play "Street Fighter 3", Lu Mingfei walked towards "Wangyouju".

   Although the salary of over ten thousand monthly salary is no longer as helpful to him as one or two months ago, but at least one hundred thousand a year, which is not a small amount, so the work still has to be continued.

   If he wants to buy some better medicinal materials, or buy some other valuable things that can be used, the money is still far from enough.

   For example, he is pushing a prescription for strengthening the muscles and bones. He now points out a part of the medicinal materials, but there are already several precious medicinal materials in this part of the medicinal materials.

   And this time the pill he chose is to soak in the medicinal effect. Although the effect is really good, the amount of medicinal materials required is also huge. It is estimated that he will not have a few medicinal materials after buying the medicinal materials with this little money.

Of course, he still has the money to buy a PS3 himself, and "Street Fighter 4" has already been announced. Calculating the time, next year he will be on PS3 when he is in the third year of high school. Then Brother Chu will also graduate. "Street Fighter 3" can now be used against Brother Chu's, "Street Fighter 4" must be bought by yourself.


   After a whole night of busyness...or after being touched up by a group of women while bartending for a whole night, Lu Mingfei was finally able to get off work.

   "Hey... it's really hard to make money," Lu Mingfei sighed, "I have to go to class tomorrow day... Fortunately, I have better sleep quality, otherwise who can afford it."

"I was about to tell you this," Su Jinye suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Considering that you are a student after all, you are always working here every day until the early morning. It will inevitably delay your study and let you go to class. Sleepy and want to sleep..."

   "It's okay, don't delay," Lu Mingfei shook his head, "Anyway, I don't listen to lectures in class, so I just sleep."

   "Don't listen to the lecture?" Su Jinye was taken aback, "But I remember Xiaoxiao said that you had a good grade two days ago!"

   "My grades are really good," Lu Mingfei explained, "but that is basically my self-study by reading books, it is not necessary to attend classes or anything."


  Su Jinye took a breath: "I think if you have the ability to do it, why bother to hear my parents chattering at the bottom of their ears all the time."

   "You can get it," Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes, "I want someone to talk about me, no one has come yet!"

   "Then... if you don't dislike it," Su Jinye smiled sullenly, "I can talk about you."

   "What university did you go to? What degree?"

   Lu Mingfei glanced at him obliquely.

   "Fudan," Su Jinye replied, "Education...Master, what's wrong?"

   "Then you still don't talk about me," Lu Mingfei shook his head, "When you talk about me, I feel that I am a little too failed to be a human being."

   "Hey! What do you mean!" Su Jinye was uneasy, "Do you look down on Fudan or your master?!"

   "Don't get me wrong, neither is it," Lu Mingfei said sincerely, "I actually look down on you."


   Jiang Yunsi who wiped the cup at the bar couldn't help laughing.

   Su Jinye's face was dark: "I suspect that I was humiliated by you."

   Lu Mingfei shook his head: "Be confident and get rid of the ‘doubt’."

   "Skills can be killed but not humiliated!" Su Jinye's face was firm, "You can destroy my body, but you can't humiliate my dignity!"

   "Then... go out to practice?" Lu Mingfei pointed out the door, "I don't like to humiliate dignity, but when it comes to destroying the body, I'm still a little sure."

   "Please insult me ​​as much as you want!"

  Su Jin bowed in the night.

   "Being a boss to be worthy of yours is also a weird thing."

   Jiang Yunsi Road.

   "I'm a good guy who doesn't suffer from immediate losses," Su Jinye shifted his neck. "What's wrong with the boss? The boss is not human? The boss... also afraid of being beaten!"

   "Besides, since it has come, the number of customers in our store has increased by at least 80% compared to before, and the profit has doubled directly. Isn't the God of Wealth unable to provide it?"

   "You still have this money?"

   Lu Mingfei was suspicious.

"Who would think that I have a lot of money?" Su Jinye said, "Besides, the cost of my wedding with Yun Si should not be a small amount. Although our respective families will also pay, we can’t let the family pay. We also have to pay. Come out."

   "That's it..." Lu Mingfei nodded, then surprised, "You two are getting married?!"

"He's talking nonsense, it's too early!" Jiang Yunsi said, "The past two years should be enough, and it is estimated to be three years later. At that time, we may hold a wedding in Beijing. Then you should also go to college. Do you want to be the best man?"

   "Dang ah dang ah, are there any red envelopes to take?"

   "Yes! Big red envelope!"

   Su Jinye waved a big hand.

   "How big!"

   Lu Mingfei's eyes lit up.

   "Uh...I have to ask my wife."

   Su Jin Ye Ning choked.

   "Don't worry, red envelopes will be yours."

   Jiang Yunsi gave Lu Mingfei a reassurance.

   "Hey, it's not right," Lu Mingfei suddenly reacted to something, and looked at Su Jinye, "Aren't you local? How about going to the capital when you get married? Is it because sister Yunsi’s home is in the capital?"

   "That's right," Jiang Yunsi nodded, "My hometown is in Beijing, there are a lot of people, it is inconvenient to come here, so I moved the wedding directly to the capital."

   "Anyway, there are not many people in my family who want to attend the wedding," Su Jinye said, "I've counted it, a civil aircraft is enough to sit on... Hey, you're interrupting, I almost forgot to do business!"


   Lu is not curious.

   "From tomorrow, your working date will be two days a week on weekends ~ usually not used," Su Jinye said, "The basic salary remains the same, the commission is doubled, how about it?"

   "Huh? So good? Are you doing charity?"

   Lu Mingfei was shocked.

   Others don’t necessarily have to rest on weekends at work. He only needs to come to work on weekends?

"What kind of charity, it's called marketing!" Su Jinye corrected, "With this face and your bartending skills, you are now the signature of our store, how can you sit on the table every day... well, sit on the bar. Woolen cloth?"

"When you come every day, the freshness of the guests will be less," Su Jinye explained, "They will feel that they can see you any day, so they are not in a hurry. They may not be in a hurry. will come."

"But if you conversely, you only have a fixed day or two days a week in the store, those customers will never miss your opportunity in the store, just in time for the weekend, they have more time, and the possibility of coming will be very high. Big……"

   "To put it plainly is hunger marketing."

   Jiang Yunsi on the side said coldly.

   "What hunger marketing, this is called business skills!"

   Su Jinye retorted.

   Lu Mingfei stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, thinking about whether to quit his job and find Su Xiaoyao to support himself. It feels more reliable to be nurtured.


   At the same time, in the Presidential Suite of the Regent Hotel, Jiu De Mai stared at the girl opposite the screen fiercely.

   "Are you sure you didn't give this task wrong?"

   Jiu De Mai's tone is not so much asking or questioning, but rather expressing shock and incomprehension.

   "It must be true," the girl across from the screen put a handful of potato chips into her mouth and said vaguely: "Come on, long legs, I am optimistic about you!"

"I bother!"


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